The Power of the Pussy by Kara King... Anybody has personal experience? Is this bullshit? Legit?

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by librawomen7 on Saturday, September 3, 2016 and has 63 replies.
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Chapter one - Men are sexual by nature and women are emotional by nature, women are emotional creatures. You must evolve if you want to beat men at their own game. You must learn to control your emotions When you master the ability to control your emotions, you take away a man’s power over you.

Controlling your emotions is also important when you meet or like a new guy. You know, like when you want to call him, text him, or leave comments on his Facebook page. Or when you’re waiting for him to call, like he said he would and so you decide to call him.

You know you should just wait it out and let him come to you, but you’re dying to reach out to him. Don’t do it! Be patient. Control yourself. Always wait it out and always make them come to you. If he doesn’t, that’s a SURE SIGN he doesn’t like you.

It’s okay to flirt. Just don’t pursue. If he likes you, he’ll call. If he likes you, he’ll text. If he likes you, he’ll find ways to be around you. If he doesn’t, take it as his way of letting you know that he isn’t interested.

Women should never have to put a lot effort into getting a man’s attention. If you’re not getting the responses, calls, texts, or attention you were hoping for, then forget about him. He most likely doesn’t like you, or he’d show it and you would know it.

Reason #1: Men hate it when they can’t see into your head. If you control your emotions for a new guy, you’re making him wonder if you like him or not. When he can’t figure it out, he’ll work harder. Suddenly, he’ll be the one calling and texting. He’ll be the one pursuing you, instead of the other way around.

Reason #2: Men only want you when you don’t want them. It’s all about the thrill of the hunt for a man. I know you’ve heard this before and probably think it’s just stupid bullshit games. To us, it’s stupid because we’re women, our brains are different. We think, “hey, if you like me, then be with me.”Read more at location 539

Men aren’t like that. Men want to hunt. The thrill of the hunt gets a man interested much faster than calling him and leaving cute comments on his Facebook page. That’s just the way it is. The sooner you accept this, the better for you. Flirt with him, but control your urge to go after him and if he likes you, he’ll definitely come after you.

Reason #3: Only fools rush in. As women, we get swept off our feet too easily. Don’t be so quick to like a new guy, especially one you just met or just started dating. Control those happy emotions that come so easily in the beginning of relationships. Don’t go on one or two dates with some guy and immediately start getting feelings for him or start thinking he’s the one. Slow down. Control yourself and play hard to get.
The Phone Trick

Here’s a tactic you can use in the beginning of a relationship or when you first start talking to a guy: Be the one to get off the phone at least two out of three times. Do this until the relationship has developed. Have excuses or reasons to get off the phone before conversations begin.

You don’t need to do it every time, but you should be the one getting off the phone a majority of the time.

Have your conversations and talk as you normally would, but don’t be the one willing to talk to him, as long as he’s willing to talk to you. Cut the conversation in a polite and apologetic way. This is subconsciously letting him know that you don’t need him to entertain you.

It also tells him you’re a busy woman that doesn’t cling on to men. More importantly, it makes him wonder if you like him.

REMEMBER! A strong, confident woman still feels pain, still wants to call the guy she likes, but she doesn’t. She controls those emotions, and therefore, controls the relationships she has with men
Chapter Two - The Pussy

Being a girl is an absolute blessing! When a woman realizes that what she has in between her legs gives her great power, she can get whatever she wants. Once you know how to work what you’ve got, life becomes easier. Suddenly, you have the control. You can get anything you want from men, once you learn how to use your pussy to your advantage.

Women who realize their vagina is valuable will always have the upper hand. When you start to respect and value your vagina, so will the men in your life. Once they see you’re a woman who knows the value of her pussy, they will either back off because they know they can’t handle (aka afford) a girl like you or they’ll give you your asking price, whatever that may be.

I always laugh when I hear a man say, “If I was a girl, I’d be rich!”. They say this because THEY KNOW women have the ultimate ability to manipulate men. It could be love and commitment, a house and diamonds, or all of the above! What do YOU want from men.

