Virgo dealing with a Taurus man sigh

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by Virgokiss05 on Thursday, June 25, 2020 and has 60 replies.
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During this Pandemic me and my Taurus been spending a lot more time together. Im at his house 6 or 7 days out the week. I knew him since 6th grade. We been seeing each other since july 2019. He made me his girl back in September but claim hes not committed to me in December after we broke up and got back together. I ask him when will we get serious and be committed because I know he talks to other girls.i went through his phone back in march and then he did it back to me. I know I let my insecurities get the best of me. Please no judgements. He didnt want to lose me so he said he will commit. The next morning I laughed at a guy meme on Instagram it's a guy I use to be involved with. Fwb to be exact no feelings for this person whatsoever. He went thru my phone when I was sleeping when he came home from work. Then he said now I'm not committing because you telling to stop talking to females but your talking to a guy u bang. I get it y hes upset but it was just a simple laughing emoji. And I guess he read some conversations of the guy being sexual towards me but I shut him down. He read conversations of the times we were broken up. So fast forward to the morning when he seen the laughing emoji It havent even been 24hrs and he already looking for something. I have never seen any man while being with him. Even during the times we broke up I never went to see anyone the most I did was be friendly. I been very patient with him and for him to tell me again recently he'll never commit no matter what broke my heart. I dont know if he had said out of anger or meant it. I been crying all week. He came into the relationship with trust issues. I trusted him until I seen some shit that he wouldn't be okay with me doing. So that's y I mentioned commitment to him and no we are not talking right now because I told him I am done. We haven't spoke in 4 days and he havent reach out to me. He is selfish and I called him a narcissist. And I left voice messages cussing him out and telling him about himself. I been good to him. I been there for him at his lowest. I never crossed boundaries. I been friendly but never sexual with anyone. And plus he kept telling me we weren't serious. Ever since I broke up with him he havent been on social media or anything. Idk how he is feeling if care or what. If he sad maybe. I do miss him and wish we can just start over because we never set any boundaries. We been enjoying our time together and its been really nice. He cooks for me, super affectionate and the sex is amazing. It's just the non commit thing been bothering me. Its been a yr now like when will he get it through his head that I'm worth it. It's like he's afraid. I know you guys probably going to tell me to move on. I just might but something deep inside is hoping he gets it and understand. I'm virgo sun, cancer moon and hes a taurus with pisces moon. He also has some trauma that I feel he hasn't heal from. His mom left as a kid and he been in foster care. His past exs cheated on him and family betrayed him and he has abandonment issues as well is why I think he so messed up. I have a soft spot for him because I would of left a long time ago but if he doesnt commit I am done and probably best to keep it platonic. Its been a yr. I love him so much and accepted him. No one understands him like I do. I know he probably just in thoughts being stubborn right now. What is a girl to do? I need advice. Has anyone dealt with a taurus or is a taurus?
Would love some insight

No commitment but the love is still strong...


But I can say, if Taurus want to commit, they will say so....

My boyfriend wanted commitment after the fact I told him no.... but I eventually gave in...
Yea I am thinking of moving on if he take to long to tell me what it will be but he is very stubborn. I feel like he may give in but maybe not. The thing with him is he think im forcing him because I gave an ultimatum. Taurus dont like that. They like to do things on their time. Also, he is mad at me about something else. Unfortunately his stove is not working right. The oven wont turn off. So he told me to leave the window open which I was already doing. He came home upset about something insignificant that bothered him earlier that day and he went to sleep in the other room. Two hours later i realized the window was closed. So next day i asked him why would you closed the window. So then he got mad again saying I'm accusing him of trying to kill me. He told me he closed it because he was cold. I just ask a question on why closed the window when its possible the stove can create carbon monoxide. He felt accused and thats how we even got into it and that's when I brought commitment. He told me monday to leave him alone because I made him feel like an evil person but I think he is dragging it. It just weird to closed the window and he knew I was worried. He may forgot about the stove because hes very careless but things like that needs to be taken care of. Very irresponsible at times. I have to remind him to take care of important stuff.
Move on already. This is ruined sorry.
what's your mercury by the way? you seem to be too blunt
Every Taurus guy I know puts his claim on you immediately if he wants you. You say you are at his house 6 to 7 days a week so that seems pretty serious to me. How much more serious do you want to get? As a matter of fact that would be too much for my liking unless I'm married to the person.
Posted by Virgokiss05

We been enjoying our time together and its been really nice. He cooks for me, super affectionate and the sex is amazing...I love him so much and accepted him.

just keep the focus on that....the rest is mostly bullshit, including advice from random strangers on an astrology board, where we mostly just project our own issues onto your situation as a form of therapy for ourselves...

on that note, hard to tell w/o paragraphs, but from what I can make of it, you've been on and off, and you both still talk to other both also distrust one another...been down this road many times with partners, and like your bull, I often feel like my SO is trying to hold me to a standard wrt the opposite sex, that they definitely don't hold to themselves...I have that with my current SO....

