would this guy ever give me a second chance

so I fell for my coworker while being in a relationship I didn’t physically cheat on my bf, but emotionally this whole situation is really intense and I feel terrible about all this, so yes, I am aware I’m an asshole so I ended up stringing this guy (Ta...

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by alphabetmafia on Tuesday, June 27, 2023 and has 66 replies.
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Posted by alphabetmafia
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by alphabetmafia
Posted by saggurl88
He blocked you for not staying over at his place and he's moving?
Let him go!
What would be the point in sleeping with him or starting up something if he is moving in 2 months aways?
Unless you're trying to scratch an itch, I wouldn't bother. It's a waste of body count.
Seems like he's trying to hump and dump and is mad that his admirations aren't paying off in a timely manner.

I had a feeling he’s moving to get away from me since he said I’ve hurt him and all that, also told me ‘I hope you live happily ever after when I’m gone and I won’t bother you with my shit anymore’ mid conversation. and his moving plans were so sudden, right after getting a promotion I know he wanted, so it makes no sense. and if I suddenly decided I want to start something, maybe he’d stay, he still has time. but I highly doubt I am going to make up my mind, besides who knows what he’s thinking rn, maybe he’s taking the ‘not talking to me ever again’ decision very seriously and I won’t be able to get him back even if I tried
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That sounds like emotional manipulation.
Think about it~ Is it that easy to up root your life and move just because you don't get your way with 1 person? It's been 3 months of whatever you guys were doing and no intimacy.
He's not moving because of you, don't fall for that B.S.
He either planned it all along or is telling you that so he can have what he wants sooner.
Don't let him guilt you into giving up your body. It's your body. You don't have to give in to his emotional thirst trap.
If he can stop talking to you over this, is he really worth your time?
He's pressuring you way too much and you should call him out on it.
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ok well if you put it that way then it starts making sense, thanks

so yall think he tricked me into thinking he wants something more?
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idk why but i can only imagine a girl acting like this, not a guy which is super cringe 😬😬
Posted by DMV
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by nanochip
Posted by Melantho
Posted by nanochip
Posted by Melantho
Posted by nanochip
The new age term is called polyamorous. People who want to have 2 boyfriends. You want to have 2 boyfriends and no consequences

Polyamory is with the CONSENSUS of all people in the network. Including open communication. This is nothing like that. Please don't shove this on the poly shelve and giving it a bad rap.

I did not say her specific situation was consensual on all sides. I was saying it is maybe something for her to explore if she wants multiple partners. She might like it 🤷🏼‍♀️ all I’m saying
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She might, but not sure if the Taurus and Libra she's dealing with right now are the right partners to explore it with. Especially the Libra who has physical tendencies like she mentioned.
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I think Taurus just wants to hit it. He doesn’t seem overly concerned with her relationship, he just wanted her to stay the night and when he didn’t get his way, threw a tantrum like a child (I find Taurus men do this a lot).
These people are nearly 30 years old so it’s not like “young naive confusion” at this point, that ship has sailed. She seems to be perfectly happy with a LDR and a local side piece if it was consensual. I’m not making jokes, this is really the vibe I get here which is why I mentioned it
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I agree!!! I had a Taurus man give me a 6 date limit and by then he said we had to have sex, and so I told him date 5 would be our last.
Then he randomly hit me up and told me he was marrying his best friend, and so I said congrats and blocked him and then he stalked me on social media and tried to add me that way.
Men and games just to get some pussy lol
I can't stand thirsty ass men.
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The audacity of him.

Lol. I think it’s sad/funny how addicted some men are to sex. Like really, you’re giving me a deadline to put out. Did Andrew Rape teach you that?
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I don't understand it either. I told him I needed to get to know him better before having sex, that we can go on hikes or sit in a park somewhere, (free dates) but nope- He just wanted to see what the sex was like.

Just a major turn off and disappointment.

I don't know how any women can fall for being pressured into it. Men act like they will die without it when it comes to getting new pussy.

Posted by alphabetmafia
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by alphabetmafia
Posted by saggurl88
He blocked you for not staying over at his place and he's moving?
Let him go!
What would be the point in sleeping with him or starting up something if he is moving in 2 months aways?
Unless you're trying to scratch an itch, I wouldn't bother. It's a waste of body count.
Seems like he's trying to hump and dump and is mad that his admirations aren't paying off in a timely manner.

