Sag suddenly went from hot to cold. Is he a womanizer?

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by Poppyseeds on Sunday, September 4, 2016 and has 71 replies.
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This sag guy has been asking me out everyday in the past 2 weeks, I couldn't do that but we managed to see each other 6 times in total.

He invited me to join him and his friends and said I could join them when I want just not from right at the start. On Fifth date, I told him I wish I could join him last time he invited. He said come out! I went later at night there was only him and one of his friend left. He introduced me by my name but no over the top PDA, he would cuddle me when his friend is not looking, but when he is he would hold hands with me under the table. His friend made comments like we look cute together, and asked if I want kids. he jumped in and asked why you ask? you offering?

that night he took me home, he wants me to stay, he has girl stuff like rubber band and a pack of new cotton pad for removing make up. He said he had ex girlfriends before and he is not good at throwing stuff out. We didn't go all the way, but there were foreplay and I made him climax. After that we shower together and we slept.

The next morning I told him I need to go home to take care of some stuff, but I will come back. He drove me home,later in the day I let him know when I'm ready and he came over to pick me up. However I sensed a shift in his energy, during the week he told me he got some fruits to entice me, I had to remind him about that. He was also constantly checking his phone, which he never did before. He even said just checking my phone. I asked you expecting a call? he goes no just going to catch up with someone for dinner. I was asking what type of food they are going for, he goes no idea, will decide at 6. I asked what time you meeting? he goes 7. He is usually very open to talk about if it's guy friend or such, when he uses the word "someone" gives me the impression it's a girl or another date. Which is ok as we are not committed, it's the feeling of him checking his phone constanlty and felt the need to cover up made me feel uneasy.

Then he wanted to take a nap with me, he said he always do on Sat afternoon. He was going to drive me someone where, it was his idea during the week, I've never requested it. He changed his mind by saying traffic at this hour. Which I know it's not true.. but he ordered a cab and paid for it. I didn't ask him to or suggest him.

He told me to send him a photo of my night out and told me to have fun. I told him I will and asked him to send him a photo as well. When I arrived I text him to thank him and a photo of a celebrity we went into. no reply at all.

He usually initiate text wtih me many times through out the day. it's unusual for him to ignore especially he was the one to tell me to text him as I was leaving his place. He was normally keen to lock down for next date. This time he didn't say let me know when you are free...
This is hilarious. For some reason I imagine him to lead a double life as a woman.
Posted by RemixGeneralFishy
This is hilarious. For some reason I imagine him to lead a double life as a woman.
What does that mean?
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by RemixGeneralFishy
This is hilarious. For some reason I imagine him to lead a double life as a woman.
What does that mean?
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His excuse for having "girl stuff".
Posted by RemixGeneralFishy
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by RemixGeneralFishy
This is hilarious. For some reason I imagine him to lead a double life as a woman.
What does that mean?
His excuse for having "girl stuff".
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More like excuse for making his place a "hotel" for his strings of girls.
Posted by Redoctober2000
You finally had sex with him... Some women's energy shift after they have sex with a guy. So maybe it is you whose energy has shifted and not necessarily his...

Just see what happens.. But sag men are the external playboys of the zodiac....

As you said, you are not in a relationship or exclusive so yes.. There's more than likely others...
I didn't have sex with him, just hand job.. as I wasn't comfortable to do more than that...

I'm just baffled that why would he still be attentive the next day of no sex. He even order a taxi for me to go to girls night becuase he can't drive me.

I kind of dont know what the issue is.. What is the exact question?
Posted by DMV
I kind of dont know what the issue is.. What is the exact question?
I'm confused by his intention, like he went from constantly texting through out the day everyday, inviting me out everyday (i turned down a few time) to no words since I last saw him. Before i left his place he ordered and paid for a cab for me, he asked me to text him a photo of my night out. I did and no respond.

