Should I be worried about this Libra guy?

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by CG04 on Thursday, October 8, 2015 and has 55 replies.
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Hi everyone, this is my first post on this site, but I have been a long time lurker. I recently decided to post because I have been "seeing" [I am so wary of labels] this Libra guy.

So long story short, I am a Cancer, ascendent in Taurus, moon in Scorpio, Venus in Gemini. I was previously involved with a Taurus for 3 long years and although we literally could look at each other and communicate telepathically, we just were not mature enough for a relationship. He couldn't do commitment but like a Taurus he wouldn't even look at another woman, and we went back and forth, and I should have just admitted to myself I could not do it without commitment. We had to end it, but he was the most supportive man ever, I went through severe depression and a long history of psychiatric care and he stood by it all like a rock, and to this day we remain really good friends.

So now I recently started dating, after 1.5 years of not seeing anyone, and taking care of myself first. So I signed up for this dating app and went on some pretty weird dates and finally ended up going on a date with a Libra guy. He was very kind of the first date, paid and made me laugh, but it was short and sweet. I ended up hugging him in the end and he said we should do it again. He said from the beginning he didn't want anything serious, and he just got out of a long term relationship and just wants to date someone and see where it goes. Fair enough, as I have no expectations and maybe cause of my past or my venus in Gemini I am pretty wary of getting close to people very quickly, and commitment haha.

Well we went out and he texted me as I got home but like I have seen before will stop texting mid convo (I just figured it was a Libra thing, and I am notorious for not texting back so whatever.) He contacted me that same week and wanted to see me again, and I said okay, and we saw a movie. He gave me a hug again, which is cool with me since I don't really do touchy feely with people I don't know (or even most people I do know for that matter.)

He texted that night, next morning, and as usual leaves mid convo but would text daily. Then he said he was going on vacation for a week, which is cool with me. He went for a wedding abroad, and while on vacation he sent me pictures of the events. I even recommended a restaurant and he went there and took a picture for me. It's all lovely, and maybe it's the gemini in me, but I was less frequent in my replying because it felt "couply."

When he came back he really wanted to see me it seems, so when I told him to come pick me up from a bar with my friends, he just did that. So our third hangout was at his place and we talked and talked. He played with my hands and grabbed them, but I was hesitant and sort of backed off. We kept hugging each other in the end and he kept smiling with his eyes lit up but no kiss, and that was that. He asked again 1.5 days later to hang out, but I couldn't. So he suggested another day, and I said I was busy
...and then he said he had a busy week with a super sad face, and I just took that as he could not give an alternative date. His texting became less frequent after that although he will compliment me when I change my pic on whatsapp. I don't push anything because he said he would be busy.

Just something about this Libra makes me a little uneasy, like he is too charming, or getting too close, or a little impatient to see me? Despite him saying he got out of something long term...should I be cautious? I mean we come from the same cultural background and I think that is new and exciting for him, but is he using me to get over someone? Aren't Libras notorious for serial dating?

So my question, how do I bring up his past relationship in a subtle way, I don't care to know any details just how recently he came out of it. That is all. Also does he like me?
He's certainly 'feeling' you out seeing how far he can take it, that's for sure. Bet if you began to say you liked him he would pull away and not know what the hell he wants.
Posted by gemguyaz34
He's certainly 'feeling' you out seeing how far he can take it, that's for sure. Bet if you began to say you liked him he would pull away and not know what the hell he wants.

Thanks for the reply gemguyaz! I definitely wouldn't say I like him, I like what I see so far but I just can't simply say "I like him." He tried holding hands on our third date, or playing around with mine, and I just pulled away, don't know why exactly. I thought he wouldn't ask for a 4th date but he has.
Posted by CG04
Posted by gemguyaz34
He's certainly 'feeling' you out seeing how far he can take it, that's for sure. Bet if you began to say you liked him he would pull away and not know what the hell he wants.

Thanks for the reply gemguyaz! I definitely wouldn't say I like him, I like what I see so far but I just can't simply say "I like him." He tried holding hands on our third date, or playing around with mine, and I just pulled away, don't know why exactly. I thought he wouldn't ask for a 4th date but he has.
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Well, safe to say then he is certainly interested in you; The question is to what extent and what his intentions are. If I wasn't just dumped recently, perhaps I could give you a non biased insight, but let's just say that though I was friends with my Libra for years before my relationship, that when things began to get serious, they acted the same way as what you wrote here and I really believed they liked me. They came on all hot and heavy, treated me like a king. I gave myself, only for my heart to be ripped out. Now I question just how much of it was phony and again, what the true intentions were. In my case, to break up with someone over a text message, despite a falling out argument is very immature. I still question just how you can do that to someone if you liked them as much as you say, unless those were just empty words. They are charmers, that's for sure, so tread carefully.
Posted by CG04
...and then he said he had a busy week with a super sad face, and I just took that as he could not give an alternative date. His texting became less frequent after that although he will compliment me when I change my pic on whatsapp. I don't push anything because he said he would be busy.

