Ladies Don't be Naive, If He's Not Married to you OF COURSE THERE ARE OTHER WOMEN

I am in awe at the naivety of my female friends. Boyfriend does not mean exclusive monogamous relationship that's called marriage! A verbal understanding is only to make you feel better about having sex with a single man. The federal government refers to...

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by communicator on Monday, December 26, 2016 and has 127 replies.
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Posted by LuckyLibra979
Posted by communicator
Posted by Impulsv
eitherway ur marriage clause is a lie

U might think u got a high quality guy but cheating behind ur back.

Wait until ur bible burts thinking u walked high n mighty to the marriage alter n five years later

U naive life ain't black n white
I don't know what community you live or your socioeconomic class level but there are many men high-quality men who do not cheat out there. Perhaps me with good morals may not be attracted to you, but I belong to associations filled with good loving husbands who do not cheat. All men are not bad and all men do not cheat. But if a man loves you, and he is a high-caliber man he will marry you. PERIOD
Would love to know what marriage changes. A bunch of cheaters get married and honestly marriage is just a legalization of a relationship. Shit takes baby steps. A desperate cheater will offer a ring too.

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Maybe that's your experience and that's sad. Hope you associations improve.

Posted by LuckyLibra979
Posted by communicator
Posted by LuckyLibra979
Posted by communicator
Posted by Impulsv
eitherway ur marriage clause is a lie

U might think u got a high quality guy but cheating behind ur back.

Wait until ur bible burts thinking u walked high n mighty to the marriage alter n five years later

U naive life ain't black n white
I don't know what community you live or your socioeconomic class level but there are many men high-quality men who do not cheat out there. Perhaps me with good morals may not be attracted to you, but I belong to associations filled with good loving husbands who do not cheat. All men are not bad and all men do not cheat. But if a man loves you, and he is a high-caliber man he will marry you. PERIOD
Would love to know what marriage changes. A bunch of cheaters get married and honestly marriage is just a legalization of a relationship. Shit takes baby steps. A desperate cheater will offer a ring too.

Maybe that's your experience and that's sad. Hope you associations improve.

No its just life.
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Maybe where you live.

Posted by TheCanBull
Posted by MyStarsShine
I have never been cheated on and have attracted good men but know good women who have been cheated on

Life isn't that black and white

Men are weak....they get tempted and act on it sometimes.....
Never been tempted by another woman and i know some really beautiful ones, i want far more than how someone looks, and once i find it my claws stay latched with her forever.

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Me neither, I was married for 15 years and never not once cheated on my wife. Now when we were dating I dated other women as the relationship progressed I slowly stopped calling and talking to the other women one by one. I put a ring on her finger and never looked back.

Posted by LuckyLibra979
I just don't see what the big deal is with marriage. If you can't offer commitment and stability in a relationship, why get married? A marriage is still a relationship at the end of the day and if marriage is the goal then youre missing the point of a relationship period.

Yes, if you were not socialized in your environment or culture to respect marriage I can understand.

Posted by TheCanBull
Posted by LuckyLibra979
I just don't see what the big deal is with marriage. If you can't offer commitment and stability in a relationship, why get married? A marriage is still a relationship at the end of the day and if marriage is the goal then youre missing the point of a relationship period.
The OP is a bit dense in this respect and yes i mean this abrasively.

If you need a ring to cement something, you never will cement anything, you are weak.

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Okay 26 -year- old. LMAO

Posted by Impulsv
What's this highty mighty association you belong too lol

Alpha tier 0
Posted by Impulsv
Posted by TheCanBull
Posted by LuckyLibra979
I just don't see what the big deal is with marriage. If you can't offer commitment and stability in a relationship, why get married? A marriage is still a relationship at the end of the day and if marriage is the goal then youre missing the point of a relationship period.
The OP is a bit dense in this respect and yes i mean this abrasively.

If you need a ring to cement something, you never will cement anything, you are weak.

Yeah if u word is not enough

U are nothing

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Keep on living in fantasy sweetheart.

Guys stop feeding the troll.
Posted by LuckyLibra979
Posted by communicator
Posted by TheCanBull
Posted by MyStarsShine
I have never been cheated on and have attracted good men but know good women who have been cheated on

Life isn't that black and white

Men are weak....they get tempted and act on it sometimes.....
Never been tempted by another woman and i know some really beautiful ones, i want far more than how someone looks, and once i find it my claws stay latched with her forever.

