Signed Up:
Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 370 · Topics: 36
oK so as some of u know already - I met my scorpio thru a forum saw his pic on my friend's list of friends.
anyway i msg him he msged back - we chatted online -always short - called each other -always short he was in toronto for a wk - saw him -visited him even those were short but mainly becus his best friend was visiting him so he was spendin time wit him - anway i'm not sure if u can help - but are the online chats and calls he makes to me short cus he's bored? or something else u scorps do jus cus?
the thing is when ever we're chatting -online or phone-he'll suddenly have to go do something -will say he'll call back sometimes but never well - i'm always left wonderin what i did
Signed Up:
May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
That's what I do when I'm bored.
Signed Up:
May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
OK, maybe I should of asked where are the conversations going? What does it seem like he wants from his words?
Signed Up:
Nov 21, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
I would bet it is lack of conversation.
Signed Up:
Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 370 · Topics: 36
no it's not lack of conversation - sometimes i don't even get to say wut i want to cus he cuts me off with some excuse - ugh this is frustrating - it's weird
Signed Up:
Nov 21, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
So he calls you say hello and he say's I gotta go? What exactly is being said?
Signed Up:
Nov 21, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
LMAO DB you are funny
I sound like one of the 5 W's in TG Post earlier LOL
Cancer12 - you are not giving enough information for anyone to help you?
Signed Up:
Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 370 · Topics: 36
concerning our convo - it can be bout anything -
I'M TRYIN TO MAKE A COMPARISON HERE: here's the thing there is another scorp that i talk to (i've known him for yrs but nothing ever happened bcuz i had man at the time - there has always been an attration tho) but he told me upfront he jus wants to have sex - he and i will talk for hours, flirt - we get along great - he doesn't have issues like this one -if he has to go he'll say so - if he says he's gunna call back he usually does - what does this mean? we're so confortable with each other but i don't want to jus have a sexual realtionship with anyone right now - but man i love the way he looks at me - like he jus want to rip my clothes off- oops ok sorry back on topic lol
so my question is: do scorps avoid the ppl they're actually into (more than jus sexually) and do the scorps that jus want sex be totally nice and friendly???????
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Scorpio and cancer are supposed to be a good match. Can't see it myself. I don't have any patience for cancer..male or female..they just annoy the crap out of me..
Signed Up:
May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
Go with DB's advise, could be hot. 
("You almost need a third party there to push them along...")
Push it, push it! Push it reaaaaaal good! 
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
They don't communicate well..well all the ones I've known..shouldn't really tar them all with the same brush...
Signed Up:
May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
Hey SL, do u do the 5 W's? OMG, I'm gonna lose it if I gotta answer to that all of the time. Next time he asks me I'll just tell him "We're not FUKKING married! None of your business!" OK, maybe I won't, but I'm gonna rebound the Q's BIGTIME. 
Signed Up:
May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
Horoscope love match:
Cancer woman - Scorpio man
Apparently the master of sexual pleasure, the Scorpio man is the most irresistible man the Cancer woman has ever met.
On the other hand, the Scorpio man won?t be able to stop himself from wanting to own the woman.
The Cancer woman - Scorpio man combination can be good for an erotic, deeply emotional relationship, but the Cancer woman should take care: the Scorpio man can destroy what he loves.
Signed Up:
Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 370 · Topics: 36
ok he'll call - "how you doing"
"good - how r things on ur end" ME - then i'll asked bout his day or whats new but now that i think bout it - i think it's usually him askin questions - like what i did that day or where i am and what am i doing at that moment- like he's checkng up on me
Signed Up:
Nov 21, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
LMAO Yes TG I always do. You can't give me some half baked story,
Cancer 12,
if the guy tells you he wants to have sex only, then this what you have to believe. You're not clairvoyant nor are you a psychoanalyst (or are you?) to try guessing his "in between the lines". Just tell him straight, I don't want to only have sex with a man now, I want a relationship, and see if he'll still be nice to you.
As for the other guy, move on, he seems very insecure if he can't keep a conversation, or he's not into you. You probably don't want either option, do you?
Signed Up:
Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 370 · Topics: 36
ninainthesky123 i don't have any problems wit my horny scorp that jus wants sex - it's the other scorp i wanted advice for - he's the one confusin me - i was jjus doin a comparison - sighs scorps are so confusing
on another note - i'm pretty open person - i say what's on my mind - so i don't think i have issues wit communicating wit him - i can be pretty blunt and upfront - which i have wit him
Signed Up:
Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 370 · Topics: 36
the thing is - altho we've only known each other for such a short time - we fight alot (i like it- adds some flame to the relationship or whatever it is we have)- bout a week ago we had a big fight n i told him that if he wanted me to move on cus i don't like wasting time (THE FIGHT WAS BOUT HOW HE'S ALWAYS RUSHIN OFFLINE OR CUTTIN CALLS SHORT)- this was online - anyway i told him to let me know cus when i move on i don't look back -to make sure this is what he wants- he said i was too much to handle and so i tol him to have a good life and he said likewise - so i was ready to move on then bout 1 to 2 days later he calls and apologises - by then i felt bad to and i apologised - since then i've called him - he said he was on the line he'd call back - i jus told him don't bother i was jus callin to say hi -- did i mention he's from bermuda - he visting his home for now but will be back in aug -sept time to start school. --sory to make so long
See what happens when he returns. It sounds like you really like him to put up with all that hum? Well, if you really like him, then wait a bit and check it out. But if he doesn't change in a month or two after his return, please do move on, you do not have time to waste, I wasted some of mine and it?s not fun...