I had a feeling he’s moving to get away from me since he said I’ve hurt him and all that, also told me ‘I hope you live happily ever after when I’m gone and I won’t bother you with my shit anymore’ mid conversation. and his moving plans were so sudden, right after getting a promotion I know he wanted, so it makes no sense. and if I suddenly decided I want to start something, maybe he’d stay, he still has time. but I highly doubt I am going to make up my mind, besides who knows what he’s thinking rn, maybe he’s taking the ‘not talking to me ever again’ decision very seriously and I won’t be able to get him back even if I tried
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That sounds like emotional manipulation.

Think about it~ Is it that easy to up root your life and move just because you don't get your way with 1 person? It's been 3 months of whatever you guys were doing and no intimacy.
He's not moving because of you, don't fall for that B.S.

He either planned it all along or is telling you that so he can have what he wants sooner.

Don't let him guilt you into giving up your body. It's your body. You don't have to give in to his emotional thirst trap.

If he can stop talking to you over this, is he really worth your time?

He's pressuring you way too much and you should call him out on it.

ok well if you put it that way then it starts making sense, thanks

so yall think he tricked me into thinking he wants something more?
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I think you should take your time and don't give in to what he wants. If he's moving, you will be hurt anyways right? So will you regret giving him sex or not?

No one gets a promotion at work and then says "There is nothing here for me, so I'm just gonna move back home."

Your gut intuition has to be giving you major creep vibes right about now.

Get in tuned with it and listen to what your gut is saying.

I find Taurus men need to touch and be intimate- but you should know whether you even like him like that, not just because he wants you.

The choice is yours, not his, especially if he's giving you sex ultimatums.

I'd turn around and make him wait 3 more months just to see if his lying ass is really moving.

Let him know you don't want to be casual or start anything up if he's moving, and with the way he's acting, it's probably for the best anyways, if he can stop talking to you because you aren't spreading your legs to him.

Posted by saggurl88
Posted by DMV
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by nanochip
Posted by Melantho
Posted by nanochip
Posted by Melantho
Posted by nanochip
The new age term is called polyamorous. People who want to have 2 boyfriends. You want to have 2 boyfriends and no consequences

Polyamory is with the CONSENSUS of all people in the network. Including open communication. This is nothing like that. Please don't shove this on the poly shelve and giving it a bad rap.

I did not say her specific situation was consensual on all sides. I was saying it is maybe something for her to explore if she wants multiple partners. She might like it 🤷🏼‍♀️ all I’m saying
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She might, but not sure if the Taurus and Libra she's dealing with right now are the right partners to explore it with. Especially the Libra who has physical tendencies like she mentioned.
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I think Taurus just wants to hit it. He doesn’t seem overly concerned with her relationship, he just wanted her to stay the night and when he didn’t get his way, threw a tantrum like a child (I find Taurus men do this a lot).
These people are nearly 30 years old so it’s not like “young naive confusion” at this point, that ship has sailed. She seems to be perfectly happy with a LDR and a local side piece if it was consensual. I’m not making jokes, this is really the vibe I get here which is why I mentioned it
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I agree!!! I had a Taurus man give me a 6 date limit and by then he said we had to have sex, and so I told him date 5 would be our last.
Then he randomly hit me up and told me he was marrying his best friend, and so I said congrats and blocked him and then he stalked me on social media and tried to add me that way.
Men and games just to get some pussy lol
I can't stand thirsty ass men.
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The audacity of him.
Lol. I think it’s sad/funny how addicted some men are to sex. Like really, you’re giving me a deadline to put out. Did Andrew Rape teach you that?
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I don't understand it either. I told him I needed to get to know him better before having sex, that we can go on hikes or sit in a park somewhere, (free dates) but nope- He just wanted to see what the sex was like.

Just a major turn off and disappointment.

I don't know how any women can fall for being pressured into it. Men act like they will die without it when it comes to getting new pussy.

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They’re addicts; Mean when they don’t get it. Mean after they do get it.
Shit with taurus is about to get toxic...