Pussy is a Hot Commodity

The Hot Commodity Pussy is a commodity. Men wouldn’t pay for it, if it didn’t have value. You could throw pussy on the stock market and it would trade with the diamonds and gold. Even better than diamonds and gold, pussy has the magical ability to have a drastic price range. Pussy can range from free, all the way to millions of dollars. This has nothing to do with prostitution! I’m not telling you to “sell sex.” What I am saying is you must decide exactly what you want from a man (the stuff on your list). This is your “asking price.” Then you don’t settle for anyone until they are willing to give you your “asking price.” When they’re willing to give you what you want, then you can “sell

When I use the term “sell,” I’m referring to that moment when you decide to give your heart to a man. That moment when you decide you’re going to be in a relationship with a man. Wives of faithful men put a price tag of “honesty and

faithfulness,”and didn’t sell until they were sure they had a faithful and honest man. Wives of wealthy men put a price tag of “luxury and money,” and didn’t sell until they got their asking price,

Women with great husbands didn’t get these kinds of guys because they were lucky. They knew what they deserved and they didn’t settle until they got it. You can give it away free, or for whatever price you decide it’s worth.

Men Need Us, We Don’t Need Them.

The power of the pussy is powerless without the desperate need from a man. Men NEED sex. They think about it all the time. They crave pussy the way we crave sweets. That’s why they’ll do all kinds of stupid things to get it.

Their need for sex is a great weakness. Combine that weakness with your pussy, and you are now armed with your greatest weapon. Don’t feel bad about it. They prey on our emotions. We are going to prey on their need for sex. See, we don’t necessarily need to have sex. Sure, we love sex too and we want to have a good time. But let's be honest. It’s not a desperate need for us, like it is for them. Think I'm wrong? How often do you see women paying male hookers for sex? Never.

Did you know that if a man doesn’t ejaculate, he will eventually start to feel a mental build up from not having sex? It has to get out! He may jack off and that will suffice for a while, but eventually he is going to feel an INTENSE NEED to have sex. Meanwhile, we could avoid sex for months and it wouldn’t bother us nearly as much. This is our advantage.

Whatever type of girl you may be and whatever your reasoning is, having sex with a guy you like is the absolute WRONG thing to do. The trick is DO NOT HAVE SEX. The less a man gets, the more a man wants. Men only want you when they can’t have you. Bottom line. I know it’s so stupid and you’re probably tired of hearing this. You may think, “If two people like each other, then what’s the problem?” Remember...these are men we’re dealing with!

Unfortunately, women tend to flip this around and get it backwards. We do the exact opposite and end up giving sex away easily. We think up all kinds of reasons why it’s okay to go ahead have sex with a guy. (We've all been through this at some point or another. I'm not judging anyone.) Some women simply think sex is the only way to get a man. Some women want to have sex with a guy they like because there’s all of this great chemistry. She convinces herself it’s okay to rush into it because both are consenting adults in a moment of passion. Some women think they can hook a man with their great sex, foolishly believing he’ll want to be with her because she’s the nastiest and freakiest woman he ever met. Then there are the women that say they’re just having sex “for fun”

I interviewed ten single men, ages 18-43, and asked a very specific question, “Why do guys act like they want a girl to give it up, but then treat her badly when she does?” Their answers were brutally honest. They simply said, “Men don’t love sluts.”

One man was kind enough to elaborate, “They want a girl to give in easily and have sex with them, because ultimately sex is what they want. However, the girl that gives in is the loser in the end. It doesn’t matter how good in bed she is or how sexy she is. It doesn’t matter how perfect she looks. She’s officially a slut because she gave the guy what he wanted and he didn’t have to put in any EFFORT.”
The title of the book should be: "How to Manipulate Men for Fun and Profit by Kara King".

For some men, it will always work.

For other men it will work some of the time.

For other men (what I call good men), he'll figure out the game pretty quickly and the woman in question will be posting on DXP.

I'll give the author some points about woman needing to have self-respect, but that is about it.
Posted by Redoctober2000
I've been ranting on about the above statements ever since I have been on dxp and the majority of women dont seem to have good values other than a few on here and they just continue to make the same mistakes time and time again...

