Asking a Scorpio if he thinks we are a good couple - ridiculous reaction!!!

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Peny2016 on Sunday, March 5, 2017 and has 70 replies.
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Ok so I was seeing a scorp guy for a few months when one night I asked him in bed "do you think we're a good couple?" In a very playful I'm dying to know what you think kind of way, of us and how we're working and where we are etc.. It was just a conversation starter because he wasn't filling me in on these types of thoughts freely. Anyway I did not expect his reaction .. Immediately he said angrily 'what kind of question is that?' In my head for the first second I was thinking 'a fairly innocent one' its not like he opening tells me how he feels the relationship is going.. It was an atypical post sex, let's talk about us moment that I think most couples engage in to check in and feel close.. Then I realised rather quick that he was really angry and was not about to engage with me.. I couldn't understand this and tears welled up in my eyes as I lay there in the dark and my sweet boyfriend turned to snapping at me like a bold child.. I turned the light on and went to get up and said 'Jesus I should be able to ask my boyfriend how he's feeling about our relationship, that's normal and I'm not being made feel bad about it!!' Anyway an argument ensued whilst I was half dressed and I said I was going to go home because I felt unwanted in his bed.. I dunno how but he got cold and said something about not wanting a toxic relationship and made me feel like my 'drama' was now risking me getting dumped.. Till I sat down and sobbed and begged him not to end us... He belittled me and manipulated me ..It was so extreme I didn't feel I was doing anything wrong at all just trying to be closer and he made me feel like I was the worst girlfriend ever and I never felt I needed someone's approval back more in my life... (Yes I know my problem but until you've been woven like this you can't judge I'm a smart girl but he didn't climb in with that personality it comes out of nowhere)..I see how things like this were not my character and the threat of the relationship ending made me submit and I see his control ... But that doesn't mean I understand it.. We had just had a lovely evening curled on the couch.. And why couldn't he turn around and say I think we're good or I think we great but we are spending alot of time together what do you think? Or I think we're ok but I'd like to get to know your family and friends more now .. Anything but 'what kind of a question is that' .. I don't get how that's insulting.. I don't get how talking about us dosnt benefit us.. Clearly am missing something - though I am a simple minded Taurus.

Another time he took me out for a romantic meal when we decided to become official we had a great time and I was so happy and couldn't keep my hands my side of the table .. He was happy too.. Out comes the bill and we are discussing tips.. I was just generally having a conversation about how I get confused like do we tip or not or how much because the staff made a mint in comparison to the US were the tip is wages so you have to tip at least 30% .. It was more philosophical like what do you typically do in this city type convo.:: all of sudden He snaps and looks at me in disgust and says I cant believe we are arguing about at tip.. I was shocked and said 'we arnt arguing' it's just a conversation.. We had drinks to finish and when the waiter left my heart was in my stomach and he was cold.. I felt like I ruined everything over a stupid comment but it was how it made me feel that was horrific.. It was the way he gave out to me when I didn't think I was doing anything wrong.. I left the restaurant so caught up in my chest and when we got outside tears welled in my eyes.. I said I don't like how that made me feel .. I just need to go home.. And he looked at me like a deer in headlights and asked if when I said that was I just going home or ending us? He looked so scared not blinking not like himself he went white. Of course I wasn't I just felt rejected. In hindsight looking back that's all very immature why would he even think I be ending a relationship over something so small but also it wasn't because the way he spoke to me did hurt me.. And I didn't think I was doing anything wrong. I know when I'm arguing and I know when I'm teasing out conversation ... It was crazy .. But he was terrified I was going to break up with him starring at me instead of saying sorry baby I thought you were arguing with me over the tip or never mind me I've had too many gins let's go have enjoy the rest of our night... He just stood there guarded until I asked him if he wanted me to stay and he said yes..

I just would like to get scorps opinions on things like this what is going on? These were early days 3/4 months in and newly committee rel conversations ..

I ended up turning insecure in the end after 4/5 months and that became my personality .. Because of stuff like this kept happening .. It ruined what we 'thought' we had ..he always hurt my feelings but acted like I hurt him / it was so head wrecking and confusing.. I actually developed anxiety..and my friends hated him. The Scorpio always blamed me changing as the cause for the relationship breakdown .. He said 'it was good fun at the start and then no fun' as if that's all there is to relationships 'fun'.. But surely he knows deep down that he is hard work.. That he didn't give stability and emotions freely.. That good/lasting relationships need that... That he was making me insecure in the relationship..and therefore it was not fun anymore it was difficult.. People generally work to show they are trustworthy at the start of a relationship but he worked to watch out for any mistake I made and then put me in the spotlight over it...

Why o why would he do that? And still to this day claims that if I didn't change maybe things could have been different?!!!! I don't even enlighten him on his effects on me .. He is so sure it's everyone else's fault.. Maybe this is just emotional abuse, narcissism, avoidant attachment issues or maybe he's an unevolved Scorpio... What do you scorps feel:. I've been through every option but can never be sure because he will never have that convo with me or when he does he lies I can tell so I can't believe a word.
Leave him. He sounds emotionally abusive.
My friend divorced her Scorpio over similar verbal/emotional abuse like this. She said with him, nothing was ever good enough. I didn't realize some of the men could be controlling in this way.

I think you should leave and not even wonder/worry. At the end of the day, it's a lack of emotional compatibility.
By the way, in both instances it seems like he doesn't like you to doubt, wonder, or not know. As if he expects you to be perfect and always confident in everything. Seems an unrealistic standard he has for his woman.
I really like how he has no excuse in your eyes and gets labeled emotionally abusive, narcissist, avoidant...meanwhile your own over the top reactions elude you..but for those you give yourself a free pass cuz he makes you insecure?

You don't think getting riled up and starting to dress up over a comment is over the top?

Or the comment in the deem that horrific? I mean do you know what horrific behavior entails?

Just're above and beyond in painting him like a monster when you are a sweet angel who never did anything wrong nor took any accountability...and people aren't just angels or demons.
Posted by lnana04
My friend divorced her Scorpio over similar verbal/emotional abuse like this. She said with him, nothing was ever good enough. I didn't realize some of the men could be controlling in this way.

I think you should leave and not even wonder/worry. At the end of the day, it's a lack of emotional compatibility.
Thanks for the insight... To what a future may have been .. What sign was she?.. I feel like if I made him chase me to the hilts he would have worshipped my feet but because I offered the relationship up freely no games I wasn't enough for him...

Unlike you friend though my scorp left me after 9 months the final degrading moment after I took him back previously to promises he'd do anything to make us right... I read everywhere that Scorpio men askew serious in love and want loyal women .. Mine looked over my attempts at loyalty and seriousness like I was weak!

Now he is with a girl 6/7 years younger and foreign and probably a lot less serious and loyal than me.. How does that figure! I know he was insecure but me trying to show him my loyalty made it worse! People should know this about these types of men .. They are superficial SCORPIOs ARE SUPERFICIAL
Op seems like a total none compatible couple! Unfortunately.

And I agree that Taurus women do say things that come out like total unintelligent crap and Scorpios being very smart and sensitive can't stand it!

I can imagine this tip giving conversation!

It was probably a piece for YouTube!

I just don't understand why this man is still

Haven't performed disappearing act!

Maybe he does like OP!

Than you baby need to sober up and think.

However chances are slim. He is still around for too long for a Scorpio.

With all this bull going on...


Posted by Peny2016
Posted by lnana04
My friend divorced her Scorpio over similar verbal/emotional abuse like this. She said with him, nothing was ever good enough. I didn't realize some of the men could be controlling in this way.

I think you should leave and not even wonder/worry. At the end of the day, it's a lack of emotional compatibility.
Thanks for the insight... To what a future may have been .. What sign was she?.. I feel like if I made him chase me to the hilts he would have worshipped my feet but because I offered the relationship up freely no games I wasn't enough for him...

Unlike you friend though my scorp left me after 9 months the final degrading moment after I took him back previously to promises he'd do anything to make us right... I read everywhere that Scorpio men askew serious in love and want loyal women .. Mine looked over my attempts at loyalty and seriousness like I was weak!

Now he is with a girl 6/7 years younger and foreign and probably a lot less serious and loyal than me.. How does that figure! I know he was insecure but me trying to show him my loyalty made it worse! People should know this about these types of men .. They are superficial SCORPIOs ARE SUPERFICIAL
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My friend is a Capricorn. I can honestly say that she says crazy things sometimes, but she's always been that way. He may have outgrown her. He remarried a few weeks after their divorce.

Just chalk it up to not being compatible and try to move on.

Another "oh this scorpio is so mean" thread. Have you ever read ANYTHING about them? Sign of death? Belzebub in person? Evil, sadistic, loves to play mind games and hurt people, bring them down, kill them inside....ring any bells? Tell me when it does..... Is death incarnate, will destroy anything that lives, appetite for destruction. Loves to get close to people only to play more horrific and hurtful mindgames...jealous af, secretive af, petty af....will always go the extra mile to ruin a new second of your life. Will go the extra mile to show you even more pettiness. Will try everything they can to deceive you.
Posted by tiziani
I would ask you why you believe "giving stability and emotions freely" is hard work to you? Those are your thoughts and if you work through that you might get even-keeled answers.

