SupaFreak Or Superkinky?

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by FlyingBurritos80 on Sunday, August 16, 2009 and has 37 replies.
Last night had to be one of the strangest evenings of my life. And no, not in a 9 1/2 weeks way either.
I met up with one of my oldest friends last night. He is also a Scorp, being one of the rare few I get along with. It probably doesn't hurt he is also a Sag Moon like moi. We had dinner at some new mexican restuarant in town.
Usually his better half comes with him. She is an Aries with a Pisces Moon BTW We get along well enough, so she is considered a good friend . They have been dating for 3 years. But she wasnt there tonight. I didnt ask initially as we did a buttload of catching up.
Finally, I did ask, and our fun quotient quickly deterioriated into awkward silence mode for a moment. Realizing my error I tried to change the subject (although in hindsight "so uh, how about that GI Joe flick?" would have been just as weird)
Before GI Joe escapes my mouth, he finally speaks up. And goes into a long confessional mode, kind of like with a catholic priest, but without the expectation of a handjob at the end.
He tells me that they been going through a strange phase in their relationship the last couple of weeks. They were at a party and saw she was flirting very heavily with a guy friend. But rather than get jealous, he had the opposite reaction.
He talks to her after the party is over. Starts discussing what their most taboo sexual fantasies are. She tells him hers first. Then asked what his was. He says that watching another man give her an orgasm would be a major one. Then says he would like to make it happen. Basically, she brings home a guy she likes and he watches them get it on. After its over, he comes over and has sex with her. He said the whole point of the fantasy is competitive. He basically wants to beat the guy in screwing her brains out.
After hearing this she gets quiet for a few minutes and then asks to go home. They went home without discussing it further. Ever since then, he says she's been real distant.
He wanted to know my opinion on the situation. I'm sitting there totally gobsmacked as I try to get in the Dr. Phil zone. I tell him its not my place to say as a friend. He presses further for an answer. I told him I need to really give this some thought and get back to him.
Now I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place (no pun intended BTW) On one hand I dont think he should be judged for confessing his sexual desires. To Be Continued...
But on the other hand, I feel he shouldnt have pushed immediately for it afterward.

Oh, yeah due to my alzheimer's getting the best of me left out an important fact. My friend was in a open relationship before with a Sagittarius Dancer (the non-Exotic type) They used to bring a guy and girl home from the clubs frequently.
So he does have previous experience swinging. From what I can recall he told his aries gf this.
Whats most interesting was looking up the rest of Aries girl's chart. She has a mars in sagittarius , and one would assume her being open to that kind of thing. But I think a person's background and upbringing makes more of an impact than astrology does.
I dont know what to tell him. Gah, when the hell was I appointed the non-transgendered Dr. Ruth? And where the hell is Adam Carolla when I need him?
Ladies, what's your take on this? Would you be open to letting another man into the bedroom? For the express purpose of plowing into you while your man looks on?
Well..... I'm not gonna knock anyone's sexual fantasys. Men have to be very careful with most girls when they mention bringing a 3rd party into the bedroom. That is really sensitive to alot of women. When you take away all the "fantasy" part it's cheating in black and white terms.
My fiance has the same placements as this girl (Sun and moon) and we've talked alot about this sort of thing (just discussing it's not something either of us desire). He was flat out appauled that anyone could sit and watch their partner have sex with someone else. He was FLAT against it. Even though I'm not for it either I was more opened minded about it then he was.
Aries in love are very possesive and on top of that as a female I'm guessing she felt a little offended at the thought of her man wanting her to sleep with someone else. I'm sure it made her feel whorish..... and at the hands of the man she loved.
This is a super sensitive subject and it has to be handled delicately.
I personally am open to discussing with my Aries without getting offended. He's the one that gets offended more even though it'll NEVER happen.
"Oh damn.I didnt read it before i wrote my first post.Damn i was right!!"
"Yes,bring the whole football team to the bedroom.Why limiting yourself to just 2guys?"

