Sag suddenly went from hot to cold. Is he a womanizer?

This sag guy has been asking me out everyday in the past 2 weeks, I couldn't do that but we managed to see each other 6 times in total. He invited me to join him and his friends and said I could join them when I want just not from right at the start. O...

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by Poppyseeds on Sunday, September 4, 2016 and has 71 replies.
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Posted by LadyNeptune
Herpes is a virus that cannot be cured (at least right now). If you pursue a sexually relationship with the Sag you WILL catch it.

She was smart to only give him hand and not head.
Posted by LadyNeptune
Herpes is a virus that cannot be cured (at least right now). If you pursue a sexually relationship with the Sag you WILL catch it.

He is cool with just being friends, he just really likes my company and so do I.

I honestly respect him for being upfront, most people would lie with the negative stigma in the society.

I told him lets just hang out as friends, if we ever develop feelings and want to take the next step, we are going to doctors together to educate ourselves wtih professional advise and to evaluate the risk and go from there.
Posted by Arielle83
I'm just wondering.

Did he offer to go down on you, you said no, but felt guilty, so hand job?

Cuz I honestly wouldn't have bothered with that either.

Cuz I'm selfish.

I always see hand jobs kind of like "I don't want to fuvk you yet, but you seem hard up and I pity your desire at this early stage, so I'll help you out with a hand."
Yes he did offer to go down on me, but it wasn't out of guilt to offer hand job, it might sound weird but watching a guy cum turns me on, especially with my hands only. Also at that moment it was the safest thing that is cloest to sex that we could do. I turned down oral because of the potential risk
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by LadyNeptune
Herpes is a virus that cannot be cured (at least right now). If you pursue a sexually relationship with the Sag you WILL catch it.

He is cool with just being friends, he just really likes my company and so do I.

I honestly respect him for being upfront, most people would lie with the negative stigma in the society.

I told him lets just hang out as friends, if we ever develop feelings and want to take the next step, we are going to doctors together to educate ourselves wtih professional advise and to evaluate the risk and go from there.
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The risk is that you will absolutely get herps if you pursue a sexual relationship with this man.

Prolonging a friendship when the original intent was a romantic relationship is cruel to both of you.

Posted by Illuminati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Herpes is a virus that cannot be cured (at least right now). If you pursue a sexually relationship with the Sag you WILL catch it.

She was smart to only give him hand and not head.
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Lol I never said she wasn't...
Posted by Silvuh
Uhm herpes?????

Yeah, I'd be out the door quick.

What if you were a little more explorative? He wouldn't have even mentioned it in the moment lmao

Bullet, dodged.

I'd still be out though.

Takes out the fun/spontaneity of sex.

Like you'll be paranoid thinking if he's got a breakout..worrying about it anyway, ugh.

Too much trouble!
I know a Sagi female who has slept with several guys without telling them about Herpes. Adventurous/risk taking = selfish and inconsiderate as fuck in my opinion. Blegh. There are some awesome Sagi's but the ones with these traits grate my damn nerves. Wtf.
Posted by Librasaurusrex
Posted by Silvuh
Uhm herpes?????

Yeah, I'd be out the door quick.

What if you were a little more explorative? He wouldn't have even mentioned it in the moment lmao

Bullet, dodged.

I'd still be out though.

Takes out the fun/spontaneity of sex.

Like you'll be paranoid thinking if he's got a breakout..worrying about it anyway, ugh.

Too much trouble!
I know a Sagi female who has slept with several guys without telling them about Herpes. Adventurous/risk taking = selfish and inconsiderate as fuck in my opinion. Blegh. There are some awesome Sagi's but the ones with these traits grate my damn nerves. Wtf.
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I think the optimism comes into play here too. "Oh! Everything will be fine! Not breaking out so just pretend it's not a big deal!!!" The optimism is so annoying.
Wow that's a plot twist for ya.

In any event, at least he was honest with you. He must really like you.

I remember listening to the radio about stds and there are people who are married and have had kids with stds.

So if you like him enough, you never know.

Posted by DMV
Wow that's a plot twist for ya.

In any event, at least he was honest with you. He must really like you.

I remember listening to the radio about stds and there are people who are married and have had kids with stds.

So if you like him enough, you never know.

He could have caught it from his ex or he could be a whore, who knows. A lot of people are carrier of herpes without knowing. You can't test it while it's inactive, basically there is a risk of catching it from anyone.

I know a girl is in long term relationship with someone who caught it, she has been with him for 10 years and never caught anything.

I think he must enjoys the OP's company to be happy to get just platonic friendship from her. His honesty indeed is respectable. Another sob story for her.. I think her most recent crab ex fell into depression (I think he pretended)
Think about this Op, if you get herpes there's the chance you can pass it onto your child when delivering (if you are experiencing an outbreak). It will change your entire life. Don't let lust rule you...actually I know you won't... your virgo.
Posted by LadyNeptune
Think about this Op, if you get herpes there's the chance you can pass it onto your child when delivering (if you are experiencing an outbreak). It will change your entire life. Don't let lust rule you...actually I know you won't... your virgo.
That's my concern wtih any guy, for now I'm just friends with him. He said he is happy wtih whatever I want, I guess he is letting me rule it
Posted by SensitiveBlues
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Arielle83
Did he give you anything sexually?
he was going to eat me out, but I didn't take my pants off as it's too tempting.

did he have herpes on his lips or something, im not sure why you didn't let him eat it, and then walked out the door

that's the best date night ever.

eat me out bytch. peace
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no his skin is smooth like a baby, just didn't want to take the risk wtihout demanding a recent blood test.
Posted by DMV
Wow that's a plot twist for ya.

