My Lost Love

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by Greentea on Wednesday, December 30, 2015 and has 17 replies.
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about my lost love.
We met in college, a Sag man. I was madly, deeply in love with him. I swear if he didn't pass away in a motorcycle accident we would be married and have a family right now. It took me years to get over the "what ifs" and "what could've beens" and his death haunted me. I couldn't fall and love anyone like I loved him.

Then came my wonderful Scorpio man, amd since I've felt these feelings for my Scorpio, I've been delving into these emotions that bring both hurt amd joy. I had a dream about the Sag the other night, he smiled at me and took my hand, kissed it amd then he was gone. I woke up crying... I feel like these feelings of him, memories that are resurfacing are ways of me letting go of him..the dream giving me his blessing to finally let him go...

I don't ever want to forget him though, and I'm afraid that I will...
Dont ask me why but this made me cry.
Everything in life happens for a reason though -
Stay strong & live in the moment. Make the most out of the time you spend w your Scorp man cause he could be gone too. My heart goes out to you *cyber hug*
Posted by Vixen2
reminiscing...nothing wrong with that as long as it doesn't impede or hurt your current partner.

It doesnt, in fact that's the reason why these feelings have resurfaced because I don't think I've felt this way since Sag. It only makes me love my scorp even more and not take him for granted because now that I have a second chance at love, I appreciate every moment we spend together. I was taught a very good lesson, that he can be wrongfully taken away with no moments notice.
Posted by notafollower
Dont ask me why but this made me cry.
Everything in life happens for a reason though -
Stay strong & live in the moment. Make the most out of the time you spend w your Scorp man cause he could be gone too. My heart goes out to you *cyber hug*

Thank you very much. *Hugs you right back*
Posted by Greentea
Posted by notafollower
Dont ask me why but this made me cry.
Everything in life happens for a reason though -
Stay strong & live in the moment. Make the most out of the time you spend w your Scorp man cause he could be gone too. My heart goes out to you *cyber hug*

Thank you very much. *Hugs you right back*
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Sorry Geeentea
Posted by DMV
Sorry Geeentea

Thank you DMV, you guys are a great bunch. Don't let anyone make you believe any different.
Posted by Greentea
Posted by Vixen2
reminiscing...nothing wrong with that as long as it doesn't impede or hurt your current partner.

It doesnt, in fact that's the reason why these feelings have resurfaced because I don't think I've felt this way since Sag. It only makes me love my scorp even more and not take him for granted because now that I have a second chance at love, I appreciate every moment we spend together. I was taught a very good lesson, that he can be wrongfully taken away with no moments notice.
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Although the circumstances (Sag) are sad, you should feel lucky. Sounds like you do, even though you haven't expressed it as much.
There are a lot of people who do not learn (often by choice, some because they're pig shit stupid) to appreciate the time they experience with those they interact with, more so with those they have deep genuine feelings about.
AS far as being wrongfully taken the case of the Sag, that term IMHO is inaccurate. It was an accident. Life happens. Shit happens.
It's how we handle the curve balls life hands us that is the real test. You've learned and turned the experience into a good thing with what you have now. Cherish that.
Posted by HeartOnMySleeveSag
My grandmother always talked about loved ones coming to you in a strange way in your dreams.

He's smiling, he's happy for you. Cherish your Scorpio. Hugs to you ((((big Internet hug)))

That's how I feel about it, I've had dreams of him before but nothing as vivid as this. I really feel like he knew that I've been struggling internally, and he's letting me know he wants me to be happy, and it's ok.
Posted by Impulsv
Agh that's beautiful
I truly believe every single thing that happens in your life is to preparing for the moment that is to come .

He really taught me how to love, myself and most importantly to love a man, to love him. In turn, he taught me what it feels like to be loved. He taught me how to relax and enjoy life, and the little moments. I will forever be great full to have known and love him.

And you're absolutely right, he taught me that so I can love someone else just as much, if not more.
Posted by starwars
I'm sad.
sorry Greentea! you're one tough cookie. I love you!
take care of yourself, wish you a good luck with the scorpio❤

Thank you Starwars, you're a sweetheart. Truly.
Posted by RumiLove
Posted by starwars
Posted by Impulsv
Agh that's beautiful
I truly believe every single thing that happens in your life is to preparing for the moment that is to come .




Green tea, embrace what's in front of you and within you.
Bless you.
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Thank you Rumilove, I'm truly lucky to have experienced this kind of love from two wonderful men. I am so in love with the Scorpio, I can't even begin to explain. He's my future husband. I feel it in my heart, my bones even. Lol
Posted by CancerOnTheCusp
Posted by Greentea
Posted by Vixen2
reminiscing...nothing wrong with that as long as it doesn't impede or hurt your current partner.

It doesnt, in fact that's the reason why these feelings have resurfaced because I don't think I've felt this way since Sag. It only makes me love my scorp even more and not take him for granted because now that I have a second chance at love, I appreciate every moment we spend together. I was taught a very good lesson, that he can be wrongfully taken away with no moments notice.

