A study on OkCupid

If some of you people are on there also, please feel free to add. :D I first got on that site when it had nothing to...

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by Damnata on Friday, April 25, 2014 and has 83 replies.
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69% match, the sexiest match there can be lol.
Let me check where we answered in a different way
1)Are you fascinated with all things dark and macabre?
Snoz: I used to be
What do you mean, used to? Sad
2)Upon first meeting, would you be most attracted to a person who:
Snoz: Is mysterious and elusive
Can someone teach me how to do this? I swear I never could figure it out.
3)Does the idea of flipping a coin to make important life decisions appeal to you?
Snoz: Yes
I totally see your Aqua Sun, Pisces Moon here.
4)Do you want your partner to be kinkier than you?
Snoz: Not possible
You don't say...
5)How often are you open with your feelings?
Snoz: Rarely
It almost sounds like you're an Aquarius or smthg
6) It's your first date with someone you recently met. At the end she/he says "I think I love you."
Snoz: Scary
Posted by SanchoMuyTerrible
Posted by Damnata
Know that Maroon song "She will be loved?"
Well in my mind it always went like "She will be examined"

I know where you hide alone in your car. Know everything that makes you who you are 0_0
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I swear we're lucky Virgos can pull off the innocent look.
If they only knew..lol
HAHA! IT WOULD BE SCARY! I mean come on first date... RUN FOR IT! Tongue
And I noticed you answered almost 1000 questions *whips* get on to it. I want to see 1000!
You should've seen my first profile Snoz..I wrote a novel on there. I signed up for the tests..really funny shit.
There was this Leo guy from Sweden who messaged me and he had a NOVEL on his profile. It's like the scroll button never stopped scrolling.
I replied "Let me read the novel that is your profile and I will get back to you"
You know snoz I actually pull that shit on first dates. Just for the lulz.
Guy: "Good night"
Damnata: "So?"
Guy: "So what?"
The look on their face makes my night. Both my Aries and Cap Ex froze at that. The Aries recovered quickly enough.
And I wonder why I'm single lol
Yeah I'm just sifting through some long messages now. I can tell I put the profile up when I was 24? I mean my cut off mark was 19 years old... ouch that's a tad young for me now.
Was a fun social experiment while it lasted, made a few friends from that! And as for the dark stuff? lol let's just say I was into right after I got dumped by my first love, it happened.
AND HAHA! If you did that to me I would just burst out laughing and take you to the nearest pawn shop for a ring. Unless you gazed deeply into my eyes and said it like you meant it I will leg it out of there!
Well it left me even more puzzled than your dxp persona so...goal accomplished I think?
Tell me you answered the questions in jest.
Posted by aquasnoz

AND HAHA! If you did that to me I would just burst out laughing and take you to the nearest pawn shop for a ring. Unless you gazed deeply into my eyes and said it like you meant it I will leg it out of there!

The Aries went and bought two beers and took those rings from the top and slid them on my small finger and his
"There. Done"
Fell in love right there.
I cannot gaze deeply into anyone's eyes Snoz. I am a Virgo, I have no feels to reflect in their eyes lol.
Alright alright I guess in a virgo's case if it sounded like a business proposal I will equate that to a longing gaze!
Posted by aquasnoz
Alright alright I guess in a virgo's case if it sounded like a business proposal I will equate that to a longing gaze!

Posted by SanchoMuyTerrible
Posted by Damnata
Well it left me even more puzzled than your dxp persona so...goal accomplished I think?
Tell me you answered the questions in jest.

HAHA! I've been acting really crazy with this. I've messaged this one guy like five times asking him what his sign is. He keeps visiting, but he hasn't messaged back...
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And people think we're rational..
smh @ you people
Oh god what the fuck I hit quickmatch for fun and 2 of my exs popped up.
Posted by aquasnoz
Oh god what the fuck I hit quickmatch for fun and 2 of my exs popped up.

The Aries is still the highest match for my country. Time to get out of here..
Posted by SanchoMuyTerrible
Posted by Damnata
Well it left me even more puzzled than your dxp persona so...goal accomplished I think?
Tell me you answered the questions in jest.

HAHA! I've been acting really crazy with this. I've messaged this one guy like five times asking him what his sign is. He keeps visiting, but he hasn't messaged back...
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Ofc he keeps visiting. He thinks you're crazy and crazy sex is awesome sex.
Put a picture up and see the men falling over themselves over crazy.
You go to browse people and pick the option with the percentage.
I remember when I first started dating the Aries, he thought he was a Pisces LOL. His birthday is smack dab on the border.
He didn't know shit about Astrology. Like at all.
I talked to him..2 weeks ago I think. He's dating this Pisces chick.
He went "Virgo/Pisces axis..smh"
It dawned on me that relationship worked out great in the end bahaha. One more person converted to the cult.
Posted by SanchoMuyTerrible
Winking I get it Damny, you want to see what I look like.
I've actually received messages from two Capricorns despite not having a picture...which, astrologically, doesn't make any sense at all, does it? AND my profile says I'm married.