Just something about this Libra makes me a little uneasy, like he is too charming, or getting too close, or a little impatient to see me? Despite him saying he got out of something long term...should I be cautious? I mean we come from the same cultural background and I think that is new and exciting for him, but is he using me to get over someone? Aren't Libras notorious for serial dating?

So my question, how do I bring up his past relationship in a subtle way, I don't care to know any details just how recently he came out of it. That is all. Also does he like me?

I understand how you feel uneasy, as Libras are notorious flirts and can come off as playing games Tongue Given, they're natural born charmers and I think he is getting close to you because that's just how they are when they like someone. They are definitely the touchy type and he's probably just eager to hangout with you because his interest in your is increasing after each time. Moreover, Libras deliberate a long time before turning a friendship into a relationship. Therefore, just continue to go with the flow of things and see where it leads. Also, yes you should be cautious. It's hard to say whether he's using you to get over someone, but so far it seems like he enjoys your company and wants to continue the friendship. Once again, Libras are flirts and they go back and forth when deciding the woman they want to be in a relationship with. So, he MAY be dating other women from that dating app too or at least keeping his options open.
Now, if you want to bring up his previous relationship..Just simply ask in a courteous way, without coming off as nosy. You can begin the conversation by asking, "Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?" Then go from there...
From the sound of it, I think he likes you so far and he sure seems like he is smitten by you. Lastly, you WILL know when a Libra man is interested, because they will make it known or obvious. They will constantly compliment you, be touchy, get to know you on a personal level, and ask you out on a date in which he has done all of these so no fret.
Posted by gemguyaz34
Posted by CG04
Posted by gemguyaz34
He's certainly 'feeling' you out seeing how far he can take it, that's for sure. Bet if you began to say you liked him he would pull away and not know what the hell he wants.

Thanks for the reply gemguyaz! I definitely wouldn't say I like him, I like what I see so far but I just can't simply say "I like him." He tried holding hands on our third date, or playing around with mine, and I just pulled away, don't know why exactly. I thought he wouldn't ask for a 4th date but he has.

Well, safe to say then he is certainly interested in you; The question is to what extent and what his intentions are. If I wasn't just dumped recently, perhaps I could give you a non biased insight, but let's just say that though I was friends with my Libra for years before my relationship, that when things began to get serious, they acted the same way as what you wrote here and I really believed they liked me. They came on all hot and heavy, treated me like a king. I gave myself, only for my heart to be ripped out. Now I question just how much of it was phony and again, what the true intentions were. In my case, to break up with someone over a text message, despite a falling out argument is very immature. I still question just how you can do that to someone if you liked them as much as you say, unless those were just empty words. They are charmers, that's for sure, so tread carefully.
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Oh wow! Sorry to hear...sending warmth your way! And breaking up over text is a major sign of immaturity. Most Libra women/men I know have been in long relationships and married, my father is a Libra, but maybe the cultural differences because dating is less common in my parents generation. I can't handle people who act one way and their inner feelings may be a struggle of indecisiveness, I have no issue with indecisiveness, just act like it and be honest about it, ya know!
Posted by busyeyes88
As GG34 said, treat carefully. They use charm to put their prey of guard... Tactics!! Read my thread Libra: Fake Flakes... You will see how they "truly" behave when the rose coloured glasses have been cleaned and you see them for who they truly are... Extremely fake and Flakes!

Will read! Thanks smile
Posted by RainDancer
I don't think you should worry hun.

Just let him take the reigns. And trust me, a Libra man will take them.

I def. let him make all the moves, haha! Just because I am not sure of him yet, and don't know whether I like him. But I have made that pretty obvious because I don't act too keen on anything because I don't want to give him any false impressions.
Posted by spark
Posted by CG04
...and then he said he had a busy week with a super sad face, and I just took that as he could not give an alternative date. His texting became less frequent after that although he will compliment me when I change my pic on whatsapp. I don't push anything because he said he would be busy.

Just something about this Libra makes me a little uneasy, like he is too charming, or getting too close, or a little impatient to see me? Despite him saying he got out of something long term...should I be cautious? I mean we come from the same cultural background and I think that is new and exciting for him, but is he using me to get over someone? Aren't Libras notorious for serial dating?

So my question, how do I bring up his past relationship in a subtle way, I don't care to know any details just how recently he came out of it. That is all. Also does he like me?

