Are you Scorps .......

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Freebird on Monday, March 12, 2007 and has 54 replies.
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going through a hard time emotionally right now?
I have a friend who called me today saying her Scorp daughter (in her 20's) is really in a bad place. I myself have a Scorp friend who seems to be going further down in the "Scorpion hole" each day. Now, I know that each one of us thinks in a different Aries are naturally born to be and think positive where I feel that Scorps have a tendency to focus on the neg. and they keep focusing on it...why?
What will it take for a Scorp to re-focus and look at the good in life?
*I am by no means saying that all Scorps are this way*
Thanks guys....I appreciate your feedback.
I suppose the Scorps that I am dealing with are a bit different - because, they are definately focusing on the neg. at this moment in time.
I think nutritional supplements can do a lot for negativity. I started my offspring and myself on fish-oil.
"Sometimes the best thing for negativity is a few days alone for soul-searching."
Sooo true..
Yeah I don't think we are fact it really pisses me off when people categorise us like that..even the astrologers..I mean every human being can have a negative perspective at some stage...
Thats it hit the nail on the head..and what I've always maintained...we are realists...and people who are not in touch with reality see that as negativity...
I agree with what you say Cap..but its not being a pessimist..its about seeing the world for what it really is...and because its a flippin tragedy and a horrid place, makes you in some ways a sombre individual in appearance I guess..
"Negativity to me is more about having no motivation, no hope."
Fabulous....thats it..
"I belive even if i fail now but i would win in the end."
Very well said...
I have no time of day who see the world through rose tinted glasses..they are not in touch with reality..But like you say, at least we are prepared for it when something does happen, its no shock..whether its good or bad news..I am pretty
I think it merely depends on the place that the Scorp currently is in their life. A Scorp at a "bad point" in their life would more than likely seem to a lot of people as focusing on the negative.
Personally, when I have hit extremely low points in my life, I do have a tendency stagnate, and perhaps marinate, in the negativity for a bit. But, to me, it is more of a natural part of my healing process. Like the natural stages of morning... I need a certain amount of time to come to terms with my issues, which I suppose is a bit different than most people do. I suppose personally I allow myself to be consumed to some degree by it, perhaps allowing it to drag me down a bit more until the point that I have "completed my stages of morning" (until the point that I am done with it, when it has truly run its course). In that time, or perhaps because of that time, I gain a greater comprehension of myself, my motivations, the situation, and many other things allowing me to come out of my experiences a stronger person (and to gain the understanding and, more importantly, the resolve necessary to pull myself back to the place I want and know I should be).
But, that is just me personally. I would not presume to speak for the experiences or motivations of any other Scorps...
It applies to most Scorps I think alcheme..that death and emerging stronger..
I don't think that Scorps are negative. Personally, I hold true to the philosophy of "hope for the best, but prepare for the worst". Most people may see that I "prepare for the worst" and as a result am negative, but that is failing to see, or perhaps acknowledge, the "hoping for the best". Optimistic realism is a survival trait...
For so long as a Scorpio (or anyone) excels, they strive. For so long as they strive, they are optimistic. Optimism is necessary to truly attempt anything.
And the same is true for the life all around me. I try to hope for the best in people, but I refuse to be defeated by my own naivety...
Take it for what you will...
Yes I do...
The mind is a powerful thing..and I belive if you think it, it will happen that way..well its certainly worked for me that way...
Power of thought...
Positive mental attitude
LOL..thats me on a bad day
Yes cap...That word power..permeates my whole life
Thats me writing an angry email to my fellow colleagues at work!!!
LOL..Something along the lines of "what part of switch off your computer did you not understand you fookin imbecile"
LOL..yes..thats true..they always think I am a moody cow...I get irritated at telling someone something 3 times...UNDERSTAND/PAY ATTENTION THE FIRST FOOKIN TIME
Yes I am a lot better now..trying to increase the tolerance levels...
How are you cap? hows tricks?
Probably busy I guess...yeah pluto has been missing for a bit..maybe aqua is keeping her busy...Archer and Gaurav are probably shacked up together somewhere..
and you and me Cap..the dxp here Winking
just tricks in general Winking
bluestar you going bed already..damn the time difference...LOL..ok good nighty!!
Cap, you and innocent...pah!!!!
you know what trick I am talking about?..trick is another word for "hows things"
LOL..hahah...I hope your not saying thats a bad thing
::spanks Bluey::
Get to bed your naughty girl
LOL..oh my god!..whatever possessed you to do that?
I have lovely long and wavy tresses...which have contemplated getting a victoria beckham cut..but can't..been short before..and didn't like it
Yeah all earth signs (male) seem to be obsessed with their image..especially virgo and Capricorn..underlying insecurity me thinks..
I don't think Taurus give a shit what you think of comes the energy ball
"i think cap girls are better than cap guys "
Marginally perhaps Winking
Go pak go pak go pak
::MM gets her pom poms out::
::no, not those pom poms::
"Mr Devil where have you been ?"
Been horny say the least Tongue
"::no, not those pom poms::"
We wont mind actually Winking
Am sure you won't having seen these babies
EGEM is an old maid ? ....Yesterday she was trying to seduce Yama Winking
"guru i demand u.. gimme the link n lemme c the whole thing!!!"
No I cant allow U to see paedophilic material Winking
And JWalker (my favorite virgo) wrote a poem for me..saying something about the Boston ivy which i thought was a drink but is in fact a plant...LOL..but what a cool name for a drink eh..
We're hatching a plan to have a cocktail with that name..Cheers bar here I come and I want a Boston Ivy!
"I'll have to stop by and give you a spank or two....for all your naughtiness"
I hope U will stop at that Tongue
"As he scans keyboard for each letter........eeeeeeks! I'm like..."you want help with that...?" him: "NO!""

Yea scorps are not known to be bright Tongue
Shut up
" He's very good at other things.....typing just doesn't happen to be one of them."
I agree - they can put their fingers to use for something more fruitful Winking
" scorps ARE lazy asssess *eyes MM*"
LOL..Guilty (only at times)
thats where you gems help..buzzing around us like blue arsed flies..
Only with you girls...he's pussy whipped as far as I am concerned..
(well actually yet to be..LOL)
LOL...I guess...
Although I wouldn't call it being lazy..more..chilling out
"he's kitty whipped as far as I am concerned."
U know whoz incharge here...So stop feeling inferior Winking
"when did u dirty scorp get a view of my very beautiful blue ass????"
Spanked black n blue ?
"U know whoz incharge here...So stop feeling inferior"
::rolls eyes::
EG: "I actually have web cams still in the box....he won't do it "
We don't!...he's the same as me...hate those things
"::rolls eyes::

LOL....thatz inborn honey Winking