do opposites always attract?

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by memyself on Wednesday, April 24, 2013 and has 5 replies.
and opposite in what? personality, nature, values?
silent vs talkative?
introvert vs extrovert?
fashionable vs simple?
shy vs player?
but again, when you fall for someone your opposite maybe they have something you don't, but that what you value, so are they still similar to you, even though outwardly opposite?
sometimes i think, there is instant attraction with someone your opposite, and slow, over the time attraction with someone your own type.
but which works? maybe with someone your opposite, you could eventually start to resent the differences, and with someone your own type, you could start getting bored. so how to keep the attraction going really?
I think opposites attract and stay attracted as long there are similar core values.
memyself ... I have been married to my polar opposite for over 30 years, and it's not quite as you have described. Maybe you aren't talking about polar opposites, but, since this is astrology, I'm assuming this is what you meant.
A polar opposite wants the same as the other ... the reason is different. For example:
A Virgo wants alot of alone time to be in their head
A Pisces wants alot of alone time to be in their head .... for different reasons

But, as far as attraction goes .... all people are attracted to what is different from them, because of the thrill value.
Then you talked about falling ... and that is whole seperate issue than attraction ...
Not for me - I'm an Aquarian and I get on best with other Air signs. I dated a Pisces man a while ago who was the complete opposite of me and that was a complete disaster! I'm dating another Aquarian now and he's great.
I'm usually attracted to those who have qualities that I don't have because it's easy to admire. So those who are outgoing, musically inclined or athletic, hardworking, funny, action-oriented. So in that sense, it's kind of like liking my opposite. Relationships tend to work pretty well with them as long as they aren't pushy and aren't the arguing type,