End of the day, neither of us are sleeping with other people right now, and what works best for us is not snooping each other's lives too closely, and having a don't ask/don't tell policy unless it goes further than talking. We've agreed that if we meet someone we feel we want to pursue, the door is open, just be up-front about it rather than cheat at that point....The whole snooping phones thing, it never works out....Every time either of us does that, you always find something to blow out of proportion....Usually it isn't worth breaking up over, but it can definitely start a cycle of distrust that results in that....

Just keep enjoying each other's company though. Commitment/trust is something that can grow more organically/with time. Declaring it verbally isn't worth much. If he's the type to cheat, there's no controlling it really...
Posted by Virgokiss05

So then he got mad again saying I'm accusing him of trying to kill me....I just ask a question on why closed the window when its possible the stove can create carbon monoxide....
quick disclaimer...disregard my advice completely if this guy kills you...apparently there are some taurus men out there who do that...
Posted by Virgokiss05

Yea I am thinking of moving on if he take to long to tell me what it will be but he is very stubborn. I feel like he may give in but maybe not. The thing with him is he think im forcing him because I gave an ultimatum. Taurus dont like that. They like to do things on their time. Also, he is mad at me about something else. Unfortunately his stove is not working right. The oven wont turn off. So he told me to leave the window open which I was already doing. He came home upset about something insignificant that bothered him earlier that day and he went to sleep in the other room. Two hours later i realized the window was closed. So next day i asked him why would you closed the window. So then he got mad again saying I'm accusing him of trying to kill me. He told me he closed it because he was cold. I just ask a question on why closed the window when its possible the stove can create carbon monoxide. He felt accused and thats how we even got into it and that's when I brought commitment. He told me monday to leave him alone because I made him feel like an evil person but I think he is dragging it. It just weird to closed the window and he knew I was worried. He may forgot about the stove because hes very careless but things like that needs to be taken care of. Very irresponsible at times. I have to remind him to take care of important stuff.

You made him feel dumb


There's other bulls in the field too

May I ask, what decan virgo are you?
I believe second decanter. My bday sep 5th 1988. He hate hate feeling dumb lol
My mercury is in Libra
Posted by Virgokiss05

I believe second decanter. My bday sep 5th 1988. He hate hate feeling dumb lol
I can feel it lol

Oh well

I low key have this affect on my boyfriend when we first got together...

I can say the smallest thing and would be offended 😒

I know hes into me might even be in love with me and havent realized yet but he doesnt trust me that's the only issue he have with me. He called me a liar a couple times because I'm not open as much. My issue with him is his attitude and him not willing to fully commit. Honestly it's my fault because I allowed it. I should of walked away after I went through his phone. He went through mine to take the heat off him. He saying I'm just like him. I'm not I dont crossed boundaries. He been sexting getting videos from females and talking dirty. I dont do none of that. He seen some friendliness and I guess he feel a way because of who the person was. I dont understand I'm not flirty whatsoever. The guy was flirting with me though but mainly because me and my guy was broken up at the time. I mean can u really get mad if u said we weren't serious? He hate taking accountability which is why I called him a narcissist more than once. Honestly if I was moving like him I wouldnt be mad 🤷🏽‍♀️
He gets mad over my Instagram because a lot of guys are attracted to me. I cant help who I attract. It's like hes insecure because of it. I told him I dont have anyone then he says you have a whole bunch of guys on your instagram waiting for you smh. I know I'm attractive but he very attractive too. Hes Puerto rican and Jamaican very nice to look at for him to be so insecure. I dont want no one else but him. I dont care about none of these other guys. If he dont realize that then I guess it time to let go and he going to be sick if I meet someone worth it
This is not your average taurus. I been with two other taurus that took me serious within 3 months. He just very damaged and he feel I'm not trustworthy smh
Posted by Virgokiss05

He been sexting getting videos from females and talking dirty. I dont do none of that.
You caught him doing this while you're still together (whatever this non-committal "together"-ness might mean)? Or while you were on break?

edit: does he have venus in gemini?
He has venus in aries , mars in gemini and sagittarius rising. I have venus in cancer and mars in aries and gemini rising
Posted by Virgokiss05

He has venus in aries
that was going to be my next guess

@LittleStar_II ....the evidence mounts...

