Posted by VenusAquarius
...and he has a Cancer Moon.
Posted by munchkinPosted by VenusAquarius
...and he has a Cancer Moon.
Lol what's his venus?click to expand
Posted by VenusAquarius
In my experience, Cancer is the most clingy... particularly expressing it in a physical way. One Cancer I was in a relationship with was so clingy my clothes would be wrinkled before we got where we were going. He held on to a part of my body at all times - hands, lower back, shoulder, etc. Almost married him. This was ages ago so, do not know his other placements but, I've dated three Cancers, that I can recall, in my life.
My Virgo is possessive, extremely protective but, not clingy. Being extremely protective and possessive could equal clingy. But, I have an electric fence with lots of breadth before he goes on alert. No matter whether we are together or apart, I am his forever as far as he is concerned and he is very vocal and poignant (and even vulgar) with me and others about this "fact." He loves to refer to me as: my, mine, my, mine, mine, mine, mine. We had dinner with another couple once and he thought the other gentlemen was holding conversation with me for too long. At the end of the night while saying good night to the couple at the door, he told the guy, "this is my _______" and closed the door. He said this right in front of the guy's girlfriend. I was mortified. Another time, I was having a horrible time with a man scorned at the work place. While confronting the guy, my husband puts me in a headlock and starts pointing at my head, once again, saying "mine, mine, mine." Once again, I was mortified.
I'm and Aries Sun and my Virgo is an Aries Ascendant.
Posted by rockyroadicecream
You dug up a 4 year old thread? :/
Posted by cappysweetieI dated a Virgo on and off for 2yrs and she was soooo clingy. Wanted to be on the phone with me 24/7. , Wanted to fall asleep on the phone. Always up my ass. Wouldn't let go.
I'm done screwing with him ... for now LOL!
Let's see, the most clingy sign would have to be virgo. When they are really into someone, it takes hell on earth for them to let go. Its true.
Posted by ruscovaxxPosted by MissLadyIceQueen
From personal experience the clingiest is definitely these.
Virgo- mentally clingy they want to know what you're doing , what you're thinking, and want to talk literally all the time.
Cancer- will talk your head off all day everyday. Emotionally clingy af. Always dumping feeling and complaining all the time.
Scorpio - physically clingy. They love to be touching you , swarmed with physically affectionate gestures, cuddling , kissing , holding hands,always want to be right there up against you. I somewhere am much less annoyed with this. I actually like their kind of clingy. makes me feel all warm inside.![]()
Im not clingy, get outta to expand
Posted by BulLeo
earth and water sings maybe?
I`d say it depends a lot more on your moon sign than your sun sign anyway!
Like, having a pisces sun and an aquarius moon makes you less clingy than an aquarius with a picses moon!
Posted by ruscovaxxPosted by MissLadyIceQueenEw, acting all 'woe is me' 24/7 sounds exhausting. I hate clingers, couldn't be bothered with that shit.Posted by ruscovaxxPosted by MissLadyIceQueen
From personal experience the clingiest is definitely these.
Virgo- mentally clingy they want to know what you're doing , what you're thinking, and want to talk literally all the time.
Cancer- will talk your head off all day everyday. Emotionally clingy af. Always dumping feeling and complaining all the time.
Scorpio - physically clingy. They love to be touching you , swarmed with physically affectionate gestures, cuddling , kissing , holding hands,always want to be right there up against you. I somewhere am much less annoyed with this. I actually like their kind of clingy. makes me feel all warm inside.![]()
Im not clingy, get outta here.
Lol you might not be. Every cancer I've met and dated though is. I love being their friend. Dating wise I just can't do it. I'm so serious when I say every single cancer Ive dated within 6 months started complaining about anything and everything every single day, they needed constant reassurance ,their feelings were always hurt, and was sad a lot. Who knows maybe it's a better with age thing. I used to be selfish but I grew out of that so idk. This is just from personal experience. I always really like them at to expand
Posted by natsI was told I suffocate him as well...not that it was a bad thing!
Really?? mmmm I dont know many cappys but I would say PISCES is DEFFINATELY clingy lol and yes cancer also but.. it seems to work. Pisces is just a bit too suffocating.
Anyway signs that would likely get suffocated would deffinately be Geminis (me).
As far as air signs go, I think Libras would enjoy the clingyness. Aqua mmm not too sure but they would deffinately pull big dissapearing acts with someone clingy!
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