Trying to date a PISCES male... HELP!!!

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by taurus-em on Tuesday, April 29, 2008 and has 19 replies.
Heyy there...
I'm a Taurus (Leo moon, Cancer rising, Gemini in Venus) trying to figure out my Pisces partner.
We've been "together" for about 4 months now, although it's hard to actually know when it started because i wasn't considered his 'official' girlfriend for about 2 1/2 months.
Anywhoodle... I'm so confused with this Fish man, and I don't know what to do. I feel unappreciated, unwanted, not cared for and just basically like he could take me or leave me.
I would appreciate any insight that anyone can give me about this! :]
Hmmm that doesnt sound like a pisces who likes you. Pisces are kinda clingy in the begining of a relationship. So for him to be the way your discribing him...ummm yea
i agree with markella...don't show him that you like him that much...don't give him all of your attention..dis him and i bet he'll come running...i find that they like being treated bad...
"I'm so confused with this Fish man, and I don't know what to do. I feel unappreciated, unwanted, not cared for and just basically like he could take me or leave me."

Hello Taurus-em, Pisces female here. The others (non-Pisces) have suggested playing him for attention, and if you're a player and would feel satisfied with this kind of superficial attention that is only coming to you because you manipulated him into it .. then have at it if it makes you feel special, without really having meaningful love.
However, if you are really looking for the love of this man for what he desires to give you for real, then I have all kinds of things to tell you regarding your above quote.
First of all .. the taking or leaving you ... you feel this way because it's the truth. This is very much a part of the Piscean nature because we are detached from our feelings .. our minds and feelings are on two different levels of existance. So, we can love with all of our hearts on one plane, while being mentally seperated from you .. can take you or leave you. And we also can just swim away from a person to whom we are in love with, without any further thought, if we choose not to think about the person.
The above is important to comprehend to understand the Pisces, and in knowing if he loves you or not ... if he is unattentive while on the emotional plane, then he's not connected to you. If he is attentive to you while on the emotional plane, then he is connected to you ... and connected we have to be .. it's a must. We cannot love without an emotional connection .. period. Not even with family or friends.
Another thing you have to be aware of .. Pisces won't flatter their partners, hand out compliments, be excessive with attention and since your moon is in Leo, you require a lot of this kind of attention. Pisces people just don't do that, nor do we like excessive compliments coming our way back.
The key to a successful relationship with a Pisces is understanding what they are talking about, since our feelings aren't connected to our brains. When the two of you have a conversation, are you on the same page? When he attempts to express his feelings to you, they will appear vague, scattered .. can you relate to him? Can he relate to you and understand where you are coming from? Pisces have a complete and total handle on feelings, Taurus, however, expressing them in words is our life obstacle .. for we feel, without thought attached.
If you can understand him, if he is comfortable in sharing his feelings and secrets with you because you can grasp what he's saying ... then he'll start to open up more and become more attentive to you.
Pisces people live their whole lives with this struggle. Rarely can we find a person who can "feel" what we're saying. Most times, people just blow us off, or think we need to be directed or taken care of .. and they couldn't be any more wrong. The only thing we need is for the person we love to "feel" what we are trying to say ... because we it's difficult for us to put words to feelings that have no thoughts associated with them.
When we find a person who can "feel" what we are saying, AND there is an emotional connection (which is expressed non-verbally, nor materially) ... at this time, we will become more emotionally available, caring, attentive .. make you a part of our world.
I agree with Tribal, he may not like you like that
Hmmm some very interesting points there, and i thank you all for taking the time to 'help' me smile
Ya know I've tried to mirror his behavior... so very hard... but it still takes me a week of 'no contact' on my end before I actually hear from him. And sometimes it gets to Wednesday and I just crack... I call him or text.. and then he's got me right where he wants me. Don't know that thats the best way to go...
I'm not sure I can take much more of this fishy behavior. I've just had a somewhat terrible weekend all because of him and I think it's high time he stopped making me feel bad. But the stubborn Taurus & Leo (what a combo!) inside me is still trying to decide what to do.. and unfortunately until I have made up my mind once and for all there is no shaking me... DAMN STUBBORNNESS!! it's a burden really! Tongue
Anywhoodle.. I will shut up now... still confused, but it hopefully won't last smile
Ok so normally I would do that... even though I don't get much in return.
But in this case I'm not so sure it's best.. here's what happened (if ya don't wanna read my ramblings I understand!)
Saturday night we were invited to an engagement/house warming party. I asked if he wanted to go but he was working night shift at the time (7pm-7am) He said he would let me know. I didn't hear from him so on Saturday I suggested that he stop in to the party before work, would be great to see him. He said that night shift had finished that morning but he was really tired and wasn't doing much. The next morning I asked what he was up to and he said that he was going motor bike riding with some mates... so I asked if he wanted to do something later he said he would see when he finished. I was later talking to a friend of ours and she mentioned that they all went out for dinner Saturday night, and then had some drinks back home. I don't think I've EVER been so mad and upset at the same time!
I didn't hear anything from him all day until I saw him on-line at about 4pm. I said "I take it you don't want to come round" he said no, he was feeling pretty sore after crashing his mates bike earlier.
I'd had enough! So I phoned him and asked straight out if he was trying to end it and if so just to do it now and not f**k me around. He said that he wasn't and I had nothing to worry about. That was it.
Where do I go from here?
And what am I supposed to think about these actions?
??? Sad
Well the common friend is the fianc? of his best mate, so I'm not too concerned about that. She had no idea he had an invite out.
