
This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by DMV on Friday, February 28, 2014 and has 22 replies.
So lately ive had to block quite a few people on this site (just recently Aquavita) who i feel have taken on too much of the bits and pieces of my life that i post here and made it their life mission to put me on the path that they feel is safe for me, but really its the path that makes them feel more comfortable.
Im not good with words, but I feel like much of what i do makes some people uncomfortable and they lash out. They try to fill the holes in my story and come to conclusions that are so far left field that it becomes maddening. its controlling.
I cant tell you how apprehensive i get when I see a new private message. Is it yet another "save DMV" email or is it a cool email. its not even just women, its men 2!!! I dont even go to my inbox regularly anymore.
Then there are other people who are actually arent here to put me in my place. I thank you for that.
I just would like it to stop. I do not need you to save me. Im not lost.
Just quit, its falling on deaf ears.
How would you feel if your were constantly hounded by save emails and messages?
the fact that i even have to ask this of DXP is.......
Posted by feby16aqua
Really? LOL people write you those things?

i dont post private messages, but you wouldnt believe the kind of messages i get.
i just would like it to stop. I know you think your being helpful, but your not.
Posted by feby16aqua
Posted by DMV
Posted by feby16aqua
Really? LOL people write you those things?

i dont post private messages, but you wouldnt believe the kind of messages i get.
i just would like it to stop. I know you think your being helpful, but your not.

I think this is the right way to address it then. Block them and this thread. Case closed. smile
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i dont know what other way to make it stop.
Not sure what's going on, but you always seem so happy and positive. You are doing something right because "happiness" is what we all strive to get, and you don't seem to lack it. In all the time I've been here, you've never been negative towards anyone, that I remember.
Anyway, your attitude says something.
OMFG... Does anyone remember that 'SethAhhRaMoons' poster or whatever the hell they called themselves?
Aquavita's posts make just as much sense as that user's name.. And their posts..
Im not sure what is going on here but I am just popping in to say hi to my girl DMV. Lol. smile
Posted by aquavita
Posted by natural25
Im not sure what is going on here but I am just popping in to say hi to my girl DMV. Lol. smile

she needs it
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Soooo from what I gather you don't care for her (fine) and she clearly has asked for you to leave her alone (understood). Yet, your'e here.... On a Friday night... Stalking her threads... Yikes. Ooook. Have fun with that dear. Cheers. smile
Posted by DMV
save emails and messages?

save me, people
Posted by tiziani
Mutable T-squares all over the shop.

Shut up you mutable hater.
Lol oh man
For anyone messaging DMV...
I desperately need money. Message me some bank accounts and passwords. It will literally save me.
Posted by Damnata
For anyone messaging DMV...
I desperately need money. Message me some bank accounts and passwords. It will literally save me.

That usually works better if you have a Nigerian uncle who has millions to share if only a person would give bank account access.
Posted by CancerOnTheCusp
Posted by Damnata
For anyone messaging DMV...
I desperately need money. Message me some bank accounts and passwords. It will literally save me.

That usually works better if you have a Nigerian uncle who has millions to share if only a person would give bank account access.
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How did you know about my uncle? *shocked*
Who is aquavita?
Are you an aquarius?
Smh lol
Posted by arietteheart2
I have not read one single post by aquavita. Is she ESL or something bc her posts make my eyes glaze over.

Lol @ ESL. I should not be laughing at this.... SMH. Lol.
Yeah, shit like this is why I don't tell too much about my personal life here.
People always get the wrong impression
Posted by Wynter
Yeah, shit like this is why I don't tell too much about my personal life here.
People always get the wrong impression

Very true. I need to watch how loose my lips can get. Miserable people will find any and every way possible to try to drag others along with them.
Only hit dogs holler.
Posted by natural25
Posted by Wynter
Yeah, shit like this is why I don't tell too much about my personal life here.
People always get the wrong impression

Very true. I need to watch how loose my lips can get. Miserable people will find any and every way possible to try to drag others along with them.
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