I understand how you feel uneasy, as Libras are notorious flirts and can come off as playing games Tongue Given, they're natural born charmers and I think he is getting close to you because that's just how they are when they like someone. They are definitely the touchy type and he's probably just eager to hangout with you because his interest in your is increasing after each time. Moreover, Libras deliberate a long time before turning a friendship into a relationship. Therefore, just continue to go with the flow of things and see where it leads. Also, yes you should be cautious. It's hard to say whether he's using you to get over someone, but so far it seems like he enjoys your company and wants to continue the friendship. Once again, Libras are flirts and they go back and forth when deciding the woman they want to be in a relationship with. So, he MAY be dating other women from that dating app too or at least keeping his options open.
Now, if you want to bring up his previous relationship..Just simply ask in a courteous way, without coming off as nosy. You can begin the conversation by asking, "Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?" Then go from there...
From the sound of it, I think he likes you so far and he sure seems like he is smitten by you. Lastly, you WILL know when a Libra man is interested, because they will make it known or obvious. They will constantly compliment you, be touchy, get to know you on a personal level, and ask you out on a date in which he has done all of these so no fret.
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Thank you for your reply! smile Yeah he is a charmer, and does compliment a lot, he told me I could compliment him too lol! He is not touchy at all, which is okay with me so far cause I am pretty slow in those matters. And it's completely fine with me if he is seeing other women, as I talk to other guys, or takes a long time to decide [as
Posted by tiziani
I wouldn't ask about priors if I were you. It serves no purpose when you really think about it.

I agree, I mean I would not ask at this stage unless the convo just naturally flowed in that direction, possibly in the future if I develop feelings for him.
Posted by RainDancer
Posted by CG04
Posted by RainDancer
I don't think you should worry hun.

Just let him take the reigns. And trust me, a Libra man will take them.

I def. let him make all the moves, haha! Just because I am not sure of him yet, and don't know whether I like him. But I have made that pretty obvious because I don't act too keen on anything because I don't want to give him any false impressions.

False impressions ?

Are you into him?
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Sort of, but after a break up I am more cautious dating now and I have told him that [so that's what I mean about no false impressions]. He doesn't seem cautious at all, although he says he is cautious.
The user who posted this message has hidden it.

I am new to this forum, I guess that means you replied but I cannot see it?
Posted by RainDancer
Libras are for themselves. They can give you the world but only if they get something out of it.

He may be feeling you out.

My advice still stands. Let him make the first move.

Will keep doing that Winking , hehe thank you!
You don't sound like you will be a good match for a Libra. smile He can sense your caution, suspicion and distrust and it's a turnoff. (Which is the real reason he's not texting) It's not a good sign that he has not asked you out on an additional date with a busy schedule. I could be wrong but unless he is a third decant Libra - closest to Scorpio, "I will be busy next week," with no 4 date scheduled, sounds like a very charming way of Libra saying I have lost interest, there is a new person on the scene, and we are better off as friends, we lack compatibility. That's a good thing because you wrote that you don't like him. He can sense that too! Unlike the Taurus who will kiss the cancer's ass, the Libra will leave cancer without a second glance and sincerely struggle to remember her/his name in 4 weeks with the type of vibes you are throwing out. He will continuing liking your pictures as he eases out of the situation. Again unless he is a third decan Libra I wouldn't be surprised if he walks away slowly reduce your interaction to friendly banter and explore the new woman that he's texting now. Besides you really don't sound comfortable with Libra, and I don't blame you. It takes a very strong sign to deal with Libra. smile Good luck to you!
Posted by busyeyes88
As GG34 said, treat carefully. They use charm to put their prey of guard... Tactics!! Read my thread Libra: Fake Flakes... You will see how they "truly" behave when the rose coloured glasses have been cleaned and you see them for who they truly are... Extremely fake and Flakes!

Not if you do it for us, and we love you. You will see stability, faithfulness, consideration, tolerance and harmony IF we are moved. But if we are not moved we are flakey and could care less that the person is tripping.
Posted by busyeyes88
Posted by Librawoman77
Posted by busyeyes88
As GG34 said, treat carefully. They use charm to put their prey of guard... Tactics!! Read my thread Libra: Fake Flakes... You will see how they "truly" behave when the rose coloured glasses have been cleaned and you see them for who they truly are... Extremely fake and Flakes!

Not if you do it for us, and we love you. You will see stability, faithfulness, consideration, tolerance and harmony IF we are moved. But if we are not moved we are flakey and could care less that the person is tripping.

If we love you; ife we are moved"... It's a two way Street!!! But libras can never take responsibility it's always the other person’s fault!

OP be advised as above "let him come to you". Watch his actions very very carefully... Forget his charm. He ie venusian. we have a habit of "charming" people but with libra there is no substance. It an air sign... Good luck. Keep your wits about you you!! Big Grin
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I have a feeling that she is not going to have to worry about that Libra too much longer. He's doing what we do when we have lost interest. And it sounds like you have encountered some pretty un evolved Libras.
Posted by Librawoman77
You don't sound like you will be a good match for a Libra. smile He can sense your caution, suspicion and distrust and it's a turnoff. (Which is the real reason he's not texting) It's not a good sign that he has not asked you out on an additional date with a busy schedule. I could be wrong but unless he is a third decant Libra - closest to Scorpio, "I will be busy next week," with no 4 date scheduled, sounds like a very charming way of Libra saying I have lost interest, there is a new person on the scene, and we are better off as friends, we lack compatibility. That's a good thing because you wrote that you don't like him. He can sense that too! Unlike the Taurus who will kiss the cancer's ass, the Libra will leave cancer without a second glance and sincerely struggle to remember her/his name in 4 weeks with the type of vibes you are throwing out. He will continuing liking your pictures as he eases out of the situation. Again unless he is a third decan Libra I wouldn't be surprised if he walks away slowly reduce your interaction to friendly banter and explore the new woman that he's texting now. Besides you really don't sound comfortable with Libra, and I don't blame you. It takes a very strong sign to deal with Libra. smile Good luck to you!