Me neither, I was married for 15 years and never not once cheated on my wife. Now when we were dating I dated other women as the relationship progressed I slowly stopped calling and talking to the other women one by one. I put a ring on her finger and never looked back.

If you were dating other women you were never in a relationship
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Okay Lucky! LMAO

Posted by Impulsv
Are u a mason??? Lol

Life has a wa of humbling you

He's great u respect marriage n yes go put that ring on it

But there are other ways too reflect a commitment

Like internal character period! Cuz u say ur committed.

What if ur highty mighty Man but end up marrying a woman who cheats on u?

Ull continue to be highty mighty or arecu redefined by others?

Life ain't black n white

are u a Scorpio?
I can't understand your English. What are you saying?

"He's great u respect marriage n yes go put that ring on it" What???

Posted by LuckyLibra979
Posted by communicator
Posted by LuckyLibra979
I just don't see what the big deal is with marriage. If you can't offer commitment and stability in a relationship, why get married? A marriage is still a relationship at the end of the day and if marriage is the goal then youre missing the point of a relationship period.

Yes, if you were not socialized in your environment or culture to respect marriage I can understand.

Hey no need to get personal. I was raised in a married household and ive seen both sides of marriage. Its a personal belief. I see that youre on your soapbox tho and feel that because you've been married for umpteen years that your beliefs are the standard. My apologies for being practical and not wanting to lose the passion in my relationship. You got your view I have mine. But a ring doesn't signify shit. A relationship takes work. You seem like the type that thinks because youre married you don't have to try anymore. A man will marry a woman he loves but a real man is already working towards building that. You kept dating until you weren't insecure. I push me n mines towards our goals and helping her go to college. If your foundation is weak your marriage will be too. You settled, but I rather be in love for real n not for show like u
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Okay Lucky whatever throws your hair back.

Posted by Impulsv
What's this highty mighty association you belong too lol

Not trailer parks, ghettos, or hoods. LOL

Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Posted by Impulsv
What's this highty mighty association you belong too lol

Alpha tier 0
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LOL! Whatever. This thread is not about cheating - sorry if you all attract cheaters to you life. LOL

Posted by ChoXtsy
Posted by LuckyLibra979
Posted by communicator
Posted by LuckyLibra979
I just don't see what the big deal is with marriage. If you can't offer commitment and stability in a relationship, why get married? A marriage is still a relationship at the end of the day and if marriage is the goal then youre missing the point of a relationship period.

Yes, if you were not socialized in your environment or culture to respect marriage I can understand.

Hey no need to get personal. I was raised in a married household and ive seen both sides of marriage. Its a personal belief. I see that youre on your soapbox tho and feel that because you've been married for umpteen years that your beliefs are the standard. My apologies for being practical and not wanting to lose the passion in my relationship. You got your view I have mine. But a ring doesn't signify shit. A relationship takes work. You seem like the type that thinks because youre married you don't have to try anymore. A man will marry a woman he loves but a real man is already working towards building that. You kept dating until you weren't insecure. I push me n mines towards our goals and helping her go to college. If your foundation is weak your marriage will be too. You settled, but I rather be in love for real n not for show like u


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Why would you fight to be a side piece? But hey whatever blows your head back.

Posted by LuckyLibra979
Posted by communicator
Posted by Impulsv
What's this highty mighty association you belong too lol

Not trailer parks, ghettos, or hoods. LOL

Oh so u are trolling. Can't believe my black ass missed that
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Of course they are......Christmas troll


Posted by ChoXtsy
Posted by communicator
Posted by ChoXtsy
Posted by LuckyLibra979
Posted by communicator
Posted by LuckyLibra979
I just don't see what the big deal is with marriage. If you can't offer commitment and stability in a relationship, why get married? A marriage is still a relationship at the end of the day and if marriage is the goal then youre missing the point of a relationship period.

Yes, if you were not socialized in your environment or culture to respect marriage I can understand.

Hey no need to get personal. I was raised in a married household and ive seen both sides of marriage. Its a personal belief. I see that youre on your soapbox tho and feel that because you've been married for umpteen years that your beliefs are the standard. My apologies for being practical and not wanting to lose the passion in my relationship. You got your view I have mine. But a ring doesn't signify shit. A relationship takes work. You seem like the type that thinks because youre married you don't have to try anymore. A man will marry a woman he loves but a real man is already working towards building that. You kept dating until you weren't insecure. I push me n mines towards our goals and helping her go to college. If your foundation is weak your marriage will be too. You settled, but I rather be in love for real n not for show like u


Why would you fight to be a side piece? But hey whatever blows your head back.

