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Jun 20, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 126 · Topics: 30
what's the most clingy sign?
i'll say taurus, cancer and pisces?
and what's most likely to get suffocated a lot with these clingy type?
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Jun 10, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 966 · Topics: 54
Really?? mmmm I dont know many cappys but I would say PISCES is DEFFINATELY clingy lol and yes cancer also but.. it seems to work. Pisces is just a bit too suffocating.
Anyway signs that would likely get suffocated would deffinately be Geminis (me).
As far as air signs go, I think Libras would enjoy the clingyness. Aqua mmm not too sure but they would deffinately pull big dissapearing acts with someone clingy!
earth and water sings maybe?
I`d say it depends a lot more on your moon sign than your sun sign anyway!
Like, having a pisces sun and an aquarius moon makes you less clingy than an aquarius with a picses moon!
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Jun 10, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 966 · Topics: 54
lol thats explains my libra moon! tsk tsk 
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
Posted by LovelyScorp
I would never put clingy and capricorn in the same sentence let alone use it as an adjective to describe them.
I agree. They're very independent.
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Jun 11, 2010Comments: 1 · Posts: 498 · Topics: 22
Capricorns I wouldn't say are clingy but they are definitely possessive. My ex and I didn't go anywhere without each other and if I exercised any type of free spirit, like wanting walk somewhere alone or something he would get upset. I wouldn't say clingy but definitely like a ownership type thing.
Cancers are clingy, not sure about a Pisces.
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Jun 20, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 126 · Topics: 30
I'm a gemini with a cancer moon and i suffocate too easily, anything more than neccessary contact, i want to throw im not sure if really moon is stronger than the sun, because it's not in my case, i tend to be a bit cold sun is def stronger than my moon and i never cling at all... i knbow how it feels to be clinged to and i would never do that.. i'm rather i dont care type though i get easily bruised by someone who matters to me but to cling? nope, i would rather go away.
so gemini hands down for easily suffocated
and about capricorns - i know 100% sure they are selfish! the most selfish sign is capricorn probably or from experience and the most slutty too but i'm not sure about clingy, they are rather strong from my perspective.
and libra? ok with clinginess? i nee more input about that? curious....
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Jun 11, 2010Comments: 1 · Posts: 498 · Topics: 22
Agree with with both ^^^^^ LS and GeminiCancermoon person.
Caps I wouldn't call them selfish, I think some of them learn really hard from 1 thing. My ex Cap lent a cousin some money, never got it back, so from then on, anybody who wanted money from him he never lent. They aren't selfish but they are self-centered. He spent PLENTY of money on me, he spoils his women. But they not just gonna do it willy nilly.
POSSESSIVE yes they are. My Cap ex was very possessive and I have had that experience with another Cap I dated for 6 months and my friend who is Aries left her husband who was Cap bc of that. She felt suffocated. They don't show it and you will never think they are like that but yes they are. And they are jealous too, dont dare flirt with another man or wear something too revealing.Big turn offs for Caps.
AND Gemini's are free birds, try to cage them, they will just run even faster, they need that space.
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Jun 11, 2010Comments: 1 · Posts: 498 · Topics: 22
Posted by LovelyScorp
Sag's are free birds too.
"They don't show it and you will never think they are like that but yes they are. And they are jealous too, dont dare flirt with another man or wear something too revealing.Big turn offs for Caps."
I don't do the revealing thing, I'm a bit conservative, so I'll be safe there 
Jealous, I can see that, but it seems to be subtle and almost "punishing" for bad behaviour with words.
YES! OMG they are very punishing. I used to call it revengeful or passive agressive in their reproach. Oh so very subtle with it and unassuming but you will never know that action pissed them off until they make a comment about it like a week later. Its like damm why didnt say that when it actually occured. Its like they sit an stew with it.
Actually I was shocked to know how mistrustful they get. Once I went to take a shower while my cap was there. So an hour after my shower I checked my voicemail. To my suprise, my Cap checked my voicemail bc my phone tells me when someone checks my voicemail but enter an incorrect pass code. I was floored to say the least. They are insecure and dont trust easy. they just hide it well. yes ma'am.
They want a freak in the sheets but a lady in the streets.
Oh btw, my Cap would tell me he didnt mind muslim women who whore the barka or whatever that long black sheet thing they wear to cover their whole body bc it showed their commitment to their husband. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Not I. but he was serious. LOLOLOLOL. caps are possessive. and they hate when men check out there woman, a cap dated almost fought a guy for that at a club. Anyways long winded...u get my drift
Signed Up:
Jun 11, 2010Comments: 1 · Posts: 498 · Topics: 22
YES! OMG they are very punishing. I used to call it revengeful or passive agressive in their reproach. Oh so very subtle with it and unassuming but you will never know that action pissed them off until they make a comment about it like a week later. Its like damm why didnt say that when it actually occured. Its like they sit an stew with it.