Thank you for your opinion smile. And for replying! I never said I didn't like him at all, I just like him so far and am treading with caution. I'm surprised a Libra could sense my distrust, I think my emotions seem stronger to you than they actually are. And lol no taurus has ever kissed my ass.

It's okay to be cautious and be honest about it and he says the same but it's just a little weird that although he says the same he acts very couply at times. So he is cautious about going too fast and sometimes doesn't act that way.

And as for the 4th date if he lost interest in a matter of 2.5 seconds I would be shocked. It was in the same convo where he said "come see me" and I said "I can't today, maybe another time this week" and he replied (2 seconds later) "Tuesday?" And I said I was busy that day. And then another 2 seconds later he said "I have a busy week! Sad". This is not to say he never texted at all after that, he does all the time just not as often because I assume he's busy. He tells me about his day, all the over time he's working etc. And finds silly stories to text me.

He's a first decan Libra btw. And wouldn't it just be easier for him to ease off the scene without texting me since I rarely ever text him if at all? That's kind of weird that he would keep texting just to ease off the scene.
Posted by CG04
Posted by gemguyaz34
He's certainly 'feeling' you out seeing how far he can take it, that's for sure. Bet if you began to say you liked him he would pull away and not know what the hell he wants.

Thanks for the reply gemguyaz! I definitely wouldn't say I like him, I like what I see so far but I just can't simply say "I like him." He tried holding hands on our third date, or playing around with mine, and I just pulled away, don't know why exactly. I thought he wouldn't ask for a 4th date but he
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You said " definitely would not say that you like him." I am a first decan Libra and yes we can sense distrust. We have a voracious need to be liked by 'some people' so we have a hypersensitivity about people's underlying tones, and moods. Many of us just don't have time to deal with a mate treading cautiously when we could go and date a bold Aries, Fearless Leo, fiery Sag, or sexy Gemini or the love of our lives - fixed Aquarius. We have a lot of options a lot of options. So while a Taurus and Scorpio may be turned on by your caution a Libra will move on and be your friend exactly how he is being now. ...." He tells me about his day, all the over time he's working etc. And finds silly stories to text me." As long as in between those pointless texts he is complimenting you, asking for sexy pictures, telling you how much he is looking forward to seeing you, making dates, telling you sexy things about yourself and flirting you will be fine. If he has stopped doing those things; you have been moved to the friendship category. We are big time flirts especially if we want you. I talk to my mom about my day, I text many many people throughout the day funny stuff. I talk generic to many associates, but we flirt with a love interest, we ask about your day and get really interested in who you are. I hope I I am wrong, I don't know his moon, Venus or Mars placements and as long as he is complimenting you with the texts, telling you how much he is looking forward to seeing you, and has planned the next date you will be fine. "If he lost interest in a matter of 2.5 seconds I would be shocked!" Sounds like you don't know too much about Libras." We know exactly what we are looking for in a mate and we are looking for that perfect match. We know quickly if it's a match.
Posted by busyeyes88
Posted by Librawoman77
Posted by busyeyes88
As GG34 said, treat carefully. They use charm to put their prey of guard... Tactics!! Read my thread Libra: Fake Flakes... You will see how they "truly" behave when the rose coloured glasses have been cleaned and you see them for who they truly are... Extremely fake and Flakes!

Not if you do it for us, and we love you. You will see stability, faithfulness, consideration, tolerance and harmony IF we are moved. But if we are not moved we are flakey and could care less that the person is tripping.

If we love you; ife we are moved"... It's a two way Street!!! But libras can never take responsibility it's always the other person’s fault!

OP be advised as above "let him come to you". Watch his actions very very carefully... Forget his charm. He ie venusian. we have a habit of "charming" people but with libra there is no substance. It an air sign... Good luck. Keep your wits about you you!! Big Grin
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Third decan Libras - very close to Scorpio with a fixed moon, Venus, and or Mars will have substance. But the truth is earth and water are not Libra's compatible mates; fire and air are. So it doesn't surprise me that an incompatible sign would feel that way. But since Libra is barely moved by earth; the type of venom you have for Libras, we are so indifferent to earth that a Libra will rarely experience any where near explosive emotions. However we will experience explosive emotions with Aries and Leo, Aquarius and Gemini. The flow with fire and air is so effortless it's magical. So stick with water and earth and we will stick with fire and air and everybody will be happy. smile
Posted by Librawoman77
Many of us just don't have time to deal with a mate treading cautiously when we could go and date a bold Aries, Fearless Leo, fiery Sag, or sexy Gemini or the love of our lives - fixed Aquarius.

aquarius? Scared

eww. speak for yourself Big Grin

and while we're at it...gemini? no. just no.
Posted by jeane
Posted by Librawoman77
Many of us just don't have time to deal with a mate treading cautiously when we could go and date a bold Aries, Fearless Leo, fiery Sag, or sexy Gemini or the love of our lives - fixed Aquarius.

aquarius? Scared

eww. speak for yourself Big Grin

and while we're at it...gemini? no. just no.
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I got that information from many astrology books so take it up with LInda Goodman and the rest of the astrologers, And I did say it depends on the placements of other planets. So next time fully read the post before responding. smile
Posted by Librawoman77
So next time fully read the post before responding. smile

Laughing ok love.
Posted by Librawoman77
Posted by CG04
Posted by gemguyaz34
He's certainly 'feeling' you out seeing how far he can take it, that's for sure. Bet if you began to say you liked him he would pull away and not know what the hell he wants.