Although the circumstances (Sag) are sad, you should feel lucky. Sounds like you do, even though you haven't expressed it as much.
There are a lot of people who do not learn (often by choice, some because they're pig shit stupid) to appreciate the time they experience with those they interact with, more so with those they have deep genuine feelings about.
AS far as being wrongfully taken the case of the Sag, that term IMHO is inaccurate. It was an accident. Life happens. Shit happens.
It's how we handle the curve balls life hands us that is the real test. You've learned and turned the experience into a good thing with what you have now. Cherish that.
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Thank you Canceronthecusp, your words brings much comfort. I went through a long state of depression when he passed away. I just saw him earlier that day of the accident , and when I found out, my world just stopped... all I could remember was him smiling, laughing and giving me a long embrace and kiss on my forehead before he hopped on his motorcycle. It was just awful. I couldn't learn to live anyone else, the memories just haunted me. I dated but no one made the cut, until this Scorpio man entered my life. He's just...something so special to me.
Posted by Greentea
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about my lost love.
We met in college, a Sag man. I was madly, deeply in love with him. I swear if he didn't pass away in a motorcycle accident we would be married and have a family right now. It took me years to get over the "what ifs" and "what could've beens" and his death haunted me. I couldn't fall and love anyone like I loved him.

Then came my wonderful Scorpio man, amd since I've felt these feelings for my Scorpio, I've been delving into these emotions that bring both hurt amd joy. I had a dream about the Sag the other night, he smiled at me and took my hand, kissed it amd then he was gone. I woke up crying... I feel like these feelings of him, memories that are resurfacing are ways of me letting go of him..the dream giving me his blessing to finally let him go...

I don't ever want to forget him though, and I'm afraid that I will...

Love of my life,was a sag too. Together for 10 years and ive been thinking of him lately as well. He was the love of a lifetime, never will find love like that again. There will be others, but not the same. We had a once in a lifetime love.
Posted by KittenLaRouge
Posted by Greentea
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about my lost love.
We met in college, a Sag man. I was madly, deeply in love with him. I swear if he didn't pass away in a motorcycle accident we would be married and have a family right now. It took me years to get over the "what ifs" and "what could've beens" and his death haunted me. I couldn't fall and love anyone like I loved him.

Then came my wonderful Scorpio man, amd since I've felt these feelings for my Scorpio, I've been delving into these emotions that bring both hurt amd joy. I had a dream about the Sag the other night, he smiled at me and took my hand, kissed it amd then he was gone. I woke up crying... I feel like these feelings of him, memories that are resurfacing are ways of me letting go of him..the dream giving me his blessing to finally let him go...

I don't ever want to forget him though, and I'm afraid that I will...

Love of my life,was a sag too. Together for 10 years and ive been thinking of him lately as well. He was the love of a lifetime, never will find love like that again. There will be others, but not the same. We had a once in a lifetime love.
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I've only seen tidbits of your story, what's up with your Sag? Why is he being a butt?
Posted by starlover
Posted by Greentea
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about my lost love.
We met in college, a Sag man. I was madly, deeply in love with him. I swear if he didn't pass away in a motorcycle accident we would be married and have a family right now. It took me years to get over the "what ifs" and "what could've beens" and his death haunted me. I couldn't fall and love anyone like I loved him.

Then came my wonderful Scorpio man, amd since I've felt these feelings for my Scorpio, I've been delving into these emotions that bring both hurt amd joy. I had a dream about the Sag the other night, he smiled at me and took my hand, kissed it amd then he was gone. I woke up crying... I feel like these feelings of him, memories that are resurfacing are ways of me letting go of him..the dream giving me his blessing to finally let him go...

I don't ever want to forget him though, and I'm afraid that I will...

He is probably one of your spirit guides watching over you

He wants you to be happy

Thank you.
You know, the Scorpio and some other people have told me that. I believe it.
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Posted by Impulsv
Posted by Greentea
Posted by CancerOnTheCusp
Posted by Greentea
Posted by Vixen2
reminiscing...nothing wrong with that as long as it doesn't impede or hurt your current partner.

It doesnt, in fact that's the reason why these feelings have resurfaced because I don't think I've felt this way since Sag. It only makes me love my scorp even more and not take him for granted because now that I have a second chance at love, I appreciate every moment we spend together. I was taught a very good lesson, that he can be wrongfully taken away with no moments notice.

Although the circumstances (Sag) are sad, you should feel lucky. Sounds like you do, even though you haven't expressed it as much.
There are a lot of people who do not learn (often by choice, some because they're pig shit stupid) to appreciate the time they experience with those they interact with, more so with those they have deep genuine feelings about.
AS far as being wrongfully taken the case of the Sag, that term IMHO is inaccurate. It was an accident. Life happens. Shit happens.
It's how we handle the curve balls life hands us that is the real test. You've learned and turned the experience into a good thing with what you have now. Cherish that.

Thank you Canceronthecusp, your words brings much comfort. I went through a long state of depression when he passed away. I just saw him earlier that day of the accident , and when I found out, my world just stopped... all I could remember was him smiling, laughing and giving me a long embrace and kiss on my forehead before he hopped on his motorcycle. It was just awful. I couldn't learn to live anyone else, the memories just haunted me. I dated but no one made the cut, until this Scorpio man entered my life. He's just...something so special to me.

When or how did u know it was Scorpio who open ur heart once again
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It wasn't one specific moment. I think over time, and getting to know him is how it happened, and just liking who he was as a person. So it wasn't an "ah ha" moment or anything. I just knew that I wanted him in my life forever, and I didn't want it to be just as friends.

He's so amazing, I love everything about him. He's just one of those people that I want and need in my life and can't imagine it without him. I love watching him being just natural.