In any event, at least he was honest with you. He must really like you.

I remember listening to the radio about stds and there are people who are married and have had kids with stds.

So if you like him enough, you never know.

almost like a soap opera... it explains why he didn't contact me for 2 days. the sleep over probably made him realize there is a posibility to go further and he is processing things.. especially with his condition.

He is a big flirt but he admit he is shy and introvert, the kind of music he likes are wtih sad lyrics like you can never find love or soething like that...
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by SensitiveBlues
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Arielle83
Did he give you anything sexually?
he was going to eat me out, but I didn't take my pants off as it's too tempting.

did he have herpes on his lips or something, im not sure why you didn't let him eat it, and then walked out the door

that's the best date night ever.

eat me out bytch. peace
no his skin is smooth like a baby, just didn't want to take the risk wtihout demanding a recent blood test.
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It takes a few days during the outbreak for anything to show up. That's why I'm saying you WILL catch it if you go there with him cause he could look smooth and clean and actually be starting an outbreak.
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by SensitiveBlues
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by Arielle83
Did he give you anything sexually?
he was going to eat me out, but I didn't take my pants off as it's too tempting.

did he have herpes on his lips or something, im not sure why you didn't let him eat it, and then walked out the door

that's the best date night ever.

eat me out bytch. peace
no his skin is smooth like a baby, just didn't want to take the risk wtihout demanding a recent blood test.
It takes a few days during the outbreak for anything to show up. That's why I'm saying you WILL catch it if you go there with him cause he could look smooth and clean and actually be starting an outbreak.
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I was agreeing with you, anyway these things are dangerous you can never tell. even those who claims they never had it, they just haven't had an outbreak yet..
Posted by SensitiveBlues
im grossed out. im out of this thread.
You are so much nicer when you are not on the crab board. Or is someone using your account now?
Why does "going cold" automatically produce a label? Maybe they just are not that into you, or have dispelled their own illusion and didn't like what was the reality.

Posted by SensitiveBlues
Ok good to see you didn't get hacked. Now this is the real you
Posted by Illuminati
Posted by DMV
Wow that's a plot twist for ya.

In any event, at least he was honest with you. He must really like you.

I remember listening to the radio about stds and there are people who are married and have had kids with stds.

So if you like him enough, you never know.

He could have caught it from his ex or he could be a whore, who knows. A lot of people are carrier of herpes without knowing. You can't test it while it's inactive, basically there is a risk of catching it from anyone.

I know a girl is in long term relationship with someone who caught it, she has been with him for 10 years and never caught anything.

I think he must enjoys the OP's company to be happy to get just platonic friendship from her. His honesty indeed is respectable. Another sob story for her.. I think her most recent crab ex fell into depression (I think he pretended)
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Just use condoms
Posted by Redoctober2000
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by DMV
Wow that's a plot twist for ya.

In any event, at least he was honest with you. He must really like you.

I remember listening to the radio about stds and there are people who are married and have had kids with stds.

So if you like him enough, you never know.

almost like a soap opera... it explains why he didn't contact me for 2 days. the sleep over probably made him realize there is a posibility to go further and he is processing things.. especially with his condition.

He is a big flirt but he admit he is shy and introvert, the kind of music he likes are wtih sad lyrics like you can never find love or soething like that...
U would like to think that wouldn't you!! Extra large ego!! ? ? ?

With herpes... He has no other choice than to "flirt".. The bottom line is, he has prepared and DID take you to his bedroom and let you give him a handjob before you even knew about his condition. He had no intention of telling you...

Sure he came clean eventually but it was not automatic...
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Not everyone has to go all in once they step inside the bedroom. You have been talking to OP in a very patronizing way just because she started with a handjob. Only those with big ego would automatically assumes their way is the only and correct way to do things.
Posted by Redoctober2000
Posted by Illuminati
Posted by Redoctober2000
Posted by Poppyseeds
Posted by DMV
Wow that's a plot twist for ya.

In any event, at least he was honest with you. He must really like you.

I remember listening to the radio about stds and there are people who are married and have had kids with stds.

So if you like him enough, you never know.

almost like a soap opera... it explains why he didn't contact me for 2 days. the sleep over probably made him realize there is a posibility to go further and he is processing things.. especially with his condition.

He is a big flirt but he admit he is shy and introvert, the kind of music he likes are wtih sad lyrics like you can never find love or soething like that...
U would like to think that wouldn't you!! Extra large ego!! ? ? ?

With herpes... He has no other choice than to "flirt".. The bottom line is, he has prepared and DID take you to his bedroom and let you give him a handjob before you even knew about his condition. He had no intention of telling you...

Sure he came clean eventually but it was not automatic...
Not everyone has to go all in once they step inside the bedroom. You have been talking to OP in a very patronizing way just because she started with a handjob. Only those with big ego would automatically assumes their way is the only and correct way to do things.
Sure but I feel most men would view that as a "cock tease"... Either you know what your doing or you don't....

He can do the handjob easily himself..

The guy has herpes... If she was so into her sexual health that she only did a hj, she should have asked him about his sexual history etc. (like most normal) people BEFORE entering the bedroom... That's my opinion anyway..

Now that he has herpes my advice to the OP would be to run in the other direction and view this as a "lesson"... Afterall, sags are supposedly "teachers" aren't they.... "How not to get Herpes" written by a sag.
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Haha not this sag apparently