Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2Are you a sag moon?
lol no
Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSYes I amPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Are you a sag moon?
lol noclick to expand
Posted by OrGasMe???? might as well everybody join lol
@justagirl @piscox and I are in a poly-relationship I'd be pissed if @justagirl is cheating ?
Posted by InsertusernameLol
Yes, 9.98 out of 10
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2Tell me a little bit about sag moons... freedom, don't like commitment? Wrong right?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSYes I amPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Are you a sag moon?
lol noclick to expand
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2Elaborate please...sir!
lol no
Posted by InsertusernameThem odds are terrible ?
Yes, 9.98 out of 10
Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSI want my freedom but you can't get yours lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Tell me a little bit about sag moons... freedom, don't like commitment? Wrong right?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSYes I amPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Are you a sag moon?
lol noclick to expand
Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSYou never know, could get that .02! ?Posted by InsertusernameThem odds are terrible ?
Yes, 9.98 out of 10click to expand
Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSIll commit if I feel that I'm with the right person but it takes time.Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2Tell me a little bit about sag moons... freedom, don't like commitment? Wrong right?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSYes I amPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Are you a sag moon?
lol noclick to expand
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2??? that's a scorp with a sag moon for you lol. Taurus likes to be claimed though. Nothing wrong with freedom if it's to spread your wings and not your privates lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSI want my freedom but you can't get yours lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Tell me a little bit about sag moons... freedom, don't like commitment? Wrong right?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSYes I amPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Are you a sag moon?
lol noclick to expand
Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSlol I'm just messin with you lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2??? that's a scorp with a sag moon for you lol. Taurus likes to be claimed though. Nothing wrong with freedom if it's to spread your wings and not your privates lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSI want my freedom but you can't get yours lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Tell me a little bit about sag moons... freedom, don't like commitment? Wrong right?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSYes I amPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Are you a sag moon?
lol noclick to expand
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2Good to know. And that's how it should be.Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSIll commit if I feel that I'm with the right person but it takes time.Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2Tell me a little bit about sag moons... freedom, don't like commitment? Wrong right?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSYes I amPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Are you a sag moon?
lol noclick to expand
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2I know lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSlol I'm just messin with you lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2??? that's a scorp with a sag moon for you lol. Taurus likes to be claimed though. Nothing wrong with freedom if it's to spread your wings and not your privates lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSI want my freedom but you can't get yours lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Tell me a little bit about sag moons... freedom, don't like commitment? Wrong right?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSYes I amPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Are you a sag moon?
lol noclick to expand
Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSAnything else?Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2I know lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSlol I'm just messin with you lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2??? that's a scorp with a sag moon for you lol. Taurus likes to be claimed though. Nothing wrong with freedom if it's to spread your wings and not your privates lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSI want my freedom but you can't get yours lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Tell me a little bit about sag moons... freedom, don't like commitment? Wrong right?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSYes I amPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Are you a sag moon?
lol noclick to expand
Posted by OrGasMeIt's only cheating if my hearts involved right?
@justagirl @piscox and I are in a poly-relationship I'd be pissed if @justagirl is cheating ?
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2How does one get to start the process to a relationship with a sag moon? Of course never immediate but where is the start button?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSAnything else?Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2I know lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSlol I'm just messin with you lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2??? that's a scorp with a sag moon for you lol. Taurus likes to be claimed though. Nothing wrong with freedom if it's to spread your wings and not your privates lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSI want my freedom but you can't get yours lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Tell me a little bit about sag moons... freedom, don't like commitment? Wrong right?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSYes I amPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Are you a sag moon?
lol noclick to expand
Posted by OrGasMeYep that's a sag moon ????Posted by justagirlPosted by OrGasMeIt's only cheating if my hearts involved right?
@justagirl @piscox and I are in a poly-relationship I'd be pissed if @justagirl is cheating ?
Not sure you can handle my neediness. Are you detached?
