Pisces Female Confused with Virgo Ex

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by lovable_pisces on Friday, November 7, 2008 and has 7 replies.
A few weeks ago, virgo boyfriend told me he could not be with me. He was in need to "explore" and date more. He was not ready to settle down. I was totally devastated. There were no indications how he came to this conclusion. Virgo BF is a workaholic and owns his own business. I was helping him with the business to great success. He told me it had nothing to do with me and I was the perfect girlfriend. I felt something fishy was going on. Perfect girlfriends don't get dumped.
While I was taking time apart to go visit my father for a while to get away, he told me he started dating the week I left. He was just looking to casually date some chick. Later he is telling me he could possibly love her, but she is not his GF yet.
We decided before I left that he would join me during election night to watch the elections. This was important to me and like a good virgo, he filled his obligation. I didn't expect us to have a good time, but I have lately have been working on a new attitude of happiness and confidence that I didn't have all the way before. He seemed attracted and felt comfortable with me like old times, except better.
At first he was distant and polite towards me. As the night moved on, he became more attracted to my smiles and happiness to the point that he had to control himself. He told me he would always be attracted to me and he seemed to be flirting with me all night. We laughed, told jokes, shared candy, and acted like everything was perfect. He displayed his innocent child like nature, an indication that he was loosening up around me. He barely wanted to leave when the night was over, he seemed conflicted and quiet. He still was trying to convince himself that we were "friends" only. Some how I don't see that he even believed that. He even mentioned that I will forever be family to him and under his protection. I know sometimes I can get him to express his feelings around me and I know he sees me as some one he trusts. I know virtually everything about him, even his darkest secrets and pains.
He said he would call me sometime this week and I haven't heard from him so far. I have to come back sunday to start making arrangements to move. I really want him back, but I want to be careful about this mystery girl. Do you think that night is an indication he will come back? Either way, I will be moving out to gain strength in my own life. But I absolutely love him and I am sad he is not my BF anymore.
Also, he has told me that I know him better than he knows himself. Hes mentioned that he doesnt want to know this girl's past, and he doesnt really want to tell her his own past either.
Im confused on what I should do. I know either way I need to take control of my life and where I am going. And I want to have a stronger sense of self and confidence. I really want to get my life together with or without him. I just really wish he still was committed to me. If he goes with this girl, I will not interfere. It will be very sad for me though. Please advise on what I can do.
I think your answer is right up there in your post...you need to work on yourself. Let him work on himself, maybe this is more about him than you. And, if so, he just needs time to realize it. Give him time and wait it out as hard as it may be until he decides. You don't want to push him away, he knows what its like to be with you. You shouldn't have to fight to keep him around.
Virgos tend to overanalyze everything so its a very good possibility that he's thinking too much into things and just needs a break to regather his thoughts.
No matter what he chooses you should still try to find that inner independence before getting back into the type of relationship you had with him before.
I know from my last relationship before him not to push a man at all if you are broken up. I really kept my mouth shut from asking the questions I was dieing to ask all night. I felt it wasn't exactly the right time or place to ask at all. Its hard to read him, though and that particularly worries me. Typical pisces behavior Im displaying here. Sad My emotions and nervousness sometimes get the best of me and no matter how hard I fight it, it takes over. blah. If I didn't worry so much, I wouldn't be here.
Truthfully I'm the same way sometimes and I'm a Libra. Emotional pain is hard but you just have to stick through and you'll become a stronger person in the end. Whenever I can't stop worrying I try to do things to take my mind off of it. Do some excercise, see a movie, hang out with your girls, you'll get through it. Hang in there pisces! smile
Thank you, I appreciate the encouragement. I think will do just that, I haven't seen my friends in a while any way. Im sure I will have a great time with them. I actually have been exercising lately and will do a lot more when I come back into town. I actually lost 7 pounds already. Confused Pretty stoked about that. smile
Oh Im sorry, I thought this was the appropriate place. Ill repost this in a different area.