Actually I was shocked to know how mistrustful they get. Once I went to take a shower while my cap was there. So an hour after my shower I checked my voicemail. To my suprise, my Cap checked my voicemail bc my phone tells me when someone checks my voicemail but enter an incorrect pass code. I was floored to say the least. They are insecure and dont trust easy. they just hide it well. yes ma'am.
They want a freak in the sheets but a lady in the streets.
Oh btw, my Cap would tell me he didnt mind muslim women who just like me the barka or whatever that long black sheet thing they wear to cover their whole body bc it showed their commitment to their husband. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Not I. but he was serious. LOLOLOLOL. caps are possessive. and they hate when men check out there woman, a cap dated almost fought a guy for that at a club. Anyways long winded...u get my drift
Signed Up:
Sep 09, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 1341 · Topics: 40
This was just asked on yahoo answers and actually the number one answer was Libra. The guy even stayed home from school one day just so he could think about his girlfriend.
Who was your most CLINGY Partner, and what was theit Sun SIGN?
the most clingy partner, and most clingy person i know is my libra ex. i wanted to literally shoot the guy. he didnt go out to call me, he wanted to be on the phone with me 24 over 7, wanted to see me everyday, texted me every minute of his life. he didnt let me breath ! the dayy he told me ????I DIDNT GO TO SCHOOL TODAY BECAUSE I WANTED TO STAY HOME AND THINK ABOUT YOU???? thats when i was like this **** has to be over ASAP. it was scary !
* 23 hours ago
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Anyway. I think Libra, Cancer men, and Virgo men.
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Sep 09, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 1341 · Topics: 40
Must be something about a Cancer to make Virgo men that way then.
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Sep 09, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 1341 · Topics: 40
Posted by TasteOfChaos
Posted by prettyladii
This was just asked on yahoo answers and actually the number one answer was Libra.
Who was your most CLINGY Partner, and what was theit Sun SIGN?
the most clingy partner, and most clingy person i know is my libra ex.
Anyway. I think Libra, Cancer men, and Virgo men.
post #1534612 about libras from this chick!
Omg hahahaha
and get off yahoo answers, loser!
click to expand
lol, so typical. Butt hurt over an opinion that not only I shared but 20 other users. If 20 other people feel the same way say the same thing there is some truth to it. I even included cancer men which are from my own sign cause they can be that way.Posted by nothingswrong
I never saw Taurus as clingy. Can it be?
...not clingy at allim a libra i can get clingy. clingiest is definetely a pisces girl
I would say Cancer ... I don't find Gemini clingy at all.
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Mar 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 7566 · Topics: 155
Cancer, Scorpio, Libra.
~feeling I get anyways.
(my definition of clingy: overstay their welcome emotionally)
Signed Up:
Jun 20, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 126 · Topics: 30
Posted by prettyladii
This was just asked on yahoo answers and actually the number one answer was Libra. The guy even stayed home from school one day just so he could think about his girlfriend.
Who was your most CLINGY Partner, and what was theit Sun SIGN?
the most clingy partner, and most clingy person i know is my libra ex. i wanted to literally shoot the guy. he didnt go out to call me, he wanted to be on the phone with me 24 over 7, wanted to see me everyday, texted me every minute of his life. he didnt let me breath ! the dayy he told me ????I DIDNT GO TO SCHOOL TODAY BECAUSE I WANTED TO STAY HOME AND THINK ABOUT YOU???? thats when i was like this **** has to be over ASAP. it was scary !
* 23 hours ago
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Anyway. I think Libra, Cancer men, and Virgo men.
what is your sun sign prettyladii? just curiousSigned Up:
Jun 20, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 126 · Topics: 30
Posted by gemtaur
I'm a Gem but I've always liked clingy in the sense of physical presence, maybe it's my Taurus? As long as the person respects my need for privacy and time to myself to be in the clouds, to come and go as I please, I don't mind having them around all the time.
LOL I have to laugh at myself. Is this what people mean by clingy? Typical Gem. I have to ask what clingy means. Ok, maybe Scape's right. Gem hands down? lol If you don't know what it means, maybe you don't like it?
I guess I differentiate between emotional and physical clingyness. I crave physical clingyness and detest emotional clingyness. But with some people even when I feel emotionally connected to them they still want physical presence so maybe that distinction isn't so relevant. Oh geez. Someone save me from myself please.
