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Sep 12, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 633 · Topics: 59
Whats up with you guys when you say you'll call back or call right back, and then we not hear from you for days/weeks later and then you ask us why we haven't called you??? I'm very prideful, so if a guy says he'll call and doesn't I just leave it at that. Is that wrong on my part? Should I just call anyways? Why do so many men do that? Is it a fear or rejection behind this beahvior?
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Oct 04, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 368 · Topics: 10
I've actually read up and done some research on this topic. I approached it just as a need to know and I polled guy friends. And I make no claims that this is scientifically right or anything. But I too hate when I guy doesn't call. Now it could mean that he's super busy; his mother might have died or some other horrible thing. However it's more likely that he simply just didn't have interest and it's not a reflection against you. But he's looking for some spark in the beginning.
The best tip I can come up with so this doesn't happen is when giving your number make it a game of hard to get...
Lines like "Are you actually going to call?" or "If I do give you this number you have 48 hours to call or we can never be friends" or "You can't call me till Thursday" which apparantly makes the guy start thinking your number is more important is the way to go. Biggest tip I can figure out is basically be a beotch or completely confident when giving out the number... the 'ok my number is' then sitting around waiting and hoping because there was no connection gives the guy the power to decide if he can somehow do better. (Stupid man that he is.)
And if he doesn't call always remember that's he's not worth a second of your time anyhow.
(Like I said my tips of giving out your number is based on personal testing and guy friends tips... in no way does this mean I'm actually right. But I enjoy creating pet theories and testing my theories.)
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Sep 12, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 633 · Topics: 59
Wow! only male out of 11... I thought my dad had it bad he just lived with 4 of us, even our 2 dogs were bitches
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Sep 12, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 633 · Topics: 59
Oh!!! so thats where cookiemonster comes from... I tried to type in the b word
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Aug 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 800 · Topics: 31
"Whats up with you guys when you say you'll call back or call right back, and then we not hear from you for days/weeks later and then you ask us why we haven't called you??? I'm very prideful, so if a guy says he'll call and doesn't I just leave it at that. Is that wrong on my part? Should I just call anyways? Why do so many men do that? Is it a fear or rejection behind this beahvior?"
- Noooo...
.... no... no... he really did lose the number o_o
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Aug 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 800 · Topics: 31
I've heard that one before "Why haven't you called me?" urrrrggghh
... Well excuse eh moiii...
"Wait, what was your name again? hahaha gotcha! just kidding. But hey, if you give me your number, I'll actually store it in my phone this time *shapes hand into phone and waves it by ear* I'll call ya =D
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Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
OK, girls and guy. If you decide to give your number to a guy, never anticipate the call (I never care either way, unless he was super hot and if that was the case, I don't give him mine, I get his and wait about 3-5 days to call) If I give a man my number then I am not extremely interested and can decide if I want to answer or not... If I take your number - I like you and can contact you, but will make you wait to hear from me for a couple days without any access to me immediately. It works like a charm every time!!!
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Nov 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 792 · Topics: 22
Well my Libra friend does this all the time and we have been best-friends for 6-years, he loves me and all that stuff, and my ex (libra) used to do it all the time also and he asked to marry me, so the moral of the story is... know your guy. Feel him out. Some guys do not like to use the phone, period. They will call, but sporadically and if they say they will call back, please do not hold your breath or get mad. Just let it go and do something else. Now my Libra friend says he does not call me back bc everytime he does I am busy or don't answer the phone. This is true, but at least he is actively thinking about what I am doing when he DOES finally call back and he knows I am not sitting by the phone waiting for him. I believe there is something to this elusive thing, bc men drive us crazy when they do it to us.. so why not give them a taste of their own medicine??
If you decide to call and he does not answer his phone or does not return your call that day. Then he needs to be on the "no call" list until he redeems himself.