Who's fighting? I wouldn't be involved with a man who has to wait for a piece of paper to have morals. It takes time to fall in love and truly get to know and accept someone for who they are. You don't jump from meeting someone to getting married, and skip all the in between.
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A single man is unmarried, and there is nothing immoral about a single man dating to find the best fit. During the process of getting to know you, he will sleep with you and others. Single means he can do that! Men know that women don't like that, so men do the best they can to shield you from it. But for the record a woman with a bad attitude is a dime a dozen. Any man can find that, and if he is dating a pool of women, he will begin to weed out the ones with the bad attitudes. Who wants to be married to that?
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by LuckyLibra979
Posted by communicator
Posted by Impulsv
What's this highty mighty association you belong too lol

Not trailer parks, ghettos, or hoods. LOL

Oh so u are trolling. Can't believe my black ass missed that

Of course they are......Christmas troll


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Whatever! LOL

Leo moon?
Posted by leowww
Lol..... Confused Like a piece of paper will prevent infidelity.

married...committed... Dating... Whatever

A cheater will find ways to cheat

This thread is not about cheating; you can't cheat if you are not married. Women started talking about their poor choices in men or inability to attract a high-quality man. SMH! LOL

Posted by communicator
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by LuckyLibra979
Posted by communicator
Posted by Impulsv
What's this highty mighty association you belong too lol

Not trailer parks, ghettos, or hoods. LOL

Oh so u are trolling. Can't believe my black ass missed that

Of course they are......Christmas troll


Whatever! LOL

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Blatantly obvious ... Nobody in the 21st century would be so naive


Posted by LuckyLibra979
This is a troll thread. Feel free to comment about anything under the sun. This thread was never meant to be serious.

Who likes to see old women twerk? This guy ?
I like to see old women twerk. LOL

Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by communicator
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by LuckyLibra979
Posted by communicator
Posted by Impulsv
What's this highty mighty association you belong too lol

Not trailer parks, ghettos, or hoods. LOL

Oh so u are trolling. Can't believe my black ass missed that

Of course they are......Christmas troll


Whatever! LOL

Blatantly obvious ... Nobody in the 21st century would be so naive


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You will be surprised.

Posted by Datariesgirl
Posted by communicator
Posted by LuckyLibra979
Posted by communicator
Posted by Impulsv
eitherway ur marriage clause is a lie

U might think u got a high quality guy but cheating behind ur back.

Wait until ur bible burts thinking u walked high n mighty to the marriage alter n five years later

U naive life ain't black n white
I don't know what community you live or your socioeconomic class level but there are many men high-quality men who do not cheat out there. Perhaps me with good morals may not be attracted to you, but I belong to associations filled with good loving husbands who do not cheat. All men are not bad and all men do not cheat. But if a man loves you, and he is a high-caliber man he will marry you. PERIOD
Would love to know what marriage changes. A bunch of cheaters get married and honestly marriage is just a legalization of a relationship. Shit takes baby steps. A desperate cheater will offer a ring too.

Maybe that's your experience and that's sad. Hope you associations improve.

Why is it that everyone who doesn't agree with your logic is "sad"?

I agree marriage is sacred and should be respected, but you know good and well that's not always case.

It seems you are the 'naive' one.

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LOL! I am not naïve, but apparently blessed. Most of the men I know are very faithful to their wives. Sorry if that is not your experience.

User Submitted Image
Posted by leowww
Lol..... Confused Like a piece of paper will prevent infidelity.

married...committed... Dating... Whatever

A cheater will find ways to cheat

If you attract cheaters to you, I can't help you. Cheaters are attracted to a certain kind of woman. A good high- quality man will probably not be attracted to a woman who attracts cheaters. Different vibrations.

It is obvious who this troll is

Posted by LuckyLibra979
Posted by communicator
Posted by LuckyLibra979
This is a troll thread. Feel free to comment about anything under the sun. This thread was never meant to be serious.

Who likes to see old women twerk? This guy ?
I like to see old women twerk. LOL

I love it. Lol
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Where is the video?