Mach, we may disagree on some things, but damn that was funny. I was going to post earlier but had to clean up my mess after spitting out my Count Chocula cereal laughing so hard.
I'm not one to judge people's life style s. If it doesnt hurt anyone and makes you happy, go for it.

Except for bestiality. But I don't think a rooster wants the actual thing when they say "COCK-A-DOODLE DOO!"

As for ending their relationship? I dunno. There are some swinger friends of mine that have been happily married for 7 years. From what I was told, they set down ground rules for having sex with different people. And that's how they make that arrangement work.
My friend is of a rare and strange breed. He is capable of switching from a non to monogamous relationship without any difficulty. I know he is deeply in love with her. The weird thing is you think being a Scorp and Aries, they would fight all the time. But they get along really well.
They do fight but just stupid little things like she's a neat freak and he's not.
He probably wouldnt admit it, but I think there is an entirely different reason behind his boy on girl scenario. There is a 5 year age difference between scorp and the aries. She's 24, and he's 30. I think he is afraid of losing her based on the age. And when he saw how heavily into the guy she was, that started it.
His mindset probably is kill two birds with one stone. She gets to sow her wild oats while still being with him
BTW I dont think men are really threatened by the sex act itself. It's the consequence from doing it. Because if a woman has a fantastic sexual experience with a guy, she gets easily attached emotionally. Even if it's the first time she is having sex with the guy. My old friend who is a Gemini had sex with this aqua girl on the rebound from being dumped by his ex. He made it implicitly clear that all he wanted was sex, nothing more. She seemed totally cool with that.
He had me look up her chart after the fact. And she is a Sun and Moon in Aqua. With a mars and venus in sag. So you think based on that she's the ideal FWB due to the detachment. Well he had sex with her and things changed quick. He was so good in the sack and gave her the first orgasm she had in a long time. To Be
And then it quickly devolved into Swimfan territory. She started wanting a relationship, called him all hours of the day. Stalked him outside his house. He told her that one time they shagged would be the last. She was so persistant, he ended up getting a restraining order against her.
So yeah, I really think men fear their girlfriend/wife are going to get emotionally attached.

As for myself and swinging? I dont know. It's been a long time since my last relationship. The Cappy from Arkham Asylum jaded me real hard. (We werent swingers BTW) And based on all these taken girls throwing themselves at me, I'm completely cynical. When you see how easily bored women (regardless of astrological sign and chart ) get, relationships become a scary proposition.
I dont mean that in a jealous or distrustful way. I just dont think I have the skill to keep a gal interested beyond a 15 minute span. And due to the way my work schedule keeps wrecking havoc anyway on not having a personal life.
I may have no choice but to be with some ADD party girl and be in some open relationship to keep it drama free. But definately not Paris Hilton though. I really dont want it to burn when I pee.
"When you see how easily bored women (regardless of astrological sign and chart ) get, relationships become a scary proposition."
Its an an epidemic between both sexes, I don't have much in relationships either.
As for your friends situation:
She's probably felling a multitude of things...and given his history she has every right to...She can be feeling disgusted, inadequate, angry, curious, etc.
She's most likely feeling that she wont be enough for him in the long-term, especially because of his past. If she were looking at something long-term with him she could be reevaluating this relationship.
Open relationship that lasts are few and far in between and it takes a very special couple for that as well.
He shouldn't be penalized for his fantasies, but you gotta admit it would get you thinking...whether good or bad thoughts. I think his past is what's heightening the issue. BUT all she really has to do is tell him its a no go and he should respect that and they can go on from there.
"Its an an epidemic between both sexes, I don't have much in relationships either."
Agreed. That is very true with men as well. Unless they have kids in the equation, I dont understand why someone cant just leave if they're bored. If I'm in an unhealthy relationship or somethings not working out, sorry it's over. Although through long stretches of being single, it does get lonely at times. But I'm a independent person and just remind myself I could be breaking my balls for nothing trying to meet someone's unrealistic demands for a relationship.

