
This topic was created in the Relationships forum by SeaLion on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 and has 22 replies.
How attracted are you to someone's natural scent? Have you noticed? I have only noticed this with maybe 3 guys I've been with where I can still smell them even tho I haven't seen them in days and have taken mult showers. Sometimes just thinking about them will fill my nose with their scent.

I bring this up because I noticed this yesterday. I could smell the Virgo on me even tho I havent seen him since Thursday and it was only for 5 mins and we didn't even have sex... we last had sex a week ago on Tues and I've had mult showers since then... yet... his pharamones fill my nostrils.

The last guy who I can say I've had this experience with was a Libra and I found that after I met the Pisces(who got me over the Libra) I could no longer remember the Libras scent.... I didnt know the Pisces scent however(prob cause he wore a lot of cologne) and despite the fact the Virgo and I have been seeing each other for years, its only been recently that his scent has lingered with me. I can smell him now just thinking about him while writing this.

I was trying to see if there is any research on this but I haven't seen much yet. I did see someone say that it means that you and the person are more compatable with each other. Which makes sense.

Anyone have any input?
Posted by alexscaries

I think women have a higher sense of smell than men generally speaking. I can't say I've noticed at least not on a conscious level.

"I was trying to see if there is any research on this but I haven't seen much yet. I did see someone say that it means that you and the person are more compatable with each other. Which makes sense. "

I've also heard this, I think it's true.
We probably do have a better sense of smell but I have heard guys claim that they can smell when women are in different stages of their cycle.... most noticeably they can smell when women are on their periods but also when they are ovulating too.
Posted by WarAngel

A woman's scent is a complete turn on for me. I need those pheromones to stay attracted. ❤️
I always wonder this but a lot of women wear lotions and perfume that change their scent. Can you tell the difference? I have had ppl ask me what kind of perfume I had on when I wasnt wearing any and I'm guessing they were just smelling my natural aroma or my fabric softener lol
Posted by Arinoaqua
Posted by SeaLion
Posted by alexscaries

I think women have a higher sense of smell than men generally speaking. I can't say I've noticed at least not on a conscious level.

"I was trying to see if there is any research on this but I haven't seen much yet. I did see someone say that it means that you and the person are more compatable with each other. Which makes sense. "

I've also heard this, I think it's true.

We probably do have a better sense of smell but I have heard guys claim that they can smell when women are in different stages of their cycle.... most noticeably they can smell when women are on their periods but also when they are ovulating too.

I track my periods in an app and without fail the Aqua would be all over me whenever I was ovulating. More aggressive too. I don’t know that he actually smelled anything but it’s safe to say biology works the way it’s intended.
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I didnt have reg periods till I hit 40 so its hard for me to track that with past relationships but I do use an app now that Im regular but I haven't noticed anything as far as him being more aggressive.... except right after my period but that's probably because he has been denied access during that time lol.
I don't know. All I can say is nobody wants to get anywhere near me when my testicles sweat. That's the only area I have to keep clean at all times as that's my only problematic area of my body produces natural stink odor.

Well maybe I'm attracted to the scent of a woman's hair from afar.
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter

I don't know. All I can say is nobody wants to get anywhere near me when my testicles sweat. That's the only area I have to keep clean at all times as that's my only problematic area of my body produces natural stink odor.

Well maybe I'm attracted to the scent of a woman's hair from afar.
Nobody wants to smell sweaty balls.
Laughingdidn't know I could be so humorous
Hugely, even his bo smells spicy and slightly appealing. He doesn't wear cologne or any product aside from deodorant and I prefer it. Even got him to stop using that horrible gel in his hair so my fingers can play.

Posted by LadyNeptune

Hugely, even his bo smells spicy and slightly appealing. He doesn't wear cologne or any product aside from deodorant and I prefer it. Even got him to stop using that horrible gel in his hair so my fingers can play.
I agree... the Pisces I dated wore way to much hair gel and cologne...he was very... how do you describe it in English? A macho puerto rican. It could be a turn off.
Posted by Moon_River

Just here to say Pheromones***
My auto correct failed me.
Posted by capincc

Yeah I don't do body odors.
It's not stinky sweat.. just their natural aroma. For me now he has almost a sweet smelling aroma with a musky base. Sort of reminds me of cotton candy.
Oooooooo some men smell goooooood to me and I eat that shizz up!!! Loooove when I can actually smell their natural musk and it gels with me.... Mmmmmm... it’s like a drug!! I’m extremely sensual so it gets me, like a deep creamy voice.
Most of the time what you identify with someone's scent is cologne or the fabric softener they use, or another product.

Sometimes, real pheromones don't need to reach your consciousness to act on you.

The strongest scent can be smelt in the armpits. There are other weird places, like, for some reason, the back area just above the ass/pelvic bone.

Smell someone's armpit (once they've got rid of any trace of cologne). Some people will be hypnotic and intoxicating, other people will reek and be repulsive. But in my experience, I got attracted to people's smell AFTER being attracted to them, so it's probbaly subjective.

