Which planet placement would be the one that is about JEALOUSY?

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by Aerazo on Sunday, March 19, 2017 and has 10 replies.
Good question
I thought I wasn't jealous until I met this Cap.

Now I'm usually jealous!!! I hate it bc I get very analytical, sort of follow his moves, but many times I feel like he only does it to make me watch him. lol
Posted by Areyoumytwinflame
Venus Pluto aspects in synastry
I'm Venus Pisces Pluto Scorpio.

Any insights?
Posted by Aerazo
I thought I wasn't jealous until I met this Cap.

Now I'm usually jealous!!! I hate it bc I get very analytical, sort of follow his moves, but many times I feel like he only does it to make me watch him. lol
Aquas get possessive over those we realllllly like or care for. Jealousy will get triggered. LOL
Posted by Areyoumytwinflame
Posted by Aerazo
Posted by Areyoumytwinflame
Venus Pluto aspects in synastry
I'm Venus Pisces Pluto Scorpio.

Any insights?
Is it a trine? In your natal chart or your synastry?

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What's all that? Sorry, still trying to adjust to Astrology smile
Don't anyone dare to say scorpio!!!I'm a scorpio(sun Pluto n dom) n I'm not jealous at all Tongue
Posted by DividedWeCapricorn
Posted by Aerazo
Posted by Areyoumytwinflame
Posted by Aerazo
Posted by Areyoumytwinflame
Venus Pluto aspects in synastry
I'm Venus Pisces Pluto Scorpio.

Any insights?
Is it a trine? In your natal chart or your synastry?

What's all that? Sorry, still trying to adjust to Astrology smile
Trine is an aspect in astrology that is usually referring to those of the same element. It's a positive thing. For instance, Aquarius will trine Libra and Gemini, while Pisces will trine Cancer and Scorpio, these apply in both relationships and your own birth chart (you will probably like the person a lot, or you are harmonious in general if trines are present)

Natal chart is another way of saying birth chart, which is your own chart.

Synastry chart is a chart between you and another person, usually your partner or potential partner. Both of your natal charts are placed in one big chart where it'll be further analysed and checked for harmonious aspects or not-so-harmonious aspects. For instance, your favourite Cappy can have Leo venus which squares your Pluto, which is then called a venus-pluto hard aspect, and can lead to some potential problems.
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Thank you!!!

I have both of our charts, you think you can help me out?


Sun - Aquarius

Moon - Gemini

Venus - Pisces

Mercury -

Mars -Saggitarius

Saturn - Saggitarius

Uranus - Saggitarius

Neptune - Capricorn

Pluto - Scorpio

Jupiter - Aries


Sun - Capricorn

Moon - Aries

Venus - Aquarius

Mercury - Capricorn

Mars - Scorpio

Saturn - Saggitarius

Uranus - Saggitarius

Neptune - Capricorn

Pluto - Scorpio

Jupiter - Aries

I Just realized we have very similar placements.!!

Posted by justagirl
Posted by Aerazo
I thought I wasn't jealous until I met this Cap.

Now I'm usually jealous!!! I hate it bc I get very analytical, sort of follow his moves, but many times I feel like he only does it to make me watch him. lol
Aquas get possessive over those we realllllly like or care for. Jealousy will get triggered. LOL
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Do you feel like FBI Agent sometimes?


I'm not one to create drama, but if something is fishy I check for info, sit back and watch ?

If I notice something then I communicate, most of the time in a good manner, and mainly as a warning "I'm watching you" but if there is something I'm done, for good.

I hardly ever give second chances.

Posted by Aerazo
Posted by justagirl
Posted by Aerazo
I thought I wasn't jealous until I met this Cap.

Now I'm usually jealous!!! I hate it bc I get very analytical, sort of follow his moves, but many times I feel like he only does it to make me watch him. lol
Aquas get possessive over those we realllllly like or care for. Jealousy will get triggered. LOL
Do you feel like FBI Agent sometimes?


I'm not one to create drama, but if something is fishy I check for info, sit back and watch ?

If I notice something then I communicate, most of the time in a good manner, and mainly as a warning "I'm watching you" but if there is something I'm done, for good.

I hardly ever give second chances.

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I have a Scorpio rising, I'm innately suspicious. I try to keep it in check tbh.