Do yourself a favor and block him back where you still can. This chase will be addictive and only feed your people pleasing tendencies.

Also, prob have a real talk with your BF. either work to get over the issues or break up.

You're in a lose-lose here.
Posted by alphabetmafia
Posted by TxOgal
Posted by alphabetmafia
Posted by TxOgal
Girl, if he's forcing you to do anything, leave him.
My Ex bf (Taurus sun, Pisces moon) was controlling and manipulative, but it was subtle and in situations like the one you mentioned, so it appears like he's the victim n that you caused it.
I wonder if he knows that you're in a relationship?
To answer your question, I think if he would return it won't be soon and whatever you try doing may just push him further away.
There's more I wish to tell you, by stringing along 2 guys in your life, but it's your choice, I hope noone is hurt, cause betrayal is the worst thing to me

he knew right from the start, he backed off a few times like when I said I’m visiting my bf this week yada dada, but came back later when I counter ignored him lol
my bf knows he exists as a coworker/friend, but obviously I haven’t told him about the emotional affair, so he technically isn’t hurt simply because he doesn’t know shit
and Taurus has admitted I’ve hurt him
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If he found out about it, he will be hurt. I don't know if you're willing to lose your bf over this. But the Taurus guy, he doesn't seem like a good idea from what you posted.
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I’ll keep this to myself, because telling my bf would only complicate things big time, there’s literally nothing to gain. if he ever asks me why I stopped hanging out with Taurus, I’ll tell him he wanted more than friendship so we went no contact. which is true, I’ll just skip my part

idk why some ppl here are saying he’s trash, probably because of the blocking story, and yes, lately he was acting unusually erratic, but I thought it’s because he’s hurt. as much as I know him, he seems genuinely good hearted as a person. but again, I’m not capable of being objective because of my rose coloured glasses
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Do you find good hearted some going after a taken women. Turn the tables around a woman going after your man. Seems like he lacks scruple. N that fact he’s mad cuz you would stay home for sex. Yes that was the reason not love. Shows that is all he’s after. The aroes Venus is all about th chase

It will be an ego stroke to destroy your relationship and it has nothing to do with love.
I mean he’s not even telling you to break up

With your man to be with him is he?
Posted by Truemara
Posted by alphabetmafia
Posted by TxOgal
Posted by alphabetmafia
Posted by TxOgal
Girl, if he's forcing you to do anything, leave him.
My Ex bf (Taurus sun, Pisces moon) was controlling and manipulative, but it was subtle and in situations like the one you mentioned, so it appears like he's the victim n that you caused it.
I wonder if he knows that you're in a relationship?
To answer your question, I think if he would return it won't be soon and whatever you try doing may just push him further away.
There's more I wish to tell you, by stringing along 2 guys in your life, but it's your choice, I hope noone is hurt, cause betrayal is the worst thing to me

he knew right from the start, he backed off a few times like when I said I’m visiting my bf this week yada dada, but came back later when I counter ignored him lol
my bf knows he exists as a coworker/friend, but obviously I haven’t told him about the emotional affair, so he technically isn’t hurt simply because he doesn’t know shit
and Taurus has admitted I’ve hurt him
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If he found out about it, he will be hurt. I don't know if you're willing to lose your bf over this. But the Taurus guy, he doesn't seem like a good idea from what you posted.
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I’ll keep this to myself, because telling my bf would only complicate things big time, there’s literally nothing to gain. if he ever asks me why I stopped hanging out with Taurus, I’ll tell him he wanted more than friendship so we went no contact. which is true, I’ll just skip my part
idk why some ppl here are saying he’s trash, probably because of the blocking story, and yes, lately he was acting unusually erratic, but I thought it’s because he’s hurt. as much as I know him, he seems genuinely good hearted as a person. but again, I’m not capable of being objective because of my rose coloured glasses
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Do you find good hearted some going after a taken women. Turn the tables around a woman going after your man. Seems like he lacks scruple. N that fact he’s mad cuz you would stay home for sex. Yes that was the reason not love. Shows that is all he’s after. The aroes Venus is all about th chase
It will be an ego stroke to destroy your relationship and it has nothing to do with love.
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I get the idea, maybe you’re right. but if my man slid in someone’s DMs and kept love bombing her and complaining about a rough patch in his current relationship, I’d get why she’d keep going after him even after finding out he’s taken. I was also simultaneously reminding him I am not ready to break up, telling him I’m confused, I hate myself and yada dada, which maybe explains why he didn’t straight up ask me to be his gf.