Posted by MyStarsShine
It is obvious who this troll is

Whatever LOL

User Submitted Image
Posted by ChoXtsy
Posted by communicator
Posted by ChoXtsy
Posted by communicator
Posted by ChoXtsy
Posted by LuckyLibra979
Posted by communicator
Posted by LuckyLibra979
I just don't see what the big deal is with marriage. If you can't offer commitment and stability in a relationship, why get married? A marriage is still a relationship at the end of the day and if marriage is the goal then youre missing the point of a relationship period.

Yes, if you were not socialized in your environment or culture to respect marriage I can understand.

Hey no need to get personal. I was raised in a married household and ive seen both sides of marriage. Its a personal belief. I see that youre on your soapbox tho and feel that because you've been married for umpteen years that your beliefs are the standard. My apologies for being practical and not wanting to lose the passion in my relationship. You got your view I have mine. But a ring doesn't signify shit. A relationship takes work. You seem like the type that thinks because youre married you don't have to try anymore. A man will marry a woman he loves but a real man is already working towards building that. You kept dating until you weren't insecure. I push me n mines towards our goals and helping her go to college. If your foundation is weak your marriage will be too. You settled, but I rather be in love for real n not for show like u


Why would you fight to be a side piece? But hey whatever blows your head back.

Who's fighting? I wouldn't be involved with a man who has to wait for a piece of paper to have morals. It takes time to fall in love and truly get to know and accept someone for who they are. You don't jump from meeting someone to getting married, and skip all the in between.
A single man is unmarried, and there is nothing immoral about a single man dating to find the best fit. During the process of getting to know you, he will sleep with you and others. Single means he can do that! Men know that women don't like that, so men do the best they can to shield you from it. But for the record a woman with a bad attitude is a dime a dozen. Any man can find that, and if he is dating a pool of women, he will begin to weed out the ones with the bad attitudes. Who wants to be married to that?
You are talking in circles. You make it seem as though men like you are gods gift to women, one in a million.Get over yourself. You're telling me that your wife was one of many "side pieces". She turned a ho into a husband. I am not impressed.
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Okay you are more than welcomed to not post on the thread anymore LOL LMAO

Posted by ChoXtsy
Posted by communicator
Posted by ChoXtsy
Posted by communicator
Posted by ChoXtsy
Posted by LuckyLibra979
Posted by communicator
Posted by LuckyLibra979
I just don't see what the big deal is with marriage. If you can't offer commitment and stability in a relationship, why get married? A marriage is still a relationship at the end of the day and if marriage is the goal then youre missing the point of a relationship period.

Yes, if you were not socialized in your environment or culture to respect marriage I can understand.

Hey no need to get personal. I was raised in a married household and ive seen both sides of marriage. Its a personal belief. I see that youre on your soapbox tho and feel that because you've been married for umpteen years that your beliefs are the standard. My apologies for being practical and not wanting to lose the passion in my relationship. You got your view I have mine. But a ring doesn't signify shit. A relationship takes work. You seem like the type that thinks because youre married you don't have to try anymore. A man will marry a woman he loves but a real man is already working towards building that. You kept dating until you weren't insecure. I push me n mines towards our goals and helping her go to college. If your foundation is weak your marriage will be too. You settled, but I rather be in love for real n not for show like u


Why would you fight to be a side piece? But hey whatever blows your head back.

Who's fighting? I wouldn't be involved with a man who has to wait for a piece of paper to have morals. It takes time to fall in love and truly get to know and accept someone for who they are. You don't jump from meeting someone to getting married, and skip all the in between.
A single man is unmarried, and there is nothing immoral about a single man dating to find the best fit. During the process of getting to know you, he will sleep with you and others. Single means he can do that! Men know that women don't like that, so men do the best they can to shield you from it. But for the record a woman with a bad attitude is a dime a dozen. Any man can find that, and if he is dating a pool of women, he will begin to weed out the ones with the bad attitudes. Who wants to be married to that?
You are talking in circles. You make it seem as though men like you are gods gift to women, one in a million.Get over yourself. You're telling me that your wife was one of many "side pieces". She turned a ho into a husband. I am not impressed.
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Sorry I didn't impress you. LMAO

User Submitted Image
The subject of this thread is irrelevant for a woman like me (high earner,high sex drive and disregard for conventional, boring life)

I think most of you forgot what is the most important thing in a relationship.It is the attention, love and quality time your partner is spending with you.