So I'm not sure if he just suddenly gone cold? Or he already has a girlfriend as he has girl stuff like rubber band and cotton pad? If he already has one how could he be inviting me out everyday and even introduce me to his friend?

He also talked about going away together for a weekend, I let him know I can do that in 2 weeks. He said we have to check the weather when it's closer. may be he wants to take back the offer?

How old are y'all?
Posted by Sssupes
How old are y'all?
he's in late 30s and I'm in early 30s
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
How old are y'all?
he's in late 30s and I'm in early 30s
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And you only gave him a handjob?

Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
How old are y'all?
he's in late 30s and I'm in early 30s
And you only gave him a handjob?

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If you have read my post you probably would agree it's not wise to do more than that for only 6 dates. Espescially when he has girl stuff like rubber band at his place..

Also he hasn't responded to my text.. even he was the one who told me to text him when I was leaving
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
How old are y'all?
he's in late 30s and I'm in early 30s
And you only gave him a handjob?

If you have read my post you probably would agree it's not wise to do more than that for only 6 dates. Espescially when he has girl stuff like rubber band at his place..

Also he hasn't responded to my text.. even he was the one who told me to text him when I was leaving
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I fully read your post. He's a Sag. The handjob is the problem here. Who cares what he has at his house. You only gave part of yourself (understandable) and he wanted it all. I would expect to hear from him again. He's already bored

Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
How old are y'all?
he's in late 30s and I'm in early 30s
And you only gave him a handjob?

If you have read my post you probably would agree it's not wise to do more than that for only 6 dates. Espescially when he has girl stuff like rubber band at his place..

Also he hasn't responded to my text.. even he was the one who told me to text him when I was leaving
I fully read your post. He's a Sag. The handjob is the problem here. Who cares what he has at his house. You only gave part of yourself (understandable) and he wanted it all. I would expect to hear from him again. He's already bored

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Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
How old are y'all?
he's in late 30s and I'm in early 30s
And you only gave him a handjob?

If you have read my post you probably would agree it's not wise to do more than that for only 6 dates. Espescially when he has girl stuff like rubber band at his place..

Also he hasn't responded to my text.. even he was the one who told me to text him when I was leaving
I fully read your post. He's a Sag. The handjob is the problem here. Who cares what he has at his house. You only gave part of yourself (understandable) and he wanted it all. I would expect to hear from him again. He's already bored

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Did you mean I wouldn't expect to hear from him again? If he is bored that early it's not my issue. I certain am not going to put my health at risk. Anyway if he expects to get everything and not willing to do it step by step to build the connection he was only after one thing at the beginning.

Even if I gave it all to him he would still get bored if he was only after one thing.
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
How old are y'all?
he's in late 30s and I'm in early 30s
And you only gave him a handjob?

If you have read my post you probably would agree it's not wise to do more than that for only 6 dates. Espescially when he has girl stuff like rubber band at his place..

Also he hasn't responded to my text.. even he was the one who told me to text him when I was leaving
I fully read your post. He's a Sag. The handjob is the problem here. Who cares what he has at his house. You only gave part of yourself (understandable) and he wanted it all. I would expect to hear from him again. He's already bored

Did you mean I wouldn't expect to hear from him again? If he is bored that early it's not my issue. I certain am not going to put my health at risk. Anyway if he expects to get everything and not willing to do it step by step to build the connection he was only after one thing at the beginning
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Sags are all about risks and adventure.

Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
How old are y'all?
he's in late 30s and I'm in early 30s
And you only gave him a handjob?

If you have read my post you probably would agree it's not wise to do more than that for only 6 dates. Espescially when he has girl stuff like rubber band at his place..

Also he hasn't responded to my text.. even he was the one who told me to text him when I was leaving
I fully read your post. He's a Sag. The handjob is the problem here. Who cares what he has at his house. You only gave part of yourself (understandable) and he wanted it all. I would expect to hear from him again. He's already bored

Did you mean I wouldn't expect to hear from him again? If he is bored that early it's not my issue. I certain am not going to put my health at risk. Anyway if he expects to get everything and not willing to do it step by step to build the connection he was only after one thing at the beginning
Sags are all about risks and adventure.

