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May 11, 2006Comments: 3 · Posts: 2807 · Topics: 185
Ive just met an American soldier (based in Germany) while on holiday in Spain. We have been contacting each other regularly by text and email and he has asked me to visit him in a couple of weeks. I have no experience with military men but really felt a connection with this guy. Help!!
Just go with the flow of things, if the chemistry is their, then you should be alright. But if you going to another country or state, then take someone with you!
be careful, & Have Fun
Hi sola,
Military men, god I'm married to one and have experienced the life myself.........
Its hard work definately, but it can be exciting and if you like men in uniforms then you've got it. You do need a lot of patience though and equal amounts of trust. You will also find that their job does take up a tremendous amount of their time though and this can be a problem. I do agree with Nikita though, just go with the flow and see where it takes you. Good luck
Signed Up:
May 11, 2006Comments: 3 · Posts: 2807 · Topics: 185
Thanks a lot!! I love advice, it always makes me feel better. I have decided that it might be a bad idea to go to Germany (from UK) and that he should come over to me first, mainly for safety reasons. Im so keen, but as you said Loudlibra, the army is his life choice and i dont want to make him feel bad if he's unable to give me the committment I need. I am also Libra, and you know the mess we gals get into over things like this!! I will keep up my correspondence and see how it progresses. I know i shouldnt get so hung-up, and its so unlike me to get like this. Any other comments, please forward.
Thanks a lot!! I love advice, it always makes me feel better. I have decided that it might be a bad idea to go to Germany (from UK) and that he should come over to me first, mainly for safety reasons.
Im sure your intuition on what is right will be first rate, most people in the forces are genuine and need security, I guess it is being away from home sooo much. They also tend to be fairly regimented about most things in life and this can be a pain, especially for us Librians as we are more free spirited, but Im sure you will allow him his space. What is his sign by the way do you know????
I know i shouldnt get so hung-up, and its so unlike me to get like this.
Lol we do until we get bored with it all, just go with the flow and have fun, especially when it comes to things like mess dinners, a good opportunity to dress up.Enjoy and if you want anymore advice feel free to ask. Mines is in the Royal Navy by the way.
Signed Up:
May 11, 2006Comments: 3 · Posts: 2807 · Topics: 185
Well, i am definitely visiting him in August, he'll be gone the month of July. I intend to keep communications fairly frequent (so that he doesnt assume im a stalker)! and light-hearted. Cant say that im not sooo excited. Anyway, thanks again, if i have any questions I will seek you out.
Signed Up:
May 11, 2006Comments: 3 · Posts: 2807 · Topics: 185
Hi - just wanted you guys to know that Im going to visit my military man 24th-27th June. I heard from him again yesterday, says he cant wait to see me..hope im not being too gullible..he's worth it!!
Signed Up:
May 11, 2006Comments: 3 · Posts: 2807 · Topics: 185
Loudlibra..i'm not going to see this guy until 24th of June and just wondered what you would consider to be an appropriate amount of contact. I mean, i want to keep correspondence fairly frequent - not only to get to know him a bit better, but so that we can keep up with each other's lives. But is too much? Ive only been contacting him every 3-4 days because i know that he is busy but do you think that is too often. Im also starting to worry that he doesnt really want to see me after all..that we've been a bit hasty with our plans. He hasnt done anything to suggest this, i think i might just be paranoid. Did your husband tell you that he missed you and stuff when he was away from you. I dont want to scare this guy away...please advise!! I know im not his girlfriend or anything..i just want to to make the most of this in the best possible way.
Hi Sola,
I'd say because you are Librian just go with your instinct. Correspondence of any kind is really important, when you are away from home. It will allow him to touch base, talk to him about what is going on back home and if you can get little snippets of news from his hoemtown even better(without looking like a stalker if you know what I mean. Keep it lighthearted and funny and don't worry if you don't get a response right away, it is the nature of the job that they might not have comms all the time. You could try sending him a package also, with books toiletries etc or take some bits out to germany with you, again some things that remind him of home, I'm sure he will appreciate that. You could also send him a letter, these are called ebluey's her not sure about back home.Hope this helps, What's his sign by the way.
Signed Up:
May 11, 2006Comments: 3 · Posts: 2807 · Topics: 185
Well, im not sure of his sign, i'll ask when i get there!! I wouldn't know what to send in a from Scotland and he is from the U.S. When i asked him about his family he didnt respond very well and said that he didnt want to go back there. He talks about other things though, what he enjoys and what he has being doing with his time off. Maybe i will take some things over for him with me. My scales are off you think if he had changed his mind about seeing me he would tell me?
Hi Sola,
Funny thing I'm from Scotland also, Glasgow to be precise, living in London for the past 13yrs. I don't know what to say to you really about whether he wants you to come over except to say, wondering why you are feeling like this? If you are unsure, maybe it would be best to ask him straight up. At least you would know then. Message me if you like and I'll talk to you about it in more detail.
Good luck with meeting your man Sola.
Hi Sola,
Around 5 years ago i went abroad to meet a friend i knew from the net and i was very lucky i guess. We were good online buddies for 2 years, even spoke by telephone lots and then one day he just said "come visit me" and even paid my air fare. He was the same friend in person as online and we are still friends to this day.
So i know the excitement you are feeling because my trip was planned in a matter of days and of i flew.
Well you know they say you dont know if you dont try. Just keep it real and take it slow and be safe most of all.
Will you be staying in a motel or with your man????
Signed Up:
May 11, 2006Comments: 3 · Posts: 2807 · Topics: 185
Exactly Leyla. We met on holiday, and there are always negative stories about holiday romances but the fact that he has taken continual interest since then makes me think that maybe there is something quite special going on here. Its good to hear about other people's experiences too. I am staying with him, but he has given me all the contact details to leave at home so that i can be contacted there. I will also have enough money with me to make other arrangements if i dont feel comfortable. It could turn out to be a disappointment, but there is no point going with a negative attitude, so i plan to just go with the flow. If nothing comes of it then at least we gave it a go. Im not sure that it can ever come to anything more serious than friends, simply because of the distance and also his job in general. He has sent photo's and emails and texts, so i feel ok and safe. I need to pack soon..cant wait!!
Signed Up:
May 11, 2006Comments: 3 · Posts: 2807 · Topics: 185 back from meeting my 'man'. We had a very pleasant time, but I think we'll be leaving it at that. He is heading back to the States soon, so realistically it better to have loved and lost!! Its been one of the best experiences of my life..if anyone here finds themselves in my position then i'd simply so give it a go. Thanks to everyone who posted!!
Signed Up:
May 11, 2006Comments: 3 · Posts: 2807 · Topics: 185
p.s, i also found out that he is aquarius (05.02.1976) and im libra..i think that makes us compatible?!!