Thanks for the reply gemguyaz! I definitely wouldn't say I like him, I like what I see so far but I just can't simply say "I like him." He tried holding hands on our third date, or playing around with mine, and I just pulled away, don't know why exactly. I thought he wouldn't ask for a 4th date but he

You said " definitely would not say that you like him." I am a first decan Libra and yes we can sense distrust. We have a voracious need to be liked by 'some people' so we have a hypersensitivity about people's underlying tones, and moods. Many of us just don't have time to deal with a mate treading cautiously when we could go and date a bold Aries, Fearless Leo, fiery Sag, or sexy Gemini or the love of our lives - fixed Aquarius. We have a lot of options a lot of options. So while a Taurus and Scorpio may be turned on by your caution a Libra will move on and be your friend exactly how he is being now. ...." He tells me about his day, all the over time he's working etc. And finds silly stories to text me." As long as in between those pointless texts he is complimenting you, asking for sexy pictures, telling you how much he is looking forward to seeing you, making dates, telling you sexy things about yourself and flirting you will be fine. If he has stopped doing those things; you have been moved to the friendship category. We are big time flirts especially if we want you. I talk to my mom about my day, I text many many people throughout the day funny stuff. I talk generic to many associates, but we flirt with a love interest, we ask about your day and get really interested in who you are. I hope I I am wrong, I don't know his moon, Venus or Mars placements and as long as he is complimenting you with the texts, telling you how much he is looking forward to seeing you, and has planned the next date you will be fine. "If he lost interest in a matter of 2.5 seconds I would be shocked!" Sounds like you don't know too much about Libras." We know exactly what we are looking for in a mate and we are looking for that perfect match. We know quickly if it's a match.
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As in I wouldn't tell him I like him lol. Surprisingly I never have liked a Scorpio and don't get along with them, the only other significant person in my life was a Gemini man and we are still best friends till this day, and he still compares the other women in his life to me. He does flirt in between those texts and funny enough his memory is so sharp, so he
...remembers things I said and will send me messages when something reminds him of something he said. And I have many Libra guy friends and I disagree, many of them do not know what they are looking for and don't take breaks between break ups, and are notorious for saying they will tread with caution but not accepting if the other person does the same. And then ending up with awkward break up talks when they realize they don't feel what they thought they felt. But i love my friends!
Posted by busyeyes88
Posted by Librawoman77
Posted by jeane
Posted by Librawoman77
Many of us just don't have time to deal with a mate treading cautiously when we could go and date a bold Aries, Fearless Leo, fiery Sag, or sexy Gemini or the love of our lives - fixed Aquarius.

aquarius? Scared

eww. speak for yourself Big Grin

and while we're at it...gemini? no. just no.

I got that information from many astrology books so take it up with LInda Goodman and the rest of the astrologers, And I did say it depends on the placements of other planets. So next time fully read the post before responding. smile

Lololololololol lololololololololololololo 😂 😂 😂 lololololololololololololo 😂 😂 Ridiculous!!! So you believe that nonsense!!! Lol
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What are you doing in the astrology section quoting things about Libras if you think it's nonsense that's weird. I can't even get angry because earth signs just don' t get to me! I guarantee you as a Libra I would never in a million years get slightly provoked by a boring bull. They seem to be really obsessed with us however.
AND WHY do I get the impression that Librawoman77 is anti-water/earth sign for air signs? My father is a Libra and my mother a Capricorn (married 30 years) and they have been best friends and still get that look in their eyes for each other and are super romantic.

And I agree with BusyEyes88, star signs are not a be all end all, this Libra guy told me straight out "I don't believe in that crap." And I think the way you are raised and life experiences matter more. Yeah he's like a typical Libra but many things about him are not especially since he is a huge science nerd/has been the outcast but now grew up and has a huge social circle.

And we have the same cultural upbringing and in our culture that matters a lot to the older generation and we just clicked over that. Also one of my best relationships was with a Gemini man, and even to this day we are best friends and he still compares everyone to me. We broke up cause he moved away.
Posted by CG04
...remembers things I said and will send me messages when something reminds him of something he said. And I have many Libra guy friends and I disagree, many of them do not know what they are looking for and don't take breaks between break ups, and are notorious for saying they will tread with caution but not accepting if the other person does the same. And then ending up with awkward break up talks when they realize they don't feel what they thought they felt. But i love my friends!