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he prbably takes risks and adventure differently, as I'm the well travelled one and dare to take risk physically (not sexually)

He also is well off, probably becuase he has capricorn venus and virgo mars.
Hand Job or Putting out make no difference. Putting out is only prolonging the end. He needs adventure by trying all the girls that he fancies. Be glad you stick to your values and didn't ended up s notch of his belt.
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
How old are y'all?
he's in late 30s and I'm in early 30s
And you only gave him a handjob?

If you have read my post you probably would agree it's not wise to do more than that for only 6 dates. Espescially when he has girl stuff like rubber band at his place..

Also he hasn't responded to my text.. even he was the one who told me to text him when I was leaving
I fully read your post. He's a Sag. The handjob is the problem here. Who cares what he has at his house. You only gave part of yourself (understandable) and he wanted it all. I would expect to hear from him again. He's already bored

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Sleeping with him wouldn't get him to commit either. It will only make him bored faster.
She likes the buildup and the sag is going along with it.

No big deal.

Dont swest it OP. Its just your nerves. Hes probably out doing stuff

Go out with your friends. Have a great story to tell him.

I have those mars venus placements. I dont go cold, i just have other things to do.
Posted by DMV
She likes the buildup and the sag is going along with it.

No big deal.

Dont swest it OP. Its just your nerves. Hes probably out doing stuff

Go out with your friends. Have a great story to tell him.

I have those mars venus placements. I dont go cold, i just have other things to do.
Thanks girls, I guess I'm just a bit tired from the girls night, was a big night LOL. yes I will have good stories to tell him smile

Yea I remeber you also have cap venus and virgo mars.

As a female do you feel uncomfortable when you see your dude's house has girls stuff though?

Yes that could make me uneasy. Then id have to check myself and just realize that there were others b4 me. I cant get jealous of the past. Now i can.get jealous of the present. Then it becomes my choice whether to continue or not.

I keep male and female products at my house because i keep company and the mars in virgo in me needs to be prepared for any request.

Its the mars in virgo in him. We rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

Posted by Illuminati
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
How old are y'all?
he's in late 30s and I'm in early 30s
And you only gave him a handjob?

If you have read my post you probably would agree it's not wise to do more than that for only 6 dates. Espescially when he has girl stuff like rubber band at his place..

Also he hasn't responded to my text.. even he was the one who told me to text him when I was leaving
I fully read your post. He's a Sag. The handjob is the problem here. Who cares what he has at his house. You only gave part of yourself (understandable) and he wanted it all. I would expect to hear from him again. He's already bored

Sleeping with him wouldn't get him to commit either. It will only make him bored faster.
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I wasn't referring to commitment. I was referring to the no text back. Dude is bored and has other options

Posted by Arielle83
My husband had some ex gfs stuff when we were dating.

I needed tampons one time.

haha that's funny. I guess I was over worrying, but I think it's better to talk about it and also both of us should get checked if we want to do more.
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Illuminati
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
How old are y'all?
he's in late 30s and I'm in early 30s
And you only gave him a handjob?

If you have read my post you probably would agree it's not wise to do more than that for only 6 dates. Espescially when he has girl stuff like rubber band at his place..

Also he hasn't responded to my text.. even he was the one who told me to text him when I was leaving
I fully read your post. He's a Sag. The handjob is the problem here. Who cares what he has at his house. You only gave part of yourself (understandable) and he wanted it all. I would expect to hear from him again. He's already bored

Sleeping with him wouldn't get him to commit either. It will only make him bored faster.
I wasn't referring to commitment. I was referring to the no text back. Dude is bored and has other options

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Nothing wrong with looking for pussies if he's upfront about it. Form what I've read they are dating to get to know each other.
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Illuminati
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
How old are y'all?
he's in late 30s and I'm in early 30s
And you only gave him a handjob?

