
This topic was created in the Relationships forum by P-Angel on Saturday, January 5, 2008 and has 12 replies.
In theory, we know that Water goes with Earth, Fire with Air. So, in watching how our signs mesh with each other .. then analyzing it backwards (from solution to equation factors) .. it appears that not only do we have decans within our specific sign, also looking at this as far as there being 3 signs in each of these elements .. and putting one's with one, two's with two, three's with three .. our perfect partners appear to be ...
Aries with Gemini .. GF and others I know really are good together
Taurus with Cancer .. my best T-friend gels awesom with all C's
Leo with Libra .. don't know any of this combos
Virgo with Scorpio .. several in here working, attraction is powerful
Sag with Aquarius .. a good A-male recently found his S-soulmate
Cap with Pisces .. all us P girls KNOW that Cap men "get" us

So, does anybody have any thoughts on this? Does it seem to you guys that the position in which the element falls (1,2,3) is matched pretty good with the element in the same position? Furthermore, to pull decans into it, the "three" factor (which the #3 signifies the sacred number) .. within these pairings, can we then analyze that 1st Aries goes with 1st Gems, 2nd Aries with 2nd Gems, and so on .....
Is this ancient history that everyone has already figured out and it's just an epiphany to me?
GeminiFox, or any others who are matched within the above, if you read this .... which decans are you and your partners?

"Is this ancient history that everyone has already figured out and it's just an epiphany to me?"
I don't know P-Angel, but it's an interesting topic...
I'm a Third Decan Virgo (on the Libra Cusp), and my wife is a Third Decan Scorpio (on the Saggy Cusp). The attraction between us is indescribable. She felt it first, but Scorps are the Feeling Sign (especially compared to us Virgs!).
I hope the other DXP'ers will contribute to this thread -- great food for thought!

"Leo with Libra .. don't know any of this combos"
I know a Libra Man + Leo Woman couple - we call them the Dynamic Duo - but I'll have to dig a little to find out their decans...

Well, that was quick!
ScorpWife says her b'day is JULY 25th, and I know his is SEPT 28th (same as my Libra ex-wife); so, she's a First Decan Leo, and he's a First Decan Libra.

* I posted a Decan thread at to help determine who's who & what's what. *
Awesome .. thanks for the contribution, Dyr !!!
It appears that (so far) this theory holds some credibility within the compatibility factor ... could it be that we finally figured out who we're supposed to be paired with to find an amazing union?
I'll tell you, my Aqua friend who just recently found his Sag girl, says that they are a match in heaven. Don't know their decan position .. but, I'll warrant they are the same because when these people are together, the energy is overpowering ...

So, with Decans in position, it's the same position of sun compatibility within this theory ..
Decans: One ------ Two ------ Three
Virgo = Virgo --- Cappy ----- Taurus
Scorp = Scorp --- Pisces ---- Cancer
Aries = Aries ---- Leo ------ Sag
Gemini = Gem ------ Libra ---- Aqua

They match all the way down .. Pisces = P/C/S & Capricorn = C/T/V

"...when these people are together, the energy is overpowering..."
That may be a common factor to all these decan pairings -- need more DXP'ers to chime in to know for sure.
Still, this really puts a new spin on an old science! (Well, NEW to ME, anyway!)
Nyx = 2nd Decan Virgo (Capricorn) partners with 2nd Scorp (Pisces)
Devil = 3rd Decan Aqua (Libra) partners with 3rd Sag (Leo)
So, on the other thread Dyr started .. we find that SIL (who is hooked up with her soulmate) is a 1st Decan Scorp, her man a 1st Decan Virgo.
Is there anybody else in here matched within this theory?
GeminiFox, where are you?
I am totally confused lol
My love, a cap, is 1st decan
I am 3rd
what does this give me?