"She's probably felling a multitude of things...and given his history she has every right to...She can be feeling disgusted, inadequate, angry, curious, etc"
Usually I can understand where she is coming from regarding this situation. But he did tell her outright this scenario was not a gateway to bring another woman into the bedroom. Cause he knows shes not bi. Now this is just my experience talking here when I say this. I've known women to be madly in love with their boyfriends/husbands but after a long time of being together, want to have a taste of sexual experience with someone else. To be clear not saying they act on it, just have the desire to.
So you would think with her knowing there's not another vag in the cards, she'd be down. I know my friend well enough to know he would never had brought this scenario to her. Had he not see how attracted she was to the guy at the party.
"Open relationship that lasts are few and far in between and it takes a very special couple for that as well"
Agreed. I'm not a swinger myself, never have been. But I'm not going to rule out in the future if a girl Im strongly attracted to wants that. Due to our schedules not working out for a serious commitment. I'm fine if she wants to be with other guys at that juncture. Just dont ask me to be with another schlong in the same room.
"I think his past is what's heightening the issue. BUT all she really has to do is tell him its a no go and he should respect that and they can go on from there."
Ironically enough, his ex Sag Dancer is the one who set the frame for the open relationship. She told him about her not being a monogamous type. Either he can walk away or just accept that. He agreed to it but took some time adjusting. He didnt feel comfortable having another guy have sex with her while he was in the same room. But opened up very quickly - to be continued...
quickly once she brought a hot model and her bf back from a party. The fact he could have sex with another girl as hot as Sag Dancer overrode his jealousy issues. He just became used to it from that point on.
Actually, the only reason him and Sag didnt work out was she had a major coke problem. One she developed after touring new york for a month. She wouldnt go to rehab, so he broke it off. Too bad, cause she was a gorgeous, funny gal.
."BUT all she really has to do is tell him its a no go and he should respect that and they can go on from there."

Oh hell no.
That's pretty much all I have to say.
Posted by machiavelli bull
Posted by FlyingBurritos80

As for ending their relationship? I dunno. There are some swinger friends of mine that have been happily married for 7 years. From what I was told, they set down ground rules for having sex with different people. And that's how they make that arrangement work.

???Relationship=2people,3 is a crowd, and more means that you are only roommates,who sleep with different people,but why call it"a relationship"?Hm..strange.Well if my guy suggested something like this, i would immediately start packing,and dissapear so fast that you could only see my hair flowing in the wind and i would be gone.
click to expand

LOL! I with you on that!
"Well if my guy suggested something like this, i would immediately start packing,and dissapear so fast that you could only see my hair flowing in the wind and i would be gone."
Im curious Bull. What if he told you it was only a fantasy, but never asked you to do it? Would you leave? Just curious.
Posted by machiavelli bull
Btw.i dont know why this Aries girl wanted to be with him ,after he told her about his past(this swingers stuff).If guy told me something like this i would be scanning the room for nearest evacuation door.

"Yes i would leave.For me it would be a knife in the heart."

Bull, I understand your point of view as a woman. However, I think you're being extreme on this.

If the man is only TELLING you about a fantasy but not PUSHING nor SUGGESTING it happen, what is the problem?

We all have sexual fantasies some conventional, some unconventional. The difference is if we act on them. This way of thinking reminds me of a letter written to Playboy by a wife regarding her husband.
She said she was heartbroken to find out her husband masturbates in spite of an active sex life. I let out a "WTF?" As did a bunch of wives that wrote in response saying the woman was being silly. Men have higher sex drives than women do for the most part. She should be glad he chooses to wack it, instead of stick it elsewhere.
Bull, I sincerely appreciate and respect the fact you can only have sex in the context of love. However, your posts come across as if you have a negative attitude towards sex itself. Even if you are in love with the guy
And a man can pick up on that from a woman very quickly. And he'll do one of two things. Be a coward, not communicate his problem regarding this and stay and cheat. Or be an adult and break up with you.
Now I could be misreading, but that is just how it appears to me. And I fear you are going to experience one of the two options above I mentioned. But hey its your life, whatever makes you happy.
Posted by FlyingBurritos80
"Yes i would leave.For me it would be a knife in the heart."

