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May 11, 2006Comments: 3 · Posts: 2807 · Topics: 185
p.s, i also found out that he is aquarius (05.02.1976) and im libra..i think that makes us compatible?!!
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Feb 03, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 469 · Topics: 63
thats probably true, because in tarot,
cardinal sign = queen
fixed sign = king
mutable sign = knight
but i think not exactly 50% earth 50% water, probably 70 or 80% earth
To SagGirl...My cap once poofed for about a month, no contact. Came to find out that he was seeing someone during that time although he said it just fizzled out. I was once told that Caps can only focus on one thing at a time so maybe if they are interested in someone new they lose contact with you?
We leos (male & female) are quite loyal and take fidelty seriously. However, we do have a tendency of romanticizing our relationships. It's possible your Leo is quite taken with you but my experience has been that we fall easily at first and start makings all sorts of plans for the future. We are in love with the idea of being in love so I would just be cautious.
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Feb 03, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 469 · Topics: 63
"I Completely ADORE capricorn ladies."
"well i have capricorn venus "
thats make sense.
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Apr 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 243 · Topics: 32
I know astrology and planetary movement can have an affect on certain aspects of our lives. I use to have a co-worker who would let me know when mercury was in retrograde and to watch out for computer/mechanical problems as well as communication breakdowns between people. I find it all fascinating.
I'm wondering if we are in a situation like that now. Lately I have been feeling extremly confrontational and extra sensetive to the people close to me. I picked a fight with my scorpio for no other reason than my own extreme sensitivity at that moment. Is anyone els feeling this way? Is this another one of those Planetary movement things or am I just a bit crazy?
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Apr 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 243 · Topics: 32
Well that explains my feelings of telling some people in my life to go screw themselves. I have been WAY more sensitive than normal and I keep trying to take a step back and stop myself from picking anymore fights over nothing.
I want to thank everyone so far for their comments. :-)
I've thought about pretending that I want marriage/commitment/babies but I'm just not good at pretending. :-/
Purplehaze I definitely appreciated your feedback. Not rude at all. I've been in the same situation with someone where they were still emotionally attached to their ex in a negative or positive way and it ruined our relationship. I'm also aware of many women(and men) who just looooooooove the attention they get from certain exes. I've never been that way and have burned many a bridge myself. I've actually changed numbers and relocated a couple of times before to get away, but with 2 kids now it's not so easy to do that.
I've also been in the situation of getting restraining orders and know that this is not that type of situation. He doesn't call me enough for it to be considered harassment, he has never physically hurt me or threatened to, and as far as I know he doesn't park outside my home or stalk me. The last time I spoke with him it was only because he called from an unfamiliar number, otherwise I was avoiding his calls. At that time I was much less than friendly and told him repeatedly and in no uncertain terms that I don't want any kind of contact with him. I'm really just tired of his bottomless pit of selfishness and neediness. We have known each other since high school so some of those characteristics were kind of ok then, now he's 33 and in the same mental and emotional state that he was in when he was 18. I'm 30 now and can appreciate the good qualities of people much better, but on the flip side, I *REFUSE* to tolerate poor treatment from anyone.
When I posted I was hoping for some easy way to talk to him to get him to see that I *really* don't want to have any contact with him without having to go to the measure of changing my phone number etc. But I may end up having to do that anyway.
If anyone has any more to offer please do. :-)
Thanks again.
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Apr 14, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 302 · Topics: 61
Thats funny i am a pisces to and my bestfriend is a capricorn and my other best friend is a virgo/leo so....
i just got my basic free chart off sun is Leo,moon Taurus and ascendant is Cancer.In describing my personality it's dead on.Pride,self determination,strong will and objectivity.No one can force me to change my mind
In love matters I'm emotional and gentle.VERY TRUE.
I 'm quick to refuse to let my pride down.The strong will/self determination piece made me smile.I had out of control Epilepsy and at 15 was only the 82nd person in the us to have brain surgery for it.I had a massive stroke which normally kills a 35 yr old man.Next yr will be 20 years since my surgey.I no longer have seizures,I'm fully recovered from my stroke(I have a little weakness on my left side,but you can't tel if youy don't know).I have an 8yr old son with multiple disabilities I care for,my late dh was disabled I did all his care.I"m starting school on july 10th to get my LPN then get my BSN.Yeah I would say I have strong will and self determination.
Anyone else have a chart similar to mine?
Caps won't forgive "disloyalty"
And they will forgive u any major transgression as long as the capricorn knows that u are genuinely sorry abt what had happened/or if they feel tat u have suffered enuf for what u said/did.