Someone define it for me, please. Preferably Virgo: nice and concise
And I'm serious. No really.
LOL, i'm a gem with moon in cancer and I cannot tolerate any type of clingy. I need a LOT of ____________S______P_______A______C____E__________________________________
just me, guess im weird, even with the man i really really really love...
personally i define clingy to be someone who has no life other than ME lol so they contact all the time and not respecting other peoples time/space. They are also insecure and not trust people to be away from them.
just my 2 cents.Signed Up:
Jun 20, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 126 · Topics: 30
*I notice, Seascape, that you posted about feeling suffocated on another forum too. If you don't mind my asking (and I don't mean to pry or be rude or anything), do you just not like people very much? Or do you not like *being around* people? What is it about closeness that bothers you? I'm particularly struck by your comment that you don't want anything more than 'necessary' contact. A lot of Geminis that I've met have been super-social and LOVE being around people. What is it about people that is upsetting to you? Does it bother you when people are interested in getting to know you? I understand that everyone needs space, but I just don't understand why you wouldn't enjoy spending time with *anyone*. Again, I'm not trying to be rude, but if you don't mind, I'd like to understand your view better (and I apologize if I've misinterpreted it so far; please set me straight if I have).
LOL, i dont think an anonymous heart can't be offended, your cool.
but anyway i feel the need to correct, i must be throwing a wrong impression of myself, but i don't really know the answer either...and i dont think i just type, so please bear with me.. i'll try to think lol.. i'll summarize
~I'm a party animal ( as is true with most gems, it's also part of my job)
~i'm close with very few people, very selected few, but i have a lot of friends.
~ i dont like getting a lot of email, text, etc from people i dont count as close friends, family or someone not my type-I FEEL SUFFOCATED.
~ the x amount of time i spend with a human being, i need and equal amount of time in my cave - now if i spend time with that human being and then i need to go to my cave and they continue to contact me, i would suffocate. but then it could depend on my mood too, . I'm a busy person and i appreciate people giving me space to do my thang and i like busy people too...
I'm at this point feeling suffocated by a taurus man who contacts me a lot of times a day after i spent a day with him, that's why im venting here, sharing is half sorrow hahahah... lol
but hold on, let me answers your
What is it about people that is upsetting to you? - um i don't know
but I just don't understand why you wouldn't enjoy spending time with *anyone*. - i do, if i have let them in, but not tooo much.. its restricted to bfs, family, people i really really like, too much=uneccessary
Does it bother you when people are interested in getting to know you? - yes, if th
Signed Up:
Jun 20, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 126 · Topics: 30
cut off sorry.
take 2, action!
Does it bother you when people are interested in getting to know you? - yes, if they are not my type. yes if i dont want to be close to them. NO if i really like them.
What is it about closeness that bothers you? - i need some enlightenment on this, is there a name for this disease?
it's true though, i dont like being too close to people, or a lot of people. I'm a social butterfly but i don't like staying in one table too long. Only me, really knows me hahaha..and some chosen ones. lol
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Sep 09, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 1341 · Topics: 40
I'm a cancer for whoevers asking.
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Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Posted by VitasXisto
Posted by seascape
what's the most clingy sign?
i'll say taurus, cancer and pisces?
and what's most likely to get suffocated a lot with these clingy type?
Capricorns fo sure
click to expand
*rolls eyes* hahahahaha, dude you wish 
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Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Posted by VitasXisto
Every single capricorns I've come acrossed are clingy sons of bitches and daddy whores. They are possesive, insecure, jealous, they need reassurance, and they are WEAK of emotions and WEAK of mental state of being. Virgos however are the strongest IMO.
FOS = you
And the funny thing is, you already know that ^_^. I already know that you are blowing this stuff out of you butt 
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Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Posted by VitasXisto
Posted by pigeonpie
Posted by VitasXisto
Posted by prettyladii
This was just asked on yahoo answers and actually the number one answer was Libra. The guy even stayed home from school one day just so he could think about his girlfriend.
Who was your most CLINGY Partner, and what was theit Sun SIGN?
the most clingy partner, and most clingy person i know is my libra ex. i wanted to literally shoot the guy. he didnt go out to call me, he wanted to be on the phone with me 24 over 7, wanted to see me everyday, texted me every minute of his life. he didnt let me breath ! the dayy he told me ????I DIDNT GO TO SCHOOL TODAY BECAUSE I WANTED TO STAY HOME AND THINK ABOUT YOU???? thats when i was like this **** has to be over ASAP. it was scary !