The rest of your story honestly is hard to make sense of when it's going from one extreme to the other. You painted him as a caricature villain and yourself a helpless victim, probably itself part of some of the problems.
Because I feel like once you establish you are I a relationship and in love then you should be able to relax and enjoy it whereas he changed... And i noticed and reacted becoming lil by lil more insecure .. And it made me feel crazy when he blamed me for changing... He went from being the guy that wanted to see me everyday have sex with me everyday and talked about the future all the time I couldn't believe I was living my life not knowing that something like this existed everything I said he agreed with... And then all of a sudden it got gamey after he told me he loved me... That was a headfuck after 3 months of bliss and no incompatibility and talking about everything he suddenly 'felt smothered' withdrew a bit and then would come back so I didn't know what was going on ... He'd do things like pick on my driving and I was new to driving in the city.. I know what support was and I know what looking down on me was or me annoying him felt like... So I'd try to back off not talk about my emotions.. The reason I got insecure was because I stopped having emotional reactions when he did things that felt wrong and blamed myself. And I feel like that's were he wanted me .. When I see a lover cry my heart breaks and I do anything for them... But this wasn't equal - I would of had to be mean for it to be equal .. Play him at his own game - that's what I think... Or feel but I just wanted to know what ppl thought was going on in his mind when he would turn from nice to ice over nothing... Yes my reactions were may have been emotional in the beginning because I had never had a man do that to me.. This was like I love you I love you not and it plays horrible tricks with your mind. I do find that horrific in a way because it's like you have a relationship just on their terms and it reduces you. but you don't notice because that happens too fast!

Posted by tiziani
I would ask you why you believe "giving stability and emotions freely" is hard work to you? Those are your thoughts and if you work through that you might get even-keeled answers.

The rest of your story honestly is hard to make sense of when it's going from one extreme to the other. You painted him as a caricature villain and yourself a helpless victim, probably itself part of some of the problems.
We girls use whatever powers we can to get people on our side?
Posted by bricklemark
Another "oh this scorpio is so mean" thread. Have you ever read ANYTHING about them? Sign of death? Belzebub in person? Evil, sadistic, loves to play mind games and hurt people, bring them down, kill them inside....ring any bells? Tell me when it does..... Is death incarnate, will destroy anything that lives, appetite for destruction. Loves to get close to people only to play more horrific and hurtful mindgames...jealous af, secretive af, petty af....will always go the extra mile to ruin a new second of your life. Will go the extra mile to show you even more pettiness. Will try everything they can to deceive you.
Stop it!

Where did you see that crap about Scorpios written in black and white?


Stupid people who meet Scorps and are stupid - they make up these stories.

Not there aren't any bad seeds in Scorp world but people just can't stand energy, rejection and intensity!

So they run in fear and cry and bitch!


I am glad Scorps kind of oblivious to this crap...
Posted by Shooting_the_Moon_that_I_call_Mars
Leave him. He sounds emotionally abusive.
Well he left me and in line with emotionally abusive relationships I blame myself. When I read the symptoms of coming out of a relationship like that I have them all.. And I know his history and it all makes sense that I'm reading about signs and getting distracted from what was actual abuse ... How I felt .. How I told him he felt and he never really did anything to make it better and it just would have been to be more stable and open - at the end of the day he knew and could see what the fights were doing to me and yet would still argue over spilt milk.

HOWEVER I do doubt myself that it was even abusive hence I can't rest my mind ..

Why do you say sounds abusive?

One time he was drunk in a restaurant and trying to talk to the people beside us and they were so rude back .. I could tell they just didn't get him he didn't mean harm but they thought he was being aggressive he was just messing actually.. I saw the crossed wires and his wee face when they shot him down and I wanted to hug him because I could see the rejection hurt him he genuinely wasn't trying to do anything wrong... We left and I said a very polite apology to them as we squeezed past. When we got outside he turned to me and gave out that I apologised to them like I was a traitor .. I was just being polite but for maybe the only time I spun on my heels with my finger in the air and said oi you don't get to determine my sense of what's right or wrong I wanted to say sorry because it was right I was not taking their side .. I was terrified I expected him to walk off but instead he stood there and said ok fair enough. And when we got into the taxi he said you handled me well there. And I laughed that I didn't always get that reaction and he said this last how you handle me and you know how to handle me - like he wanted me to prove all the time that I was strong.. I realised then that's what he wants he didn't want my tears and upset feelings.. But I am who I am and I did try that again and it didn't work all the time .. But maybe that's better insight to his character
Posted by JohnTheBaptist100
Posted by Damnata
I really like how he has no excuse in your eyes and gets labeled emotionally abusive, narcissist, avoidant...meanwhile your own over the top reactions elude you..but for those you give yourself a free pass cuz he makes you insecure?

You don't think getting riled up and starting to dress up over a comment is over the top?

Or the comment in the deem that horrific? I mean do you know what horrific behavior entails?

Just're above and beyond in painting him like a monster when you are a sweet angel who never did anything wrong nor took any accountability...and people aren't just angels or demons.

I see more problems with the OP than the Scorp. Very insecure and wanting affirmation from him about how good the relationship is instead of being secure within the relationship herself.

Not sure of her sun sign but very very childish "girl"

The Scorp is probably glad to be shot of her and find himself a woman who is confident within herself...

Why do people have to keep questioning things? Can't they just let the relationship be and just flow?
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OP mentioned that she's a Taurus
Posted by JohnTheBaptist100
Posted by Teena
Posted by JohnTheBaptist100
Posted by Damnata
I really like how he has no excuse in your eyes and gets labeled emotionally abusive, narcissist, avoidant...meanwhile your own over the top reactions elude you..but for those you give yourself a free pass cuz he makes you insecure?

You don't think getting riled up and starting to dress up over a comment is over the top?

Or the comment in the deem that horrific? I mean do you know what horrific behavior entails?

Just're above and beyond in painting him like a monster when you are a sweet angel who never did anything wrong nor took any accountability...and people aren't just angels or demons.

I see more problems with the OP than the Scorp. Very insecure and wanting affirmation from him about how good the relationship is instead of being secure within the relationship herself.

Not sure of her sun sign but very very childish "girl"

The Scorp is probably glad to be shot of her and find himself a woman who is confident within herself...

Why do people have to keep questioning things? Can't they just let the relationship be and just flow?
OP mentioned that she's a Taurus
Thanks I see that now.

OP still comes off as insecure and childish. I have never been like that and I'm a taurus....

I don't understand why people feel the need to complicate relationships
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Right! She seems like she's wanting us to hate him. Also she mentioned her friends hate him. Very self victimizing.
Posted by JohnTheBaptist100
Posted by Damnata
I really like how he has no excuse in your eyes and gets labeled emotionally abusive, narcissist, avoidant...meanwhile your own over the top reactions elude you..but for those you give yourself a free pass cuz he makes you insecure?

You don't think getting riled up and starting to dress up over a comment is over the top?

Or the comment in the deem that horrific? I mean do you know what horrific behavior entails?

Just're above and beyond in painting him like a monster when you are a sweet angel who never did anything wrong nor took any accountability...and people aren't just angels or demons.

I see more problems with the OP than the Scorp. Very insecure and wanting affirmation from him about how good the relationship is instead of being secure within the relationship herself.

Not sure of her sun sign but very very childish "girl"

The Scorp is probably glad to be shot of her and find himself a woman who is confident within herself...

Why do people have to keep questioning things? Can't they just let the relationship be and just flow?
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i was probably seeing him about 5 months when I asked that and he dosnt talk about feelings so it was just a way to bring it up in he months before that I didn't prey continuously .. I won't be ashamed of turnibg insecure in the relationship.. A lot of people are at the start and you have these conversations and usually you both get to open up and the connection deepens - it dosnt just go with the superficial flow.. Of course small insecurities grow bigger when your attempts to have these conversations are shot down...

I don't know any good relationships now touching my 30s around me that don't have that as a base .. Those conversations take on a bigger meaning at this age.. Your playing for keeps and choosing people you don't want to have just go with the flow fun with.. If you feel like that about someone it's impossible not to want that reciprocated or reaffirmed which is in lost actions but when a Scorpio goes hot and cold I could hardly be nuts for thinking there might be something they want to talk about .. I think then you loose your insecurities when there's open honest conversation .. Nothing childish about taking a relationship that seriously.. But you seem like him agitated by the thought that they might be in the bed with you someone who needs you or needs your emotions ... Wanting the woman beside you to be beyond reproach.. Self assured .. Confident no matter what!! Get a grip! Wanting but not respecting the fact that the person now beside you in bed has been the very from the start and has always been open and honest about feelings and nothing's changed - but for some reason mysterious to everyone else this same woman with her same approach annoys you when she wants to communicate openly.. After you've told her you love her and got her to commit to you!!

