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Mar 24, 2006Comments: 163 · Posts: 6615 · Topics: 326 the Cap gone?
Also be leary of the Libra...they are hot and cold...very hot in the beginning and so full on that you fall for them easily and then they do an about face and back away so fast they leave you reeling....don't make the moves...let him lead this waltz if you want to be assured it's real...
Glad you asked! well things with the cap got very cold, nothing changed except that today he actually asked me out on a date which he's obviously never done because I'm usually the one making moves as far as the affection & all else goes. he started feeling me get distant and he brought it up to me and I think now he's trying to make a change. if he is it is very hard to tell let me tell you. We did talk about being exclusive together before but we aren't even close to being in a relationship. I know I can only focus on one so I'm wondering if I should just let the cap go. Whether he is a slow mover or not I can't keep depriving myself. he has this way of just putting me down in the dumps for no reason and I think I deserve better than that.And yes I have followed all of his moves. My ex of four years & the father of my daughter was also a Libra and we had a very romantic strong relationship until he cheated. Both of our ex's have cheated on repetitively and we are in the same situation, so I'm sure that is out of the question with us
Have you actually MET this guy in person yet ? The internet can be cool and all... but you really won't know where you are headed until you have met face to face.
A long distance relationship can work... but only for a short time. I have actually heard that Libras are the only ones that can actually work with another Libra... but you can fill us in on that later !
Some people here know that I am American... but can you guess why I came to France in the first place ? If not, I will help you with this one: It was for a WOMAN ! She visited me in the US after 6 weeks of webcams and conversations... she was born the same day I was... month, day, and year. I calculated that we were born only 2 hours and 2 minutes apart... just different sides of the world. She stayed with me in the US for 10 days... and when she left, it just wasn't the same... to go back to our living on the other's monitor screen. After some days... I decided... and I moved two months later.
Long story short, it didn't work out... though we are still friends. I believe things happen for a reason... and though I didn't see it at the time... her job was just to bring me here.
You know what will happen if you DO NOT try ? Oh... I can help you with this one too: NOTHING. I don't think we really ever decide who to love... it just is. You can accept it when it comes, from where ever it comes... or not.
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Aug 27, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 259 · Topics: 14
You are the most common sensical man on here. More David...less P
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Yep, just as I predicted ... I went back and read about the Cap and sure enough, you had unrealistic expectations about him too.
You have a child, for christs sake ... dont' you think it's time you started thinking realistically?
Signed Up:
Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
Good lord, what is your problem that you need to jump from one relationship to the next??
Honey, go be single for awhile. You can breathe without having a penis in your life. Hard to believe, I know, but it IS doable.