Perhaps the Libra men you draw to you are like that, we attract who we are, but Libra know very well, very well what they want, they may not be communicating that to you. But then again we will see.
Posted by tiziani
I wouldn't ask about priors if I were you. It serves no purpose when you really think about it.

to me it serves all manner of purposes! i want to the know everything about it. how it ended, why it ended, how did it start, how long did it last. it tells me all about the person, not only by content but how it is answered.
Posted by jeane
Posted by tiziani
I wouldn't ask about priors if I were you. It serves no purpose when you really think about it.

to me it serves all manner of purposes! i want to the know everything about it. how it ended, why it ended, how did it start, how long did it last. it tells me all about the person, not only by content but how it is answered.
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agreed! haha but I ask in good time.
op, does he like you? possibly. for now. i would echo the sentiments and say tread carefully but don't be cold! he'll soon feel you have no interest in him and begin to mirror you. be willing to see the potential in the match without letting our emotions run away with you. be warm and happy and inviting and any man will want to be in your company.
Posted by CG04
AND WHY do I get the impression that Librawoman77 is anti-water/earth sign for air signs? My father is a Libra and my mother a Capricorn (married 30 years) and they have been best friends and still get that look in their eyes for each other and are super romantic.

And I agree with BusyEyes88, star signs are not a be all end all, this Libra guy told me straight out "I don't believe in that crap." And I think the way you are raised and life experiences matter more. Yeah he's like a typical Libra but many things about him are not especially since he is a huge science nerd/has been the outcast but now grew up and has a huge social circle.

And we have the same cultural upbringing and in our culture that matters a lot to the older generation and we just clicked over that. Also one of my best relationships was with a Gemini man, and even to this day we are best friends and he still compares everyone to me. We broke up cause he moved away.

Okay so since you want to get nasty I did a Tarot reading by Thanksgiving you two will barely talk. So we will see.
Posted by jeane
op, does he like you? possibly. for now. i would echo the sentiments and say tread carefully but don't be cold! he'll soon feel you have no interest in him and begin to mirror you. be willing to see the potential in the match without letting our emotions run away with you. be warm and happy and inviting and any man will want to be in your company.

Thanks! Yeah we are super warm with each other in person, but I will try to respond to his flirty texts in a flirty manner. I guess I am just held back in that domain! Thanks for you balanced response hehe.
Posted by Librawoman77
Posted by CG04
AND WHY do I get the impression that Librawoman77 is anti-water/earth sign for air signs? My father is a Libra and my mother a Capricorn (married 30 years) and they have been best friends and still get that look in their eyes for each other and are super romantic.

And I agree with BusyEyes88, star signs are not a be all end all, this Libra guy told me straight out "I don't believe in that crap." And I think the way you are raised and life experiences matter more. Yeah he's like a typical Libra but many things about him are not especially since he is a huge science nerd/has been the outcast but now grew up and has a huge social circle.

And we have the same cultural upbringing and in our culture that matters a lot to the older generation and we just clicked over that. Also one of my best relationships was with a Gemini man, and even to this day we are best friends and he still compares everyone to me. We broke up cause he moved away.

Okay so since you want to get nasty I did a Tarot reading by Thanksgiving you two will barely talk. So we will see.
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American Thanksgiving? Sorry I am Canadian, just wondering which you are referring to.

I did not get nasty, I think you have stated that we Libras find these to be perfect matches etc. and we just don't gel with cancers and that's all fine, you just came off as super adamant.
And saying things like "in a million years I would never get provoked by a boring bull," yes this is an astrology forum but like I said you seem rigid in your beliefs, astrology is just a part of the larger other social factors for some of us, we can still hold that belief and post on an astrology forum.
Posted by CG04
Posted by jeane
Posted by tiziani
I wouldn't ask about priors if I were you. It serves no purpose when you really think about it.

to me it serves all manner of purposes! i want to the know everything about it. how it ended, why it ended, how did it start, how long did it last. it tells me all about the person, not only by content but how it is answered.

agreed! haha but I ask in good time.
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yes, go with your gut in regards to timing. I may be in the minority here, but i wouldn't be afraid to ask. if someone asked me i would be upfront and answer you honestly. the question is not the problem, it's the way in which it is asked. you have to be a bit charming yourself if you want to charm a libra!
Posted by CG04
Posted by jeane
op, does he like you? possibly. for now. i would echo the sentiments and say tread carefully but don't be cold! he'll soon feel you have no interest in him and begin to mirror you. be willing to see the potential in the match without letting our emotions run away with you. be warm and happy and inviting and any man will want to be in your company.

Thanks! Yeah we are super warm with each other in person, but I will try to respond to his flirty texts in a flirty manner. I guess I am just held back in that domain! Thanks for you balanced response hehe.
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that's fair enough. if you worry he i pulling back at any stage, don't be afraid to explain your feelings and thought processes. if someone comes to me and honestly tells me how they are feeling, i have a lot of patience and want to be considerate of how they are feeling. if i get no explanation though, then i'm afraid i can be quick to ever my ties and cut my losses.
Posted by jeane
Posted by CG04
Posted by jeane
op, does he like you? possibly. for now. i would echo the sentiments and say tread carefully but don't be cold! he'll soon feel you have no interest in him and begin to mirror you. be willing to see the potential in the match without letting our emotions run away with you. be warm and happy and inviting and any man will want to be in your company.