If you have read my post you probably would agree it's not wise to do more than that for only 6 dates. Espescially when he has girl stuff like rubber band at his place..

Also he hasn't responded to my text.. even he was the one who told me to text him when I was leaving
I fully read your post. He's a Sag. The handjob is the problem here. Who cares what he has at his house. You only gave part of yourself (understandable) and he wanted it all. I would expect to hear from him again. He's already bored

Sleeping with him wouldn't get him to commit either. It will only make him bored faster.
I wasn't referring to commitment. I was referring to the no text back. Dude is bored and has other options

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What's the difference then? if theres no communication, there won't be anything casual or serious
Posted by Illuminati
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Illuminati
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
How old are y'all?
he's in late 30s and I'm in early 30s
And you only gave him a handjob?

If you have read my post you probably would agree it's not wise to do more than that for only 6 dates. Espescially when he has girl stuff like rubber band at his place..

Also he hasn't responded to my text.. even he was the one who told me to text him when I was leaving
I fully read your post. He's a Sag. The handjob is the problem here. Who cares what he has at his house. You only gave part of yourself (understandable) and he wanted it all. I would expect to hear from him again. He's already bored

Sleeping with him wouldn't get him to commit either. It will only make him bored faster.
I wasn't referring to commitment. I was referring to the no text back. Dude is bored and has other options

Nothing wrong with looking for pussies if he's upfront about it. Form what I've read they are dating to get to know each other.
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I never said there was something wrong with that. She had the concerns and I just made my .02 known

Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Illuminati
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
How old are y'all?
he's in late 30s and I'm in early 30s
And you only gave him a handjob?

If you have read my post you probably would agree it's not wise to do more than that for only 6 dates. Espescially when he has girl stuff like rubber band at his place..

Also he hasn't responded to my text.. even he was the one who told me to text him when I was leaving
I fully read your post. He's a Sag. The handjob is the problem here. Who cares what he has at his house. You only gave part of yourself (understandable) and he wanted it all. I would expect to hear from him again. He's already bored

Sleeping with him wouldn't get him to commit either. It will only make him bored faster.
I wasn't referring to commitment. I was referring to the no text back. Dude is bored and has other options

What's the difference then? if theres no communication, there won't be anything casual or serious
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Says the one confused about the hot and cold

Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Illuminati
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
How old are y'all?
he's in late 30s and I'm in early 30s
And you only gave him a handjob?

If you have read my post you probably would agree it's not wise to do more than that for only 6 dates. Espescially when he has girl stuff like rubber band at his place..

Also he hasn't responded to my text.. even he was the one who told me to text him when I was leaving
I fully read your post. He's a Sag. The handjob is the problem here. Who cares what he has at his house. You only gave part of yourself (understandable) and he wanted it all. I would expect to hear from him again. He's already bored

Sleeping with him wouldn't get him to commit either. It will only make him bored faster.
I wasn't referring to commitment. I was referring to the no text back. Dude is bored and has other options

What's the difference then? if theres no communication, there won't be anything casual or serious
Says the one confused about the hot and cold

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it wasn't a statement, it was a question towards your comment
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Illuminati
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Sssupes
How old are y'all?
he's in late 30s and I'm in early 30s
And you only gave him a handjob?

If you have read my post you probably would agree it's not wise to do more than that for only 6 dates. Espescially when he has girl stuff like rubber band at his place..