Childish is neglecting the commitments that you make and all they entail.. It's not all take take - there's that other person that has needs too! A real relationship does not go with the flow seamlessly..

There is a getting to you deeper stage were you talk about past relationships hopes and wants!!!!!

I think you need to get real

Posted by Neno2
Posted by Peny2016
Ok so I was seeing a scorp guy for a few months when one night I asked him in bed "do you think we're a good couple?" In a very playful I'm dying to know what you think kind of way, of us and how we're working and where we are etc.. It was just a conversation starter because he wasn't filling me in on these types of thoughts freely. Anyway I did not expect his reaction .. Immediately he said angrily 'what kind of question is that?' In my head for the first second I was thinking 'a fairly innocent one' its not like he opening tells me how he feels the relationship is going.. It was an atypical post sex, let's talk about us moment that I think most couples engage in to check in and feel close.. Then I realised rather quick that he was really angry and was not about to engage with me.. I couldn't understand this and tears welled up in my eyes as I lay there in the dark and my sweet boyfriend turned to snapping at me like a bold child.. I turned the light on and went to get up and said 'Jesus I should be able to ask my boyfriend how he's feeling about our relationship, that's normal and I'm not being made feel bad about it!!' Anyway an argument ensued whilst I was half dressed and I said I was going to go home because I felt unwanted in his bed.. I dunno how but he got cold and said something about not wanting a toxic relationship and made me feel like my 'drama' was now risking me getting dumped.. Till I sat down and sobbed and begged him not to end us... He belittled me and manipulated me ..It was so extreme I didn't feel I was doing anything wrong at all just trying to be closer and he made me feel like I was the worst girlfriend ever and I never felt I needed someone's approval back more in my life... (Yes I know my problem but until you've been woven like this you can't judge I'm a smart girl but he didn't climb in with that personality it comes out of nowhere)..I see how things like this were not my character and the threat of the relationship ending made me submit and I see his control ... But that doesn't mean I understand it.. We had just had a lovely evening curled on the couch.. And why couldn't he turn around and say I think we're good or I think we great but we are spending alot of time together what do you think? Or I think we're ok but I'd like to get to know your family and friends more now .. Anything but 'what kind of a question is that' .. I don't get how that's insulting.. I don't get how talking about us dosnt benefit us.. Clearly am missing something - though I am a simple minded Taurus.

Another time he took me out for a romantic meal when we decided to become official we had a great time and I was so happy and couldn't keep my hands my side of the table .. He was happy too.. Out comes the bill and we are discussing tips.. I was just generally having a conversation about how I get confused like do we tip or not or how much because the staff made a mint in comparison to the US were the tip is wages so you have to tip at least 30% .. It was more philosophical like what do you typically do in this city type convo.:: all of sudden He snaps and looks at me in disgust and says I cant believe we are arguing about at tip.. I was shocked and said 'we arnt arguing' it's just a conversation.. We had drinks to finish and when the waiter left my heart was in my stomach and he was cold.. I felt like I ruined everything over a stupid comment but it was how it made me feel that was horrific.. It was the way he gave out to me when I didn't think I was doing anything wrong.. I left the restaurant so caught up in my chest and when we got outside tears welled in my eyes.. I said I don't like how that made me feel .. I just need to go home.. And he looked at me like a deer in headlights and asked if when I said that was I just going home or ending us? He looked so scared not blinking not like himself he went white. Of course I wasn't I just felt rejected. In hindsight looking back that's all very immature why would he even think I be ending a relationship over something so small but also it wasn't because the way he spoke to me did hurt me.. And I didn't think I was doing anything wrong. I know when I'm arguing and I know when I'm teasing out conversation ... It was crazy .. But he was terrified I was going to break up with him starring at me instead of saying sorry baby I thought you were arguing with me over the tip or never mind me I've had too many gins let's go have enjoy the rest of our night... He just stood there guarded until I asked him if he wanted me to stay and he said yes..

I just would like to get scorps opinions on things like this what is going on? These were early days 3/4 months in and newly committee rel conversations ..

I ended up turning insecure in the end after 4/5 months and that became my personality .. Because of stuff like this kept happening .. It ruined what we 'thought' we had ..he always hurt my feelings but acted like I hurt him / it was so head wrecking and confusing.. I actually developed anxiety..and my friends hated him. The Scorpio always blamed me changing as the cause for the relationship breakdown .. He said 'it was good fun at the start and then no fun' as if that's all there is to relationships 'fun'.. But surely he knows deep down that he is hard work.. That he didn't give stability and emotions freely.. That good/lasting relationships need that... That he was making me insecure in the relationship..and therefore it was not fun anymore it was difficult.. People generally work to show they are trustworthy at the start of a relationship but he worked to watch out for any mistake I made and then put me in the spotlight over it...

Why o why would he do that? And still to this day claims that if I didn't change maybe things could have been different?!!!! I don't even enlighten him on his effects on me .. He is so sure it's everyone else's fault.. Maybe this is just emotional abuse, narcissism, avoidant attachment issues or maybe he's an unevolved Scorpio... What do you scorps feel:. I've been through every option but can never be sure because he will never have that convo with me or when he does he lies I can tell so I can't believe a word.
We scorpios are complicated, we just are

Just be honest and explain to him what u mean in these situations, we just dont talk much about love and relationships

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Why the no talking? To me that's a sign somethings not right.. This is the one person you should be talking to.. Do Scorpios not want that or have the same craving? And when you say complicated do you have an insight into why these incidents seemed so threatening to him and why reacting with hostility was the go to? Is that how Scorpios express themselves? Should I just be able to take that on the cheek

Posted by JohnTheBaptist100
Posted by Teena
Posted by JohnTheBaptist100
Posted by Damnata
I really like how he has no excuse in your eyes and gets labeled emotionally abusive, narcissist, avoidant...meanwhile your own over the top reactions elude you..but for those you give yourself a free pass cuz he makes you insecure?

You don't think getting riled up and starting to dress up over a comment is over the top?

Or the comment in the deem that horrific? I mean do you know what horrific behavior entails?

Just're above and beyond in painting him like a monster when you are a sweet angel who never did anything wrong nor took any accountability...and people aren't just angels or demons.

I see more problems with the OP than the Scorp. Very insecure and wanting affirmation from him about how good the relationship is instead of being secure within the relationship herself.

Not sure of her sun sign but very very childish "girl"

The Scorp is probably glad to be shot of her and find himself a woman who is confident within herself...

Why do people have to keep questioning things? Can't they just let the relationship be and just flow?
OP mentioned that she's a Taurus
Thanks I see that now.

OP still comes off as insecure and childish. I have never been like that and I'm a taurus....

I don't understand why people feel the need to complicate relationships
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I was also never insecure until a few months into this relationship hence why I am asking questions - and thanks again for all the insight and help!

Posted by Capmercury87
I'd leave him asap
Talking from experience ?

He has already left!

I'm just trying to understand what happened.. And why I feel like I do...

Posted by Gemitati
Posted by tiziani
I would ask you why you believe "giving stability and emotions freely" is hard work to you? Those are your thoughts and if you work through that you might get even-keeled answers.

The rest of your story honestly is hard to make sense of when it's going from one extreme to the other. You painted him as a caricature villain and yourself a helpless victim, probably itself part of some of the problems.
We girls use whatever powers we can to get people on our side?
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You are probably right - I did feel helpless I did loose my fire and my happy free spirit nature .. Since he's gone it hasn't come back I still feel helpless .. When we broke up me messed with me head even more .. even when I was down he wanted to hurt me or pretended to care .. I guess I gave everything and he just played with it it made me feel worthless and not in control of my life and not me .. It's been really hard to get over the pain.. And I feel helpless because he never even offered me the true words of why he ended it... I'm stuck needing to figure this out wishing he would just pick up the phone and set me free from it.. But I think he enjoys me beating myself up and will never admit or be decent and want to disclose why our relationship was the way it was .. He said he has commitment issues and treated people badly in the past and the more he looks back the uglier it gets but won't actually talk to me ... Somehow I know he wants to think of me as pining after him but I just want to understand him.. I guess yes I would take comfort out f thinking there is nothing I could of done he will treat people this way... But because he always blamed me for how he treated me I guess my mind got warped and I believed him that I must be the problem - though friends and family say he treated me like shit and isn't worth the thought.. I still can't help wanting to know .. What was going on in his brain.. How did he make me feel I met the one and then take it away and give it back and take it away and give it back... Shamelessly.. I know I shouldn't care but I feel so anxious and scared after the experience that I have to try figure it out and then move on because otherwise it's just tearing up my thoughts
Posted by Peny2016
Posted by JohnTheBaptist100
Posted by Teena
Posted by JohnTheBaptist100
Posted by Damnata
I really like how he has no excuse in your eyes and gets labeled emotionally abusive, narcissist, avoidant...meanwhile your own over the top reactions elude you..but for those you give yourself a free pass cuz he makes you insecure?