I was the one to start all this, I approached him first and said ‘I have a bf, but I like you too’, my exact words, I know I was doing a bad thing, but I thought I’ll manage somehow and nobody gets hurt (yes, I know, absolutely unrealistic)

then a few times he backed off and started ignoring me after I mentioned going to my bf’s place, also told him once I’m trying to friendzone him, he got upset, but I pulled him back in with ‘I like you too much, you’re not fzoned’ messages

I have to take responsibility for this shit I did

but yes, maybe he’s also a bad person, idk

in that case I played myself lol
Posted by alphabetmafia
so I fell for my coworker while being in a relationship

I didn’t physically cheat on my bf, but emotionally this whole situation is really intense and I feel terrible about all this, so yes, I am aware I’m an asshole

so I ended up stringing this guy (Taurus Sun, Pisces Moon, Aries Venus) along for like 3 months while trying to decide if I’m capable of actually leaving my current relationship (it’s long distance, 2 years) and I kinda decided to stay. the main reason why I’m sitting on the fence is I’m just terrified of making the wrong decision. and I am still unsure what to do, but now I’m afraid I have lost my chance with him completely...

a few days ago he gave me a weird ultimatum to stay over at his place or he’s never going to speak to me again, I refused and he blocked me literally everywhere. and this shit hurts like a mf.
he also told me he’s leaving in September and moving back to his hometown and parents, it’s a tiny town in the middle of a forest, because he doesn’t see a reason to stay. considering he has lived in the capital for more than 10 years and has a decent income, this seems very dramatic. I didn’t have the guts to ask if he’s doing this because of me, but I have a feeling it’s my fault. he also told me he wanted to start a family when I asked about his intentions and at first I didn’t believe him but now I think he really meant it

so I guess he’s doing all this to move on and he used this random ultimatum as a reason to cut me out completely. now he’s avoiding me and walking past me at work like if we were strangers. I’m fkn broken, but I can’t blame him, I knew what I was getting into, I broke his heart and he’s doing what I would do in his situation

is there a chance he’s going to talk to me again at some point?
or am I forever blocked?
I left him a letter saying I’ll just leave him alone for now and hopefully we’re going to speak again someday
sorry if this sounds cringe and desperate because I truly am

we’re both 28yo

I’m a Cancer Sun and Venus, Cap Moon, Libra asc btw

Does "having feelings" mean love?

If you're not in love, why commit?

If you're not horny or hot for someone, why have sex?

You can do what you want, explore what you want by ending the commitment and being honest about returning to "dating." I think you should/can maintain a relationship with Libra but end the commitment. Libra may not be agreeable but he'd have a lot of nerve when wanting you to agree to committing to another 1-2 years of LDR. Or, you can propose an open relationship. You can entertain "feelings" with the Taurus. Have fun exploring and analyzing what you want to do with him.

I also think you're in a lose-lose. 'Cause everyone's making a decision except you.