Good post but the majority of women on here won't take a blind but of notice.... In fact Sagiluv could do with reading the above..

Do you think there is truth to this? Or another broad trying to make a buck?
Posted by Arielle83
The controlling emotions is good in all areas of life.

Reactionary ppl are draining.

Other than that the rest is kinda funny.
So hard to control the emotions for some of us.

Posted by CancerOnTheCusp
The title of the book should be: "How to Manipulate Men for Fun and Profit by Kara King".

For some men, it will always work.

For other men it will work some of the time.

For other men (what I call good men), he'll figure out the game pretty quickly and the woman in question will be posting on DXP.

I'll give the author some points about woman needing to have self-respect, but that is about it.
Okay thanks for the feedback.

Learn to cook. That way you can manipulate your man into marriage and still look yourself in the mirror
Posted by enfant_terrible
Learn to cook. That way you can manipulate your man into marriage and still look yourself in the mirror
Good advice.


You got that wrong.

Men are "physical" creatures.

Women are "emotional" creatures.

Women use their "physical" attributes to obtain some form of

emotional gratification.

Not ALL men are "sexually" motivated.

The moment a woman tries to play with a man's mind, that's the moment

she will find out how receptive he is to her.

Some men possess an intense amount of self-control and some men possess

an intense amount of "lack of self-control".

If you think that playing games to get a man's attention is a smart thing to do,

by all means do so. However, there is a darkside that you must also be prepared

for. The side which can lead to your mutilation.

Play the harlot and you pay the penalties of the harlot.

A wise woman builds up her house. A foolish woman tears it down.

Posted by MrFirebird

You got that wrong.

Men are "physical" creatures.

Women are "emotional" creatures.

Women use their "physical" attributes to obtain some form of

emotional gratification.

Not ALL men are "sexually" motivated.

The moment a woman tries to play with a man's mind, that's the moment

she will find out how receptive he is to her.

Some men possess an intense amount of self-control and some men possess

an intense amount of "lack of self-control".

If you think that playing games to get a man's attention is a smart thing to do,

by all means do so. However, there is a darkside that you must also be prepared

for. The side which can lead to your mutilation.

Play the harlot and you pay the penalties of the harlot.

A wise woman builds up her house. A foolish woman tears it down.

I didn't write it - Kara King wrote this top selling book from amazon.
Posted by Libra82
Being flirtatious and playful is one thing as long as we are ourself. But changing yourself completely just so you could make a man like In the end don't we want someone who loves us for who we are?
I feel you.

Posted by librawomen7
Posted by MrFirebird

You got that wrong.

Men are "physical" creatures.

Women are "emotional" creatures.

Women use their "physical" attributes to obtain some form of

emotional gratification.

Not ALL men are "sexually" motivated.

The moment a woman tries to play with a man's mind, that's the moment

she will find out how receptive he is to her.

Some men possess an intense amount of self-control and some men possess

an intense amount of "lack of self-control".

If you think that playing games to get a man's attention is a smart thing to do,

by all means do so. However, there is a darkside that you must also be prepared

for. The side which can lead to your mutilation.

Play the harlot and you pay the penalties of the harlot.

A wise woman builds up her house. A foolish woman tears it down.

I didn't write it - Kara King wrote this top selling book from amazon.
click to expand
No wonder.
Posted by CancerOnTheCusp
The title of the book should be: "How to Manipulate Men for Fun and Profit by Kara King".

For some men, it will always work.

For other men it will work some of the time.

For other men (what I call good men), he'll figure out the game pretty quickly and the woman in question will be posting on DXP.

I'll give the author some points about woman needing to have self-respect, but that is about it.
I haven't read the entire thing yet, but I disagree that it's manipulation. The bit about waiting until you find the good man you want is something I have done in my own life. Not because I read an article, however, but because of how I was raised and how the men (my father and brothers) treated me in my life. I subconsciously had an expectation of how a good man behaves and I was never attracted to men who didn't meet that expectation. I never made excuses for men, either, when they didn't meet my expectations. I simply chalked it up to them not being for me, and my not being for them.