I'm sorry... Your questioning of me is overwhelming. Please give me space to expand
Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSlol I call the shots I'm the picker so If i sense that there's attraction youPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2How does one get to start the process to a relationship with a sag moon? Of course never immediate but where is the start button?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSAnything else?Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2I know lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSlol I'm just messin with you lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2??? that's a scorp with a sag moon for you lol. Taurus likes to be claimed though. Nothing wrong with freedom if it's to spread your wings and not your privates lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSI want my freedom but you can't get yours lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Tell me a little bit about sag moons... freedom, don't like commitment? Wrong right?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSYes I amPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Are you a sag moon?
lol noclick to expand
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2Out of her ass, I don't cheat and it's my moon. So that's 2 people already lolPosted by InsertusernameLol
Yes, 9.98 out of 10
Da heck did you get those numbers? lolclick to expand
Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSYou gonna see a lot of my ass but you won't know if I like you. And if I don't like you from the get go it's gonna be long lonely road. LolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2How does one get to start the process to a relationship with a sag moon? Of course never immediate but where is the start button?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSAnything else?Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2I know lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSlol I'm just messin with you lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2??? that's a scorp with a sag moon for you lol. Taurus likes to be claimed though. Nothing wrong with freedom if it's to spread your wings and not your privates lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSI want my freedom but you can't get yours lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Tell me a little bit about sag moons... freedom, don't like commitment? Wrong right?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSYes I amPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Are you a sag moon?
lol noclick to expand
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2Cool! Are you planning on staying like that or you going to change?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSYes I amPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Are you a sag moon?
lol noclick to expand
Posted by justagirllol were just fuckin picky but never a cheater.Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2Out of her ass, I don't cheat and it's my moon. So that's 2 people already lolPosted by InsertusernameLol
Yes, 9.98 out of 10
Da heck did you get those numbers? lolclick to expand
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2Through a study! LolPosted by InsertusernameLol
Yes, 9.98 out of 10
Da heck did you get those numbers? lolclick to expand
Posted by GemitatiI do? I didn't knowPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Cool! Are you planning on staying like that or you going to change?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSYes I amPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Are you a sag moon?
lol no
Because seriously you annoying me a LOT! ?click to expand
Posted by Insertusernamelol you're studies are rigged ? LolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Through a study! LolPosted by InsertusernameLol
Yes, 9.98 out of 10
Da heck did you get those numbers? lolclick to expand
Posted by Infinite8Haha! Yes, they will find a way to justify it though.Posted by Insertusername
Yes, 9.98 out of 10
Hahahaha... hilarious!!
I definitely get that vibe from the few that I know.
The vibe is worse when they ALSO have a mutable Sun. ?click to expand
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2? Maybe you're part of the .02Posted by Insertusernamelol you're studies are rigged ? LolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Through a study! LolPosted by InsertusernameLol
Yes, 9.98 out of 10
Da heck did you get those numbers? lolclick to expand
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2Lol geez straight to the point huh? I like the way a sag moon talks .... how do you get them to like you so you can see more of their ass (literally and generally) lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSYou gonna see a lot of my ass but you won't know if I like you. And if I don't like you from the get go it's gonna be long lonely road. LolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2How does one get to start the process to a relationship with a sag moon? Of course never immediate but where is the start button?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSAnything else?Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2I know lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSlol I'm just messin with you lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2??? that's a scorp with a sag moon for you lol. Taurus likes to be claimed though. Nothing wrong with freedom if it's to spread your wings and not your privates lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSI want my freedom but you can't get yours lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Tell me a little bit about sag moons... freedom, don't like commitment? Wrong right?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSYes I amPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Are you a sag moon?
lol noclick to expand
Posted by InsertusernameI'm a flirt and I chat with every female I see but it stops right there.Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2? Maybe you're part of the .02Posted by Insertusernamelol you're studies are rigged ? LolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Through a study! LolPosted by InsertusernameLol
Yes, 9.98 out of 10
Da heck did you get those numbers? lolclick to expand
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2What if the girl doesn't show attraction? Can you still "sense" it? Say for instance she likes to watch first.Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSlol I call the shots I'm the picker so If i sense that there's attraction youPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2How does one get to start the process to a relationship with a sag moon? Of course never immediate but where is the start button?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSAnything else?Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2I know lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSlol I'm just messin with you lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2??? that's a scorp with a sag moon for you lol. Taurus likes to be claimed though. Nothing wrong with freedom if it's to spread your wings and not your privates lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSI want my freedom but you can't get yours lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Tell me a little bit about sag moons... freedom, don't like commitment? Wrong right?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSYes I amPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Are you a sag moon?