* 23 hours ago
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Anyway. I think Libra, Cancer men, and Virgo men.
Being a double virgo (both sun and moon in virgo) would make you more balance and in control of your emotions doll -- you're a virgo with a water moon, big difference.
Virgo men? Hell fucking no, we never cling, we never show emotion and we rarely give a fuck.
I dunno, my older Brother is a Virgo and he's totally pussywhipped.
Then he's an out of balance virgo, I have a moon in scorpio, makes me in control of emotions by default LMAO
click to expand
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Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
I'm done screwing with him ... for now LOL!
Let's see, the most clingy sign would have to be virgo. When they are really into someone, it takes hell on earth for them to let go. Its true.
i'm a libra. i like guys to be clingy, because if they are i'll be a little suffocated, but i'll accept it. it's nice to feel wanted, even if my instinct is to squirm out of their hold. if a guy isn't clingy, i'll get clingy. and that's just awful. i hate it. they hate it.
i've always been all hell-no when it comes to dating aries men, but maybe i should give it a try. lol.
Signed Up:
Jun 18, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 2999 · Topics: 75
the clingiest ppl i ever knew was a cancer and taurus female. the cancer males i know/knew... never! i am dating my second one now and he is far from clingy. the ONLY time i've ever seen him get clingy to me was when we were camping and he got so drunk that he repeated over and over for me not to leave without him. pretty sure it was because he realized he was too shit-faced to make it back to our tent on his own.
i definitely know that the taurus and gem men i've ever known would not put up with any clinginess.
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Aug 05, 2008Comments: 38 · Posts: 3918 · Topics: 108
Men wise I'd have to say Cancer.
Scorpio wins hands down for stalker potential though.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Dude, how concieted are you?
Do something with those eyebrows .. damn.
Posted by LovelyScorp
I would never put clingy and capricorn in the same sentence let alone use it as an adjective to describe them.
I have to agree with LovelyScorp, Caps aren't clingy. The men tend to be selfish though.Signed Up:
Feb 12, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 2284 · Topics: 58
Cap sun Pisces venus.
Clingy as fuck. Ugh.
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Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
You dug up a 4 year old thread? :/
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Jan 30, 2014Comments: 3 · Posts: 1399 · Topics: 28
My Scorpy can be a bit clingy...he wants me home from work as soon as possible each day so that I can be with him, tried giving me acurfew (didn't fly lol), and we spend the weekends together 24/7. And when together, he needs hugs and cuddles constantly, and doesn't like it when I leave the room for more than a few minutes.
If this was anyone else, it would drive me fucking insane. But I love my FI, and want to make him feel loved too. It makes me happy.
So, vote for Scorpio and Libra as clingies! 
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Mar 10, 2012Comments: 136 · Posts: 9227 · Topics: 154
I think I need a clingy man.
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Jun 03, 2014Comments: 7 · Posts: 1996 · Topics: 55
Posted by nats
Really?? mmmm I dont know many cappys but I would say PISCES is DEFFINATELY clingy lol and yes cancer also but.. it seems to work. Pisces is just a bit too suffocating.
Anyway signs that would likely get suffocated would deffinately be Geminis (me).
As far as air signs go, I think Libras would enjoy the clingyness. Aqua mmm not too sure but they would deffinately pull big dissapearing acts with someone clingy!
That's absolute bullshit, I'm a Pisces and found my Taurus ex bf insufferable!Signed Up:
Jun 03, 2014Comments: 7 · Posts: 1996 · Topics: 55
This entire thread is bullshit, you have to take into account a person's moon rather than their sun sign. I'm a Pisces and I highly resent these clingy comments, maybe Pisces men--Idk I have yet to meet one--but as a Pisces woman and one that is friend's with a lot of Pisces females, we will CUT YOU OFF once we are done with a relationship, and that includes if you brake things off with us. It's an ego thing, all we want is to be loved and to love, but if you suddenly brake things off and don't want to be love us, well hell we don't want to love you.
But I have an Aries moon so perhaps that's where my stubborn, independent nature comes from...I'd imagine a Pisces sun with maybe another water sign for their moon would be extremely clingy but like I said in the post above, from my experience the clingiest man I was with was a Taurus. He was absolutely possessive and willing to do any form of manipulation to keep me to stay...I've been so scarred by him I would NEVER date another one.
Signed Up:
Mar 10, 2012Comments: 136 · Posts: 9227 · Topics: 154
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by LunarMaiden
I think I need a clingy man.
Virgo. Go Virgo.
click to expand
I have never thought of Virgo males as clingy.I wouldn't know what clinginess felt like, it was always little teenage me that was the clingy one, with my Mars in Cancer.