Bull, I understand your point of view as a woman. However, I think you're being extreme on this.

If the man is only TELLING you about a fantasy but not PUSHING nor SUGGESTING it happen, what is the problem?

We all have sexual fantasies some conventional, some unconventional. The difference is if we act on them. This way of thinking reminds me of a letter written to Playboy by a wife regarding her husband.
She said she was heartbroken to find out her husband masturbates in spite of an active sex life. I let out a "WTF?" As did a bunch of wives that wrote in response saying the woman was being silly. Men have higher sex drives than women do for the most part. She should be glad he chooses to wack it, instead of stick it elsewhere.
Bull, I sincerely appreciate and respect the fact you can only have sex in the context of love. However, your posts come across as if you have a negative attitude towards sex itself. Even if you are in love with the guy
And a man can pick up on that from a woman very quickly. And he'll do one of two things. Be a coward, not communicate his problem regarding this and stay and cheat. Or be an adult and break up with you.
Now I could be misreading, but that is just how it appears to me. And I fear you are going to experience one of the two options above I mentioned. But hey its your life, whatever makes you happy.

Sex isn't the main thing in life to do.
"Sex isn't the main thing in life to do."

Never said it was. I am talking about in the context of a relationship. Love and mutual respect is essential to a relationship. So is sex.
Just like if you take love and respect out of the equation, sex alone is not something a relationship can live on.
But in the same context if there's just love and respect but no passion, a relationship will fade quick.
You don't need threesomes or swinger's to spice up your relationship, i think that's a sorry excuse there are many toys and tricks for couples to do. Like someone said some people are long-term and some short-time relationship. He should just find someone that can accommodate his needs and same for her as well.
Some things meant to stay fantasy because in reality disease,STD's, life threatening condition comes along with it, btw why don't you stay single to fuck every girl that walk up the tree? A relationship is commitment by two party not three, four or five. If i madly in love with someone i give my all to that person and i don't share with anyone else because she gotten my attention and she deserve it.
Ok you two are totally misunderstanding what I'm talking about.
First Dream, I'm not saying you should have threesomes or swing to spice your relationship. So please dont say I said that.
What I meant is as a couple, you should be able to discuss your fantasies together without judgement. Now if the person wants to make that fantasy happen and the other person is uncomfortable and hurt by that, I agree with you two.
If me and a girl are discussing fantasies and she says hers is to be with two guys, I'm not going to freak first thing. What I will ask is if she trying to get me to make it happen.
If she is, then I'll say sorry, that's not comfortable for me. Then ask if she needs to break up to explore that kind of sexuality with someone else. However, if she says that she's not wanting it to happen, I'll let it go at that.
It's in the same context of my cheerleader fantasy. I'd like to get a girl in a cheerleader outfit and have sex with her wearing it under empty football stands. But most girls I've met have not been comfortable with doing that.
And guess what? It's no big deal. It doesnt mean I am in your terms "unsatisfied". Just because one fantasy goes unfulfilled, doesnt translate into a couple having bad sex.
"Some things meant to stay fantasy because in reality disease,STD's, life threatening condition comes along with it, btw why don't you stay single to fuck every girl that walk up the tree?"
Again you misunderstand, that is exactly what I'm saying. There's nothing wrong with fantasies. But wanting it done or acting on it is a whole different ballgame. I am single. And for the record, I am very faithful when in a relationship. I wouldnt ask a girl to be with another guy as that is not my cup of tea. Nor is bringing another girl in. But if she really wants to bring another girl in I will oblige her. That isnt uncomfortable for me like another guy would be.
But, if a girl I'm dating casually wants a commitment, there has to be several things to take in consideration.
Mainly how our schedules work. If I am only able to see a girl once a week, that's not a real relationship. That is almost like friends with benefits basically. And a relationship isnt based on text messaging or calling each other. Its how much actual time you spend together. If the time is not there, neither is the relationship.
Look we shouldn't judge how people live their relationships. finish next p
I'm judging but hey whatever floats your boat go for it! You just need to find someone that have the same interest plain and simple. A a lil pleasure can bring life of pain just remember that.
If swinging makes a couple's relationship strong, godspeed to them. Monogamy doesnt fit some people.

