Idk, I just felt like instead of flooding the front page with all my music I'll just make a thread in the Sag forum for whoever wants to listen/join in! :D
Starting with a throwback that makes me wanna dance every time I hear it.
I still have my old gameboy and as soon as I started to reply "angel" by Shaggy started to play...not 90's but enough of a throwback to have nostalgia hit!
Signed Up: Feb 25, 2016 Comments: 3349 · Posts: 3193 · Topics: 50
Posted by InnovationQey I got that CD, my angel/ my darling angel/ like a friend you are to me baby. My GameBoy got hair gel on it back then but it still worked.
pretty sure that's the only Shaggy song I know lol.
oh snap...i'm surprised my clumsy ass never broke my gameboy!
Signed Up: Feb 25, 2016 Comments: 3349 · Posts: 3193 · Topics: 50
Posted by InnovationQey We're all clumsy sometimes, remember as a child when you wasted some water next to your console? Oh shit somebody get a towel, my life force noooooo!
dude I still spill water around electronics n hurry to clean that ish up! 😅😂
Signed Up: Aug 13, 2017 Comments: 11 · Posts: 426 · Topics: 1
I don't know what what's scarier that or when my toe fell off almost. You can get insurance to pay your doctor bills but that damaged equipment might set you back a hundred or more dollars dependin on what it is.
Signed Up: Feb 25, 2016 Comments: 3349 · Posts: 3193 · Topics: 50
Posted by InnovationQey I don't know what what's scarier that or when my toe fell off almost. You can get insurance to pay your doctor bills but that damaged equipment might set you back a hundred or more dollars dependin on what it is.
Signed Up: Aug 13, 2017 Comments: 11 · Posts: 426 · Topics: 1
Sounds horrifyin, eek lol. That poppin sound when the labtop about to short out gives me a cringe. I ruined one or two in my time, bein stupid and passed out.
Signed Up: Feb 25, 2016 Comments: 3349 · Posts: 3193 · Topics: 50
Posted by InnovationQey Sounds horrifyin, eek lol. That poppin sound when the labtop about to short out gives me a cringe. I ruined one or two in my time, bein stupid and passed out.
This is just a rant but I would like all the chime in whether your Scorpio sun, moon, mars, Venus, Pluto etc...
I've noticed everytime something tragic or detrimental happened in my life I evolved and got to higher place in my life, and the more I evol
She is 22. Has 5 Scorpio placements.
She had gained like another one if hers during college years...
Now size 6-8.
Hard to describe her beauty as mom but everyone who sees her pick goes OMG!
She used to be the girlies girl when little.
Grew up to be
i'm gonna give a scenerio, real life facts or not..
you be the judge.
There is a young lady with those placements, with a Scorpio moon, Scorpio mars.
she has three sisters. She is at an age that is going to be looking for a future husband, w
anything special with that? or is it a random positioning. i was talking to a friend and in convo it just came up. we thought it would lead some type of revelation "heavy stuff". lmao.
hey guys! looking at my synastry and there's lots of Venus going on. help me interpret this stuff !!!!
me (Virgo - Sun, Sag - Moon, Cancer Rising)
my Pluto (4th - Capricorn) trines her Venus (8th - Gemini)
my Venus (1st - Cancer) trines her Plu
I'm in love with my ex still , she's a Taurus and so stubborn . We broke up a year ago and have been on and off communicating since then . 3 weeks ago we made contact again and she said she doesn't trust me / doesn't need a distraction in her life . I don