Most of you in your 20-30ies are the side pieces anyway. His career, job, boss, competitors, clients and co-workers come BEFORE you. They represent what he will be doing and thinking about 80% of his time. The remaining 10% is spend with his (and hopefully your) children.

If he also spends 0.1% of his spare time to put his well protected dick into another cunt, and makes sure you are not going to find out, what difference does it make to your life? Absolutely nothing! Yet for some bizarre reason (probably increasing insecurity due to fading looks/misjudged career/increasing waistline) everyone seems to be obsessed about the 0.1% . Not seeing the forrest because of the trees comes to my mind.

Marriage is an insurance policy for low income females and the only way they will earn a decent income....mostly after the divorce.

Posted by Scuffles
Posted by communicator
Posted by Scuffles
Posted by communicator
I am in awe at the naivety of my female friends. Boyfriend does not mean exclusive monogamous relationship that's called marriage! A verbal understanding is only to make you feel better about having sex with a single man. The federal government refers to an unmarried man as single. Therefore a single man is under no obligation to you. However Men will tell you what you want to hear if that means we get sex.

The wife gets the commitment, not the girlfriend! Girlfriend does not have the same ranking as a wife. When an unmarried woman says the unmarried guy is "cheating" that is ridiculous. Expect an unmarried single man to have other women.

Until you are his wife he is under no obligation to be faithful. And until you are the wife I suggest you don't offer monogamy. Tell him you will stop seeing other men when you are married, until then, like him, you are single. That's the quickest way to be the wife. Women commit to us after a couple of months of pretty words and dinners. If you are already monogamous with us, what will be the reason to marry you?????

Monogamy is meaningful.

"Loyalty.” “Trust.” “Fidelity.” “Honor.” “Respect.”

These are all just words until your actions either give them power and importance or deflate them. Monogamy isn’t meaningful because the "church or government says so" and it isn’t meaningful because you wore a pouffy white dress/crisp tux and said you wanted it to be meaningful (i.e. marriage). Rather, monogamy’s meaning expands with each day that you and your partner commit to it. And that’s some pretty powerful stuff.
Perhaps you come from a socioeconomic class that does not value marriage, you are entitled to your thoughts. But understand this....when a real man loves you, he will marry you. Period! If you don't value marriage, great.. you will be the perfect side chick.
I do value marriage.

What I am trying to imply on my post was that monogamy is not exclusive only in marriage. Monogamy is important in pre-married relationships (bf/gf) or even non-married relationships too since whatever values are built during that stage of relationship (pre-married dating) will be the foundation of how your married life will turn out to be. Let's say I'm in a relationship with someone who cheats on me, would I rather marry that person so he'll stop cheating on me?

Absoulutely Not.

Cuz what are the chances that he'll cheat again when we get married? Besides the fact that he already betrayed my trust when we were still dating.

Marriage, on the other hand, only reinforces the vows and/or promises made by both parties to stay true to one another when a couple was still dating and not yet married.

Your flawed logic about not expecting monogamy in committed (non-married or pre-married) relationships is appalling.
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Sorry if my strong Midwestern Christian values offend you. I don't know anything about "shacking up" with a woman or not marrying a woman with whom I am in love. LOL

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Posted by kissmygrits
User Submitted Image
Archie Bunker... love it.

Posted by kissmygrits
User Submitted Image
Hey hey hey.. oh yeah.

Forgot to mention the 9% (which could go up to 90% if he has a meagre job) spend on his hobbies Big Grin
Posted by Undine
The subject of this thread is irrelevant for a woman like me (high earner,high sex drive and disregard for conventional, boring life)

I think most of you forgot what is the most important thing in a relationship.It is the attention, love and quality time your partner is spending with you.

Most of you in your 20-30ies are the side pieces anyway. His career, job, boss, competitors, clients and co-workers come BEFORE you. They represent what he will be doing and thinking about 80% of his time. The remaining 10% is spend with his (and hopefully your) children.

If he also spends 0.1% of his spare time to put his well protected dick into another cunt, and makes sure you are not going to find out, what difference does it make to your life? Absolutely nothing! Yet for some bizarre reason (probably increasing insecurity due to fading looks/misjudged career/increasing waistline) everyone seems to be obsessed about the 0.1% . Not seeing the forrest because of the trees comes to my mind.

Marriage is an insurance policy for low income females and the only way they will earn a decent income....mostly after the divorce.