There is nothing wrong with empowering women. Good men shouldn't be intimidated, threatened, or bothered by it. Upstanding men would add to the dialogue and aid in empowering women.

First impressions, Now I'm off to reading some more...
using sex as a hostage all the time is just dirty. Sometimes the man may not wait because his drive overrides any virtue he has, because its a limbic instinct. He may just move on because his needs are not met. Mr Firebird got it right. If you actually want the man but insist on using sex as leverage for the potential relationship, you'll just dig a deeper grave. There are ways to bond with the man besides obviously withholding sex.
This stuff gets rehashed every 10-15 years with new titles and it's available in some form or another from different authors for men and women. I think it's good in the short term if your self esteem is low but you will realize that you wont have a very good or quality relationship (or it may fall apart) when you do get one through these tactics. If you are in your early 20s and still figuring things out maybe it's ok, I dont know but if everyone does this nothing good happens. My advice would be Once you get your self esteem intact look to change out of this and use the raw energy of your self-esteem for bigger self-improvement.

I don't playa games. Who needs this 'let him wonder if I like him'?

Hunting for men is good, however he got you in a sack and dissapeared. Good job girl!

I had always brutally honest with man I like.

Gets them every time! If he hears 'I love you'

don't run away - THIS is an abdication of

possible future together. You can catch more

with honey than vinegar!
Today's menu is cuban sandwiches, chips, fried pickles... byob! Hooray football!

That's me no longer giving a shit on what I did wrong with men. I'm an Adderall idiot magnet so I'll just not bother.
The author (and others in this genre) keep referring to "men" and "women", as if it's a given we are all emotionally healthy, mature adults who know exactly who we are, what we want, what makes us tick, and blessed with the extraordinary ability to look outside ourselves and see the larger picture.


I think that's the first mistake.

They need to write a dating and relating book geared towards "boys" and "girls" ages 8-12. Cause that's the kind of shit most people need. Me included.

Forget The Power of the Pussy. It should be called Start with Saying Hi and Learning How to Share
Posted by SensitiveBlues
People don't focus on experiences and Friendship enough.

My favorite friends were men until they got married. The women of my culture lock them away and throw away the key and I get it

But still

Anyways friendship between a man and woman can be great! The best actually.

So if you have one marry your best friend

I agree with this. If you are truly friends, rules, game play and manipulation becomes totally unnecessary.

Posted by Andalusia
The author (and others in this genre) keep referring to "men" and "women", as if it's a given we are all emotionally healthy, mature adults who know exactly who we are, what we want, what makes us tick, and blessed with the extraordinary ability to look outside ourselves and see the larger picture.


I think that's the first mistake.

They need to write a dating and relating book geared towards "boys" and "girls" ages 8-12. Cause that's the kind of shit most people need. Me included.

Forget The Power of the Pussy. It should be called Start with Saying Hi and Learning How to Share
Learning how to share, now that's an advice book we could all use, also the power of vulnerability, we need that one too.....

Posted by tiziani
Posted by LillyPetal
Posted by CancerOnTheCusp
The title of the book should be: "How to Manipulate Men for Fun and Profit by Kara King".

For some men, it will always work.

For other men it will work some of the time.

For other men (what I call good men), he'll figure out the game pretty quickly and the woman in question will be posting on DXP.

I'll give the author some points about woman needing to have self-respect, but that is about it.
I haven't read the entire thing yet, but I disagree that it's manipulation. The bit about waiting until you find the good man you want is something I have done in my own life. Not because I read an article, however, but because of how I was raised and how the men (my father and brothers) treated me in my life. I subconsciously had an expectation of how a good man behaves and I was never attracted to men who didn't meet that expectation. I never made excuses for men, either, when they didn't meet my expectations. I simply chalked it up to them not being for me, and my not being for them.

There is nothing wrong with empowering women. Good men shouldn't be intimidated, threatened, or bothered by it. Upstanding men would add to the dialogue and aid in empowering women.

