how do you stop?

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by LisforLeo on Sunday, September 3, 2006 and has 5 replies.
how do you stop loving someone? how do you tell your heart to stop beating? and would that not be the same thing in magnitude? i want to forget about the only boy i could never have but it's like i'm fated to keep wanting him. Everytime i see him i want him more, and everytime i purposely try to stay away from him for that reason...i get so damned depressed that i can't stand it. This is honestly the only time i'll sound as cliche as to quote 'can't live with him, can't live without him.' He's the only person who's ever seen me for what i am, the only person who truly understands me. But small things getting in the way over time have built themselves into one huge barricade, separating us. The only way for us to be together would be for us to fight a war, i'm not sure i could ever ask him to fight. He'd have to give up so many things he loves, so many permanent things, and i don't want that for him. Because despite my selfish desire to be with him, to be the one making him smile...i want his happiness more than anything. And he has true things in his life that make him happy, and although i hate admitting this to myself..she makes him happy too.
But there's always this lingering..this silent word in his eyes..telling me that if he could change the world and circumstances, he would. It's this conflict..and i know that part of him hates me for returning, for tempting him out of everything he knows to be logical. I hate myself for returning as well, because out of love for him i shouldn't keep throwing him into the fire and making his world topsy turvy..i should let go..not remind him that he has a choice...that if he were willing to destroy part of himself he could be with me..especially when i know that if he were ever willing to make that choice i would never allow it.
i love him tell do i leave this? how do i walk away knowing that might be the closest i ever came to something real? how do i do that for him? for my sanity?
how do you get over someone you feel so strongly for, when you know it's the right thing to do?
thank you Lis for sharing that, i'm sorry for your pain - i know this won't help but i'm in such a predicament - see i'm madly in love with a man and we love each other - from the first time we spent together it felt so right - we didn't even knew each other well but if u had been there to observe we wud have seemed like an old married couple - that's how it was - but he's been with HER for 3 yrs and they have history and have been thru so much -him and i, we love each other, i'm scared and he's scared - what to do in a situation where u feel like ur heart might burst from all this you feel for someone? i don't kno - i wish i cud advise you - i keep askin God why this man was put in my path if i can't be with him - see he loves her too and she's madly in love with him - he's afraid of how she will take it
he says he's scared and to give him time - he's afraid of makin a mistake - he's afraid of givin up wut they have for "US" - it's hard to give up the known for the unknown - i'm not sure - i feel so drained - i keep sayin maybe i shud force myself to move on - maybe i shud convince myself that i'll prob end up gettin hurt cus he'll prob choose to stay wit her - y hold on? and then sometimes i say - have faith - things will work out -
LisforLeo & cancer12 - i don't envy you coz sounds like you're both in a lot of pain. at least you can relate to each other and help one another through this (i guess that's what people come on here for to begin with, to share similar experiences and commiserate).
"...i want his happiness more than anything. And he has true things in his life that make him happy, and although i hate admitting this to myself..she makes him happy too."
Lis, if you truly love this man, and he is happy with her, then you need to let him go. be happy for him and wish him well. that's the best thing that you can do, for yourself and for him. move on and try to find your own happiness. i know it's not easy to move on, but if he is truly meant to be with you, he will find his way to you eventually.
good luck to you both - i hope you both find true happiness
when u want soemthing so bad that when u get it u don't want it anymore means u never really wanted that thing in the first place - u jus wanted the challenge - i don't want a challenge not like this - i jus was to be wit my guy and i'm sure that's what lis wants
what's happenin? care to update?