Are you Scorps .......

going through a hard time emotionally right now? I have a friend who called me today saying her Scorp daughter (in he...

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Freebird on Monday, March 12, 2007 and has 54 replies.
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Well hello M&M. Where have you been? I haven't seen you around for awhile. I've missed your "colorful" personality!
"LOL....thatz inborn honey"
Yeah yeah...we'll see...
M&M..don't worry, its our secret piss off each other immensely, and then not talk for days and then the making up begins...which we both live for...LOL
Night all
its our secret piss off each other immensely, and then not talk for days and then the making up begins...which we both live for...
Isn't that the truth, sister!!!!!!! LOL!
Ah, I'm doing ok. I'm in pain everyday, but hopefully I'll be having surgery soon to mend my broken bone.
What do you mean do I remember you? LOL! Silly candy girl! You know, you are the only one I told about my girl from New Orleans. You are a sweetheart and I love talking to you. How have you been lately?