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Nov 29, 2021Comments: 0 · Posts: 243 · Topics: 69
So I have a Leo Sun, Virgo moon, and then a Mercury and Venus in Leo along with Mars in Gemini. My Rising sign is also Leo. Synastry has fascinated me for quite some time now and I kind of wanted to break it down a bit based on my experience over the years with women of different zodiac signs.
---- Moon definitely has a strong say but I feel like it's more in the form of who we attract versus who we are attracted to. -----
I seem to match with Virgo women a fair share and attract them a lot in my life. At one point, I was casually seeing a Virgo woman from the UK who was 15 years older than me. Here's the thing though, I feel like even though I attracted them, I only went along because it was kind of easy. The excitement for something further was not really there as much and the sex was kind of meh. Their clean and organized ways earned my respect in a more friend way but it was not great for sexual attraction.
---- Venus in Leo and my experiences with fire sign women. ------
So on one hand, I love fire sign women and have had some amazing times with them but for some reason, I fail hard with Leo women. It makes no sense to me that despite having a Leo Stellium and being a Leo rising, I have not had that much luck with women who themselves were Leos. The other two fire signs are more than fair game though.
---- Gemini Mars and my experiences with air sign women. ----
Moths to a flame really, best way to put it. I have had a lot of fun with Gemini women and had a spicy one night stand with one too on vacation, same goes for Libra women, but Aquarius women are so hot and cold. With Aqua women, I feel like it's very much a point of into me at the start and then immediately go cold whenever I try to get something serious going. Maybe opposites don't attract?
Now let's get to my Leo rising and the houses.
---- I have had a unique experience with 8th house synastry and Pisces women. ---
So my chart is influenced by Pluto a lot and the first girl I ever had real strong feelings for was a Pisces. At the time, I don't think I ever had such strong feelings for any girl but I ended up getting burned by her. Since then though, I cannot recall a Pisces woman I have been attracted to. Even a couple I ended up getting intimate with, I couldn't get it up. One I could not get it up at all despite her being nude with me in bed, she felt hurt about that. So it's like they either burn me or I do something that makes them feel bad.
-- The grand daddy of synastry and attraction of them all for me has been by far the 5th house and Sag women. ---
They say Leo rules the 5th house and if you are a Leo rising, your 5th house is ruled by Sag.
First girl to show a lot of interest in me? Sag
First girlfriend ever? Sag
Girl I lost my virginity to? Sag
Best sex ever? Sag woman about 18 years old than me, I was 24 at the time and she was 42
Me and Sag women just hit it off and they always come into my life. Now they say the 5th house is supposed to be just for fun, sex involved obviously. I have done more sexually with Sag women than any other sign out there and they have let me do a lot with them as well. Outside of just that though, I feel as though the connection is just somewhat unreal.
It's odd because compared to Aries women, Sag women and I do not have a friendship type of vibe. Aries women are friendly with me and in my corner types. Sag women have a rough type of attraction with me which just adds to the sexual chemistry. Somehow though, after the initial roughness, we end up being as close as ever. We connect on an unreal level.
My thoughts? Could be the 5th house but what if your own sign matters too? If I was a Scorpio, it would be 8th house synastry that would rule for me. If I was a an Aries? 1st house Synastry would be everything.
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Mar 24, 2019Comments: 5032 · Posts: 10515 · Topics: 281
damn Cap is in the 5th house of Virgo. never really had good experiences with them but they're super hot yeah. but now i feel whatever is in your 5th, you just gotta avoid. too chaotic, too messy. ultimately unreliable.
but Aqua in the 6th might explain why i usually find such comfort with Aquas. my 2 greatest friends are Aquas. Leo is a close 2nd. but Leos will leave when you've done something extremely degrading to yourself (like staying with a Caprihoe for a considerable amount of time). Aquas tend to just let you be. And they do have ideas that i'm innately subscribed to as well. even better that nothing sexual goes on amongst us for i've always thought it would defeat the very purpose of the union.
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Mar 24, 2019Comments: 5032 · Posts: 10515 · Topics: 281
there's this boomer that i'm kinda obssessed with and they've found themselves in a marriage that reeks of the 10th house. creepy accurate. i've never really paid attention to this in synastry before but it prob always stings to have someone in your 5th yet they'll have you somewhere else. it's poison 😭😭