If after 2 years in a relarionship,one doesn't want to livetogether, but the other does. What would u do? What does that say?
I'm going thru a similar situation with my Cap! Months ago, he said I was welcome to move into his friend's house with him if I needed to (in reference to my financial situation) and then we could eventually look for our own place together. The reason I didn't was because I ended up not needing to and didn't want him to think I "needed" him. I'm an Aries and like my independence and don't ever want to look needy.
We ended up breaking up and shortly afterwards I found out I was pregnant. Things seemed to be slowly getting better so when he brought up moving out of his friend's house and getting his own place, I asked him if he would still want to live together. He said, "I want to find a house, make the downpayment, etc. First and then we can go from there. Let's just take it one day at a time." I figured he just wanted to focus on one thing at a time since I heard Caps don't like to multitask. HOWEVER, I heard from a mutual friend he said we're definitely NOT moving in together!
I'm so confused as to why he's leading me on and also why did he want to move in a few months ago, but not now that I'm pregnant!? I didn't do anything like cheat on him, hurt him, lie, etc.
I forgot to add that we were together for a year and have been "broken up" for about 3 months now.