"Marriage is for the Rich" - New York Times

The rich are different from you and me: they’re more likely to get married.

A new report, by Michael Greenstone and Adam Looney of the Hamilton Project, looked at the decline in marriage rates over the last 50 years and found a strong connection to income. Dwindling marriage rates are concentrated among the poor — the very people whose living standards would be most improved by having a second household income.

The trend is especially pronounced among men.

For the bottom 70 percent of middle-aged working women — the women who, a generation earlier, would have needed a husband to support them — marriage rates declined by more than 15 percentage points in the last 40 years. But marriage rates for the top 10 percent of female earners either held steady or rose.

It’s not clear why marriage rates for the top-earning women rose. Perhaps the highest-paid female workers in the 1970s achieved that status by forgoing a personal life. And perhaps today it’s more socially acceptable for well-paid women to hire nannies and other household help so that they can maintain a family life, making marriage a more practical possibility.

Whatever the case, the concentration of marriage among the richest Americans is amplifying the increase in income inequality.

Okay I am bored, going to start a new thread.
Posted by communicator
Posted by Undine
The subject of this thread is irrelevant for a woman like me (high earner,high sex drive and disregard for conventional, boring life)

I think most of you forgot what is the most important thing in a relationship.It is the attention, love and quality time your partner is spending with you.

Most of you in your 20-30ies are the side pieces anyway. His career, job, boss, competitors, clients and co-workers come BEFORE you. They represent what he will be doing and thinking about 80% of his time. The remaining 10% is spend with his (and hopefully your) children.

If he also spends 0.1% of his spare time to put his well protected dick into another cunt, and makes sure you are not going to find out, what difference does it make to your life? Absolutely nothing! Yet for some bizarre reason (probably increasing insecurity due to fading looks/misjudged career/increasing waistline) everyone seems to be obsessed about the 0.1% . Not seeing the forrest because of the trees comes to my mind.

Marriage is an insurance policy for low income females and the only way they will earn a decent income....mostly after the divorce.

"Marriage is for the Rich" - New York Times

The rich are different from you and me: they’re more likely to get married.

A new report, by Michael Greenstone and Adam Looney of the Hamilton Project, looked at the decline in marriage rates over the last 50 years and found a strong connection to income. Dwindling marriage rates are concentrated among the poor — the very people whose living standards would be most improved by having a second household income.

The trend is especially pronounced among men.

For the bottom 70 percent of middle-aged working women — the women who, a generation earlier, would have needed a husband to support them — marriage rates declined by more than 15 percentage points in the last 40 years. But marriage rates for the top 10 percent of female earners either held steady or rose.

It’s not clear why marriage rates for the top-earning women rose. Perhaps the highest-paid female workers in the 1970s achieved that status by forgoing a personal life. And perhaps today it’s more socially acceptable for well-paid women to hire nannies and other household help so that they can maintain a family life, making marriage a more practical possibility.

Whatever the case, the concentration of marriage among the richest Americans is amplifying the increase in income inequality.

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So what?

Personally, I've been married for 17 ex earned less than me, but had other qualities I was after.

If I would marry again, it would be from sheer desire to get what I want, in case that my guy is not the marrying type anymore.

I could not care less for "cheating", as long as he is here each time I need him and does not publically humiliate me.
I think at any moment, a man can and will up and leave you. Have others, etc.

Doesnt matter if you are his wife or girlfriend.

Doesnt matter how much youve done for him or how much hes done for you.

No one is under any obligation to be with you or treat you right.

People have to make a decision every day to stay 100.

I do believe and trust in marriage and relationships.
Posted by communicator
I am in awe at the naivety of my female friends. Boyfriend does not mean exclusive monogamous relationship that's called marriage! A verbal understanding is only to make you feel better about having sex with a single man. The federal government refers to an unmarried man as single. Therefore a single man is under no obligation to you. However Men will tell you what you want to hear if that means we get sex.

The wife gets the commitment, not the girlfriend! Girlfriend does not have the same ranking as a wife. When an unmarried woman says the unmarried guy is "cheating" that is ridiculous. Expect an unmarried single man to have other women.

Until you are his wife he is under no obligation to be faithful. And until you are the wife I suggest you don't offer monogamy. Tell him you will stop seeing other men when you are married, until then, like him, you are single. That's the quickest way to be the wife. Women commit to us after a couple of months of pretty words and dinners. If you are already monogamous with us, what will be the reason to marry you?????