You don't think getting riled up and starting to dress up over a comment is over the top?

Or the comment in the deem that horrific? I mean do you know what horrific behavior entails?

Just're above and beyond in painting him like a monster when you are a sweet angel who never did anything wrong nor took any accountability...and people aren't just angels or demons.

I see more problems with the OP than the Scorp. Very insecure and wanting affirmation from him about how good the relationship is instead of being secure within the relationship herself.

Not sure of her sun sign but very very childish "girl"

The Scorp is probably glad to be shot of her and find himself a woman who is confident within herself...

Why do people have to keep questioning things? Can't they just let the relationship be and just flow?
OP mentioned that she's a Taurus
Thanks I see that now.

OP still comes off as insecure and childish. I have never been like that and I'm a taurus....

I don't understand why people feel the need to complicate relationships

I was also never insecure until a few months into this relationship hence why I am asking questions - and thanks again for all the insight and help!

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How can anyone can help you if you described him as an ASS???

Posted by Impulsv
You weren't talking

U were wanting affirmation

Instead of asking " Are we a good couple"

Could have said" you know we make a good couple"

One comes out of neediness another is opening a convo on a positive assured way.

No cracks for doubt on both

Just style but it could open up can of worms like u stating ur questioning that ur not good together but wanting reaffirmation cuz ur doubting

Ur doubting might make him feel ur out again like that other time he thought u broke up with him

But then if I have to be so delicate about how I speak is it not the case that it is actually Scorpio who is the insecure one - and their silence (not normal) is a projection of this - making their partners act insecure - bringing them out f their comfort zone if only just to prove to themselves that yeah.. This person isn't secure enough to handle my insecure ass! So in a way it is as maddening and crazy making as him accusing me of changing when the only one causing change was actually him!

I find this to be a double standard ..

Pander to my insecurity but il dump you if you act insecure ... And that's the hair pulling frustration I felt when I was with him back again!

How can they act like this and what is happening in their cerebral fore? Are they aware of themselves?

Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Peny2016
Posted by JohnTheBaptist100
Posted by Teena
Posted by JohnTheBaptist100
Posted by Damnata
I really like how he has no excuse in your eyes and gets labeled emotionally abusive, narcissist, avoidant...meanwhile your own over the top reactions elude you..but for those you give yourself a free pass cuz he makes you insecure?

You don't think getting riled up and starting to dress up over a comment is over the top?

Or the comment in the deem that horrific? I mean do you know what horrific behavior entails?

Just're above and beyond in painting him like a monster when you are a sweet angel who never did anything wrong nor took any accountability...and people aren't just angels or demons.

I see more problems with the OP than the Scorp. Very insecure and wanting affirmation from him about how good the relationship is instead of being secure within the relationship herself.

Not sure of her sun sign but very very childish "girl"

The Scorp is probably glad to be shot of her and find himself a woman who is confident within herself...

Why do people have to keep questioning things? Can't they just let the relationship be and just flow?
OP mentioned that she's a Taurus
Thanks I see that now.

OP still comes off as insecure and childish. I have never been like that and I'm a taurus....

I don't understand why people feel the need to complicate relationships

I was also never insecure until a few months into this relationship hence why I am asking questions - and thanks again for all the insight and help!

How can anyone can help you if you described him as an ASS???

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I'm describing it as it was to me .. I havnt got his side to tell you.. I wish I did I wouldn't be on here .. But maybe it is that simple - he sounds like an ass maybe that's what he is! That would give me comfort but I am trying to understand why he was the way he was ... If it's just negative that's fine at least I know.. People have suggested that I needed validation and that's a no no.. But I have asked for insight into him... If that's a no no that's fine we wouldn't be compatible because I need someone stronger than that.. But no one has really given the insight to his behaviour ..: maybe it is just that simple but then why am I blaming myself when I hear the facts I get embarrassed it seems so obvious to me that I was used but when I asked him that he went mad instead of taking about it.. I can only tell you how it has been.. But no fight breakthrough on why!

Posted by Gob_Shite
Posted by Impulsv
You weren't talking

U were wanting affirmation

Instead of asking " Are we a good couple"

Could have said" you know we make a good couple"

One comes out of neediness another is opening a convo on a positive assured way.

No cracks for doubt on both

Just style but it could open up can of worms like u stating ur questioning that ur not good together but wanting reaffirmation cuz ur doubting

Ur doubting might make him feel ur out again like that other time he thought u broke up with him

Don't bother listening to her, OP.

Like a typical Scorpio, she always unconditionally backs her own team...

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Is your run away gf back licking your dogs balls?

The girl is human. Being human, you deal with a ton of emotions. Sometimes there are doubts, and you need reassurance. What's wrong with that? Is she suppose to silence her thought/feelings because it's not the "proper" time or place? Is she suppose to exude confidence at all times even if sge doesn't always feel it? I don't get that. Too many silent rules to dating. Too many impressions to be made. I don't get how people get a chance to even connect in a real way.
Posted by d0s3r
what even is a good couple
User Submitted Image

Posted by Peny2016
Posted by Shooting_the_Moon_that_I_call_Mars
Leave him. He sounds emotionally abusive.
Well he left me and in line with emotionally abusive relationships I blame myself. When I read the symptoms of coming out of a relationship like that I have them all.. And I know his history and it all makes sense that I'm reading about signs and getting distracted from what was actual abuse ... How I felt .. How I told him he felt and he never really did anything to make it better and it just would have been to be more stable and open - at the end of the day he knew and could see what the fights were doing to me and yet would still argue over spilt milk.

HOWEVER I do doubt myself that it was even abusive hence I can't rest my mind ..

Why do you say sounds abusive?

One time he was drunk in a restaurant and trying to talk to the people beside us and they were so rude back .. I could tell they just didn't get him he didn't mean harm but they thought he was being aggressive he was just messing actually.. I saw the crossed wires and his wee face when they shot him down and I wanted to hug him because I could see the rejection hurt him he genuinely wasn't trying to do anything wrong... We left and I said a very polite apology to them as we squeezed past. When we got outside he turned to me and gave out that I apologised to them like I was a traitor .. I was just being polite but for maybe the only time I spun on my heels with my finger in the air and said oi you don't get to determine my sense of what's right or wrong I wanted to say sorry because it was right I was not taking their side .. I was terrified I expected him to walk off but instead he stood there and said ok fair enough. And when we got into the taxi he said you handled me well there. And I laughed that I didn't always get that reaction and he said this last how you handle me and you know how to handle me - like he wanted me to prove all the time that I was strong.. I realised then that's what he wants he didn't want my tears and upset feelings.. But I am who I am and I did try that again and it didn't work all the time .. But maybe that's better insight to his character
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I'm only going off of what you've presented but you were in a situation that made you feel like you couldn't speak without offending him or setting him off. On top of that, you got anxiety from him. Both of you have a lot to work on but that doesn't make his behavior any less threatening. Those kinds of relationships just feel really abusive to me in an emotional way.

Also, the fact that the people next to you guys thought he was being aggressive says a lot. You definitely did the right thing by apologizing to them. You don't excuse toxic shitty behavior just because he's your guy and you gotta stick up for him. You did the right thing but the real right thing to do is to not get involved with him again. Find someone that is willing to be more understanding and not take every opinion you have as an insult.
Don't ever stay in a relationship or friendship with someone who makes you feel like you're walking on eggshells all the fucking time.

Obviously, you don't have a 'quality' relationship with this guy. Why stay?
Posted by MagicMona
he triggers easily without warning. no one likes walking on eggshells. he may be sweet, but if his negatives outweigh the sweetness, it's not worth your time. i noticed the only time he didnt go off is when you put him in his place. love is not degrading someone. if you cant ask questions and have conversation without him acting childish, then leave him. find someone laid back and relaxed, like yourself Ms. Taurus.

Yes well I certainly used to be very relaxed and even though he is gone the anxiety of that relationship still lives in me - I can't get back to my happy contented independent self - although I feel through this exploration that I am close to accepting it wasn't my fault - at the very least it was both ours which is a huge comfort from how he tried to make me feel.. Even know he tries to rub it in my face that it was my fault and he's great..I think he wants to think I'm still wanting him . (He even had revenge sex with someone we knew and were aware all throughout our relationship liked him - we had a joke about her being his other gf when called into her coffee house for coffees .. I was never threatened but the joke was there and he added her on Facebook on my birthday - deliberately didn't wish me happy birthday and then later told me they hooked up and a few months later admitted he enjoyed telling me that - as in revenge!) he wasn't even embarrassed about going this far - I don't want him back but I am trying to understand who he is that I didn't see when together..

Your right I was walking on eggshells and that's not a relationship but I think throughout our time together I made the excuse that he was insecure in love and I just needed to prove my love and loyalty and he'd relax - I blame reading about signs for distracting me in that sense from maybe other issues .. It's funny though that if you read about vulnerable narcissism or avoidant attachment and Scorpio they all sound so similar and no other sign sound like those personality disorders so I have always jumped from science brain to astrology both making huge sense at the same time it's maddening! But fascinating too!