"And btw. i like sex.But whats the point of being in a relationship if you sleep with other people?!?!?!Better hire a cleaner,or someone to cook for you and sleep with other people.Why do you want to stick to this Fiction"

Again, Bull you are misunderstanding what I'm talking about. I'm not saying you should be in a open relationship. What I meant was in your posts in GENERAL, come across as sex being bad, not this topic.
Attacking a couple who choose to stay in a open relationship is akin to those religious right wing nuts attacking the gay life style and marriage. What works for you may not work for every one else necessarilly.
And we all should respect that people lead different lives. And mind our damn business.
threesome with 2 dudes = too much sausage
errrr i guess that isn't technically a threesome now that i reread it. yeah i still wouldn't be a big fan of that situation. i'd be concerned about what other doors that situation would open

Just so everyone does not misunderstand *shouting *



An update. I talked to my friend today. I basically told him it was not out of line for him to confess his fantasy. HOWEVER, he was wrong to be pushing it on her.
I asked him it if this whole mess had to do with his insecurity of losing her. He didnt entirely deny it, but never 100% confirm either. Basically I suggested he talk to her tonight. Say he saw how interested she was with the guy at the party. And he only suggested she hook up with another guy so her curiosity could be satisfied. That he wasnt really into the threesome. And apologize profusely for the miscommunication, give her flowers with a card saying how much he loves her.
What I told him hopefully will save his ass.
He's going to let me know in the next couple of days.

Let me tell ya folks, it isnt easy being green Winking
To be honest, i really don't know how i feel if someone told me that, would i still be with them?? NO. I may be selfish but that will always be on my mind and they can go ahead have whoever fantasy with someone with the same taste, that's just me, i wish them both of luck.
Well he was being honest when he confessed it. In fact he was letting her in on his fantasy secret which shows he trusted her enough to tell her thinking she wouldn't freak out. Obviously he doesn't want to lose her and probably didn't MEAN to offend her.
I really don't see the problem with him confessing it to her. All she had to do was say she wasn't into that... it'll never happen and leave it at that.
Sometimes people create too much drama most especially females.
I'll be honest and confess that my Aries has asked me point blank to sleep with another chick while he watched. He had no desire to be involved because he said being with someone else is out of the question for him but he wanted to see me with another girl. Typical guy right thing ... *rolls eyes*
Instead of sulking and pouting around about it I just said "" and left it at that.
I don't see how a relationship could be considered strong or healthy if your partner can't tell you absoluely everything that comes to mind. Even I as a Scorp who is very private can't fathom having to keep anything from my partner because I'm worried about freaking him out or hurting his feelings. That means I don't TRUST him.
I can see where she'd be a little hurt but I don't see the need to distance herself when he was only being honest. And fuck that whole flowers, cards, I'm so sorry I was being HONEST but your feeling are hurt so I have to kiss ass BS. Ugh. Women.
this cap i was dating took me to a swingers club(yea i went)...
so okay we were watching this couple....the wife had like six guys doing her ( i mean she was give up oral to all of them) all while her husband watched.

so I asked the cap "Could you watch your wife do that?"
he said "Yea as long as they all have on condoms"
He was a middle aged, divorced, freak a zoid.
Ugh.... and a double ugh. This had to be the longest day of my life. I was playing crisis hotline with my scorp friend. Where the hell is Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers when you need them?

