Posted by piscesmoon2What does this book have to do with a zodiac sign? But you are right, water moons and Libras don't get along. Stick with your element. Men play games with women all of the time, and now a woman has taught women how to recognize their bullshit. But whether you like it or not, they can't keep copies on the shelf, so I guess the majority of women disagree. I would like to read the book. But sorry you couldn't catch your Libra, a lot of men want these women and quite a few men end up bitter and broken. But I am not sure why we are talking about LIbras in the relationships section talking about books.
It sounds like a book for libra's and overly controlling woman that play games. Sex should never be used as a tool of contoll or saying the power you have is in between your legs objectifies you... As if that is all a man could ever want from you... If a woman starts playing to many games I think it is unattractive.
Just my thoughts but never really was fond of dating libra's... Most of the ones I met focus on what they are getting not giving... And seemed to always date a lot of men... Jump into relationships to soon and so on.
Posted by rabidtalkerYou don't see me smilin'.Posted by MrFirebirdAre you some kind of joker?
I'd suggest someone write a book entitled "Stupidity for Dummies".
Pretty sure it wouldn't make the NYT best seller list.
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Posted by piscesmoon2
It sounds like a book for libra's and overly controlling woman that play games. Sex should never be used as a tool of contoll or saying the power you have is in between your legs objectifies you... As if that is all a man could ever want from you... If a woman starts playing to many games I think it is unattractive.
Just my thoughts but never really was fond of dating libra's... Most of the ones I met focus on what they are getting not giving... And seemed to always date a lot of men... Jump into relationships to soon and so on.
Posted by ShrewdsharpeJezabel was given her space and she would not.Posted by MrFirebirdPosted by librawomen7Posted by MrFirebirdI didn't write it - Kara King wrote this top selling book from amazon.
You got that wrong.
Men are "physical" creatures.
Women are "emotional" creatures.
Women use their "physical" attributes to obtain some form of
emotional gratification.
Not ALL men are "sexually" motivated.
The moment a woman tries to play with a man's mind, that's the moment
she will find out how receptive he is to her.
Some men possess an intense amount of self-control and some men possess
an intense amount of "lack of self-control".
If you think that playing games to get a man's attention is a smart thing to do,
by all means do so. However, there is a darkside that you must also be prepared
for. The side which can lead to your mutilation.
Play the harlot and you pay the penalties of the harlot.
A wise woman builds up her house. A foolish woman tears it down.
Kara King is wrong.
Women cannot get a thing out of a man who is strong in his morals, convictions, intellect
and self-control.
What King is promoting is basically how to become a worthless tramp and attract scumbags.
No need to read the book. It's full of it. I can tell, already.
Same holds true for the dumb ass daffydill from dopeyville musings peddled by these
catladies online to weak minded lonely women who can't think for themselves!
It's like reading a book "How to get into a woman's panties, her checkbook, bank account, credit cards
eras, CDs etc. and make off like an untouchable bandit, leaving her high and dry for all her
friends and family to see."
Chapter 1
How to find a truly dumb ass woman.
Chapter 5
How to set up a foreign bank account
Chapter 10
How to sit back and relax and enjoy the good life
Get my point
Weren't you quoting scriptures?
I can really see the God in you - so much class and compassion.
You are an amazing example of why we should read the bible.
Ladies don't read the book that teaches you to value yourself and understand the complexities of men, instead listen to this guy who quotes scriptures then turn around and like Satan.
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Posted by HarukkaWow l didn't think someone could miss the point by that much...
Why would I make men chasing me like it's hunting or something
This is stupid
Posted by piscesmoon2The thing is, men ABANDON women if they get sex too easily...where've you been??...
It sounds like a book for libra's and overly controlling woman that play games. Sex should never be used as a tool of contoll or saying the power you have is in between your legs objectifies you... As if that is all a man could ever want from you... If a woman starts playing to many games I think it is unattractive.
Just my thoughts but never really was fond of dating libra's... Most of the ones I met focus on what they are getting not giving... And seemed to always date a lot of men... Jump into relationships to soon and so on.
Posted by bricklemarkMen also abandon women who put their pussy up on a pedestal. Theres no equation that will keep a man except to form a bond and genuine connection. Even then a person can still break trust. That's the risk you run in any relationship.Posted by piscesmoon2The thing is, men ABANDON women if they get sex too easily...where've you been??...