So - what about my other question? Were you on break when he was doing that with the other girls?
We was on break but it's the fact he still talk to the same girls. Last week he sent a sexual meme to one of them. That's y I mentioned commitment on monday. He mad at me about the accusing thing so idk if he meant he will never commit or he said it out of anger. He know I will leave so idk y he think I will put up with this. He is very stubborn he dont want to feel like I'm forcing him. He want to feel he made the decision on his on. It's his ego I guess but I dont care. I been very vulnerable with him he should be able to be that way with me
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by Metatron
Posted by Virgokiss05

He has venus in aries

that was going to be my next guess

@LittleStar_II ....the evidence mounts...

So - what about my other question? Were you on break when he was doing that with the other girls?

How dare you ask if it’s Gemini Venus first!

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It was the sexting/dirty talk lolol....Venus in Aries typically just shows right up & greets you with dry humping...

Mars in Gem though lol
Posted by Virgokiss05

We was on break but it's the fact he still talk to the same girls. Last week he sent a sexual meme to one of them. That's y I mentioned commitment on monday. He mad at me about the accusing thing so idk if he meant he will never commit or he said it out of anger. He know I will leave so idk y he think I will put up with this. He is very stubborn he dont want to feel like I'm forcing him. He want to feel he made the decision on his on. It's his ego I guess but I dont care. I been very vulnerable with him he should be able to be that way with me
see technically, he really didn't break any rules...

sexting while on break? I dunno...a break is a break. you may not get down like that, but I don't see the problem. Sexual meme? Like just as a joke, or implying something? What was the meme?

You still talk to guys who you slept with, and who still hit on you knowing you're with someone, putting the feelers out...You're somewhat in the same boat.

You can't strong-arm him, so if the relationship isn't what you want (even though he cooks, the sex and affection is great, and you love him), then you're going to have to walk away for real....Now at that point, you may have some leverage lol....
I'm going wait another week and if doesn't reach out I'm going to block his number and move on. I already blocked him on all social medias on monday.. I still watch his page from a fake page 😔. He hasn't post anything . Idk maybe hes hurt because he been posting all last week now nothing. He may be in deep thought
Posted by Virgokiss05

I already blocked him on all social medias on monday.. I still watch his page from a fake page 😔. He hasn't post anything

It was a cartoon picture of a man eating a woman out. Indicating he wants to eat her out. That dont sit right with me. If he seen me sending a guy a pic of a woman giving head he would be furious especially if its someone I was involved with.
Posted by Virgokiss05

I'm going wait another week and if doesn't reach out I'm going to block his number and move on.
I feel ya....even if you lose the love of your life, main thing is that you keep your pride intact...
Posted by Virgokiss05

It was a cartoon picture of a man eating a woman out. Indicating he wants to eat her out. That dont sit right with me. If he seen me sending a guy a pic of a woman giving head he would be furious especially if its someone I was involved with.
was there a joke with it? Or just a pic of this?...I don't even know why I'm asking that cuz yeah, if I was with someone and they're sending that kind of stuff back and forth privately, to someone they were sexting with, I'd be pissed...
Posted by FactCheck

Metatron! Stop giving virgos hope that they can fix trash men lol.
you win this one!

It all came down to that meme lolol
Posted by FactCheck

Metatron! Stop giving virgos hope that they can fix trash men lol.

Yea that's why hes been funny with his phone last week because he put it under the mattress when we was watching tv or sleeping. Then I asked why you put it under there and he was like he dont want it to fall off the bed. That's y I went thru it because that's fishy. Dont give me a reason to want to look in it. We not serious so he can do what he want but it's the fact he doesn't want me doing that stuff. He not being fair. Like why are u not trying to earn my trust. It's like why are doing this then? Just wasting time? I'm 31 I dont have time to waste. I told him to step up or step aside. I guess he if decide to truly commit he will be serious. I guess he doesn't want to say hes committed then go back on his word to look like a cheater. If he doesnt feel I'm worth loyalty then I should definitely feel he is not worth shit.
Posted by Virgokiss05

