Hey this is my first message here because to be completely honest, I was never really into Astrology but a friend of mine kinda convinced me that the similarities really are there, so I'll just get on with what's been bothering me!
I'm a Sagittarius man (22 y/old) , she's a Leo (20 y/old) . I'm a really calm person and I like to take things easy as rushing isn't in my nature at all, I find it hard to fall in love with someone but when I do, I can never seem to make things work. I started playing an online game just to pass my time and I came across this wonderful Leo girl that really got my attention, we've known each other for a month now and to be honest, I can't even say if I'm doing it right or wrong, or if she's into me or not at all. In the beginning I took it slowly, when I saw that I was into her I told her and I wanted to meet up and that's exactly what I did. We had loads of fun, we went to the movies, we kissed (and some more stuff I can't really say, not what you're thinking though) , she admitted that she had fun as well, the problem is that I can't understand her at all, she recently broke up with some guy that just didn't care about her and she says she's not in love with anybody right now, yet she says I'm really interesting and we never know, she says there could be something between us someday but I'm not so sure about that, I feel bad for saying this but sometimes she acts as if she's bipolar, one moment she's extremely nice and sweet to me the next one she's agressive, insulting me and trying to make me jealous on purpose. Yesterday she told me she acts a bit like this because her self-esteem is really low due to the past failures in relationships but I just don't know anymore, I really don't wanna ruin this but I can't even have a serious talk with her about the whole thing, it's like she avoids having serious talks at all cost, I just don't know what to do or how to be whenever I'm talking with her, she reacts badly to most of the stuff I say yet she says she loves talking to me, I even asked her yesterday why does she talk to me if I always end up hurting her, she told me not to say that.
As you can see I'm extremely confused, absolutely no idea of how to deal with her and I wouldn't be asking for help if I didn't love her this much, I'd be appreciated if you could give me some hints on this one!
Also just out of curiosity, is it a trait of the Leo women to be playful all the time, to the point of not being able to have a serious conversation or is it just her?
Sorry for the annoyance but I have one more question, I noticed that she can't stop talking to me, she wakes up and expects me to talk with her as soon as possible, she calls me whenever she can, whenever she tells me every single detail of her life at any time, could this be that she's doing it just to overcome her troubles in life (her bad relationship with the ex-boyfriend) , or could it be that she's really into me?