Also he hasn't responded to my text.. even he was the one who told me to text him when I was leaving
I fully read your post. He's a Sag. The handjob is the problem here. Who cares what he has at his house. You only gave part of yourself (understandable) and he wanted it all. I would expect to hear from him again. He's already bored

Sleeping with him wouldn't get him to commit either. It will only make him bored faster.
I wasn't referring to commitment. I was referring to the no text back. Dude is bored and has other options

What's the difference then? if theres no communication, there won't be anything casual or serious
Says the one confused about the hot and cold

it wasn't a statement, it was a question towards your comment
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The difference is you're not on his level and he's likely bored with you. It happens all the time. People breakup over sex all the time.

you made him cum now hes bored
Posted by Ophiuchus
you made him cum now hes bored
Hand jobs are as good as real sex?

Posted by Illuminati
Posted by Ophiuchus
you made him cum now hes bored
Hand jobs are as good as real sex?

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bored until he wants the real thing. then hell get bored again.
Posted by Ophiuchus
Posted by Illuminati
Posted by Ophiuchus
you made him cum now hes bored
Hand jobs are as good as real sex?

bored until he wants the real thing. then hell get bored again.
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Don't guys want the real thing 24/7?

Nothing can make guys like this settle down then?
Posted by Illuminati
Posted by Ophiuchus
Posted by Illuminati
Posted by Ophiuchus
you made him cum now hes bored
Hand jobs are as good as real sex?

bored until he wants the real thing. then hell get bored again.
Don't guys want the real thing 24/7?

Nothing can make guys like this settle down then?
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LOL. good luck figuring it out

this might be a start
Posted by Ophiuchus
Posted by Illuminati
Posted by Ophiuchus
Posted by Illuminati
Posted by Ophiuchus
you made him cum now hes bored
Hand jobs are as good as real sex?

bored until he wants the real thing. then hell get bored again.
Don't guys want the real thing 24/7?

Nothing can make guys like this settle down then?
LOL. good luck figuring it out

this might be a start
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Damn dude that is a long thread! Anyway handjob in place of sex is a start. Sag likes to conquer and he hasn't conquer her PUSSY yet. I think OP still has upper hand by long shot.
Posted by Redoctober2000
If you are not ready for sex OP, keep your activities outside the bedroom until you know the person better otherwise you just come across as a "tease"..

Are you the Virgo with the sag who you kept on turning down his invites out?!
LOL "virginal teenager" We haven't talked about sexual health history so hand job is the only option I can do.

I didn't intentionally turn down his invites. I did join 2 last minute invite when I was free.

I reached out to him today and we were flirting tension is going on...

Posted by Flo
You gave him a handjob. It's either don't give him anything at all or most likely all of it. You're teasing him and he's been bending backwards on spending time with you; that's the problem.
What's wrong wtih step by step? how is this teasing? teasing to me is not allowed to touch and no release. he had his release.
Posted by Arielle83
Did he give you anything sexually?
he was going to eat me out, but I didn't take my pants off as it's too tempting.

Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Some self help available here Big Grin
haha it says lap dance at home, haven't gave him that but I made him strip for me. he said he is shy and doesn't know how I said just take things off slowly
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Some self help available here Big Grin
haha it says lap dance at home, haven't gave him that but I made him strip for me. he said he is shy and doesn't know how I said just take things off slowly
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Give him a lap dance to this...

Posted by Flo
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Flo
You gave him a handjob. It's either don't give him anything at all or most likely all of it. You're teasing him and he's been bending backwards on spending time with you; that's the problem.
What's wrong wtih step by step? how is this teasing? teasing to me is not allowed to touch and no release. he had his release.
I think you may want to reflect on your situation and see why he's acting that way now. For your age, I think you're past the handjob stage unless a blowjob is included lol

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I get that, but as I said without talking about sexual health history its dangerous to give blow job. I will be ok to do so after we discuss about it.
Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Queenofthepheasantfairies

Some self help available here Big Grin
haha it says lap dance at home, haven't gave him that but I made him strip for me. he said he is shy and doesn't know how I said just take things off slowly
Give him a lap dance to this...

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Love this song!
Posted by Arielle83
I'm selfish. If a guy I was seeing wanted to go down on me, I'd let him and then say "thanks".