Thanks! Yeah we are super warm with each other in person, but I will try to respond to his flirty texts in a flirty manner. I guess I am just held back in that domain! Thanks for you balanced response hehe.

that's fair enough. if you worry he i pulling back at any stage, don't be afraid to explain your feelings and thought processes. if someone comes to me and honestly tells me how they are feeling, i have a lot of patience and want to be considerate of how they are feeling. if i get no explanation though, then i'm afraid i can be quick to ever my ties and cut my losses.
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Lol I don't know how I am on the charming metre but yeah I sometimes know how to ask personal questions in a joking manner and people respond well. He is not pulling back, but yeah he is super open about discussing anything and being honest so I have been this whole time. I know Libras love honestly, my father is always willing to talk as long as you don't spring things on him after let them build up.
I don't kiss anyone's ass. Lol haha.. you can kiss mine though. That's crazy to even say that.
Posted by tiziani
Posted by jeane
Posted by tiziani
I wouldn't ask about priors if I were you. It serves no purpose when you really think about it.

to me it serves all manner of purposes! i want to the know everything about it. how it ended, why it ended, how did it start, how long did it last. it tells me all about the person, not only by content but how it is answered.

Yeaaaaaah I dunno lol
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there will be no secrets kept from me!


venus in scorpio
UPDATE: So Libra was texting me yesterday and he was supposed to go out of town for the weekend with his parents and they cancelled, so he was complaining he was bored at home etc. And so since he asked twice and I said no before, I thought it was his way of telling me to ask. I asked him what he was doing tomorrow and he said, just going to see a film with his sister and that's it. So I said let me know if you're free during the weekend. And he just said will do. He was complimenting me yesterday and being all flirty.

So we continued to message and the conversation died off from my end cause I was out with my family. And then now, he just deleted me off the dating app we met. The less plausible explanation is that he deleted the app, but I think he just deleted me. But why message until the last second to delete me? It wasn't like we were talking. So weird. Unless he doesn't want me seeing his activity, but that is weird to me that he feels the need to hide things and we are not even committed or anything really, what does that show he will be like in the future?
I've dated a libra and been friends with him for around 6 years. Plus, i'm a libra myself so maybe i can give some insight.
Yes, we loooove to flirt. I flirt with everyone and everything. Not intentionally though. When i like someone i usually go out of my way to text them and initiate conversations. I also give compliments and try extra hard to get to know the person i'm interested in.
The hard thing is to figure out what his intentions are. In my expirience, librans are good liars when they want to be. Specifially to get what, or more precise who, they want. I agree with other people on this post that you shouldn't say you like him because then he will way every option and probably over think it. Also, it's a good thing to take things slow physically. I know when guys have slept me right away and im still on the fence about liking them, it kind of scares me off and doesnt make me try anymore. Anyway, it seems likes he is interested in you, if he is keeping in somewhat constant contact with you. I would be worried if he stopped talking to you. I hope this helps a little bit.

I've only read the first page ......

Sounds to me like you are toying with him.

You don't initiate with him, and you cancel on him, you let him pay for you .... and then you turn around and attempt to make us believe you aren't into him really.

If you aren't into him, yet you let him come to you, just so you can turn him away ...... then you're likely just a random attention whore, and he's your victim.

My hope is that he realizes this sooner rather than later.
Posted by J_suzanne14
I've dated a libra and been friends with him for around 6 years. Plus, i'm a libra myself so maybe i can give some insight.
Yes, we loooove to flirt. I flirt with everyone and everything. Not intentionally though. When i like someone i usually go out of my way to text them and initiate conversations. I also give compliments and try extra hard to get to know the person i'm interested in.
The hard thing is to figure out what his intentions are. In my expirience, librans are good liars when they want to be. Specifially to get what, or more precise who, they want. I agree with other people on this post that you shouldn't say you like him because then he will way every option and probably over think it. Also, it's a good thing to take things slow physically. I know when guys have slept me right away and im still on the fence about liking them, it kind of scares me off and doesnt make me try anymore. Anyway, it seems likes he is interested in you, if he is keeping in somewhat constant contact with you. I would be worried if he stopped talking to you. I hope this helps a little bit.

Thanks! Yeah I don't think it is going anywhere, he just seems to text when he is bored. But thanks for the clarity! I am glad I didn't let myself get too attached.
Posted by P-Angel
I've only read the first page ......

Sounds to me like you are toying with him.

You don't initiate with him, and you cancel on him, you let him pay for you .... and then you turn around and attempt to make us believe you aren't into him really.

If you aren't into him, yet you let him come to you, just so you can turn him away ...... then you're likely just a random attention whore, and he's your victim.

My hope is that he realizes this sooner rather than later.

