First Date: Shy, Being Friendly or not Interested?

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by scc17 on Wednesday, March 22, 2017 and has 7 replies.
Well, I been knowing this guy since three months ago. He added me on facebook at the end of January. After that, we keep to meeting each other in jiu-jitsu seminars and tournaments. In one of those tournaments, we were in a group and we started talking about things we had in common, we both like soccer for example. That same day he wrote me on Facebook and since then we been talking. Later on, while we were talking I invited him to my academy (it wasn't serious, I was joking with him ), but to my surprise he showed and trained with me. At this point i saw him as a really nice guy who I could be friends with.

Later on, I started to like him and I though he was really interested in me. Since he was always watching, and commenting in every single thing i posted on my page. But, at this point, unlike when we started knowing each other, I was the one who initiated the conversations, and the conversations flowed very well and he always responded quickly.

So I though he was just a shy guy.

So, I decided to invite him to the movies, and we has a date for Saturday.

That day I arrived 20 minutes late at the agreed time and when we went to see what movies were available there were all sold out till 11pm. So we decided to go eat something fast. While we ate we talked about everything, his job, his family, etc. While talking I realized that he was really shy.

During the movie, I came a little closer to him, nothing exaggerated. He did the same. During all the date, he was a true gentleman with me, when I was cold he offered me his coat and put it on my shoulders. He opened the doors, waited for me to pass, and certainly that got my attention. At the end of the date he walked me To my car to say goodbye. His car was far away, so I offered to give him a ride. On the way to his car I put a song and we started talking about it.

I turned one moment to change the song in my phone and all of the sudden he just gave me a slow kiss on the cheek, and he got into his car. He didnt say anything, he just gave me a slow kiss on the cheek and that was it.

It's been three days. He hasn't written to me or anything he use to do before we went out.

(We have each other on facebook)

Throughout the meeting we were laughing and could see he was having a good time. What did I do wrong?

I feel kinda disappointed about this.

Any advice is more than welcome

Hi. You'll have to understand that when it's time to go to work; well, it's time to go to work. I don't like to chit chat 24/7; and when it's the weekend, then yeah, I can do that since I don't work on weekends. I don't work Federal holidays so if I'm conversing with a guy and he works, I respect that. In other words, he's working, so I won't bother him at work. Allow him to get in touch with you. You haven't done anything wrong.

Is he a Cappy? I dated a Cappy man that had VERY similar qualifications as yours has. We had no sex for three months, no contact, he wouldn't text/call/e-mail me, etc, as he was working and going to night school. I had enough and we are now FB "friends".

Hug cyber hugs!


I would give him some more time.. and if he's into you,you'll have to decide if your ok being the initiator. You could always message him that you had a really nice time and hope he's having a good day.
Hi Eva!

No, we're both Cancerians.

Posted by EvatheDiva
Hi. You'll have to understand that when it's time to go to work; well, it's time to go to work. I don't like to chit chat 24/7; and when it's the weekend, then yeah, I can do that since I don't work on weekends. I don't work Federal holidays so if I'm conversing with a guy and he works, I respect that. In other words, he's working, so I won't bother him at work. Allow him to get in touch with you. You haven't done anything wrong.

Is he a Cappy? I dated a Cappy man that had VERY similar qualifications as yours has. We had no sex for three months, no contact, he wouldn't text/call/e-mail me, etc, as he was working and going to night school. I had enough and we are now FB "friends".

Hug cyber hugs!


Posted by scc17
Hi Eva!

No, we're both Cancerians.

Posted by EvatheDiva
Hi. You'll have to understand that when it's time to go to work; well, it's time to go to work. I don't like to chit chat 24/7; and when it's the weekend, then yeah, I can do that since I don't work on weekends. I don't work Federal holidays so if I'm conversing with a guy and he works, I respect that. In other words, he's working, so I won't bother him at work. Allow him to get in touch with you. You haven't done anything wrong.

Is he a Cappy? I dated a Cappy man that had VERY similar qualifications as yours has. We had no sex for three months, no contact, he wouldn't text/call/e-mail me, etc, as he was working and going to night school. I had enough and we are now FB "friends".

Hug cyber hugs!



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Hi SSC17

Ahhh, he's the one more "shyer" than you. No worries. Cancerians are hard workers! He'll come "crawling" to you. Keep us posted.

Hug cyber hugs!


Don't play at being 'shy, friendly, or not interested'. Be real.
know a lot about zodiac signs. Can you tell more about a Cancer & Cancer friendship, relationship etc? ??

Posted by EvatheDiva
Posted by scc17
Hi Eva!

No, we're both Cancerians.

Posted by EvatheDiva
Hi. You'll have to understand that when it's time to go to work; well, it's time to go to work. I don't like to chit chat 24/7; and when it's the weekend, then yeah, I can do that since I don't work on weekends. I don't work Federal holidays so if I'm conversing with a guy and he works, I respect that. In other words, he's working, so I won't bother him at work. Allow him to get in touch with you. You haven't done anything wrong.

Is he a Cappy? I dated a Cappy man that had VERY similar qualifications as yours has. We had no sex for three months, no contact, he wouldn't text/call/e-mail me, etc, as he was working and going to night school. I had enough and we are now FB "friends".

Hug cyber hugs!



Hi SSC17

Ahhh, he's the one more "shyer" than you. No worries. Cancerians are hard workers! He'll come "crawling" to you. Keep us posted.

Hug cyber hugs!


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