lol noclick to expand
Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSIf you're a challenge there's a chance if the initial attraction isn't there. I'm giving you solid advise no sugarcoating cause when I met my cap we didn't like each other but time and her being a challenge changed how I see her.Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2Lol geez straight to the point huh? I like the way a sag moon talks .... how do you get them to like you so you can see more of their ass (literally and generally) lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSYou gonna see a lot of my ass but you won't know if I like you. And if I don't like you from the get go it's gonna be long lonely road. LolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2How does one get to start the process to a relationship with a sag moon? Of course never immediate but where is the start button?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSAnything else?Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2I know lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSlol I'm just messin with you lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2??? that's a scorp with a sag moon for you lol. Taurus likes to be claimed though. Nothing wrong with freedom if it's to spread your wings and not your privates lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSI want my freedom but you can't get yours lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Tell me a little bit about sag moons... freedom, don't like commitment? Wrong right?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSYes I amPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Are you a sag moon?
lol noclick to expand
Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSJustagirl or Orgasme?Posted by OrGasMeYep that's a sag moon ????Posted by justagirlPosted by OrGasMeIt's only cheating if my hearts involved right?
@justagirl @piscox and I are in a poly-relationship I'd be pissed if @justagirl is cheating ?
Not sure you can handle my neediness. Are you detached?
I'm sorry... Your questioning of me is overwhelming. Please give me space to expand
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2Would you like me to get there or you to get here for 'the talk'?Posted by GemitatiI do? I didn't knowPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Cool! Are you planning on staying like that or you going to change?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSYes I amPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Are you a sag moon?
lol no
Because seriously you annoying me a LOT! ?click to expand
Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSTrust me I know and if you think I don't pay attention 200% sure I do.Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2What if the girl doesn't show attraction? Can you still "sense" it? Say for instance she likes to watch first.Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSlol I call the shots I'm the picker so If i sense that there's attraction youPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2How does one get to start the process to a relationship with a sag moon? Of course never immediate but where is the start button?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSAnything else?Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2I know lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSlol I'm just messin with you lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2??? that's a scorp with a sag moon for you lol. Taurus likes to be claimed though. Nothing wrong with freedom if it's to spread your wings and not your privates lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSI want my freedom but you can't get yours lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Tell me a little bit about sag moons... freedom, don't like commitment? Wrong right?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSYes I amPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Are you a sag moon?
lol noclick to expand
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2Ahhhhh I totally get it now. Thank you for the info. She's a lucky girl.Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSIf you're a challenge there's a chance if the initial attraction isn't there. I'm giving you solid advise no sugarcoating cause when I met my cap we didn't like each other but time and her being a challenge changed how I see her.Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2Lol geez straight to the point huh? I like the way a sag moon talks .... how do you get them to like you so you can see more of their ass (literally and generally) lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSYou gonna see a lot of my ass but you won't know if I like you. And if I don't like you from the get go it's gonna be long lonely road. LolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2How does one get to start the process to a relationship with a sag moon? Of course never immediate but where is the start button?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSAnything else?Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2I know lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSlol I'm just messin with you lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2??? that's a scorp with a sag moon for you lol. Taurus likes to be claimed though. Nothing wrong with freedom if it's to spread your wings and not your privates lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSI want my freedom but you can't get yours lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Tell me a little bit about sag moons... freedom, don't like commitment? Wrong right?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSYes I amPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Are you a sag moon?
lol noclick to expand
Posted by Infinite8lol I quit the flirting tho if I'm officially with someone I don't like disrespecting/send the wrong signal with the person I care for. LolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2?Posted by InsertusernameI'm a flirt and I chat with every female I see but it stops right there.Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2? Maybe you're part of the .02Posted by Insertusernamelol you're studies are rigged ? LolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Through a study! LolPosted by InsertusernameLol
Yes, 9.98 out of 10
Da heck did you get those numbers? lol
That sun of yours saved you!! You would have been a lost cause for proper partnership had you been born mutable!![]()
Even that sentence that you composed... sounded mutable and ended fixed!!click to expand
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2☺️Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSTrust me I know and if you think I don't pay attention 200% sure I do.Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2What if the girl doesn't show attraction? Can you still "sense" it? Say for instance she likes to watch first.Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSlol I call the shots I'm the picker so If i sense that there's attraction youPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2How does one get to start the process to a relationship with a sag moon? Of course never immediate but where is the start button?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSAnything else?Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2I know lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSlol I'm just messin with you lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2??? that's a scorp with a sag moon for you lol. Taurus likes to be claimed though. Nothing wrong with freedom if it's to spread your wings and not your privates lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSI want my freedom but you can't get yours lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Tell me a little bit about sag moons... freedom, don't like commitment? Wrong right?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSYes I amPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Are you a sag moon?