I don't know if you actually read the first page...I have never cancelled on him. He asked me to hang out on a Sunday and I was busy with my family, and told him another day of the week would be better. When he suggested Tuesday, I said Tuesday I had plans with a friend [and at that stage I am not obliged to ditch a friend just to see a guy.] I was about to suggest another day when he texted "I have a super busy week Sad" [as in he could not do any other day.] I did not push it, and asked if he wanted to hang the weekend and let me know if he is free. He just replied "ok I will."

He should not feel blown off if I was honestly busy, and it is not like I didn't act like I was interested in meeting him [at another time.]

I said he initiates more than I do, but it's sort of hard to initiate with him when he leaves mid conversation all the time. AND I said he paid for our first date, I have paid for things on our 2nd/3rd date [albeit to his disapproval.] I don't believe in this whole the man should pay thing, but nevertheless I thought it was a nice gesture only on our first date.

And in my update I said I asked to hang out, and have initiated convos with him lately, but he seems a little miffed after we couldn't set a date for our 4th date...seems to me he took me being busy the wrong way...he was impatient to meet again. So for me that indicates he falls hard and then falls out pretty quick too.

And yeah I liked him so far, as a venus in Gemini, I am not quick to say "I like him" [which refers to him as a whole.]
Posted by CG04
Posted by J_suzanne14
I've dated a libra and been friends with him for around 6 years. Plus, i'm a libra myself so maybe i can give some insight.
Yes, we loooove to flirt. I flirt with everyone and everything. Not intentionally though. When i like someone i usually go out of my way to text them and initiate conversations. I also give compliments and try extra hard to get to know the person i'm interested in.
The hard thing is to figure out what his intentions are. In my expirience, librans are good liars when they want to be. Specifially to get what, or more precise who, they want. I agree with other people on this post that you shouldn't say you like him because then he will way every option and probably over think it. Also, it's a good thing to take things slow physically. I know when guys have slept me right away and im still on the fence about liking them, it kind of scares me off and doesnt make me try anymore. Anyway, it seems likes he is interested in you, if he is keeping in somewhat constant contact with you. I would be worried if he stopped talking to you. I hope this helps a little bit.

Thanks! Yeah I don't think it is going anywhere, he just seems to text when he is bored. But thanks for the clarity! I am glad I didn't let myself get too attached.
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glad i could help! Sorry, us libras are a little tricky in the begin of relationships, especially if we are deciding if we like someone or not.
Of course you're wary. These guys move too fast and they take off just as fast.

YOU need to take control in how fast any of this moves. You keep it at the pace you want to keep it. If you allow it to go as fast as he wants, this will fizzle out faster than you realize.

They ARE known for serial dating if they aren't really ready to settle down. The immature ones who aren't ready to settle down can easily pull this crap with several women in a short time frame. It's disheartening if you get involved with one of those.
Posted by CG04
Posted by J_suzanne14
I've dated a libra and been friends with him for around 6 years. Plus, i'm a libra myself so maybe i can give some insight.
Yes, we loooove to flirt. I flirt with everyone and everything. Not intentionally though. When i like someone i usually go out of my way to text them and initiate conversations. I also give compliments and try extra hard to get to know the person i'm interested in.
The hard thing is to figure out what his intentions are. In my expirience, librans are good liars when they want to be. Specifially to get what, or more precise who, they want. I agree with other people on this post that you shouldn't say you like him because then he will way every option and probably over think it. Also, it's a good thing to take things slow physically. I know when guys have slept me right away and im still on the fence about liking them, it kind of scares me off and doesnt make me try anymore. Anyway, it seems likes he is interested in you, if he is keeping in somewhat constant contact with you. I would be worried if he stopped talking to you. I hope this helps a little bit.

Thanks! Yeah I don't think it is going anywhere, he just seems to text when he is bored. But thanks for the clarity! I am glad I didn't let myself get too attached.
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If this is what you're picking up on, drop him and ruuuun.

I've been involved with this type. It's no bueno and will not change. Unfortunately, some Libras only see people as commodities for their own selfish needs.
I have a Libra friend who is so sweet and loving - we are always joking around & when were just having a good time , we are both so into eachother, however i needed time to think about persuing a relationship w him & he was mad i guess. Started posting pics w another female on social media to get back at me.
He came begging for me to forgive him - but i was never able to forget. So though its a blast when tnings are good , chances are you wont really understand eachother when youre upset - theyre kinda selfish tbh & a narcissist too. But overall , w their flaws and all, i think theyre one of the best matches for a Cancer (as long as theyre honest)
Posted by busyeyes88
As GG34 said, treat carefully. They use charm to put their prey of guard... Tactics!! Read my thread Libra: Fake Flakes... You will see how they "truly" behave when the rose coloured glasses have been cleaned and you see them for who they truly are... Extremely fake and Flakes!

Wouldnt necessarily call them fake - but they are the narcissits of the zodiac. IMO -
Ps: i appreciate the honesty in your replies. Try to word them differently though, cause you can come across as aggressive and judgemental sometimes. Just saying x