Posted by Peny2016
Posted by lnana04
My friend divorced her Scorpio over similar verbal/emotional abuse like this. She said with him, nothing was ever good enough. I didn't realize some of the men could be controlling in this way.

I think you should leave and not even wonder/worry. At the end of the day, it's a lack of emotional compatibility.
Thanks for the insight... To what a future may have been .. What sign was she?.. I feel like if I made him chase me to the hilts he would have worshipped my feet but because I offered the relationship up freely no games I wasn't enough for him...

Unlike you friend though my scorp left me after 9 months the final degrading moment after I took him back previously to promises he'd do anything to make us right... I read everywhere that Scorpio men askew serious in love and want loyal women .. Mine looked over my attempts at loyalty and seriousness like I was weak!

Now he is with a girl 6/7 years younger and foreign and probably a lot less serious and loyal than me.. How does that figure! I know he was insecure but me trying to show him my loyalty made it worse! People should know this about these types of men .. They are superficial SCORPIOs ARE SUPERFICIAL
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The last paragraph reveals a lot about your character and I can see right through your bruised ego. Let it go, after all, according to you he is emotionally abusive. Why would anyone want to hold on to that?

If he is the big bad Scorpio that you depict I'm dubious of your motivation to start this thread. Had it been 'how do I get over this relationship? Then fair enough, but be honest. You just want to botch about him - fine! He's an a-hole, move on now. It doesn't sound like he was the love of your life, plenty more fish in the sea smile

Unless it's abou the sex? Yep, I get that. Many of my exes try clinging on too...

You said you had both agreed to commit to your relationship, so the comment would have been easier to understand for him if you'd have said "Don't we make a great couple"

I can see how he would have hurt you with the tip dispute, and I think you're better off without him hun, don't try to work him out, don't worry about him, your mr right is out there right now hun searching for you, and when you find each other, all past relationships you've been in will be insignificant, best of luck sweet, keep looking foreword, never back and love who you are, you'll be fine x
Posted by JohnTheBaptist100
Posted by Shooting_the_Moon_that_I_call_Mars
Posted by Peny2016
Posted by Shooting_the_Moon_that_I_call_Mars
Leave him. He sounds emotionally abusive.
Well he left me and in line with emotionally abusive relationships I blame myself. When I read the symptoms of coming out of a relationship like that I have them all.. And I know his history and it all makes sense that I'm reading about signs and getting distracted from what was actual abuse ... How I felt .. How I told him he felt and he never really did anything to make it better and it just would have been to be more stable and open - at the end of the day he knew and could see what the fights were doing to me and yet would still argue over spilt milk.

HOWEVER I do doubt myself that it was even abusive hence I can't rest my mind ..

Why do you say sounds abusive?

One time he was drunk in a restaurant and trying to talk to the people beside us and they were so rude back .. I could tell they just didn't get him he didn't mean harm but they thought he was being aggressive he was just messing actually.. I saw the crossed wires and his wee face when they shot him down and I wanted to hug him because I could see the rejection hurt him he genuinely wasn't trying to do anything wrong... We left and I said a very polite apology to them as we squeezed past. When we got outside he turned to me and gave out that I apologised to them like I was a traitor .. I was just being polite but for maybe the only time I spun on my heels with my finger in the air and said oi you don't get to determine my sense of what's right or wrong I wanted to say sorry because it was right I was not taking their side .. I was terrified I expected him to walk off but instead he stood there and said ok fair enough. And when we got into the taxi he said you handled me well there. And I laughed that I didn't always get that reaction and he said this last how you handle me and you know how to handle me - like he wanted me to prove all the time that I was strong.. I realised then that's what he wants he didn't want my tears and upset feelings.. But I am who I am and I did try that again and it didn't work all the time .. But maybe that's better insight to his character

I'm only going off of what you've presented but you were in a situation that made you feel like you couldn't speak without offending him or setting him off. On top of that, you got anxiety from him. Both of you have a lot to work on but that doesn't make his behavior any less threatening. Those kinds of relationships just feel really abusive to me in an emotional way.

Also, the fact that the people next to you guys thought he was being aggressive says a lot. You definitely did the right thing by apologizing to them. You don't excuse toxic shitty behavior just because he's your guy and you gotta stick up for him. You did the right thing but the real right thing to do is to not get involved with him again. Find someone that is willing to be more understanding and not take every opinion you have as an insult.
If they were being rude back, then why are you apologising on his behalf! hello! They got their own back and they were rude back to him. Had they had been polite and just ignored him without being rude then you are in a position to apologise...

U are not strong enough to be with this scorp! U need someone who can cope with your weak passivity!
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???? you sound like the most ridiculous person ever! You sound like someone who has be never had a real relationship.. You can't even see how insanely small minded you are... Yet I bet you go on all the threads calling everyone else small minded - serious chip! And no wonder you've never had real love .. No one could be doing with your personality! Or your very unhuman ideals .. You sound frustrated that people need things .. This seems to be your chip .. I would guess you have lost love over that and stubbornly refuse to take any blame - I'd even bet my life on it! Now you carry your chip - getting way to personally degrading when you see an opportunity to live out your frustration of whoever rejected you. Your bitter is so obvious .. Whoever this person was wasn't going to agree with your outlook either.. You give no insight just opinions - your words are of no benefit to this thread - if you isn't want to just rant you would reflect more on the dynamic and read the actual words I wrote - you've gotten so much wrong in your repetition of my posts - it's clear your reading them on a fury!!

Well Jees if there's one thing I know now is not to date a Taurus with loads of scorp in him- seems like a really difficult person! What a waste of time!

Posted by JohnTheBaptist100
Don't date a scorp in general idiot! Im a mix of fire, earth and water.... you are just dumb! NEEEEEEEEDY!!!!

5 months in and you are killing off your relationship by asking dumb questions like that straight after having sex... dumb!

If you read my post you would know that he didn't break up with me over a conversation - can you read? Like who are you calling dumb! Your aggressive and ugly

Posted by Caplove
Posted by Peny2016
Ok so I was seeing a scorp guy for a few months when one night I asked him in bed "do you think we're a good couple?" In a very playful I'm dying to know what you think kind of way, of us and how we're working and where we are etc.. It was just a conversation starter because he wasn't filling me in on these types of thoughts freely. Anyway I did not expect his reaction .. Immediately he said angrily 'what kind of question is that?' In my head for the first second I was thinking 'a fairly innocent one' its not like he opening tells me how he feels the relationship is going.. It was an atypical post sex, let's talk about us moment that I think most couples engage in to check in and feel close.. Then I realised rather quick that he was really angry and was not about to engage with me.. I couldn't understand this and tears welled up in my eyes as I lay there in the dark and my sweet boyfriend turned to snapping at me like a bold child.. I turned the light on and went to get up and said 'Jesus I should be able to ask my boyfriend how he's feeling about our relationship, that's normal and I'm not being made feel bad about it!!' Anyway an argument ensued whilst I was half dressed and I said I was going to go home because I felt unwanted in his bed.. I dunno how but he got cold and said something about not wanting a toxic relationship and made me feel like my 'drama' was now risking me getting dumped.. Till I sat down and sobbed and begged him not to end us... He belittled me and manipulated me ..It was so extreme I didn't feel I was doing anything wrong at all just trying to be closer and he made me feel like I was the worst girlfriend ever and I never felt I needed someone's approval back more in my life... (Yes I know my problem but until you've been woven like this you can't judge I'm a smart girl but he didn't climb in with that personality it comes out of nowhere)..I see how things like this were not my character and the threat of the relationship ending made me submit and I see his control ... But that doesn't mean I understand it.. We had just had a lovely evening curled on the couch.. And why couldn't he turn around and say I think we're good or I think we great but we are spending alot of time together what do you think? Or I think we're ok but I'd like to get to know your family and friends more now .. Anything but 'what kind of a question is that' .. I don't get how that's insulting.. I don't get how talking about us dosnt benefit us.. Clearly am missing something - though I am a simple minded Taurus.

Like @MagicMona said he triggers easily. It may be your synastry with each other (maybe you two had some super stressful aspects) or maybe he has some other issues, not sure.

I sort of have an idea of why he might have been upset over that though. You were only together for 3 -4 mos at that time right? For someone that enjoys strategy and being secretive, elusive, maybe he just felt really threatened by the question.

There he was naked in bed, feeling safe and relaxed, maybe getting sleepy and out comes the question that he's not ready for, "Do you think we're a good couple?" You're basically asking him to put his cards on the table (define the relationship, where he thinks it's going, how he feels about you) when he's totally not ready and he could have been defensive and felt like you were forcibly outing him when he wasn't there yet. You were there, he wasn't, hence his defensive reaction and then you reacted off of that which escalated the situation.

It was a fairly innocent question and I get why you asked, but maybe to him it was like a deep invasive probe. Not many people enjoy the feeling of being probed for answers especially those that are already super guarded and suspicious to begin with. Some can get hostile/defensive and it sort of just needs to happen naturally and you have to let them open up when they feel ready.