( A quick preface before I go into my bible length description of what happened with scorp friend. One, the last month or so he has been having his house remodeled. So both him and his aries GF have been forced to move their things out and live separately.
Two, I told scorp friend if aries dumps him, NOT to react at all. Be totally emotionless and offer a short response like "Well, I wish you the best of luck and hope you find what you're looking for." Then leave immediately before his true emotions come to the surface.)

Anyway him and Aries had a long conversation. Apparently, she is way more perceptive than I thought. She told scorp friend her suspicion about him asking for the guy on girl action. And that she knew it had to do with the guy at the party. Cause he has never brought up swinging ever in the three years they've been together.
She's been doing a lot of thinking. And ever since she was 16, there was 3 relationships back to back. She's never really been single. And she feels since entering her mid 20's, there has been too much too soon so to speak. She settled down too early.
She reassured him he's the love of her life. But he is supposed to be Mr. Right in the future, not now. She couldnt go through with the other guy scenario due to knowing scorp's heart was not truly in it. She told him about needing to be by herself and explore dating.
Scorp thankfully followed my advice and gave word for word the response I suggested. Then lied and said he had to pick me up cause the buses dont run late where I'm at.
Then I get the FALLOUT talking on the phone. He is obviously devastated sounding very manic and desperate. So I offer to meet him in person and talk. I go to his place. Lord, I should have brought hankies with me. TO BE CONTINUED NEXT POST...

In all the years I've known Scorp, never seen him like this. He has never cried in front of me till today. Saying how she's the only woman he ever wanted to marry. I hug him a few times. And try to reassure him saying "dont you think it's better she can came to this conclusion now instead of after being married? Which would be a whole lot more devastating"
Now, what I really wanted to say was this pain he's going through is a long time in the running. Dont get me wrong, I like Aries girl, but she was too young for him. I knew this wouldnt work out. But never said anything since it was not my place to say.
I told Scorp there's a way to potentially get her back. Or just put the end of the breakup in his ballpark. I told him though he needs to strongly think if he really wants to take the risk of experiencing this heartache again. If aries wants to reconcile.
And I said the way I am suggesting is downright cunning and manipulative. But it can be very effective.
I told him he needs to ignore her calls and text. Unless it's life or death like her or her mother. Delete her phone number from his phone so he's not tempted to call her.
Make himself busy with projects and other things. He needs to immediately start dating casually. But do not go back to Sag dancer. Here's an update on her. About a year and a half ago, she nearly overdosed. Then was court-ordered to go to rehab. Apparently she's been clean for a year now. Lost Scorp's number and has been contacting me through email to try to reach him. With the relatives in my family, relapses are prone to happen after the first year of sobriety. If a person has been sober for at least 2 to 3 years there's a less likelihood of relapse. I said ignore Sag danc completely.
(Again this is extremely shallow, but very effective if he wants aries back. ) I told him he has to find a girl more physically attractive than Aries. Since they would only be casually dating bring girl around to the old haunts and let word get back to aries of what's going on. She sees all this and she should be damn near pounding his door down. At same time I am really trying to encourage Scorp, in moving on. But its up to him in the end. He agreed and is going to follow my advice. We'll see what happens.
Posted by FlyingBurritos80

In all the years I've known Scorp, never seen him like this. He has never cried in front of me till today. Saying how she's the only woman he ever wanted to marry. I hug him a few times. And try to reassure him saying "dont you think it's better she can came to this conclusion now instead of after being married? Which would be a whole lot more devastating"
Now, what I really wanted to say was this pain he's going through is a long time in the running. Dont get me wrong, I like Aries girl, but she was too young for him. I knew this wouldnt work out. But never said anything since it was not my place to say.
I told Scorp there's a way to potentially get her back. Or just put the end of the breakup in his ballpark. I told him though he needs to strongly think if he really wants to take the risk of experiencing this heartache again. If aries wants to reconcile.
And I said the way I am suggesting is downright cunning and manipulative. But it can be very effective.
I told him he needs to ignore her calls and text. Unless it's life or death like her or her mother. Delete her phone number from his phone so he's not tempted to call her.
Make himself busy with projects and other things. He needs to immediately start dating casually. But do not go back to Sag dancer. Here's an update on her. About a year and a half ago, she nearly overdosed. Then was court-ordered to go to rehab. Apparently she's been clean for a year now. Lost Scorp's number and has been contacting me through email to try to reach him. With the relatives in my family, relapses are prone to happen after the first year of sobriety. If a person has been sober for at least 2 to 3 years there's a less likelihood of relapse. I said ignore Sag danc completely.
(Again this is extremely shallow, but very effective if he wants aries back. ) I told him he has to find a girl more physically attractive than Aries. Since they would only be casually dating bring girl around to the old haunts and let word get back to aries of what's going on. She sees all this and she should be damn near pounding his door down. At same time I am really trying to encourage Scorp, in moving on. But its up to him in the end. He agreed and is going to follow my advice. We'll see what happens.

