Can I make a long distance relationship work?

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by beelibra on Thursday, April 25, 2013 and has 18 replies.
Im a Libra woman in southern california. I started talking to this guy in Arizona (also libra) not even a week ago! & honestly it may sound stupid but we feel like we found eachother and we are one another's "the one." We are so alike. I can't explain how perfect things are. Were both just so happy, smitten, and at a loss for words. I have a 2 and a half year old daughter and he has a son out here in California with his mother who is almost two. He's living right now with his brother out there and I think us being only 400 miles away makes it pretty possible for this to work, right? There's just no way we're not going to ride this out. I would like some tips on how this could work, because there is no letting it not work. I am buying a house out here, which by the way is the city where he grew up all of his life. I figure, they have a lease for a year until it is up. If we are able to make it work through that year, maybe they will move back. Since his son is here and all. Will have to take it a step at a time.honestly I am so sure about this, that I don't need to know if I should follow through with this because we know that we are. My question being, what is the best way I can go about this? Tips, personal experience...etc? Thanks so much. Sincerely, cornball. Winking the Cap gone?
Also be leary of the Libra...they are hot and cold...very hot in the beginning and so full on that you fall for them easily and then they do an about face and back away so fast they leave you reeling....don't make the moves...let him lead this waltz if you want to be assured it's real...
Glad you asked! well things with the cap got very cold, nothing changed except that today he actually asked me out on a date which he's obviously never done because I'm usually the one making moves as far as the affection & all else goes. he started feeling me get distant and he brought it up to me and I think now he's trying to make a change. if he is it is very hard to tell let me tell you. We did talk about being exclusive together before but we aren't even close to being in a relationship. I know I can only focus on one so I'm wondering if I should just let the cap go. Whether he is a slow mover or not I can't keep depriving myself. he has this way of just putting me down in the dumps for no reason and I think I deserve better than that.And yes I have followed all of his moves. My ex of four years & the father of my daughter was also a Libra and we had a very romantic strong relationship until he cheated. Both of our ex's have cheated on repetitively and we are in the same situation, so I'm sure that is out of the question with us
Have you actually MET this guy in person yet ? The internet can be cool and all... but you really won't know where you are headed until you have met face to face.
A long distance relationship can work... but only for a short time. I have actually heard that Libras are the only ones that can actually work with another Libra... but you can fill us in on that later !
Some people here know that I am American... but can you guess why I came to France in the first place ? If not, I will help you with this one: It was for a WOMAN ! She visited me in the US after 6 weeks of webcams and conversations... she was born the same day I was... month, day, and year. I calculated that we were born only 2 hours and 2 minutes apart... just different sides of the world. She stayed with me in the US for 10 days... and when she left, it just wasn't the same... to go back to our living on the other's monitor screen. After some days... I decided... and I moved two months later.
Long story short, it didn't work out... though we are still friends. I believe things happen for a reason... and though I didn't see it at the time... her job was just to bring me here.
You know what will happen if you DO NOT try ? Oh... I can help you with this one too: NOTHING. I don't think we really ever decide who to love... it just is. You can accept it when it comes, from where ever it comes... or not.
Posted by beelibra
... not even a week ago!
... we feel like we found eachother and we are one another's "the one."

Failure !!
A relationship isn't built on attraction ... and you are banking on lust, with what appears to be no awareness
I know nothing about this Cap that is mentioned, but, I'd bet if I went and looked I find ignorance on your part because this one is dripping with it.
... because you are playing the rush, and are oblivious to it's unstability.

There's no doubt in my mind that when you fall, you will have never seen it's coming .... and ignorance just isn't acceptable considering you weren't born a cow
* in

not un
Posted by P-Angel
* in

not un

you obviously overlooked what I said. I said I don't care about the attraction or what's on the surface, it's about l
Our chemistry, conversation, how great things are between us...his personality. It has nothing to do with attraction. He even said himself at first he was so happy he started talking to me because he thought I was so beautiful, but now he sees me for me and he loves who I am and can't get enough. Its really not about the attraction.
Posted by David13
Have you actually MET this guy in person yet ? The internet can be cool and all... but you really won't know where you are headed until you have met face to face.
A long distance relationship can work... but only for a short time. I have actually heard that Libras are the only ones that can actually work with another Libra... but you can fill us in on that later !
Some people here know that I am American... but can you guess why I came to France in the first place ? If not, I will help you with this one: It was for a WOMAN ! She visited me in the US after 6 weeks of webcams and conversations... she was born the same day I was... month, day, and year. I calculated that we were born only 2 hours and 2 minutes apart... just different sides of the world. She stayed with me in the US for 10 days... and when she left, it just wasn't the same... to go back to our living on the other's monitor screen. After some days... I decided... and I moved two months later.
Long story short, it didn't work out... though we are still friends. I believe things happen for a reason... and though I didn't see it at the time... her job was just to bring me here.
You know what will happen if you DO NOT try ? Oh... I can help you with this one too: NOTHING. I don't think we really ever decide who to love... it just is. You can accept it when it comes, from where ever it comes... or not.

No no we have not met yet. I love the way you put things. I really do think that to the bread together works, because the chemistry in all just out of this world. That's awesome that when you did those things went to seem that you wanted to be together. I'm a firm believer of things happen for a reason as well and you are totally right I don't want to stand by & not try. I wonder if trying to see each other at least once a month would suffice.
Posted by beelibra
you obviously overlooked what I said. I said I don't care about the attraction or what's on the surface, it's about l
Our chemistry, conversation, how great things are between us...his personality. It has nothing to do with attraction.