Don't be naive in assuming a marriage means there's not other women.

Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by communicator
I am in awe at the naivety of my female friends. Boyfriend does not mean exclusive monogamous relationship that's called marriage! A verbal understanding is only to make you feel better about having sex with a single man. The federal government refers to an unmarried man as single. Therefore a single man is under no obligation to you. However Men will tell you what you want to hear if that means we get sex.

The wife gets the commitment, not the girlfriend! Girlfriend does not have the same ranking as a wife. When an unmarried woman says the unmarried guy is "cheating" that is ridiculous. Expect an unmarried single man to have other women.

Until you are his wife he is under no obligation to be faithful. And until you are the wife I suggest you don't offer monogamy. Tell him you will stop seeing other men when you are married, until then, like him, you are single. That's the quickest way to be the wife. Women commit to us after a couple of months of pretty words and dinners. If you are already monogamous with us, what will be the reason to marry you?????

Don't be naive in assuming a marriage means there's not other women.

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We have already discussed this on page 4 you are late.

Posted by DMV
I think at any moment, a man can and will up and leave you. Have others, etc.

Doesnt matter if you are his wife or girlfriend.

Doesnt matter how much youve done for him or how much hes done for you.

No one is under any obligation to be with you or treat you right.

People have to make a decision every day to stay 100.

I do believe and trust in marriage and relationships.
This point has already been addressed read the posts before you sound redundant.

Posted by ChoXtsy
Posted by communicator
Posted by ChoXtsy
Posted by communicator
Posted by ChoXtsy
Posted by communicator
Posted by ChoXtsy
Posted by LuckyLibra979
Posted by communicator
Posted by LuckyLibra979
I just don't see what the big deal is with marriage. If you can't offer commitment and stability in a relationship, why get married? A marriage is still a relationship at the end of the day and if marriage is the goal then youre missing the point of a relationship period.

Yes, if you were not socialized in your environment or culture to respect marriage I can understand.

Hey no need to get personal. I was raised in a married household and ive seen both sides of marriage. Its a personal belief. I see that youre on your soapbox tho and feel that because you've been married for umpteen years that your beliefs are the standard. My apologies for being practical and not wanting to lose the passion in my relationship. You got your view I have mine. But a ring doesn't signify shit. A relationship takes work. You seem like the type that thinks because youre married you don't have to try anymore. A man will marry a woman he loves but a real man is already working towards building that. You kept dating until you weren't insecure. I push me n mines towards our goals and helping her go to college. If your foundation is weak your marriage will be too. You settled, but I rather be in love for real n not for show like u


Why would you fight to be a side piece? But hey whatever blows your head back.

Who's fighting? I wouldn't be involved with a man who has to wait for a piece of paper to have morals. It takes time to fall in love and truly get to know and accept someone for who they are. You don't jump from meeting someone to getting married, and skip all the in between.
A single man is unmarried, and there is nothing immoral about a single man dating to find the best fit. During the process of getting to know you, he will sleep with you and others. Single means he can do that! Men know that women don't like that, so men do the best they can to shield you from it. But for the record a woman with a bad attitude is a dime a dozen. Any man can find that, and if he is dating a pool of women, he will begin to weed out the ones with the bad attitudes. Who wants to be married to that?
You are talking in circles. You make it seem as though men like you are gods gift to women, one in a million.Get over yourself. You're telling me that your wife was one of many "side pieces". She turned a ho into a husband. I am not impressed.
Sorry I didn't impress you. LMAO

Don't be sorry, be enlightened.

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I have been enlightened ... by The New York Times:

42% of African-American women have never been married

3 out of 4 of African-American women have babies out of wedlock

I could understand how you would disagree with this thread.

Believe whatever you want - whatever blows your head back. LMAO

Posted by communicator
Posted by DMV
I think at any moment, a man can and will up and leave you. Have others, etc.

Doesnt matter if you are his wife or girlfriend.

Doesnt matter how much youve done for him or how much hes done for you.

No one is under any obligation to be with you or treat you right.

People have to make a decision every day to stay 100.

I do believe and trust in marriage and relationships.
This point has already been addressed read the posts before you sound redundant.

click to expand
Youre feathers are so ruffled from defending yourself that you dont even know when someone is agreeing with you.

I agree with you but you come 4 me.

Duly noted.