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Yeah I get that as when I asked things were going well we just had never really talked about what we wanted out of it... I'm very upfront and open so his secrecy was weird to me .. But it was strange because he liked me because I didn't play games and that very trait of mine is because I'm open.. So in one way he choose me for that trait and punished me at same the time ... Hard to keep - I much rather things chilled ..

I of course don't think incidents like this happened over just his sign .. Just interested in any explanation .. Things like this kept happening .. He spent all his time with me and blocker out friends and when I asked him about it he admitted he has a problem.. He didn't see family much and I discovered he had a few family tragedies when he was younger that tore his family apart - so I made allowances for what seemed like someone being scared of emotion being presented to them .. And I supported him through all his tantrums but after about 6 months he broke up with me one night before Christmas (meant to be meeting all my family etc) because I was chatting to a male friend that he thought there was history with.. It scared me and scared my friends but somehow I think j know he was the most scared of all .. After a few weeks of begging and being mr. Perfect again I took him back.. But it was strange- in terms of other issues or being comfortable with emotion - well once back he acted like nothing ever happened ... It freaked me out. He had been telling me whilst spilt up that it all happened because he was depressed - I told him he had to talk to family about it and get help. But then once we were back to together he never did though he promised me... So it weirded me out - was I manipulated all along or was were these other issues real? Since we spilt up he has taken back anything he opened up to me about and denies all weakness or issues - so confusing!

Posted by Peny2016
Ok so I was seeing a scorp guy for a few months when one night I asked him in bed "do you think we're a good couple?" In a very playful I'm dying to know what you think kind of way, of us and how we're working and where we are etc.. It was just a conversation starter because he wasn't filling me in on these types of thoughts freely. Anyway I did not expect his reaction .. Immediately he said angrily 'what kind of question is that?' In my head for the first second I was thinking 'a fairly innocent one' its not like he opening tells me how he feels the relationship is going.. It was an atypical post sex, let's talk about us moment that I think most couples engage in to check in and feel close.. Then I realised rather quick that he was really angry and was not about to engage with me.. I couldn't understand this and tears welled up in my eyes as I lay there in the dark and my sweet boyfriend turned to snapping at me like a bold child.. I turned the light on and went to get up and said 'Jesus I should be able to ask my boyfriend how he's feeling about our relationship, that's normal and I'm not being made feel bad about it!!' Anyway an argument ensued whilst I was half dressed and I said I was going to go home because I felt unwanted in his bed.. I dunno how but he got cold and said something about not wanting a toxic relationship and made me feel like my 'drama' was now risking me getting dumped.. Till I sat down and sobbed and begged him not to end us... He belittled me and manipulated me ..It was so extreme I didn't feel I was doing anything wrong at all just trying to be closer and he made me feel like I was the worst girlfriend ever and I never felt I needed someone's approval back more in my life... (Yes I know my problem but until you've been woven like this you can't judge I'm a smart girl but he didn't climb in with that personality it comes out of nowhere)..I see how things like this were not my character and the threat of the relationship ending made me submit and I see his control ... But that doesn't mean I understand it.. We had just had a lovely evening curled on the couch.. And why couldn't he turn around and say I think we're good or I think we great but we are spending alot of time together what do you think? Or I think we're ok but I'd like to get to know your family and friends more now .. Anything but 'what kind of a question is that' .. I don't get how that's insulting.. I don't get how talking about us dosnt benefit us.. Clearly am missing something - though I am a simple minded Taurus.

Another time he took me out for a romantic meal when we decided to become official we had a great time and I was so happy and couldn't keep my hands my side of the table .. He was happy too.. Out comes the bill and we are discussing tips.. I was just generally having a conversation about how I get confused like do we tip or not or how much because the staff made a mint in comparison to the US were the tip is wages so you have to tip at least 30% .. It was more philosophical like what do you typically do in this city type convo.:: all of sudden He snaps and looks at me in disgust and says I cant believe we are arguing about at tip.. I was shocked and said 'we arnt arguing' it's just a conversation.. We had drinks to finish and when the waiter left my heart was in my stomach and he was cold.. I felt like I ruined everything over a stupid comment but it was how it made me feel that was horrific.. It was the way he gave out to me when I didn't think I was doing anything wrong.. I left the restaurant so caught up in my chest and when we got outside tears welled in my eyes.. I said I don't like how that made me feel .. I just need to go home.. And he looked at me like a deer in headlights and asked if when I said that was I just going home or ending us? He looked so scared not blinking not like himself he went white. Of course I wasn't I just felt rejected. In hindsight looking back that's all very immature why would he even think I be ending a relationship over something so small but also it wasn't because the way he spoke to me did hurt me.. And I didn't think I was doing anything wrong. I know when I'm arguing and I know when I'm teasing out conversation ... It was crazy .. But he was terrified I was going to break up with him starring at me instead of saying sorry baby I thought you were arguing with me over the tip or never mind me I've had too many gins let's go have enjoy the rest of our night... He just stood there guarded until I asked him if he wanted me to stay and he said yes..

I just would like to get scorps opinions on things like this what is going on? These were early days 3/4 months in and newly committee rel conversations ..

I ended up turning insecure in the end after 4/5 months and that became my personality .. Because of stuff like this kept happening .. It ruined what we 'thought' we had ..he always hurt my feelings but acted like I hurt him / it was so head wrecking and confusing.. I actually developed anxiety..and my friends hated him. The Scorpio always blamed me changing as the cause for the relationship breakdown .. He said 'it was good fun at the start and then no fun' as if that's all there is to relationships 'fun'.. But surely he knows deep down that he is hard work.. That he didn't give stability and emotions freely.. That good/lasting relationships need that... That he was making me insecure in the relationship..and therefore it was not fun anymore it was difficult.. People generally work to show they are trustworthy at the start of a relationship but he worked to watch out for any mistake I made and then put me in the spotlight over it...

Why o why would he do that? And still to this day claims that if I didn't change maybe things could have been different?!!!! I don't even enlighten him on his effects on me .. He is so sure it's everyone else's fault.. Maybe this is just emotional abuse, narcissism, avoidant attachment issues or maybe he's an unevolved Scorpio... What do you scorps feel:. I've been through every option but can never be sure because he will never have that convo with me or when he does he lies I can tell so I can't believe a word.
THUS the reason(s) why I left my ex Scorpio live in boyfriend after fives years. He started to be a GROUCH! I felt as if I was walking on egg shells. Never again! Angry

Hug cyber hugs!


Why do you want to understand him? I think that is the question. Someone that makes you second guess yourself/feel shit is not worth your energy.

I am guilty of obsessing and questioning most things but I never waste my energy on someone that has mistreated me so badly whether it be physical or emotional because they've demonstrated I mean nothing to them, so why care about them?

So the question you should ask yourself is why do you need to know? Especially as it seemed to be a relationship in its infancy (not yet established)

As I mentioned before, I doubt your questions on the matter. It seems (to me) a veiled attempt to lambaste this Scorpio - which is fair enough if what you say is true.
Posted by EvatheDiva
Posted by Peny2016
Ok so I was seeing a scorp guy for a few months when one night I asked him in bed "do you think we're a good couple?" In a very playful I'm dying to know what you think kind of way, of us and how we're working and where we are etc.. It was just a conversation starter because he wasn't filling me in on these types of thoughts freely. Anyway I did not expect his reaction .. Immediately he said angrily 'what kind of question is that?' In my head for the first second I was thinking 'a fairly innocent one' its not like he opening tells me how he feels the relationship is going.. It was an atypical post sex, let's talk about us moment that I think most couples engage in to check in and feel close.. Then I realised rather quick that he was really angry and was not about to engage with me.. I couldn't understand this and tears welled up in my eyes as I lay there in the dark and my sweet boyfriend turned to snapping at me like a bold child.. I turned the light on and went to get up and said 'Jesus I should be able to ask my boyfriend how he's feeling about our relationship, that's normal and I'm not being made feel bad about it!!' Anyway an argument ensued whilst I was half dressed and I said I was going to go home because I felt unwanted in his bed.. I dunno how but he got cold and said something about not wanting a toxic relationship and made me feel like my 'drama' was now risking me getting dumped.. Till I sat down and sobbed and begged him not to end us... He belittled me and manipulated me ..It was so extreme I didn't feel I was doing anything wrong at all just trying to be closer and he made me feel like I was the worst girlfriend ever and I never felt I needed someone's approval back more in my life... (Yes I know my problem but until you've been woven like this you can't judge I'm a smart girl but he didn't climb in with that personality it comes out of nowhere)..I see how things like this were not my character and the threat of the relationship ending made me submit and I see his control ... But that doesn't mean I understand it.. We had just had a lovely evening curled on the couch.. And why couldn't he turn around and say I think we're good or I think we great but we are spending alot of time together what do you think? Or I think we're ok but I'd like to get to know your family and friends more now .. Anything but 'what kind of a question is that' .. I don't get how that's insulting.. I don't get how talking about us dosnt benefit us.. Clearly am missing something - though I am a simple minded Taurus.

