about dxp

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by red_aries on Monday, April 27, 2009 and has 13 replies.
Seriously, dxp has gotten alot boring. The only interesting place to visit now is capricorn .
Every thread is about relationship troubles and problems with some sign. The content is pretty predictable.
Whatever happened to the old dxp, where people would argue about BS and kill each other?
We need less discussion about astrology and relationships and more discussion about other things.
Things here have become extremely predictable and borinhg.

alot of interesting peopke (haffo, genome, branh, sb) had left, but i still have faith in this site. The only oldies are still here (aguaqi smile, the jesus, mysticfish, Shaks, evan). Please people, turn dxp back to the way it was.
rant over
actually red, i miss the old dxp too. the lynchings and heated debates/verbal warfare. we could use fuckina around now i think - she would liven things up Sad
i don't even know who's who any more Sad
I'd rather go chasing after unicorns that dash around in Libra board.
For some odd reason, I expected this out of you red_aries ... I just did lol
Dxp is an ... astrology board ... thats about relationships ... you know ... stuff like that ...
lol, the drama came about because of people who were either trolls or mentally unstable.
ditto about dxp situation. i think ppl either put up with their relationship dramas or walked away or have them resolved.

Roxanne: i miss the old dxp too. the lynchings and heated debates/verbal warfare.
Okay, you asked for it...
Roxi, you ignorant slut. How typical for a Scorpio woman to want to stir the fuckin' pot!
What's wrong with quiet & contentment??
You Water Gals are an emotional lot!
is she going to take the bait though.....??? Oh I can imagine the comeback!
lol @ SPA
Posted by super powers...ACTIVATE!
I'm chewing patchouli-scented gum.
It tastes like hippy.

They don't have those type of gum in asia. we have eclipse mints instead.