Am I approaching this right

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Capsunin8thhousemarsScorp on Saturday, January 13, 2018 and has 11 replies.
Hi I’m new here but have utilized this site for several months. I’d be truly grateful for any insight.

I’m so hurt and lost. Things were going great with a Scorpio guy that been my friend since childhood. He finally told me he was in love with me (only took 30 yrs). Then we had a fight, he told me I crushed him. Since then he’s been distant - still said he loves me but that he was overwhelmed. So I have been sparsely contacting him. Last few texts I sent were songs as music is a big thing for us. No response. So I composed the below. I don’t know what to do from here. I can’t imagine how he could just shut my out his life this way. Granted it’s only been a week but to not respond for him is odd. I don’t know if I should call because that feels intrusive.

“Good morning. I’ve been really trying to give you space, it seems you’re so overwhelmed and the last thing I want is to be an additional source of stress but I miss you. I care about you, and want to be here for you. It doesn’t have to be anything more than friendship if that what you need. But please let me know if that is not what you want and you’d prefer to let it go.”

We were dating for about two months
It was a different question. My apologies if that is incorrect to post a follow up question.
I feel like you've done the right thing by reaching out and sending that text. I wouldn't call or send anything else. Ya'll have been friends for 30 years and he bolts because of a fight? Sounds like he isn't ready for a real relationship.
Posted by edgelord
Didn’t you already make a thread about this?
That one had longer beginning.

So it’s...different...😂💦
Posted by Capsunin8thhousemarsScorp
It was a different question. My apologies if that is incorrect to post a follow up question.
It’s ok. Dxp doesn’t have rules unless you are a paid member...lmao

That letter was nice. However if he is in a limbo - no amount of communications from you will change anything.

As an example. Me and Scorp weren’t communicating due to his ‘period’ and when i found legit reason to text him I did.

He was answering in one word sentences.

I was crushed. But kept texting because I needed something of his stuff for my business. I was inquiring if he got not so I can get it from him.

After about 10th text - he writes by himself ‘can I call?’...and madness continuing...

So one thing I’ve learned is that you can DIE - but Scorpio man will do what he wants whenever he wants and ready!

You can literally drop dead but you’ll never make him step over his wants and willing to do what you want. And it doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you.

There is some ‘thing’ he can’t overcome that is squishing his guts until it let go and let’s him to breath and live.

Most likely - you won’t get a response to this. But if you wait - you will get some result. Good luck! My heart goes in to you.

And I am in a same boat with you right I understand...
What was the fight about??
He hurt me by something he said and I told him. He apologized but I was still angry so I didn’t talk to him for a week.
Posted by Taniwha
You might just have the longest name on dxpnet, well done.
Lol I’m good like that
Posted by Capsunin8thhousemarsScorp
He hurt me by something he said and I told him. He apologized but I was still angry so I didn’t talk to him for a week.
Well you didnt talk to him for a week... it sounds like he’s giving you a dose of your own medicine. A week is a really long time with no contact (to me) and if the fight is over and he apologized i don’t understand how dragging it out would help.

And a Scorpio would get revenge but i wouldn’t play them like that or it will be a never ending game.

I don’t think an apology would do much. Maybe you should try to understand him and not give the silent treatment if you don’t like it done to you.
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Posted by Capsunin8thhousemarsScorp
He hurt me by something he said and I told him. He apologized but I was still angry so I didn’t talk to him for a week.
Well you didnt talk to him for a week... it sounds like he’s giving you a dose of your own medicine. A week is a really long time with no contact (to me) and if the fight is over and he apologized i don’t understand how dragging it out would help.

And a Scorpio would get revenge but i wouldn’t play them like that or it will be a never ending game.

I don’t think an apology would do much. Maybe you should try to understand him and not give the silent treatment if you don’t like it done to you.
click to expand

I agree and I did apologize to him, admitted I behaved childishly. But I didn’t ignore him, I didn’t reach out after his apology and he didn’t either. So it was a stalemate. At this stage, he IS ignoring me. And during a time when it’s my first holiday season without my brother (who passed unexpectedly in October- which is how we reconnected). I went home to stay with family and he was supposed to come see me there. He didn’t, his reasons sounded legitimate and I did t make an issue of it. Then my last daythere he stopped responding. So I backed off for a week. But when I tried to text out again the ignoring has continued.