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Apr 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1742 · Topics: 154
Ive only ever "Hated" one person in my life:
A really nasty boss i once had, the coldest,hardest most ruthless Bitch Ive ever known.
She systematically got rid of everyone in the office that she didnt like, regardless of their competency,loyalty and years of service.
And, they were all replaced one by one with her "Friends"
That was 7yrs ago, I swear if i was driving down the street and she was crossing the road, id still be sorely tempted to put my foot on the accelerator and not the brake.
She got "Her's" in the end - Picked on the wrong person and ended up getting fired herself.
What goes around, comes around.
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Apr 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1742 · Topics: 154
I wish they would substitute words!!!
The word i used definately wasnt Cookiemonster LOL
Loud neighbors. I could work over them with a rusty spoon for days on end, but unfortunately that's very illegal.
I also have a thing for people who attack me without any provocation on my part, especially if I thought we were cool before.
no, it takes too much energy to do so, and im lazy
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Dogsbody, go to your edit profile page, on the bottom click on the profantiy filter .. then you'll be able to write and read profanities.
Cookiemonster will then be b.i.t.c.h ... if you write s.h.i.t.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
I'm more inclined to hate actions of people, and not the person themselves. such as .. I love my son, I loved my mother, etc .. and both of them could do "something" I absolutely hated. I've had bosses, friends, co-workers who have done things I couldn't stand for them to do ... but, I don't remember ever hating the person for it.
Perhaps, angry at the time ... but, the moment passed and realization then came that the person wasn't to be hated .. just the deed they did.
Before my mother passed away, when she was defenseless because her condition was fragile .. people did things to harm her emotionally because they took advantage of her helpless state of mind, and I still don't hate these people ... I hate how they treated her, though.
I have truly hated several people. Usually lasted a few years until I flushed them out of my system if I don't see them for a few years. There are a select few who I never stopped hating.
Did your roommate have double standards like mine?
Waste of time and energy to hate someone. You stop existing if it gets past a certain point for me.
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Mar 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 876 · Topics: 65
I can Hate, but it is really a waste of time and energy, which i would much rather spend "loving, sharing and caring" living in peace with, while creating.
I hate some actions folks do, but not them as a person, I hate some of the things that go on around me, but not life.
Hmmmmmm, maybe i use too strong a word, ya think? Hate vs. Dislike?
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Jul 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 6247 · Topics: 51
I`ll help ^^^ hate himself
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Mar 12, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1203 · Topics: 57
I could dislike someone, but hate is a really strong word, so no I don't hate but I do dislike
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Mar 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 876 · Topics: 65
Lots of hiding going on around in this HATERS thread, what up peeps?
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Sep 09, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 1341 · Topics: 40
yea. But u gotta learn to let go of that hate before it consumes you.
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Aug 12, 2009Comments: 3 · Posts: 3918 · Topics: 16
No, I can truly say that I have never hated anyone. I may not care for a few people and some I even sorta dislike, but never hated anyone.