First impressions, Now I'm off to reading some more...
You're seriously saying you've never been attracted to men who've fallen below your expectations?

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I've said this before,and I will say it again - I don't easily crush, I am not easily attracted. It's not something I consciously set myself up to be; I've always just been that way. I can objectively look at a man and think: "He's attractive," but I will feel nothing about it. I have only been attracted three times: Once in sixth grade (he started mid semester and became the top of our class), once during my first job (he was a Virgo and the brother of my best friend's fiancé), and now (the cap I met at college.) other than the three of them, never have I felt attracted and wanted to do something about it. It's just how I'm wired. I've felt ostracized growing up because I could never relate when the girls gathered together and talk led about the boys they all agreed were attractive, even now in college.

During my dark phase last year, when I posted about that Scorpio, I wasn't attracted. He was attracted to me, and I used that to get the experience I wanted. Soon after him, there was another Scorpio, and I used him, too. I'm stating this matter of factly, not boastfully. It's simply something I've done, that's a part of my history, that I'm not inclined to be ashamed of nor am I proud of it.

Posted by kissmygrits
Today's menu is cuban sandwiches, chips, fried pickles... byob! Hooray football!

That's me no longer giving a shit on what I did wrong with men. I'm an Adderall idiot magnet so I'll just not bother.

Lol, I hear ya

Posted by LillyPetal
Posted by CancerOnTheCusp
The title of the book should be: "How to Manipulate Men for Fun and Profit by Kara King".

For some men, it will always work.

For other men it will work some of the time.

For other men (what I call good men), he'll figure out the game pretty quickly and the woman in question will be posting on DXP.

I'll give the author some points about woman needing to have self-respect, but that is about it.
I haven't read the entire thing yet, but I disagree that it's manipulation. The bit about waiting until you find the good man you want is something I have done in my own life. Not because I read an article, however, but because of how I was raised and how the men (my father and brothers) treated me in my life. I subconsciously had an expectation of how a good man behaves and I was never attracted to men who didn't meet that expectation. I never made excuses for men, either, when they didn't meet my expectations. I simply chalked it up to them not being for me, and my not being for them.

There is nothing wrong with empowering women. Good men shouldn't be intimidated, threatened, or bothered by it. Upstanding men would add to the dialogue and aid in empowering women.

First impressions, Now I'm off to reading some more...
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Posted by virgowithasoul
using sex as a hostage all the time is just dirty. Sometimes the man may not wait because his drive overrides any virtue he has, because its a limbic instinct. He may just move on because his needs are not met. Mr Firebird got it right. If you actually want the man but insist on using sex as leverage for the potential relationship, you'll just dig a deeper grave. There are ways to bond with the man besides obviously withholding sex.
I have never dated a man who left because I withheld sex; in fact they stayed longer. But point well taken.

Posted by rabidtalker
This stuff gets rehashed every 10-15 years with new titles and it's available in some form or another from different authors for men and women. I think it's good in the short term if your self esteem is low but you will realize that you wont have a very good or quality relationship (or it may fall apart) when you do get one through these tactics. If you are in your early 20s and still figuring things out maybe it's ok, I dont know but if everyone does this nothing good happens. My advice would be Once you get your self esteem intact look to change out of this and use the raw energy of your self-esteem for bigger self-improvement.

I see your point.

Posted by Gemitati
I don't playa games. Who needs this 'let him wonder if I like him'?

Hunting for men is good, however he got you in a sack and dissapeared. Good job girl!

I had always brutally honest with man I like.

Gets them every time! If he hears 'I love you'

don't run away - THIS is an abdication of

possible future together. You can catch more

with honey than vinegar!
Men play games however - they call it the battle of the sexes.

Posted by AriesLove
Posted by enfant_terrible
Learn to cook. That way you can manipulate your man into marriage and still look yourself in the mirror
Learn how to make some 'real money'. As you long as you are making minimum wage you get Hot Pockets and Pizza Rolls

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Posted by librawomen7
Posted by virgowithasoul
using sex as a hostage all the time is just dirty. Sometimes the man may not wait because his drive overrides any virtue he has, because its a limbic instinct. He may just move on because his needs are not met. Mr Firebird got it right. If you actually want the man but insist on using sex as leverage for the potential relationship, you'll just dig a deeper grave. There are ways to bond with the man besides obviously withholding sex.
I have never dated a man who left because I withheld sex; in fact they stayed longer. But point well taken.

