Aquarius male vs Pisces female???

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by love2bfish? on Tuesday, October 17, 2006 and has 16 replies.
In desperate need on advise on my relationship with my aquarius boyfriend of just over a year, I stumbled on this site. But now that I read on pisces I cannot help but wonder if we will ever be satisfied? Why do I feel so alone in this relationship? Is it all aquarian men that do their own thing, he seldom gets me involved and to make things worse he just got devorsed when we met. Althought there would not be a day that go by without him phoning me, I still cannot help but feel lost and unloved? We don't live far apart (not in same suburb) but he will seldom visit me, always invites me over ( ones or twice a week) and the rest of the time he will be by himself or with his family. Is this normal? What the hell is normal? Maybe I am just to sensitive for an aquarius male, but then on the other hand, I seldom let him know that this bothers me, we have great times together and get on so so so well? I have been introduced to his family, co workers and most of his friends, but then still dont get invited with on family occations? Why? He owns his own business and that keeps him busy as well. Is there hope for an aquarius / pisces relatioship?
im friend with a aqua man but i want more at the mo he wants to be just friends anyway
this is what i found.
Love Match (Pisces with Aquarius)
This is a difficult association. Aquarius is brooding, pessimistic and overly dependent upon Pisces. Whereas Pisces loves Aquarius though sometimes feels stifled in this relationship. But you begin to like each other gradually Aquarius has to make more adjustments. Once the relationship is established. Pisces looks after and protects mutual interests. Aquarius is intrigued by Pisces's romantic charm and Pisces is drawn to Aquarius's visionary ideals. Sensual, imaginative Pisces will go along with anything, Aquarius wants and they achieve and unusual intimacy. However things begin to go downhill as Pisces insists on more and more testaments of love. Dependent, indecisive Pisces needs someone strong to take control. Aquarius shuns any kinds of emotional demands. When Aquarius feels hemmed in by that all enveloping Piscean web, it will struggle free and go its own way. This arena could go either way. The Water bearer surrenders to no one unless the tests have been passed. Remember how we mentioned quirks? If Aquarians like you they may actually do everything in their power to show restraint to the point of even appearing disinterested. It is easy for them to put their attention on something else just to "harness" the intensity of their emotions. Pisces' capacity for understanding would allow this to go on for quite some time. They may even shed a few tears of hurt but never so intrusive as to make the Water Bearer feel guilty...instinctively they know that would shove them even further away. On the other hand, once Aquarius feels that they have a friend who doesn't want to own them and who supports their idealistic vision they can take you on a physical journey that makes the wait worthwhile. (don't tell anyone but the Aquarians are often shocked at the complete and delicious passion that awaits them from their Piscean friend!)
So True...
I still believe Pisces and aquarius are meant for one another...personal experience.
You have to be patient okay...dont blame it all on him being an aqua, but he is going through issues as well. Im sure he likes you alot, but this takes time...ALOT of time.
Check out the boards and you will see everyone is "suffering" the same way about aquas, particularly aqua males. BUT trust me WE ARE WORTH IT (yes, im bias... I know). I hope your up for the rollercoaster....its gonna be a heck of a ride, if you can handle it.
thanx for the advise!!! I do agree aquarius is worth it, but i am so glad i found this site, do believe it will help me cope, i do not know if pisces can handle an aquarius relationship without some help, none of my friend are aquarius so this relationship is new to all of us, hie hie hie... but (dont' need to say this really) everybody loves him to bits, aquarius is so charming!!!! i found the message aquamarine01 wrote under aquarius, trying to understand an aquarian male. Must say it is so spot on! i really do not want to loose him, but know that my emotions can run away with me and at the moment do not want him to know how i feel sometimes, because in the mornings tings look so different. definitally a hec of a rollercoaster ride!!!!! never normal, either on a high or a low, never in between! i still need to make peace with this and get to "normal"!
yes, with aqua men it is always a high or a low...there is no in between. the situation is either really good, almost perfect...or really, really bad!!! they run very hot and cold, and in their cold don't want to be in their presence!
Well I'm a pisces male and I'm engaged to be married to an aqua girl. If you guys want more on this lemme know but I'll just say that you have to look at more than just sun signs, that's for sure. My aqua girl has moon in pisces and mars in scorpio so she's more into togetherness than the average aquarian. I have gemini rising and moon in capricorn so like my own brand of space and need a girl who's somewhat aloof and self-reliant at same times she's romatic and a bit clingy, like myself. We take turns feeling clingy while the other pulls away a bit. Guess that's why it works. Mostly though we just like lots of same type of stuff and don't really like the hustle and bustle of daily life too much. Her friends and family are really important to her----I'm less socially developed, but while she getting her space with them I just do my hobbies, listen to tunes, or drift into my imagination. It works out pretty well other than fact we can't decide what type of weeding we want, big or small.
go small smile
It's so hard to be a Pisces and control some emotions. I'm terribly romantic and I have to try and hold back a bit.
FEELINGFISHY-----YES you do need to hold back a bit with your aqua pals or lover. But they have adjustments they will also make for you warming up a bit and being more willing to show their sympathy rather than keeping it an abstraction only in their hears, you know a concept. Thing is though, for this one to work, the fish really needs to give aqua the benefit of the doubt every time those fishy feeling overwhelm you and make you wanna say, I need more attention, more time with you, more adoration, etc, etc. Tone your passion just a bit, give aqua a little space and he/she will return to you, if he/she loves you. NATURALLY, your ability to meet one another halfway will depend on how much water or earth aqua has and much air or fire pisces has. The more female signs aqua has and the more male signs pisces has, the better the chances for sustained attraction.