lol noclick to expand
Posted by OrGasMeOkay talk to you in a month!Posted by justagirlPosted by OrGasMeIt's only cheating if my hearts involved right?
@justagirl @piscox and I are in a poly-relationship I'd be pissed if @justagirl is cheating ?
Not sure you can handle my neediness. Are you detached?
I'm sorry... Your questioning of me is overwhelming. Please give me space to expand
Posted by Infinite8Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2OPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSI want my freedom but you can't get yours lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Tell me a little bit about sag moons... freedom, don't like commitment? Wrong right?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSYes I amPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Are you a sag moon?
lol no
That totally riled up all my Libra bits ???click to expand
Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSI'm loyal to the core tho there's no female out there that can sway me once I have my eyes on the price.Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2☺️Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSTrust me I know and if you think I don't pay attention 200% sure I do.Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2What if the girl doesn't show attraction? Can you still "sense" it? Say for instance she likes to watch first.Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSlol I call the shots I'm the picker so If i sense that there's attraction youPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2How does one get to start the process to a relationship with a sag moon? Of course never immediate but where is the start button?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSAnything else?Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2I know lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSlol I'm just messin with you lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2??? that's a scorp with a sag moon for you lol. Taurus likes to be claimed though. Nothing wrong with freedom if it's to spread your wings and not your privates lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSI want my freedom but you can't get yours lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Tell me a little bit about sag moons... freedom, don't like commitment? Wrong right?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSYes I amPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Are you a sag moon?
lol noclick to expand
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2VeryPosted by justagirllol were just fuckin picky but never a cheater.Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2Out of her ass, I don't cheat and it's my moon. So that's 2 people already lolPosted by InsertusernameLol
Yes, 9.98 out of 10
Da heck did you get those numbers? lolclick to expand
Posted by justagirlLol our too friendly attitude sends the wrong signals so I get why people think we a cheat. LolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2VeryPosted by justagirllol were just fuckin picky but never a cheater.Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2Out of her ass, I don't cheat and it's my moon. So that's 2 people already lolPosted by InsertusernameLol
Yes, 9.98 out of 10
Da heck did you get those numbers? lolclick to expand
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2Very good to know. I'll pass it on to my friend. I'll take that into account if I ever find a single sag moon man one day.Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSI'm loyal to the core tho there's no female out there that can sway me once I have my eyes on the price.Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2☺️Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSTrust me I know and if you think I don't pay attention 200% sure I do.Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2What if the girl doesn't show attraction? Can you still "sense" it? Say for instance she likes to watch first.Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSlol I call the shots I'm the picker so If i sense that there's attraction youPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2How does one get to start the process to a relationship with a sag moon? Of course never immediate but where is the start button?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSAnything else?Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2I know lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSlol I'm just messin with you lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2??? that's a scorp with a sag moon for you lol. Taurus likes to be claimed though. Nothing wrong with freedom if it's to spread your wings and not your privates lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSI want my freedom but you can't get yours lolPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Tell me a little bit about sag moons... freedom, don't like commitment? Wrong right?Posted by SPUNKYTAURUSYes I amPosted by Evoxxxscorpio2Are you a sag moon?
lol noclick to expand
Posted by queenaries_The men might with moon in Taurus... moon in Taurus women are flirts BUT, I never flirt first it's always after being approached... however I've never been a cheater I don't even engaged with anyone in my phone lol... it be dry ? If I ain't got a man my phone be dead lolPosted by SPUNKYTAURUSI would think more yes than no, just because they're free spirits
Asking for a friend ....
I also think moon in Taurus tend to cheat
At least the to expand