Yea that's why hes been funny with his phone last week because he put it under the mattress when we was watching tv or sleeping. Then I asked why you put it under there and he was like he dont want it to fall off the bed. That's y I went thru it because that's fishy. Dont give me a reason to want to look in it. We not serious so he can do what he want but it's the fact he doesn't want me doing that stuff. He not being fair. Like why are u not trying to earn my trust. It's like why are doing this then? Just wasting time? I'm 31 I dont have time to waste. I told him to step up or step aside. I guess he if decide to truly commit he will be serious. I guess he doesn't want to say hes committed then go back on his word to look like a cheater. If he doesnt feel I'm worth loyalty then I should definitely feel he is not worth shit.
he sent a sex meme....I don't think it means he isn't worth shit....he sounds like he treats you pretty well even though he's not ready to settle down....You're just looking for more than what he's offering right now....
I guess I have to leave him then sigh
Idk but to get back with now I need him to pour his heart out and commit
I dont think it's really all about sex all the time with him. He made me come over on my period last week and he didnt even ask for head. I think he just dont trust me all the way yet.
Posted by FactCheck
Posted by Metatron
Posted by Virgokiss05

Yea that's why hes been funny with his phone last week because he put it under the mattress when we was watching tv or sleeping. Then I asked why you put it under there and he was like he dont want it to fall off the bed. That's y I went thru it because that's fishy. Dont give me a reason to want to look in it. We not serious so he can do what he want but it's the fact he doesn't want me doing that stuff. He not being fair. Like why are u not trying to earn my trust. It's like why are doing this then? Just wasting time? I'm 31 I dont have time to waste. I told him to step up or step aside. I guess he if decide to truly commit he will be serious. I guess he doesn't want to say hes committed then go back on his word to look like a cheater. If he doesnt feel I'm worth loyalty then I should definitely feel he is not worth shit.

he sent a sex meme....I don't think it means he isn't worth shit....he sounds like he treats you pretty well even though he's not ready to settle down....You're just looking for more than what he's offering right now....

Shes a cancer moon. He's offering in the negative. Affection to get sex and dick 6 nights out of the week without anything real ain't shit. She can get that and more. She wants affection with someone who loves her and is committed. Not with someone who fapped to the girl next doors nudes he asked for prior to her coming over.
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she loves him though...and virgos like fixer-uppers...everyone makes mistakes and people change etc.....I don't know, it just doesn't seem like an unforgivable offense especially given that they aren't serious according to her...
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by Metatron
Posted by Virgokiss05 I already blocked him on all social medias on monday.. I still watch his page from a fake page 😔. He hasn't post anything


Annnnnd the other shoe drops
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I'm just glad I don't use SM outside of this place...I don't even want to know the levels I'd sink to....I didn't even think you could create a fake account on FB...I thought they required ID now but apparently you can...
Posted by Metatron
Posted by Virgokiss05 So then he got mad again saying I'm accusing him of trying to kill me....I just ask a question on why closed the window when its possible the stove can create carbon monoxide....

quick disclaimer...disregard my advice completely if this guy kills you...apparently there are some taurus men out there who do that...
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Wtf did I just read 😂😳
Posted by Metatron
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by Metatron
Posted by Virgokiss05

He has venus in aries

that was going to be my next guess

@LittleStar_II ....the evidence mounts...

So - what about my other question? Were you on break when he was doing that with the other girls?

How dare you ask if it’s Gemini Venus first!


It was the sexting/dirty talk lolol....Venus in Aries typically just shows right up & greets you with dry humping...

Mars in Gem though lol
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User Submitted Image
U can make a fake account on Instagram. I'm pretty good with finding out stuff
Pisces moon
Posted by MissKrabs
Posted by ELIGAB
Posted by Virgokiss05

Yea I am thinking of moving on if he take to long to tell me what it will be but he is very stubborn. I feel like he may give in but maybe not. The thing with him is he think im forcing him because I gave an ultimatum. Taurus dont like that. They like to do things on their time. Also, he is mad at me about something else. Unfortunately his stove is not working right. The oven wont turn off. So he told me to leave the window open which I was already doing. He came home upset about something insignificant that bothered him earlier that day and he went to sleep in the other room. Two hours later i realized the window was closed. So next day i asked him why would you closed the window. So then he got mad again saying I'm accusing him of trying to kill me. He told me he closed it because he was cold. I just ask a question on why closed the window when its possible the stove can create carbon monoxide. He felt accused and thats how we even got into it and that's when I brought commitment. He told me monday to leave him alone because I made him feel like an evil person but I think he is dragging it. It just weird to closed the window and he knew I was worried. He may forgot about the stove because hes very careless but things like that needs to be taken care of. Very irresponsible at times. I have to remind him to take care of important stuff.