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Well you can't count the ones with no self respect.
Posted by librawomen7
Posted by Gemitati
I don't playa games. Who needs this 'let him wonder if I like him'?

Hunting for men is good, however he got you in a sack and dissapeared. Good job girl!

I had always brutally honest with man I like.

Gets them every time! If he hears 'I love you'

don't run away - THIS is an abdication of

possible future together. You can catch more

with honey than vinegar!
Men play games however - they call it the battle of the sexes.

Posted by librawomen7
Posted by Gemitati
I don't playa games. Who needs this 'let him wonder if I like him'?

Hunting for men is good, however he got you in a sack and dissapeared. Good job girl!

I had always brutally honest with man I like.

Gets them every time! If he hears 'I love you'

don't run away - THIS is an abdication of

possible future together. You can catch more

with honey than vinegar!
Men play games however - they call it the battle of the sexes.

click to expand
They are only doing it if the battle is going on.

Don't let them fight. Put all cards in front of them

and they are caught in 'no game here' scene.

Playing is a waste of time. Both sees know it.

You play an untouchable Princess - time lost.

He is playing Knight who MUST kiss the Princess...

at the end both are sexually incompatible! Ooops!

Whats then? TIME LOST!

If both are compatible - guess what? So he is with

other Princesses!

Posted by starwars
anyone else having thoughts of laser coming out of the vagina reading the title or is it just me?
Just you, weirdo.

Posted by starwars
anyone else having thoughts of laser coming out of the vagina reading the title or is it just me?

I want that to be my superhero power.
It's not lasers but maybe you'll find this almost as good

Posted by starwars
Posted by rabidtalker
Posted by starwars
anyone else having thoughts of laser coming out of the vagina reading the title or is it just me?

I want that to be my superhero power.
It's not lasers but maybe you'll find this almost as good

LOL wtf!!! I need to watch it!
click to expand

Posted by starwars
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by starwars
anyone else having thoughts of laser coming out of the vagina reading the title or is it just me?
Just you, weirdo.

come on moon\asc twinnie, I know you did
click to expand
No, that laser-beaming vagina is all Virgo.

It used to be on netflix but they removed it, i just checked

Posted by starwars
anyone else having thoughts of laser coming out of the vagina reading the title or is it just me?

I want that to be my superhero power.

User Submitted Image

An adept ^^

Posted by librawomen7
Posted by MrFirebird

You got that wrong.

Men are "physical" creatures.

Women are "emotional" creatures.

Women use their "physical" attributes to obtain some form of

emotional gratification.

Not ALL men are "sexually" motivated.

The moment a woman tries to play with a man's mind, that's the moment

she will find out how receptive he is to her.

Some men possess an intense amount of self-control and some men possess

an intense amount of "lack of self-control".

If you think that playing games to get a man's attention is a smart thing to do,

by all means do so. However, there is a darkside that you must also be prepared

for. The side which can lead to your mutilation.

Play the harlot and you pay the penalties of the harlot.

A wise woman builds up her house. A foolish woman tears it down.

I didn't write it - Kara King wrote this top selling book from amazon.
click to expand

Kara King is wrong.

Women cannot get a thing out of a man who is strong in his morals, convictions, intellect

and self-control.

What King is promoting is basically how to become a worthless tramp and attract scumbags.

No need to read the book. It's full of it. I can tell, already.

Same holds true for the dumb ass daffydill from dopeyville musings peddled by these

catladies online to weak minded lonely women who can't think for themselves!

It's like reading a book "How to get into a woman's panties, her checkbook, bank account, credit cards

eras, CDs etc. and make off like an untouchable bandit, leaving her high and dry for all her

friends and family to see."

Chapter 1

How to find a truly dumb ass woman.