Signed Up:
Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
Am I an idiot?>/i>
Yes you are.
More questions?
Signed Up:
Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 370 · Topics: 36
thank ninainthesky123 - i'll take ur advice - thanks to everyone else -thatnks for ur input it helps to have ur opinions
to haffo especially - go suck yuh mumma biznatch!!! well im kinda going through the same thing with my scorp
well im going through the same thing with my scorp i dunno why he acts like that???
Signed Up:
May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
Give them tons of attitude and reverse all situations. My scorp thinks he can pull stuff like that & I straighten him out pretty quick. Then, he's like a sweet puppy.
U see they want to control & feel in power of the relationship but SECRETLY love the ones that put them in their place.
Signed Up:
May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
By the way, don't listen to my advice. 
Signed Up:
Dec 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3890 · Topics: 117
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
I love it when I get a telling off...
Signed Up:
Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 370 · Topics: 36
cancer scorp tell me bout ur experience - it's so weird how this guy acts - what's ur guy like? r u dating or jus at the beginning phase?
Signed Up:
May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
Well it does work!
F, me & my scorp are such drama queens together...rollercoaster central! Signed Up:
Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 370 · Topics: 36
To everyone -- yea i don't understand why they think cancer n scorp would be good together - maybe if they could get past the first phase... anyway i know scorp n pices are good - my mom is scorp n dad is pices and u'd swear they jus got married - the way they sleep (yea i peeked into their room jus to admire them) and jus how lovin they are with each other -27 yrs of marriage - damn!!
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Lol @ DB...precisely! I feel like a naughty little school girl being told off!
Signed Up:
Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 370 · Topics: 36
Yea i clash wit pices also - they're jus annoying n talk too much - no offence pices ppl- jus from my experience
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
I don't have the patience for pisces..they whinge too much..and cancers for that matter..but I think thats been public knowledge for a while now on these boards!
Signed Up:
Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 370 · Topics: 36
Jus want u to know that my mama is a scorp n my pops is a pices - n they are still very much inlove - 27yrs of marriage - they r soooo loving to each other
Signed Up:
Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
Yea i clash wit pices also - they're jus annoying n talk too much - no offence pices ppl- jus from my experience
You know, you just suck. Thats why.
Signed Up:
Sep 06, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 2592 · Topics: 68
Not you, haffo!
Signed Up:
Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
Signed Up:
Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
Now class this is what is known as Pisces Constructive Criticism
Well she's really suck. And she's also an idiot. She admitted it. Can you belive that?
Signed Up:
Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 370 · Topics: 36
awwwww did i hurt ur feelings haffo? good - stop bein to ignorant - did u not read the part where i said it was jus from my experience?????? blind muthfkr - u need a woman to friggn give u a good hrd fk to set u straight!!
oh n ppl - i do not have any problem wit the scorp that jus wants to fk - i don't need advice on him - i was jus stating the difference in the way they act towards me -
sorry if i confused u guys Signed Up:
Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
I haven't met a woman who could set me straight. And I think I couldn't for a looong time.
Go figure why...
Signed Up:
Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
Let me help you to stop wondering.
I will tell you why I didn't met such a woman.
You see, when vicinity is full with such idiots like you, none of you would heads up and pull their heads out of their butt.
Signed Up:
Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 370 · Topics: 36
haffo that for haf-fo dick?? look i'm sorry that u're sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo unhappy - maybe u shud get laid - maybe it'll destress u
Signed Up:
Feb 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 9826 · Topics: 354
All you need to do is to stop acting like an idiot.
Look at topic name you've posted above:
"Am I an Idiot?"
What did you expect me to tell? If you don't have any self respect surely you would post such a topic name. It would be much better to have something like that "Am I wrong?", or "What is wrong?" something like that.
But when "Am I an Idiot?" well hell yeah you are. I just have a strong urge to "complete the sentense". Do you see my drift?
Signed Up:
Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 370 · Topics: 36
no i don't - help me get ur drift? this is fun for me believe me!
Signed Up:
Sep 06, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 2592 · Topics: 68
Strange turn of events.
>>>Between the personality of the scorp and the cancer...I have no idea how they ever get through phase 1 in relationships...mixed messages...both not saying the truth to each other (reserved)...You almost need a third party there to push them along...