What placements would add clinginess to a personality?
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by LunarMaiden
I think I need a clingy man.
Virgo. Go Virgo.
click to expand
*grabby hands*Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
Posted by LunarMaiden
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by LunarMaiden
I think I need a clingy man.
Virgo. Go Virgo.
I have never thought of Virgo males as clingy.
click to expand
you never know.
they might have clingy placements. *shrug*Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
Posted by malloryor
This entire thread is bullshit, you have to take into account a person's moon rather than their sun sign. I'm a Pisces and I highly resent these clingy comments, maybe Pisces men--Idk I have yet to meet one--but as a Pisces woman and one that is friend's with a lot of Pisces females, we will CUT YOU OFF once we are done with a relationship, and that includes if you brake things off with us. It's an ego thing, all we want is to be loved and to love, but if you suddenly brake things off and don't want to be love us, well hell we don't want to love you.
But I have an Aries moon so perhaps that's where my stubborn, independent nature comes from...I'd imagine a Pisces sun with maybe another water sign for their moon would be extremely clingy but like I said in the post above, from my experience the clingiest man I was with was a Taurus. He was absolutely possessive and willing to do any form of manipulation to keep me to stay...I've been so scarred by him I would NEVER date another one.
woah...that sounds horrible for you, mallory. O_O
i love possessive and jealousy from my man, but NOT clingy ass. it's so different. Hard to explain.
clingy is like they won't let you even go to the bathroom alone kind of thing. Overdoing it.Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
Posted by starlover
Nooo !! My Scorp lad has a Libra moon...totally self contained he is and not needy at all.....when he was a little boy he did what Munchin's man did but grew out of it and now he really is very independent
Must be something else?
Lisa, not letting a woman go into another room isnt healthy......that is what babies and toddlers do 
unless munchkin is lying. *shrug* it does sound cray and overboard.Signed Up:
May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
Posted by starlover
I don't think she is
Lisa xx
Was talking to my lad today about stuff and he says he wouldn't like to date a woman who was taller than him or older and when i asked him why and he looked at me and then silence.... and i then said *control freak*??, he replies *yeah*.
well one thing is for SURE.
when you are with a scorpio man, (or perhaps even scorpio dominant) and they show their LOVE....
they want /LOVE your company/ to be with you all the time. But they still need their space.Signed Up:
Dec 16, 2013Comments: 129 · Posts: 1170 · Topics: 4
All the libras I've been with seem to have some type of codependency.
There are two types of Tauruses. One is clingy. The other reticent. I've dated both. If I could find one with s balance of both characteristics, I'll marry him. 
I vote cancer as the most clingy. They get mad when they dont see their lovers often too. Signed Up:
Dec 16, 2013Comments: 129 · Posts: 1170 · Topics: 4
Oh yes and above all, the Scorpio is the most high maintenance lover, requiring so much time, reassurance and attention.
Signed Up:
Dec 16, 2013Comments: 129 · Posts: 1170 · Topics: 4
And to be fair. Capricorns do need a lot of reassurance and attention. But are surprisingly low maintenance outside of this.
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Jan 27, 2012Comments: 4343 · Posts: 13269 · Topics: 69
In my experience, Cancer is the most clingy... particularly expressing it in a physical way. One Cancer I was in a relationship with was so clingy my clothes would be wrinkled before we got where we were going. He held on to a part of my body at all times - hands, lower back, shoulder, etc. Almost married him. This was ages ago so, do not know his other placements but, I've dated three Cancers, that I can recall, in my life.
My Virgo is possessive, extremely protective but, not clingy. Being extremely protective and possessive could equal clingy. But, I have an electric fence with lots of breadth before he goes on alert. No matter whether we are together or apart, I am his forever as far as he is concerned and he is very vocal and poignant (and even vulgar) with me and others about this "fact." He loves to refer to me as: my, mine, my, mine, mine, mine, mine. We had dinner with another couple once and he thought the other gentlemen was holding conversation with me for too long. At the end of the night while saying good night to the couple at the door, he told the guy, "this is my _______" and closed the door. He said this right in front of the guy's girlfriend. I was mortified. Another time, I was having a horrible time with a man scorned at the work place. While confronting the guy, my husband puts me in a headlock and starts pointing at my head, once again, saying "mine, mine, mine." Once again, I was mortified.
I'm and Aries Sun and my Virgo is an Aries Ascendant.
Signed Up:
Jan 27, 2012Comments: 4343 · Posts: 13269 · Topics: 69
...and he has a Cancer Moon.