Bisexuality...The Discussion

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by CreepyPants on Saturday, June 2, 2007 and has 5 replies.
here are my questions...
when is it real? ...if it is real
when is it just for attention?
some have said to me that it's a matter of physicality. in other words, a ligitimate relationship isn't necessarily a prerequisite to being bisexual since sexuality is what it's all about. so what... empty sex? personally, i would disagree. i really doubt homosexuals identify as being gay just because they like to have sex with people of the same sex... i think it's because they actually like people of the same sex... not just the sex. why would bisexuality be any different?
and what about bi-curiosity... what on earth does that mean? well, ok... i know what it means, but it seems like an overused phrase to cause... excitement and rile people up most of the time. maybe i just run into too many idiots.
i just find girls who claim bisexuality tiresome when they've never had a real relationship with another girl... it just comes off as... hrmmm, well, DUMB! that and bi-curiosity... it seems like most of the time, they're after sexual approval from someone... ya, a guy. i dont find guys doing this too much... though, i did know one guy who kind of flaunted it.
i think a better word for the bi-curious thing would be... 'experimental' in some cases it seems like 'mental' would work just fine too.
another thought
'experimental' would also work for the chic who had ONE sexual encounter with another female... just to, yes, experiment. i dont think one or two goes just to try it out even qualifies someone as bisexual. bisexual is a sexual orientation in that ...not just sexually, but romantically as well... that is who you are geared towards.
those are my thoughts.
anyone else?
Creepypants .. everybody, from my perspective, is indeed, bi-sexual.
From the position of where I observe the world .. the laws of attraction aren't limited to the sexual act "itself", as you pointed out, quote, "a ligitimate relationship isn't necessarily a prerequisite to being bisexual".
In the animal kingdom, to include, homosapiens, we are wired for attraction NOT according to our "thoughts", rather, from our instincts. Our most rudimentary instinct is to procreate, and this drive comes from pharamones, which is not detectable by our conscious awareness .. this instinct is our strongest and supercedes all others, it directs us with every interaction we have with other humans, to relate to friends of same, as well as, opposite genders.
So, in reality .. when a person befriends a person and becomes very close to that person, whether thier "thoughts" are sexual, or not .. has no bearing on their inherent sexual orientation, since it was the drive to procreate that made these two people attracted to each other.
Straight, Gay, Bi .. those are just labels that our "brains" told us to do because we can't make sense out of why we have these desires when they aren't asked for by our intelligence. So, if we label ourselves and say "I am straight" .. then I have a certain criteria in which I've programmed myself to adhere to, in an attempt to push back any desire that might present itself.
Just like dogs .. if we listened to our instincts, instead of obeying the programming, we would be humping what our scents picked up, irrespective of gender smile
There is no such thing, IMO.
Bi now...Gay later, is the motto.
Yeah, it is a good topic. And you did make an excellent point.
Sometimes, I think .. IF there is a soulmate, who is our perfect match in every way out there, we meet this person, but, turn them away because they are the wrong gender, then we've just robbed ourselves AND that other person of a love so beautiful, trusting and understanding .. because of a "label", one that society tells us we have to do?
That's sad .. and I hope that when I meet my person, that my eyes and heart are wide open to recieve this loving person in my life. To me, it wouldn't be any different than rejecting someone because of race, age, religious beliefs.