Capricorns go for married women lol.
Ands, there's this guy hitting on me who has firebunny's exact placements and date of birth.
He's either a clone or him. Can you tell him to stop it?
Also Ands, I am annoyed by our low enemy percentage.
Can we both commit to getting that percentage higher?
You have not replied to my message Crying YOU DONT LOVE ME! /piscesmoontears
oh scratch that lol! but now I need to go I'm going to completel 900 questions just to see the differences and similarities later ha!
Posted by strudel
Posted by Damnata
Ands, there's this guy hitting on me who has firebunny's exact placements and date of birth.
He's either a clone or him. Can you tell him to stop it?

Bunny does not have okcupid i think.
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He types exactly like him. Idiotically.
And there's a lot of @_@
Posted by aquasnoz
You have not replied to my message Crying YOU DONT LOVE ME! /piscesmoontears

I am the one with Venus in Cancer..
No one else is allowed to be clingy but me Big Grin
Posted by strudel
Posted by aquasnoz
You have not replied to my message Crying YOU DONT LOVE ME! /piscesmoontears

Who me? I am not yet logged on and i don't have the app. Big Grin
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YES! Because the virgo doesn't want me, I'm moving to greener pastures. PASTURES get it? hurhurhur *tumbleweed*
No loyalty, snoz. smh
I was wondering when this topic will turn into a circle jerk.
I'm digging this.
Posted by SanchoMuyTerrible
Posted by Damnata
You should've seen my first profile Snoz..I wrote a novel on there. I signed up for the tests..really funny shit.
There was this Leo guy from Sweden who messaged me and he had a NOVEL on his profile. It's like the scroll button never stopped scrolling.
I replied "Let me read the novel that is your profile and I will get back to you"

I was going to tell you when I messaged you that you really fleshed that shit out lol! You're saying your other one was more in depth @_@
So, what did you think of mine? Smug
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0 fucks were given that day
I am not trolling you. Don't know about the rest of the vixens in this topic..and by vixens I mean snoz and ands.
With the Aries, he had a lot to deal with in his life and me staying..would've only enabled him because I would've gone full fix it mode. It's a pity I didn't meet him sooner but then again..I loved the 3 years I spent with him.
We're really good friends now. I know we'll always have that and somehow this dynamic works better.
You know, prior to this relationship I never thought people who broke up could be good friends and be fond of each other. Not that kind of fake, polite friendship.
I discussed it with him. I am a ride or die kind of chick but he made me realize people need to deal with some stuff on their own. I was already in fix it mode and it was pissing him off. Which is weird, because I can help him now and he doesn't have a problem with it lol.
I know. I stopped lol.
Or so I think.
Did you respond to the chick that hit on you? lol
Posted by Damnata
If some of you people are on there also, please feel free to add. Big Grin
I first got on that site when it had nothing to do with dating and it was mainly a tests site. Still enjoy the tests there.
I met a lot of nice people, based on that percentage match they do.
I've been thinking for a while to add some stuff I've seen:
- Way too many Virgos on there lol
- A lot of racist people. There is a question there that goes by "Would you date someone from another race?". I see a lot of "Depends on what race" answers.
- The regular DXP user is Mensa smart compared to what I've seen on there.
- A lot of people when asked "How important is your parents decision in your life?" answer with "I only care about their decision". It boggles my mind.
- Excited about having a high match with someone? Look at how many questions they answered and if you answer more of theirs, you'll see that match drop like women's panties.
- People still don't know who Darwin is. No judgment if you approve his theory or not but to have never heard of it?

People don't know who Darwin was? Shit...
Posted by Damnata
Posted by TigerCap
Well my cover has been blown. Damnata messaged me on there after I told her our match percentage. Tongue

I started out as the 'Boy next door', turned into 'The backrubber' and now this.

Do you feel it was accurate? The transition? I only got 2 results and both are accurate for where I was in my life.
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Not entirely, when I was in the 'backrubber' phase I wasn't very horny and I didn't have sex. It just reflected my opinions on the matter. I would probably say that I am on the fence of love and/or sex.
'The backrubber' is Deliberate Gentle Sex Dreamer (DGSD) and 'The Slow dancer' Deliberate Gentle Love Dreamer (DGLD).
I should probably retake the test and see what I get now.

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