I honestly feel as though I give him HEAPS AND HEAPS of space, but I could be wrong. We don't speak much during the week, sometimes not even at all. Generally it's a whole week before we even arrange to see each other. Which I'm fine with but it's always me doing the arranging.. no effort on his side I feel.
Most of the time I'll see him either Friday night or Saturday & Sunday. There has only been 2 occasions where I've seen him all weekend. There have also been the odd mid week get togethers but very few and far between. So this is usually how it goes: I say goodbye on Sunday, and SOMETIMES, if I've not heard from him by Wednesday I'll just send a quick message, then we talk for a bit, exchange pleasantries. Come Friday he (or I) will ask what the other is doing.. sometimes we have no plans and can see each other, and other times he's got plans that don't include me.
I don't know... I'm probably being a typical Taurus and worrying over absolutely nothing and thinking waaaaaay too much about stupid crap, which I'm a master at!
Thanx heaps and heaps for your comments... they've opened my eyes a little smile
good luck. i like pisces, they're one of my favourite signs but they are very hard, very.
Have you tried doing a synastry chart or at least a composite? They might give you some insight into your relationship. Do you know some of his signs?
Ok so I havent posted in a while cause I thought everything was on the up...
But I'm honestly starting to believe that Pisces are just too much hard work for me. To explain this better I think I need to vent my WHOLE story... for those of you who dont want to be bored to death... stop reading now. For those of you that continue to read.. I THANK YOU! smile
We met online back in November. Spent a few months chatting and exchanging text messages and pictures, until he suggested we meet. Which happened just after Christmas. We spent a good amount of time together at the start, most weekends once juring the week also. Then his shift at work changed.. he was working 7pm-7am for 10 days straight, then he'd get 2 days off. At which point he would organise to see me.
This has all changed since.I honestly thought things would progress more not dwindle. I never hear from him, he never organises to see me. It's been almost 6 months now and its still like we're 2 separate people, not a couple. We had a wedding over the weekend and it wasnt until Wednesday that he even mentioned it to me and all I got was a "U COMING?" - does this seem strange to anyone else? Asking me as if I was a friend of his that had the choice of whether or not to attend said wedding. Most of the time I'm lucky to hear from or see him for a week and a half.
He tells me he doesnt want to lose me and he really likes me but at the same does soooo many things that all add up to "I DONT REALLY GIVE A SHIT"
I give him all the space he needs and never bitch about it. When he wants to spend time with mates, i say go ahead.. Freedom and time apart isnt really the issue here. He just doesnt do ANYTHING to indicate that he's at all interested in progressing.
I've asked him to take his profile off the website we met on, and he says he never checks it anyway. I trust him totally but see no good reason for his profile to sill be visible to others.
So last night I tried to talk to him about how I was feeling but he just shut down and didn't really have anything to say. He's very shy so I just put it down to this, and even after 'the talk' the evening was great. Dinner, cuddles etc etc.
But now I'm not too sure where to go from here. I feel as though I've got 2 options:
1. Stop chasing him. Even though i do very little of this as it is, i'm gonna stop all together
2. Write down everything that I am feeling and give it to him. I find that when I try to talk to him I forget my important points.
whats FWB? Damn why all the pisces male bashing all the time? Can't we all just get along?
Oh now I feel stupid haha. I get it now. This pisces isn't like that. I feel weird if my friend wanted to sleep with me. Feelings always are involved. One person or the other likes the other person, and plays dumb to this thinking that they will change if sex is involved. Thats awkward. I rather not even know the other persons name than be a FWB Winking
Well from what I have gathered from my experience with other pisces, we are able to have psychic abilities about feelings that others don't pick up on. Like they just know intuitively if something is wrong with someone. When someone doesn't fit into the "dream" that we had in the relationship, we can just detach from the feelings of hurt because it was not "real." It was just in our head, and we can just formulate a new one just as easily as when we lose one.
Seems like rambling, but other pisces will get it.
Well I'm the same way I do feel the love and hurt. I have a venus in pisces go figure, but when I'm hurt by someone I don't "feel" the hurt. I don't get emotional when something bad happens because I just doesn't register in my head. When my ex broke up with me, she was crying, I just looked at her like duh. I didn't believe it, so I couldn't register the feeling. It didn't hit me until a couple days later, and thats when I started to feel sad.
It isn't that I don't forget because I always have that feeling of connection with my more serious relationships, but the emotions aren't there. I can't really explain it because they aren't there anymore. Its like I'm numb. When we were together it was great and I learned a lot from the relationship, but if it wasn't meant to be now then maybe just maybe it might be right later.
Maybe a female pisces can help you out better because I don't really like to get emotional; especially when I'm sad about a love lost. Its there but at the same time it isn't. I just don't put my energy into it I guess. Its hard for me to express feelings into words, so thats why I have female friends.
Something bijou said that I'll try to paraphase: We exist on two planes; the mental and emotional. The two planes are intertwined but are separate entities. We can't be on both planes at the same time. So when I detach my feelings from a relationship I can step back and deduce what was "really" occurring. When I'm in the emotional plane, all I see are gumdrops and rainbows.
Maybe this separation of self is what drive all you women crazy about us. In our emotional plane you are everything we see, we are very romantic. Then when we get back we have other engagements we must take care of. Two in one connected by a string. Fish swimming in opposite directions trying to stay connected.
Hiei, not male Pisces bashing at all... many women are quite taken by your charm but don't know how to assert their needs in a r'ship with you. It's an acquired skill...
"Maybe this separation of self is what drive all you women crazy about us."
Yes! Because it often comes across as indifference (when you're on the mental plane?) and that's very confusing.