Signed Up:
Apr 12, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4267 · Topics: 82
Ah...gotta love the haffo lol
With your situation i'd be suspecting some of the confusion of the past situation to be interfering with the convos since you two talked desently before it happened...not saying its a definate but might be a possibility.He could be iffy about why your interested in calling or something,did you clear up what you think of it and what you want to do yet?A confused scorp is one very lame conversationalist lol,calling just to say "hi" could mean somethin else to a paranoid scorp...maybe call him on his ego about you wanting him somehow maybe jokingly or something to sees what kind of reaction you get.I dunno...that could be risking an arguement though if it hits home on him,would depend on his maturity level.
However I never dated a cancer and more the pisces type of scorp...kinda falls under DB's description with me and cancers(the non-related ones anyways) except for a sibling and almost like n-law cancers with my siblings(whom I don't like at all).
Signed Up:
Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 370 · Topics: 36
ok ok lemme clear things up between the two scorps - sexscrop is the one that wants sex - crushscorp is the one i'm crushing on
this whole post was about crushscorp - i am not interested in sexscorp in that way -- at times i wonder what would happen with us if i let it go anywhere because we click so well - but the fact that he said exactly what he wants is sex is a turn off - sometimes i feel that he wants something more - i only mentioned my situation with him to make a comparison of the two and how they communicate - sexscorp is jus someone i've known for a few yrs and i know he wants to get into my panties but i'm not interested - we flirt but that's as far as i will let it go - sexscorp is so bold wit me - he will jus come out n say what he wants from me --- so it makes me wonder to myself 'if a scorp is jus interested in sex (like sexscorp) - is he more bold, more open?' -'does the fact that my crushscrop is so opposite mean that he interested in more than jus sex - or jus not interested at all'
so i'm not interested in sexscorp - he's jus fun to flirt wit
Signed Up:
Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 370 · Topics: 36
crushscorp's situation is kinda complicated, here's the thing i should have told u b4, sorry:
this is when we first started to talk to each other
In conversation with him i had learned that I had ended my relationship with my ex and he with his around the same time (he in late december 2005 and I in early january 2006)- He ended up tellin me what happened with her and how she hurt him - said he wanted to be honest with me bout that. she got preggers, then realised she didn't want the child and went out one night got drunk and had a miscarriage - i know that's sick right- what an evil bitch! anyway he said he really wanted the kid. that's y he took the semester off, cudn't deal wit it.
so he had to come to toronto for a wk to settle things for the new semester and said we'd spend the whole wk together (since all his friends were away for summer- he had no one here)this was during the week of june 25th - things changed when his best friend also bermudian ended up cuttin his trip short in cuba and ended up in toronto- staying with my scorpio crush - for that week i only saw my scorp like 3 times - the first day he came in to toronto- the second time i picked him and his best friend up and we went to a bar and the third time to say goodbye. the sexual attraction was strong n we did do the dirty deed the first two times we saw each other (i kno i'm a bad girl) but wow scorpios are really into the cuddly stuff like cancers- anyway even durin his trip we were arguin but for some reason we still ended up apologising to each other. we seem to really know how to piss each other off.
Signed Up:
Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 370 · Topics: 36
on the friday b4 he left my friends n i went to a club- as i was walkin in - who do i almost literally walkn into on his way rushing out? HIM and walkin out was his ex (at the time he had no idea i knew who she was)- i was so hurt and shocked- it was too quick to react -I mean there are soo many clubs in toronto- what r the odds of me bumpin into HIM - i've never bumped into anyone i know at a club-jus weird we showed up at the same club
so the next day he calls n i was like "so how come u were leaving?" he said he was rushin after his best friend. i decided to test him, i asked if it was jus him n his bestfriend that went to the club and i was surprised he was honest enough to tell me, "no my ex came with us". (here's my confession - i have absolutely no boy friend type feelings for my ex but he and i still hang out sometimes mostly with other friends-suprisingly we're friends)- anyway i asked if they slept together - he said "yes but only on the same bed" - he said nothing happened - they were too busy arguing. i was a little annoyed either way.
so i visited him saturday to say goodbye- he was leavin on sunday - did i mention scorpio love to play games - he pretended he was mad at me.
anyway so we went into the bedroom and had some alone time not for sex- we jus talked and bed wrestled- lol -we talked n he told me that he was confused bout everything (i'd like to mention that all along i had been tellin him this - he's so transparent sometimes)he said his ex said she didn't want a relationship with him but jus sex and he didn't want that - she's a sag by the way. anyway i figured ok i'm glad he's being honest so i said my goodbye- n i noticed he had tried to avoid kissin me-I WONDER Y?. but b4 i left i got him to gimme a real one .
ok so that's bout it - he's back in bermuda but he still calls me - one night he called me and asked me which man's house i was at - "i was like are you crazy"? see the thing wit me is that i get really aggressive wit him - i stand up to him i don't let him talk to me any way he likes- but it's weird how his mood changes - his calls are usually short - he calls n we talk for 5 or 10 minutes and den he says he's goin to bed -even when i call which has been few he cuts it short - always some excuse-