It sounds like a book for libra's and overly controlling woman that play games. Sex should never be used as a tool of contoll or saying the power you have is in between your legs objectifies you... As if that is all a man could ever want from you... If a woman starts playing to many games I think it is unattractive.
Just my thoughts but never really was fond of dating libra's... Most of the ones I met focus on what they are getting not giving... And seemed to always date a lot of men... Jump into relationships to soon and so on.
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Posted by LadyNeptuneNot really, if she makes him wait, and earn the sex, he wonlt go all dog on her and just dump her. Men are like dogs.Posted by bricklemarkMen also abandon women who put their pussy up on a pedestal. Theres no equation that will keep a man except to form a bond and genuine connection. Even then a person can still break trust. That's the risk you run in any relationship.Posted by piscesmoon2The thing is, men ABANDON women if they get sex too easily...where've you been??...
It sounds like a book for libra's and overly controlling woman that play games. Sex should never be used as a tool of contoll or saying the power you have is in between your legs objectifies you... As if that is all a man could ever want from you... If a woman starts playing to many games I think it is unattractive.
Just my thoughts but never really was fond of dating libra's... Most of the ones I met focus on what they are getting not giving... And seemed to always date a lot of men... Jump into relationships to soon and so on.
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Posted by bricklemarkYour thinking like a woman not a player. A player will wait as long as necessary to get the pussy, all the while sexing other chicks.Posted by LadyNeptuneNot really, if she makes him wait, and earn the sex, he wonlt go all dog on her and just dump her. Men are like dogs.Posted by bricklemarkMen also abandon women who put their pussy up on a pedestal. Theres no equation that will keep a man except to form a bond and genuine connection. Even then a person can still break trust. That's the risk you run in any relationship.Posted by piscesmoon2The thing is, men ABANDON women if they get sex too easily...where've you been??...
It sounds like a book for libra's and overly controlling woman that play games. Sex should never be used as a tool of contoll or saying the power you have is in between your legs objectifies you... As if that is all a man could ever want from you... If a woman starts playing to many games I think it is unattractive.
Just my thoughts but never really was fond of dating libra's... Most of the ones I met focus on what they are getting not giving... And seemed to always date a lot of men... Jump into relationships to soon and so on.
PMclick to expand
Posted by LadyNeptuneWell not all men are players and maybe not all players do this. They'll get bored after a while anyway.Posted by bricklemarkYour thinking like a woman not a player. A player will wait as long as necessary to get the pussy, all the while sexing other chicks.Posted by LadyNeptuneNot really, if she makes him wait, and earn the sex, he wonlt go all dog on her and just dump her. Men are like dogs.Posted by bricklemarkMen also abandon women who put their pussy up on a pedestal. Theres no equation that will keep a man except to form a bond and genuine connection. Even then a person can still break trust. That's the risk you run in any relationship.Posted by piscesmoon2The thing is, men ABANDON women if they get sex too easily...where've you been??...
It sounds like a book for libra's and overly controlling woman that play games. Sex should never be used as a tool of contoll or saying the power you have is in between your legs objectifies you... As if that is all a man could ever want from you... If a woman starts playing to many games I think it is unattractive.
Just my thoughts but never really was fond of dating libra's... Most of the ones I met focus on what they are getting not giving... And seemed to always date a lot of men... Jump into relationships to soon and so on.
PMclick to expand
Posted by ShrewdsharpePosted by piscesmoon2What does this book have to do with a zodiac sign? But you are right, water moons and Libras don't get along. Stick with your element. Men play games with women all of the time, and now a woman has taught women how to recognize their bullshit. But whether you like it or not, they can't keep copies on the shelf, so I guess the majority of women disagree. I would like to read the book. But sorry you couldn't catch your Libra, a lot of men want these women and quite a few men end up bitter and broken. But I am not sure why we are talking about LIbras in the relationships section talking about books.
It sounds like a book for libra's and overly controlling woman that play games. Sex should never be used as a tool of contoll or saying the power you have is in between your legs objectifies you... As if that is all a man could ever want from you... If a woman starts playing to many games I think it is unattractive.
Just my thoughts but never really was fond of dating libra's... Most of the ones I met focus on what they are getting not giving... And seemed to always date a lot of men... Jump into relationships to soon and so on.
Hey has any women actually read the book?click to expand