You made him feel dumb


There's other bulls in the field too

May I ask, what decan virgo are you?

Better to be a killer than dumb 😂
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Look lol


This sounds just like the Taurus man I was dating. Trust issues, insecurities, would not take ownership of his actions, constantly blaming others for the way he feels, did not want to be 'played' (that was his favorite line), random girls in his phone, very possessive, ... I can go on and on...

But yet, I was so in love with him. I actually never loved someone like him. He was my soul mate. I saw who/ what he could be past all of that. But what I had to come and realize was that he wasn't ready for commitment. He had too much baggage and things he needed to let go of. It was like I was walking on eggshells to make sure I didn't do the wrong thing or say the wrong thing because if I did the smallest thing, like "laughing underneath someone picture on social media" he would go bat shhh crazy. I had to let him go so that he could find his sense of happiness. He wasn't happy with himself at all. He was a broken man. It's been 4 years since we broke up and I still love him.

I know you probably feel like its your fault or you wished you would've done something or said something to make him 'change' but you didn't. He has to mature and figure things for himself first. My best friend would always tell me something that kind of stuck with me: "you will never be good enough to man who isn't ready."
Y’all were friends since Middle school? Sounds like he is just used to being your friend and not your man. Tauruses are creatures of habit and they don’t take well to change. So you just need to help him transition. Try setting up some boundaries with positive and negative reinforcements. They usually respond well to those types of tactics. It lets them know what to expect.
Posted by virgal_perfectionist

This sounds just like the Taurus man I was dating. Trust issues, insecurities, would not take ownership of his actions, constantly blaming others for the way he feels, did not want to be 'played' (that was his favorite line), random girls in his phone, very possessive, ... I can go on and on...

But yet, I was so in love with him. I actually never loved someone like him. He was my soul mate. I saw who/ what he could be past all of that. But what I had to come and realize was that he wasn't ready for commitment. He had too much baggage and things he needed to let go of. It was like I was walking on eggshells to make sure I didn't do the wrong thing or say the wrong thing because if I did the smallest thing, like "laughing underneath someone picture on social media" he would go bat shhh crazy. I had to let him go so that he could find his sense of happiness. He wasn't happy with himself at all. He was a broken man. It's been 4 years since we broke up and I still love him.

I know you probably feel like its your fault or you wished you would've done something or said something to make him 'change' but you didn't. He has to mature and figure things for himself first. My best friend would always tell me something that kind of stuck with me: "you will never be good enough to man who isn't ready."
sounds familiar tbh...taurus is the eternal man-child....unfortunately its too easy to exploit the fact that women are a sucker for someone they think "has so much potential"...all you really have to do is show the potential, and never really realize it to sustain attraction lol....
It's crazy because he come off like a narcissist when hes upset but once he calms down and really think about it. He does apologize and realize he has issues. In april he broke down and sobbed on the phone. First time I ever heard him cry. He felt bad and wish he could love me better and said hes need help. He told me needed to find himself. I gave him space and I told him I'll be here for him . A week later he came running back to me. I really think hes needs therapy. If we decide to make it work I think him going to therapy is mandatory for me. He has some deep rooted issues. That childhood trauma is deep. He so sensitive to everything. It's like relax. Why u upset over insignificant stuff. We get along great but when he get worked up over something he mess up the whole day and then dont want to be around me. I give him space when he acts like that. Hes a great guy a lot ppl like him. But dating him can be annoying at times. No one knows him like I do. I seen the good; the bad and the ugly.
it's very hard to leave pisces moon men... and also very dangerous

but what i know of taurus is they will stalk you even if you block them

might even make a whole new account just to stalk
LVP would never put up with this!
Posted by virgoOPPP

might even make a whole new account just to stalk

OP is actually doing this lol...
Posted by Metatron
Posted by virgoOPPP

might even make a whole new account just to stalk

OP is actually doing this lol...
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i blame cancer moon coz that's the moon that will demand whatsapp access
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by Metatron
Posted by virgoOPPP

might even make a whole new account just to stalk

OP is actually doing this lol...


i blame cancer moon coz that's the moon that will demand whatsapp access
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I can appreciate a woman who is willing to do a little stalking...I find it flattering....unless of course, you don't like the person in which case it is annoying and kinda scary lol...