Chapter 5

How to set up a foreign bank account

Chapter 10

How to sit back and relax and enjoy the good life

Get my point?

I'd suggest someone write a book entitled "Stupidity for Dummies".

Pretty sure it wouldn't make the NYT best seller list.

Posted by starwars
anyone else having thoughts of laser coming out of the vagina reading the title or is it just me?

I want that to be my superhero power.
I just love you! ?
Posted by MrFirebird
I'd suggest someone write a book entitled "Stupidity for Dummies".

Pretty sure it wouldn't make the NYT best seller list.

Are you some kind of joker?

User Submitted Image

Posted by Gemitati

They are only doing it if the battle is going on.

Don't let them fight. Put all cards in front of them

and they are caught in 'no game here' scene.

Playing is a waste of time. Both sees know it.

You play an untouchable Princess - time lost.

He is playing Knight who MUST kiss the Princess...

at the end both are sexually incompatible! Ooops!

Whats then? TIME LOST!

If both are compatible - guess what? So he is with

other Princesses!

Possibly why I respect gems often.
Posted by AriesLove
Posted by tiziani
Turning down sex is easy. Turning down enchiladas is not.

And that's a true story.
But if you were a real man you could take your hard earned money and go buy some enchiladas take out instead of waiting on a woman to fill your pot belly.

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LOL, see men love women like Arieslove.

Posted by starwars
anyone else having thoughts of laser coming out of the vagina reading the title or is it just me?

I want that to be my superhero power.
When I like someone I want us to get it going, sitting and waiting is terrible.

Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by librawomen7
Posted by MrFirebird

You got that wrong.

Men are "physical" creatures.

Women are "emotional" creatures.

Women use their "physical" attributes to obtain some form of

emotional gratification.

Not ALL men are "sexually" motivated.

The moment a woman tries to play with a man's mind, that's the moment

she will find out how receptive he is to her.

Some men possess an intense amount of self-control and some men possess

an intense amount of "lack of self-control".

If you think that playing games to get a man's attention is a smart thing to do,

by all means do so. However, there is a darkside that you must also be prepared

for. The side which can lead to your mutilation.

Play the harlot and you pay the penalties of the harlot.

A wise woman builds up her house. A foolish woman tears it down.

I didn't write it - Kara King wrote this top selling book from amazon.

Kara King is wrong.

Women cannot get a thing out of a man who is strong in his morals, convictions, intellect

and self-control.

What King is promoting is basically how to become a worthless tramp and attract scumbags.

No need to read the book. It's full of it. I can tell, already.

Same holds true for the dumb ass daffydill from dopeyville musings peddled by these

catladies online to weak minded lonely women who can't think for themselves!

It's like reading a book "How to get into a woman's panties, her checkbook, bank account, credit cards

eras, CDs etc. and make off like an untouchable bandit, leaving her high and dry for all her

friends and family to see."

Chapter 1

How to find a truly dumb ass woman.

Chapter 5

How to set up a foreign bank account

Chapter 10

How to sit back and relax and enjoy the good life

Get my point

Weren't you quoting scriptures?

I can really see the God in you - so much class and compassion.

You are an amazing example of why we should read the bible.

Ladies don't read the book that teaches you to value yourself and understand the complexities of men, instead listen to this guy who quotes scriptures then turn around and like Satan.

click to expand
It sounds like a book for libra's and overly controlling woman that play games. Sex should never be used as a tool of contoll or saying the power you have is in between your legs objectifies you... As if that is all a man could ever want from you... If a woman starts playing to many games I think it is unattractive.

Just my thoughts but never really was fond of dating libra's... Most of the ones I met focus on what they are getting not giving... And seemed to always date a lot of men... Jump into relationships to soon and so on.

Posted by TauroMale22
Dumb empowerment Bs.
Yeah it teaches women not to give their vagina away instead have self-respect and wait for a guy to prove himself or demonstrate sincere interests so the lady won't feel used and get hurt.

And you call it dumb empowerment B.S? Women pay attention to the dxpnet users who have a problem with you empowering yourself.