I still believe Pisces and aquarius are meant for one another...personal experience.
i hope your right lady m
Oh you guys.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i met my aqua man about a week ago and being the sexual being that i am "did the deed" which i know was crazy but i was scaryly attractd to him and just could not help myself!!!!!!!!!!!
That was a tuesday, that same day his uncle was admitted to hosp and he asked me to lend him money towards hospital bills. I - for the life of me - have no idea why i felt that i could trust him, gave him the money. the thursday his unlce passed on. which he sms me to let me know. Since then |I have not heard from him. He does not take my calls or respond to any of my messges.
|It is day 3. I left him a friendly message saying that i am concerned about him and hope to hear from him soon. logic tells me to calm down and give him time and my heart just cant stop feeling like he slept with me and took my money!!!!!!
I really liked him but we were not in a relationship and I dont know him at all. He spoke to me about how he reallly really likes me and feels that he's ready to be in a relationship - but i cant fathom that this was all some scam for a measly R500.00. I really dont want to believe that this is what happened.
Am i being crazy, foolish, neurotic or is that what happened????? Please give some input or mail me directly at
1. You said that you seldem ever voice your feelings/concerns about things. THAT is a huge problem. How can you expect him to conform to your needs if he doesn't even know what they are?
2. You 2 don't sound compatible. How you feel about someone is 1 thing b/c it's not always based on compatibility alone. But how compatible you 2 are is something different. You like this guy alot, BUT you guys have nothing in common. And the things you actually do have in common, he'd rather do by himself. Not cool.
3. Yes Aquas like their independence, BUT trust me, the average Aqua who is truly in love with someone won't have any problem transitioning that person into their lives. That's the entire point of a relationship. Sounds like this guy has the title with you but yet actually lives the single life. Sounds like you're one of his "friends"
4. Speak up. Tell this guy how you feel & what you want/expect from him. He'll either take your concerns into consideration & make some compromises OR his lack of care for you & the relationship will come to the surface if/when he decides to do nothing about it. Either way, always be willing to say that you technically told him...always have the satisfaction in knowing that you did your part
5. You're not happy, so why are you settling? Loving someone to death aint worth a shxt if you STILL feel alone. Feeling alone for long periods of time even when you have a companion DEFEATS the entire purpose of having a companion.
6. This isn't about Aqua & Pisces; this situation is way bigger than astrology. This is about you settling for the minimum & suffering in silence. Do something about it now or else he'll assume that the amount of attention he's actually giving you is enough. The longer it takes you to speak up, the harder it'll be for him to understand where you're all of the sudden coming from
Sorry guys but I don't think "astrology" justifies suffering in a relationship. Even 2 of the most compatible people (according to astrology) shouldn't settle for the minimum/less than what they want and deserve all b/c some astrologer believes that both signs are compatible.
I would like to get a male aquarius outlook on a relationship with a pisces woman because its a very emotional ride. I've been with my aquaman for 2 1/2 years and we even have a child together. Now in the beginning it was all oranges, peaches and apples. But when he got locked up we broke up for like 3 mounths because he thought i was cheating on him. Then we got back together and its been crazy because has been less compassionate and dont want to really want to be around me. I mean he comes home every night but its like he dont want to. Pluse he told me if we ever break up i would have to be the one to do it. My question is will an aquarius man stay in a relationship if he is not happy?
Hello there! well my expirience as a pisces woman with an aquarius man is rather beyond hectic! we first started out as friends..really good friends...always happy and a lot in common...we would do everything together and were unseperatable thinking back on it now there were more than plenty of signs that he was faced with assorted troubles in his life. It didnt dawn on me then because again we were only friends at the time. 3 years past and we began dating...NOT TO MENTION WORST IDEA! the first two months i was completely undecisive of what i really wanted...i had mentioned that to him that i was not ready to fully commit and it simply had no other reason than to do with the fact that I just didnt wana get hurt, by giving it my all and getting walked on. Because im that kind of girl where when i give it my all i literally give it my all...any who do to the fact that I was still single i did have an affair with a past relationship...bahhhhd idea again...Mr. aquarius felt betrayed, offended and sought to become controlling, possessive and then it became domestic...after that point its now bout 5 months in the relationship n he would blame me for everything that was wrong in his life and belittled me...Robbed me from my self esteem and imprisoned me from my female rights in respect i had no choice but to run away from him by pressing charges...He became a monster who had no self esteem and such low insecurities who tried to manipulate me in every way possible to believe he was right in got to the point where i began to fear him in my presence... and he knew i feared him... well in conclusion because i want to wrap this up did not work for me but might for others!!! but my honest opinion...aquarius are just to strong of a sign for the sensitive loving pisces!
Posted by uniqueness69
in the relationship n he would blame me for everything that was wrong in his life and belittled me...Robbed me from my self esteem and imprisoned me from my female rights in respect i had no choice but to run away from him by pressing charges...He became a monster who had no self esteem and such low insecurities who tried to manipulate me in every way possible to believe he was right in got to the point where i began to fear him in my presence... and he knew i feared him... well in conclusion because i want to wrap this up did not work for me but might for others!!! but my honest opinion...aquarius are just to strong of a sign for the sensitive loving pisces!

This is how it ended with my Aquarius ex too... Sad
I'm still just realizing how bad it was and continue to kick myself for trying to stay non-confrontational for so long. Always trying to look at his good points and make excuses for his disgusting behavior. I STILL do it to a certain extent... pisces rising, cancer sun sensitivity can attach those rose colored glasses to your face. Or is it always trying to see the good in the people we care about? who knows...
I'm so glad to be away from him. Thanks for posting this uniqueness69