Hi I’m new here but have utilized this site for several months. I’d be truly grateful for any insight.
I’m so hurt and lost. Things were going great with a Scorpio guy that been my friend since childhood. He finally told me he was in love with me (only took 30 yrs). Then we had a fight, he told me I crushed him. Since then he’s been distant - still said he loves me but that he was overwhelmed. So I have been sparsely contacting him. Last few texts I sent were songs as music is a big thing for us. No response. So I composed the below. I don’t know what to do from here. I can’t imagine how he could just shut my out his life this way. Granted it’s only been a week but to not respond for him is odd. I don’t know if I should call because that feels intrusive.
“Good morning. I’ve been really trying to give you space, it seems you’re so overwhelmed and the last thing I want is to be an additional source of stress but I miss you. I care about you, and want to be here for you. It doesn’t have to be anything more than friendship if that what you need. But please let me know if that is not what you want and you’d prefer to let it go.”
We were dating for about two months
It was a different question. My apologies if that is incorrect to post a follow up question.
Signed Up:
Nov 16, 2017Comments: 38 · Posts: 355 · Topics: 4
I feel like you've done the right thing by reaching out and sending that text. I wouldn't call or send anything else. Ya'll have been friends for 30 years and he bolts because of a fight? Sounds like he isn't ready for a real relationship.
Signed Up:
Feb 21, 2015Comments: 1412 · Posts: 2819 · Topics: 78
What was the fight about??
He hurt me by something he said and I told him. He apologized but I was still angry so I didn’t talk to him for a week.