Another time he took me out for a romantic meal when we decided to become official we had a great time and I was so happy and couldn't keep my hands my side of the table .. He was happy too.. Out comes the bill and we are discussing tips.. I was just generally having a conversation about how I get confused like do we tip or not or how much because the staff made a mint in comparison to the US were the tip is wages so you have to tip at least 30% .. It was more philosophical like what do you typically do in this city type convo.:: all of sudden He snaps and looks at me in disgust and says I cant believe we are arguing about at tip.. I was shocked and said 'we arnt arguing' it's just a conversation.. We had drinks to finish and when the waiter left my heart was in my stomach and he was cold.. I felt like I ruined everything over a stupid comment but it was how it made me feel that was horrific.. It was the way he gave out to me when I didn't think I was doing anything wrong.. I left the restaurant so caught up in my chest and when we got outside tears welled in my eyes.. I said I don't like how that made me feel .. I just need to go home.. And he looked at me like a deer in headlights and asked if when I said that was I just going home or ending us? He looked so scared not blinking not like himself he went white. Of course I wasn't I just felt rejected. In hindsight looking back that's all very immature why would he even think I be ending a relationship over something so small but also it wasn't because the way he spoke to me did hurt me.. And I didn't think I was doing anything wrong. I know when I'm arguing and I know when I'm teasing out conversation ... It was crazy .. But he was terrified I was going to break up with him starring at me instead of saying sorry baby I thought you were arguing with me over the tip or never mind me I've had too many gins let's go have enjoy the rest of our night... He just stood there guarded until I asked him if he wanted me to stay and he said yes..

I just would like to get scorps opinions on things like this what is going on? These were early days 3/4 months in and newly committee rel conversations ..

I ended up turning insecure in the end after 4/5 months and that became my personality .. Because of stuff like this kept happening .. It ruined what we 'thought' we had ..he always hurt my feelings but acted like I hurt him / it was so head wrecking and confusing.. I actually developed anxiety..and my friends hated him. The Scorpio always blamed me changing as the cause for the relationship breakdown .. He said 'it was good fun at the start and then no fun' as if that's all there is to relationships 'fun'.. But surely he knows deep down that he is hard work.. That he didn't give stability and emotions freely.. That good/lasting relationships need that... That he was making me insecure in the relationship..and therefore it was not fun anymore it was difficult.. People generally work to show they are trustworthy at the start of a relationship but he worked to watch out for any mistake I made and then put me in the spotlight over it...

Why o why would he do that? And still to this day claims that if I didn't change maybe things could have been different?!!!! I don't even enlighten him on his effects on me .. He is so sure it's everyone else's fault.. Maybe this is just emotional abuse, narcissism, avoidant attachment issues or maybe he's an unevolved Scorpio... What do you scorps feel:. I've been through every option but can never be sure because he will never have that convo with me or when he does he lies I can tell so I can't believe a word.
THUS the reason(s) why I left my ex Scorpio live in boyfriend after fives years. He started to be a GROUCH! I felt as if I was walking on egg shells. Never again! Angry

Hug cyber hugs!


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Wow after 5 years he turned or always kinda had that side to him? ..

That's a long time - hope it didn't end as bad as mine!

Posted by Peny2016
Posted by EvatheDiva
Posted by Peny2016
Ok so I was seeing a scorp guy for a few months when one night I asked him in bed "do you think we're a good couple?" In a very playful I'm dying to know what you think kind of way, of us and how we're working and where we are etc.. It was just a conversation starter because he wasn't filling me in on these types of thoughts freely. Anyway I did not expect his reaction .. Immediately he said angrily 'what kind of question is that?' In my head for the first second I was thinking 'a fairly innocent one' its not like he opening tells me how he feels the relationship is going.. It was an atypical post sex, let's talk about us moment that I think most couples engage in to check in and feel close.. Then I realised rather quick that he was really angry and was not about to engage with me.. I couldn't understand this and tears welled up in my eyes as I lay there in the dark and my sweet boyfriend turned to snapping at me like a bold child.. I turned the light on and went to get up and said 'Jesus I should be able to ask my boyfriend how he's feeling about our relationship, that's normal and I'm not being made feel bad about it!!' Anyway an argument ensued whilst I was half dressed and I said I was going to go home because I felt unwanted in his bed.. I dunno how but he got cold and said something about not wanting a toxic relationship and made me feel like my 'drama' was now risking me getting dumped.. Till I sat down and sobbed and begged him not to end us... He belittled me and manipulated me ..It was so extreme I didn't feel I was doing anything wrong at all just trying to be closer and he made me feel like I was the worst girlfriend ever and I never felt I needed someone's approval back more in my life... (Yes I know my problem but until you've been woven like this you can't judge I'm a smart girl but he didn't climb in with that personality it comes out of nowhere)..I see how things like this were not my character and the threat of the relationship ending made me submit and I see his control ... But that doesn't mean I understand it.. We had just had a lovely evening curled on the couch.. And why couldn't he turn around and say I think we're good or I think we great but we are spending alot of time together what do you think? Or I think we're ok but I'd like to get to know your family and friends more now .. Anything but 'what kind of a question is that' .. I don't get how that's insulting.. I don't get how talking about us dosnt benefit us.. Clearly am missing something - though I am a simple minded Taurus.

Another time he took me out for a romantic meal when we decided to become official we had a great time and I was so happy and couldn't keep my hands my side of the table .. He was happy too.. Out comes the bill and we are discussing tips.. I was just generally having a conversation about how I get confused like do we tip or not or how much because the staff made a mint in comparison to the US were the tip is wages so you have to tip at least 30% .. It was more philosophical like what do you typically do in this city type convo.:: all of sudden He snaps and looks at me in disgust and says I cant believe we are arguing about at tip.. I was shocked and said 'we arnt arguing' it's just a conversation.. We had drinks to finish and when the waiter left my heart was in my stomach and he was cold.. I felt like I ruined everything over a stupid comment but it was how it made me feel that was horrific.. It was the way he gave out to me when I didn't think I was doing anything wrong.. I left the restaurant so caught up in my chest and when we got outside tears welled in my eyes.. I said I don't like how that made me feel .. I just need to go home.. And he looked at me like a deer in headlights and asked if when I said that was I just going home or ending us? He looked so scared not blinking not like himself he went white. Of course I wasn't I just felt rejected. In hindsight looking back that's all very immature why would he even think I be ending a relationship over something so small but also it wasn't because the way he spoke to me did hurt me.. And I didn't think I was doing anything wrong. I know when I'm arguing and I know when I'm teasing out conversation ... It was crazy .. But he was terrified I was going to break up with him starring at me instead of saying sorry baby I thought you were arguing with me over the tip or never mind me I've had too many gins let's go have enjoy the rest of our night... He just stood there guarded until I asked him if he wanted me to stay and he said yes..

I just would like to get scorps opinions on things like this what is going on? These were early days 3/4 months in and newly committee rel conversations ..

I ended up turning insecure in the end after 4/5 months and that became my personality .. Because of stuff like this kept happening .. It ruined what we 'thought' we had ..he always hurt my feelings but acted like I hurt him / it was so head wrecking and confusing.. I actually developed anxiety..and my friends hated him. The Scorpio always blamed me changing as the cause for the relationship breakdown .. He said 'it was good fun at the start and then no fun' as if that's all there is to relationships 'fun'.. But surely he knows deep down that he is hard work.. That he didn't give stability and emotions freely.. That good/lasting relationships need that... That he was making me insecure in the relationship..and therefore it was not fun anymore it was difficult.. People generally work to show they are trustworthy at the start of a relationship but he worked to watch out for any mistake I made and then put me in the spotlight over it...

Why o why would he do that? And still to this day claims that if I didn't change maybe things could have been different?!!!! I don't even enlighten him on his effects on me .. He is so sure it's everyone else's fault.. Maybe this is just emotional abuse, narcissism, avoidant attachment issues or maybe he's an unevolved Scorpio... What do you scorps feel:. I've been through every option but can never be sure because he will never have that convo with me or when he does he lies I can tell so I can't believe a word.
THUS the reason(s) why I left my ex Scorpio live in boyfriend after fives years. He started to be a GROUCH! I felt as if I was walking on egg shells. Never again! Angry

Hug cyber hugs!


Wow after 5 years he turned or always kinda had that side to him? ..

That's a long time - hope it didn't end as bad as mine!