If you are a person that highly values being in a relationship, even if long distance, and can't take a chance unless Taurus wants a relationship too (serial monogomist), then you best stay with Libra.
Posted by VenusAquarius
Posted by alphabetmafia
so I fell for my coworker while being in a relationship
I didn’t physically cheat on my bf, but emotionally this whole situation is really intense and I feel terrible about all this, so yes, I am aware I’m an asshole
so I ended up stringing this guy (Taurus Sun, Pisces Moon, Aries Venus) along for like 3 months while trying to decide if I’m capable of actually leaving my current relationship (it’s long distance, 2 years) and I kinda decided to stay. the main reason why I’m sitting on the fence is I’m just terrified of making the wrong decision. and I am still unsure what to do, but now I’m afraid I have lost my chance with him completely...
a few days ago he gave me a weird ultimatum to stay over at his place or he’s never going to speak to me again, I refused and he blocked me literally everywhere. and this shit hurts like a mf.
he also told me he’s leaving in September and moving back to his hometown and parents, it’s a tiny town in the middle of a forest, because he doesn’t see a reason to stay. considering he has lived in the capital for more than 10 years and has a decent income, this seems very dramatic. I didn’t have the guts to ask if he’s doing this because of me, but I have a feeling it’s my fault. he also told me he wanted to start a family when I asked about his intentions and at first I didn’t believe him but now I think he really meant it
so I guess he’s doing all this to move on and he used this random ultimatum as a reason to cut me out completely. now he’s avoiding me and walking past me at work like if we were strangers. I’m fkn broken, but I can’t blame him, I knew what I was getting into, I broke his heart and he’s doing what I would do in his situation
is there a chance he’s going to talk to me again at some point?
or am I forever blocked?
I left him a letter saying I’ll just leave him alone for now and hopefully we’re going to speak again someday
sorry if this sounds cringe and desperate because I truly am
we’re both 28yo
I’m a Cancer Sun and Venus, Cap Moon, Libra asc btw

Does "having feelings" mean love?

If you're not in love, why commit?

If you're not horny or hot for someone, why have sex?

You can do what you want, explore what you want by ending the commitment and being honest about returning to "dating." I think you should/can maintain a relationship with Libra but end the commitment. Libra may not be agreeable but he'd have a lot of nerve when wanting you to agree to committing to another 1-2 years of LDR. Or, you can propose an open relationship. You can entertain "feelings" with the Taurus. Have fun exploring and analyzing what you want to do with him.

I also think you're in a lose-lose. 'Cause everyone's making a decision except you.

If you are a person that highly values being in a relationship, even if long distance, and can't take a chance unless Taurus wants a relationship too (serial monogomist), then you best stay with Libra.
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idk if I’ve ever actually loved someone. I sure know the insane pain of rejection and heartbreak, but love? idk

the feelings towards my bf have obviously changed during our relationship, which I expected to happen. I’m old enough to know infatuation doesn’t last too long, 2 years have passed and I feel the warm fuzzy feeling whatever that is. isn’t this what’s supposed to happen lol?

Libra is my 1st relationship btw, I was single and constantly heartbroken until 25 or so. that’s another reason why I’m scared to leave, I still struggle with self esteem regarding relationships

I’m also scared I’ll end up jumping from one guy to another every 2 or 3 years, and that goes completely against my future plans of starting a family. I’m trying to be realistic. what if I leave my bf for Taurus and the cycle continues, and I’ll end up all alone with a trail of broken hearts left behind?

knowing I’m emotionally damaged, I constantly try to rationalise things and fight against my spontaneous feelings, so I don’t make dumb hasty decisions, but the never ending battle between my heart and my head is killing me, this Libra/Taurus dilemma is a real challenge

sorry for an essay, needed to rant

If you don't love? Why commit?

Do you just like relationships?

Do relationships help you with your identity? Your sense of self?

Are you in relationships just because of societal norms, standards, and expectations?

Plenty of people have heartbreak when young. It's a part of being young. But, how can you have heartbreak when not in love?

You have to define yourself and what you want on your own terms. If you can't, it's 100% okay. Life is about figuring this out. But, don't plagiarize life by buying into others... because you lack a love identity.

There is no entitlement to romantic love, no promise, no constitutional right or religious edict. It's not a living wage. It is not necessary for survival. No promise that it is forever, for no one. Other that it will ever be experienced. Who told you otherwise?

It's not a Libra/Taurus dilemma. It's a you dilemma. Identify. You.

Aries/Libra Axis... Libra so far in the extreme side the axis of "The Other" with no "Sense of Self."
bro is back like if nothing happened
Posted by alphabetmafia
bro is back like if nothing happened
Cause he still hasn't gotten the goods.

He'll throw another fit! Just watch lol

Taurus men are so thirsty when they are horny. It's off putting.

User Submitted Image
Posted by alphabetmafia
bro is back like if nothing happened
There’s your 2nd chance 😅
Posted by Basic
Posted by alphabetmafia
bro is back like if nothing happened

There’s your 2nd chance 😅
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lmao yes, arrived unexpectedly soon. topic closed

now wait for me to post about 3rd chance in a month or so