Posted by beelibra
I started talking to this guy ..... not even a week ago!

click to expand

Of course, it's all attraction and nothing more because you don't even know him.
And obviously you overlooked the fact during the stage you are in, people are making impressions of themselves according to attractions, rather than actually being themselves.
Like I said, and like I saw when I read the history with the Capricorn ..... you jump in blind, totally ignorant to anything except unrealistic expectations that are based on no real value.

In less than a week ... you don't even know how YOU feel, much less be able to bank on how he feels.

::: shakes head :::

You doing this is a clear sign of you being immature, because immature people don't "think" and merely react
Posted by beelibra
No no we have not met yet.

Shit, you haven't even smelt each others breath yet .. chemistry isn't established from internet or text talks ... chemistry comes from physically being in literal contact with each other.

dude ... you haven't even met him and here you are proclaiming to have met The One. You're so foolish and have no idea at all .. at all.

::: shakes head :::

At one point, people were relationship-maturing. People would be grown up ready to face the relationship-world by the time they turned 18 ... now, a person still has the relationship-maturity level of a 10 year old at 28.

da fuck?
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by beelibra
No no we have not met yet.

Shit, you haven't even smelt each others breath yet .. chemistry isn't established from internet or text talks ... chemistry comes from physically being in literal contact with each other.
dude ... you haven't even met him and here you are proclaiming to have met The One. You're so foolish and have no idea at all .. at all.
::: shakes head :::
At one point, people were relationship-maturing. People would be grown up ready to face the relationship-world by the time they turned 18 ... now, a person still has the relationship-maturity level of a 10 year old at 28.
da fuck?
click to expand

'Chemistry' in the 'attraction' sense of the word can, by definition be: the ability to draw attention; something that draws attention. Synonyms in THIS sense might include, but are not limited to: allure, allurement, appeal, attractiveness, bait, captivation, charm, come-on, courting, draw, drawing power, enchantment, endearment, enthrallment, enticement, fascination, gravitation, inclination, inducement, interest, invitation, it, lure, magnetism, pull, seduction, solicitation, temptation, and tendency.
But... THIS is just a word... and quite irrelevant, as anyone can understand what she meant.
I witnessed your writing something hopeful and lovely to someone once... I'm sorry I don't remember the case. Most of the time though... you just come to blow up everyone's pages. Frankly, I have never understood your hostility... all your focus on your perceived flaws in others. YOU know none of US either... so your judgments might be misplaced as you can only base them on reading text... interpreting words as you deem.
Posted by beelibra
Posted by David13
Have you actually MET this guy in person yet ? The internet can be cool and all... but you really won't know where you are headed until you have met face to face.
A long distance relationship can work... but only for a short time. I have actually heard that Libras are the only ones that can actually work with another Libra... but you can fill us in on that later !
Some people here know that I am American... but can you guess why I came to France in the first place ? If not, I will help you with this one: It was for a WOMAN ! She visited me in the US after 6 weeks of webcams and conversations... she was born the same day I was... month, day, and year. I calculated that we were born only 2 hours and 2 minutes apart... just different sides of the world. She stayed with me in the US for 10 days... and when she left, it just wasn't the same... to go back to our living on the other's monitor screen. After some days... I decided... and I moved two months later.
Long story short, it didn't work out... though we are still friends. I believe things happen for a reason... and though I didn't see it at the time... her job was just to bring me here.
You know what will happen if you DO NOT try ? Oh... I can help you with this one too: NOTHING. I don't think we really ever decide who to love... it just is. You can accept it when it comes, from where ever it comes... or not.

No no we have not met yet. I love the way you put things. I really do think that to the bread together works, because the chemistry in all just out of this world. That's awesome that when you did those things went to seem that you wanted to be together. I'm a firm believer of things happen for a reason as well and you are totally right I don't want to stand by & not try. I wonder if trying to see each other at least once a month would suffice.
click to expand

Well then... you should probably get that first meeting out of the way before you start laying out your months ! Winking When will THAT be possible ?
You are the most common sensical man on here. More David...less P
Posted by sunshine222
You are the most common sensical man on here. More David...less P

isnt he? I love his post!
Yep, just as I predicted ... I went back and read about the Cap and sure enough, you had unrealistic expectations about him too.
You have a child, for christs sake ... dont' you think it's time you started thinking realistically?
Good lord, what is your problem that you need to jump from one relationship to the next??
Honey, go be single for awhile. You can breathe without having a penis in your life. Hard to believe, I know, but it IS doable.
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Good lord, what is your problem that you need to jump from one relationship to the next??
Honey, go be single for awhile. You can breathe without having a penis in your life. Hard to believe, I know, but it IS doable.

LOL...! That's exactly the kind of this I'd say.
It's like people say the title about can an LDR work and never read anything past that ... then commented, as if it's merely a concept.
When the reality is this ......
Posted by beelibra
we feel like we found eachother and we are one another's "the one."

.... it is already believed that The One has been found, so any/all relating from this point forward will be with that expectation.

You all are enablers, your concern is how YOU look, and so will therefore participate in the falling of another person and believe yourselves to be good.

:::: shakes head ::::