you sound more like a girlfriend then a guy
I told you she will leave, she need find someone like her vice versa. Now they both can move on with they lives. FYI: She not coming back.
Posted by machiavelli bull
I told you so.And now i feel sorry for this poor guy.

Bull and Dream, there's no I told you so here. Forgive me for not making that post as detailed as it should have been. But I was dead tired. And wanted to get the post out of the way since i had an appointment in the morning.
What I failed to expand on is Aries girl said she has been thinking about this WAY BEFORE the subject of bringing another man in came up. The scenario he brought to her was just the catalyst for discussion.

"NO NO NO!!It will only push her away!She will think he doesnt care about her at all.He should look sad,pale,lonely and hurt.Forget pretty girls!It will be last nail in the coffin."

You know Bull, I actually would almost agree with you here LOL. If she had broken up with him because of the swinging scenario then yes, bad idea. But it had nothing to do with that.
There's 2 factors you have to take in consideration. One, she's an Aries. They want what they cant have. If he acts all clingy and heartbroken she will be more turned off to the idea of reconciliation.
Two, she is a hot girl. She's got men circling her all the time. She has many to choose from. Yes, she will be hurt at first finding out he moved on so quickly. But then hurt turns into anger. And instead of exploring her options she'll get obsessed with the challenge of getting his attention. It's basically reverse psychology.
Hell, I learned parts of this method from you gals. Thank god I have a lot of female friends. Otherwise I would not have the insight on this. I've seen this work with myself. But I did it without conciously knowing it, When Cap ex dumped me I did the same thing. For the first time ever, it became her chasing me. Eventually I gave her a second chance. But when she got back to the old games, dropped her like a bad habit.
She's even made it clear she would dump her bf in a minute if I wanted to try again. Thankfully however, I dont like Chinese Water Torture.
I really want my friend to move on. But if this plan helps in any way to getting him on that road, then I'm all for it. I am trying to set him up with this hostess acquaintence of mine. She is smoking hot. I even tried getting a date with her in the past but she had a bf at the time. So I just made friends with her. Now she is no longer with bf. I was going

to pursue her myself. Then this drama with scorp and aries happened. So I'm taking one for the team, so to speak. I am seeing her today, so hopefully this can happen.
I suck at dating in my love life, But for some reason, I am good at hooking others up. Go figure. Now if only someone could do it for me, LOL
Posted by machiavelli bull
Posted by FlyingBurritos80

to pursue her myself. Then this drama with scorp and aries happened. So I'm taking one for the team, so to speak. I am seeing her today, so hopefully this can happen.
I suck at dating in my love life, But for some reason, I am good at hooking others up. Go figure. Now if only someone could do it for me, LOL

Hey FlyingB-i think your mistake is that you arent much romantic.At least try to pretend you are romanticsmileThe more you talk about love,the more sex you getsmileBe romantic-Thats the keysmile
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I agree!
Posted by machiavelli bull
Posted by FlyingBurritos80

to pursue her myself. Then this drama with scorp and aries happened. So I'm taking one for the team, so to speak. I am seeing her today, so hopefully this can happen.
I suck at dating in my love life, But for some reason, I am good at hooking others up. Go figure. Now if only someone could do it for me, LOL