I wait to give them anything. If they suck at oral I know I'll lose interest if it's early days.

yea oral skill is important, I will feel more comfortable once we talk about sexual health history
Posted by Redoctober2000
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Flo
You gave him a handjob. It's either don't give him anything at all or most likely all of it. You're teasing him and he's been bending backwards on spending time with you; that's the problem.
What's wrong wtih step by step? how is this teasing? teasing to me is not allowed to touch and no release. he had his release.
You definitely sound like a teenager now or you are just a BIG TEASE!!!

Unless you are prepared to have sex properly, stay out of the damn bedroom. Because right now you are just "teasing his cock" and he can do that himself!!!

I befriended my Taurus for 18 months and got to know him and establish a relationship with him before going anywhere near a bedroom.. Now we are a couple.

So either you get to know him and develop a growing friendship outside the bedroom and wait till you are ready for sex and have full sex or if you take him to the bedroom at least have sex... Handjobs are just an insult and very insipid!!

U could at least have given him deep throat and done the job properly... And let him know you have some good skills... But a handjob... Boy I hope that sag teaches you a lesson... You are playing with fire and you are going to get BURNED.
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I just asked about his sexual health history. this is his answer. I'm glad I didn't give him BJ. sounds like you are the hot headed teenager now! LOL

"Bad news though, i do have an std(herp) i caught like 10 years ago. While it doesnt affect me in the slightest - im very careful and i take a tablet so i never get it and be contageous, i totally understand if you never want to risk it even if that risk is nearly zero. Or we can keep hanging out and worry about sex in a while or we can just be video games friends...aslong as i can still smack ur bottom. Anyway im cool with whatever you want."
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Redoctober2000
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Flo
You gave him a handjob. It's either don't give him anything at all or most likely all of it. You're teasing him and he's been bending backwards on spending time with you; that's the problem.
What's wrong wtih step by step? how is this teasing? teasing to me is not allowed to touch and no release. he had his release.
You definitely sound like a teenager now or you are just a BIG TEASE!!!

Unless you are prepared to have sex properly, stay out of the damn bedroom. Because right now you are just "teasing his cock" and he can do that himself!!!

I befriended my Taurus for 18 months and got to know him and establish a relationship with him before going anywhere near a bedroom.. Now we are a couple.

So either you get to know him and develop a growing friendship outside the bedroom and wait till you are ready for sex and have full sex or if you take him to the bedroom at least have sex... Handjobs are just an insult and very insipid!!

U could at least have given him deep throat and done the job properly... And let him know you have some good skills... But a handjob... Boy I hope that sag teaches you a lesson... You are playing with fire and you are going to get BURNED.
I just asked about his sexual health history. this is his answer. I'm glad I didn't give him BJ. sounds like you are the hot headed teenager now! LOL

"Bad news though, i do have an std(herp) i caught like 10 years ago. While it doesnt affect me in the slightest - im very careful and i take a tablet so i never get it and be contageous, i totally understand if you never want to risk it even if that risk is nearly zero. Or we can keep hanging out and worry about sex in a while or we can just be video games friends...aslong as i can still smack ur bottom. Anyway im cool with whatever you want."
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Damn he was going to fuck you without telling you!? Good that you didn't put out and asked the question, now cut him loose.
Posted by Arielle83
Herpes is FOREVER!

Dating it.

Move on.

what do you mean by dating it? does your husband have it?
Herpes is a virus that cannot be cured (at least right now). If you pursue a sexually relationship with the Sag you WILL catch it.

Uhm herpes?????

Yeah, I'd be out the door quick.

What if you were a little more explorative? He wouldn't have even mentioned it in the moment lmao

Bullet, dodged.

I'd still be out though.

Takes out the fun/spontaneity of sex.

Like you'll be paranoid thinking if he's got a breakout..worrying about it anyway, ugh.

Too much trouble!