I remember that one woman who'd pick up my T-shirt to smell it after I've done a long physical effort to get herself aroused.

I've also noticed there are definite racial smells. The most easily recognizable ones are black people, and white blonde people. I can't really pick up smell on mediterranean/arab/asian people (except for the food smells that may get attached to them)

Posted by SeaLion I have only noticed this with maybe 3 guys I've been with where I can still smell them even tho I haven't seen them in days and have taken mult showers. Sometimes just thinking about them will fill my nose with their scent.

There is something that happens where, when in certain sexual situations, it's your own body that releases the smell that you get. I definitely noticed that with myself in some very specific situations where I start getting the scent, even if I'm alone and just thinking about it, but it's very specific to one sexual context.
Posted by SeaLion
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter

I don't know. All I can say is nobody wants to get anywhere near me when my testicles sweat. That's the only area I have to keep clean at all times as that's my only problematic area of my body produces natural stink odor.

Well maybe I'm attracted to the scent of a woman's hair from afar.

Nobody wants to smell sweaty balls.
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IDK I kinda like the smell of mine, it smells sweet, but i do all I can to suppress it.
Posted by hydorah
Posted by SeaLion
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter

I don't know. All I can say is nobody wants to get anywhere near me when my testicles sweat. That's the only area I have to keep clean at all times as that's my only problematic area of my body produces natural stink odor.

Well maybe I'm attracted to the scent of a woman's hair from afar.

Nobody wants to smell sweaty balls.

IDK I kinda like the smell of mine, it smells sweet, but i do all I can to suppress it.
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Lol... no one wants to smell other ppls sweaty balls
Posted by AbbyNormal

Oooooooo some men smell goooooood to me and I eat that shizz up!!! Loooove when I can actually smell their natural musk and it gels with me.... Mmmmmm... it’s like a drug!! I’m extremely sensual so it gets me, like a deep creamy voice.
Lol yeah it is addictive. Love the deep voice too. The two together is like a drug I agree. 🥰
Posted by SeaLion
Posted by hydorah
Posted by SeaLion
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter

I don't know. All I can say is nobody wants to get anywhere near me when my testicles sweat. That's the only area I have to keep clean at all times as that's my only problematic area of my body produces natural stink odor.

Well maybe I'm attracted to the scent of a woman's hair from afar.

Nobody wants to smell sweaty balls.

IDK I kinda like the smell of mine, it smells sweet, but i do all I can to suppress it.

Lol... no one wants to smell other ppls sweaty balls
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No, it's not really sweat, it's more some kind of pheromone production I think. I think more than one woman would get crazy over it and obsess over me, that's why I have to hide the scent
Posted by hydorah
Posted by SeaLion
Posted by hydorah
Posted by SeaLion
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter

I don't know. All I can say is nobody wants to get anywhere near me when my testicles sweat. That's the only area I have to keep clean at all times as that's my only problematic area of my body produces natural stink odor.

Well maybe I'm attracted to the scent of a woman's hair from afar.

Nobody wants to smell sweaty balls.

IDK I kinda like the smell of mine, it smells sweet, but i do all I can to suppress it.

Lol... no one wants to smell other ppls sweaty balls

No, it's not really sweat, it's more some kind of pheromone production I think. I think more than one woman would get crazy over it and obsess over me, that's why I have to hide the scent
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Well mines be stink. And if I can smell it I know other people can smell it too. And I can't hide mines. I head straight for the showers the very second I smell it.

Like the op said, nobody wants to smell smelly balls. If yours smell sweet, lucky you. I wish mines smell sweet.
Posted by hydorah
Posted by SeaLion
Posted by hydorah
Posted by SeaLion
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter

I don't know. All I can say is nobody wants to get anywhere near me when my testicles sweat. That's the only area I have to keep clean at all times as that's my only problematic area of my body produces natural stink odor.

Well maybe I'm attracted to the scent of a woman's hair from afar.

Nobody wants to smell sweaty balls.

IDK I kinda like the smell of mine, it smells sweet, but i do all I can to suppress it.

Lol... no one wants to smell other ppls sweaty balls

No, it's not really sweat, it's more some kind of pheromone production I think. I think more than one woman would get crazy over it and obsess over me, that's why I have to hide the scent
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Ah so your natural scent. It doesnt just come from down there I can smell it on arms and the neck too. That's why girls like getting guy's shirts to wear or sleep with lol.
you know you love someone when you're deep sniffing your sheets after they left
Posted by exoskeleton_

you know you love someone when you're deep sniffing your sheets after they left
Your avatar reminds me of one of my old dogs. How sweet 🥰 is it your dog?
Posted by DopeFly
Posted by exoskeleton_

you know you love someone when you're deep sniffing your sheets after they left

Your avatar reminds me of one of my old dogs. How sweet 🥰 is it your dog?
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nah, random internet find! i love its wise, calming eyes. smile