Hey FlyingB-i think your mistake is that you arent much romantic.At least try to pretend you are romanticsmileThe more you talk about love,the more sex you getsmileBe romantic-Thats the keysmile
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Just because I speak my mind about sex on a board, doesnt mean it happens in real life. Contrary to freaky belief, I am a very private person. Kind of introverted. Though my sag moon makes me look like an extrovert.
If a girl I'm on a date with is naturally flirty and spunky, then she'll get it right back. Otherwise most women never guess I'm a complete perv :0~~~
Contrary to popular belief, not all girls are into romantic stuff. This is where astrology gets it right. Cause it can depend on a persons astrological chart if they are the romantic type.
I'll never forget what happened with my cap ex. It was our fourth date, and I brought her yellow roses. She had a "WTF" expression on her face. Then a minute later, this little gem "Well uh gee, thanks" in a dismissive tone.
This was before I knew about astrological signs and charts. If I had known about her chart, never would have done it at al. Now I just wait till I know a persons astrological chart and in a relationship to do romantic things.
I just thought about something BTW. Where is Satori? I thought she'd be all over this topic like a bee to honey . I guess being headmistress of the scorpio forum is a full-time job Winking

Ok, met up with my hostess friend. She was kind of busy, so in a way that worked out better for me. I asked her to come join me and my friend on friday to catch up.
I figured this would be much better than a blind date situation. As I know she would have been uncomfortable with that. This way. it's low pressure and if my friend and her are attracted to each other, the next step can be taken.
She said yes. I am so excited. I'm praying to god this girl will be attracted to my friend. Dont get the wrong idea. In a totally heterosexual way, I think my buddy is a good looking dude. But women at times can have very unconventional taste in men. As i am clear evidence of.
Oh want a thing for sheer irony? I noticed she had some birthday cake at her post. I asked who's birthday it was. She said her birthday was last night. So that makes her a Leo. But I think she and my friend may be a good match besides her being older and more mature, he's a Sag moon. The saga of Scorps and Leos continue, LOL
Last couple of days have been beezy, beezy. Before I update on the current situation like to respond to the Honorable Ms. Sat.

First, thought you would catch the Harry Potter in joke there. Ok, it was a little obscure reading back on it.

Second, I am sincerely trying to get my friend with the Leo girl. This is not a revenge ploy with her. She seems like a very quality gal. Now normally I wouldnt try to get him into a relationship with another gal so soon. But my friend is majorly co-dependant. He is not clingy, but he likes companionship. In the town we live, single attractive women in their very late 20's to 30's without kids are an endangered species. Cause most single women here are of college age.
And this opportunity couldn't be passed up. I remember when my cap ex dumped me on our first breakup, how emotionally gutwrenching it was. Major depression. Then I met this really cool 27 year old. I was 23 at the time. It was like night and day between her and cap ex. She was both attractive and easy to talk to. Great personality, easy to be around over all. I just felt this overwhelming sense of maturity from her. We dated for about a month, until her company started laying people off. And she had the choice of relocating to another state or losing her job. No surprise which one she took.
I was always grateful to have dated her. As it reminded me why I prefer to be in relationships with girls my age and older. It gave me confidence and backbone where I never put up with any more crap from cap ex. So, I'm hoping my scorp friend has the same experience to move on from aries girl.
Third, most men who are honorable have a unwritten rule when it comes to casual dating. If a woman asks the "where are we going" question always be honest. Tell them you just came off a bad breakup and not looking to jump into anything serious for a while. But you will show her a good time though. Encourage them to date other men. I abide by this rule as does my scorp friend. He could never lead a girl on. Not in his nature.
I do think my friend needs to work on himself. But he wouldnt be open to that at this juncture. I'd rather he get a relationship or get laid. So he would be more open to that particular suggestion. I'll update about how the date went soon. Too tired to work on my bible right now though LOL Lataz.