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Oh, it did! He found a home; asked me for 1/2 my down payment, he went to bank, and got the house under his name only. He wanted to kick me outta the house years later; as he called the cops, and I showed cop my receipts for mortgage and cop told me I had every right to stay in the house as he did. He cheated on me. Long story short, I took him to court, judge granted me all my mortgage payments I paid to bank (NOT to him); I moved out, he moved the woman he cheated on me with (10 years older than he was); he had two kids from her, ex-bf (Scorpio) gained 150lbs. He threw his elderly Veteran father-in-law from one room to another. Why? Because his father-in-law stepped on one of his dogs; cops were called as well as EMS; he did time in jail. I was preparing dinner (years later) and I saw his face during the 5:00 news (KSAT 12) at our home town (true story). I had dreamt years before that house was as RED as the cover jacket of the DVD movie Amityville Horror. I realized God wanted me outta that house. Headline in the local newspaper Express News read: "300 pound man jailed for elderly abuse."

Hug cyber hugs!


Posted by VampScorp
Why do you want to understand him? I think that is the question. Someone that makes you second guess yourself/feel shit is not worth your energy.

I am guilty of obsessing and questioning most things but I never waste my energy on someone that has mistreated me so badly whether it be physical or emotional because they've demonstrated I mean nothing to them, so why care about them?

So the question you should ask yourself is why do you need to know? Especially as it seemed to be a relationship in its infancy (not yet established)

As I mentioned before, I doubt your questions on the matter. It seems (to me) a veiled attempt to lambaste this Scorpio - which is fair enough if what you say is true.

Well for the end up we spent a year together .. And I was in love I'm not now but that time and work.. Back then I wanted to believe him and so I did.. Regarding my questions - we were friends before this we are from the same small town and he has popped up often and it's been so hard to know how to feel about him and what the hell it was all about now that it's done .. We frequent in the same circles and I've toyed with calling him out on all this (if it was just vindictiveness) then again if I thought he just has psychological or emotional problems if leave it and hope one day he gets better and maybe he will contact me to apologise for all the heartache I went through.. He did apologise but then got revenge sex and then called me to tell me he was moving in with a new gf so he took away the peace we created after our breakup which makes it even more interesting to think what is he actually feeling or playing at...

Posted by Peny2016
Posted by VampScorp
Why do you want to understand him? I think that is the question. Someone that makes you second guess yourself/feel shit is not worth your energy.

I am guilty of obsessing and questioning most things but I never waste my energy on someone that has mistreated me so badly whether it be physical or emotional because they've demonstrated I mean nothing to them, so why care about them?

So the question you should ask yourself is why do you need to know? Especially as it seemed to be a relationship in its infancy (not yet established)

As I mentioned before, I doubt your questions on the matter. It seems (to me) a veiled attempt to lambaste this Scorpio - which is fair enough if what you say is true.

Well for the end up we spent a year together .. And I was in love I'm not now but that time and work.. Back then I wanted to believe him and so I did.. Regarding my questions - we were friends before this we are from the same small town and he has popped up often and it's been so hard to know how to feel about him and what the hell it was all about now that it's done .. We frequent in the same circles and I've toyed with calling him out on all this (if it was just vindictiveness) then again if I thought he just has psychological or emotional problems if leave it and hope one day he gets better and maybe he will contact me to apologise for all the heartache I went through.. He did apologise but then got revenge sex and then called me to tell me he was moving in with a new gf so he took away the peace we created after our breakup which makes it even more interesting to think what is he actually feeling or playing at...

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just move on and be a stronger woman for it ...

Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
I have NOT read much on this thread cause OP isn't succinct at all. Why don't you go take business writing instead of worrying about a men tho. Blah blah blah

But what I read is he makes you anxious, insecure, etc.

When my x Virgo dumped me I never fought for him because he made me feel exactly those things

I was miserable

Since we broke up a year ago

Zero anxiety, or not as much, no panic attacks

And I feel happy

Dude you're fukin yourself and your life and your potential

Good luck being on this bottom energy

I rather be high above

Trust me I have days I feel like thank gid that's over but the dread and anxiety creeps back in some days and I feel understanding helps me settle it - maybe I've created an addictive little fix that really is holding me back - I wish I had that strength everyday but I'm not there yet but trying... I started therapy and the vibe seems to be that my self esteem has all but been shattered since and it may seem weird but I never had any esteem issues till this (at 28) so it's been really hard to adjust to and know how to heal - I was a very sunny content string person ... Nothing like this has ever happened to me.. Since educating myself on emotionally abusjve relationships I take comfort that I'm not the only woman that gets into these types of things but I also learnt there are distinct differences between the women who walk away and don't tolerate it and the women who do and I have to admit it seems we do bring our own issues to the table that allow this to carry on . 100% I admit that though it's hard

Posted by Peny2016
Posted by VampScorp
Why do you want to understand him? I think that is the question. Someone that makes you second guess yourself/feel shit is not worth your energy.

I am guilty of obsessing and questioning most things but I never waste my energy on someone that has mistreated me so badly whether it be physical or emotional because they've demonstrated I mean nothing to them, so why care about them?

So the question you should ask yourself is why do you need to know? Especially as it seemed to be a relationship in its infancy (not yet established)

As I mentioned before, I doubt your questions on the matter. It seems (to me) a veiled attempt to lambaste this Scorpio - which is fair enough if what you say is true.

Well for the end up we spent a year together .. And I was in love I'm not now but that time and work.. Back then I wanted to believe him and so I did.. Regarding my questions - we were friends before this we are from the same small town and he has popped up often and it's been so hard to know how to feel about him and what the hell it was all about now that it's done .. We frequent in the same circles and I've toyed with calling him out on all this (if it was just vindictiveness) then again if I thought he just has psychological or emotional problems if leave it and hope one day he gets better and maybe he will contact me to apologise for all the heartache I went through.. He did apologise but then got revenge sex and then called me to tell me he was moving in with a new gf so he took away the peace we created after our breakup which makes it even more interesting to think what is he actually feeling or playing at...

click to expand
Ok, that clarifies why you are 'hung' up. I appreciate you need closure and he ruined the equilibrium you had after the initial break up but based on what you have said here he sounds too dysfunctional/complex for anyone here to offer an explanation as to why he is the way he is.

It is hard getting over someone, I'll give you that but bitching about his current GF (which you done earlier) lowers your own self esteem. Try and be strong, better than he is. Surround yourself with those that love you. I'm sure you have friends that can help distract you, but obsessing over the why's is just going to make it more painful.

Personally, if I ran in the same social circles I would have a poker face around him. Hurt me once, fool you. hurt me twice, fool me! Never let him in again, move on and try and keep the peace if you want to continue in those social circles.

All the best.

Posted by VampScorp
Posted by Peny2016
Posted by VampScorp
Why do you want to understand him? I think that is the question. Someone that makes you second guess yourself/feel shit is not worth your energy.

I am guilty of obsessing and questioning most things but I never waste my energy on someone that has mistreated me so badly whether it be physical or emotional because they've demonstrated I mean nothing to them, so why care about them?

So the question you should ask yourself is why do you need to know? Especially as it seemed to be a relationship in its infancy (not yet established)

As I mentioned before, I doubt your questions on the matter. It seems (to me) a veiled attempt to lambaste this Scorpio - which is fair enough if what you say is true.

Well for the end up we spent a year together .. And I was in love I'm not now but that time and work.. Back then I wanted to believe him and so I did.. Regarding my questions - we were friends before this we are from the same small town and he has popped up often and it's been so hard to know how to feel about him and what the hell it was all about now that it's done .. We frequent in the same circles and I've toyed with calling him out on all this (if it was just vindictiveness) then again if I thought he just has psychological or emotional problems if leave it and hope one day he gets better and maybe he will contact me to apologise for all the heartache I went through.. He did apologise but then got revenge sex and then called me to tell me he was moving in with a new gf so he took away the peace we created after our breakup which makes it even more interesting to think what is he actually feeling or playing at...

Ok, that clarifies why you are 'hung' up. I appreciate you need closure and he ruined the equilibrium you had after the initial break up but based on what you have said here he sounds too dysfunctional/complex for anyone here to offer an explanation as to why he is the way he is.

It is hard getting over someone, I'll give you that but bitching about his current GF (which you done earlier) lowers your own self esteem. Try and be strong, better than he is. Surround yourself with those that love you. I'm sure you have friends that can help distract you, but obsessing over the why's is just going to make it more painful.

Personally, if I ran in the same social circles I would have a poker face around him. Hurt me once, fool you. hurt me twice, fool me! Never let him in again, move on and try and keep the peace if you want to continue in those social circles.

All the best.

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Thanks I appreciate that response and your right I am only feeding it and going someone will make it hurt less .. Ans I guess I want to believe that hos new relationship superficial maybe because I'm jealous (as mad as that sounds) or need to feel he is treating her no better - I sound mad I know but that's all part of what hijacks my mind too- so much winding down to do! But thanks for your honesty!

Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by bricklemark
Another "oh this scorpio is so mean" thread. Have you ever read ANYTHING about them? Sign of death? Belzebub in person? Evil, sadistic, loves to play mind games and hurt people, bring them down, kill them inside....ring any bells? Tell me when it does..... Is death incarnate, will destroy anything that lives, appetite for destruction. Loves to get close to people only to play more horrific and hurtful mindgames...jealous af, secretive af, petty af....will always go the extra mile to ruin a new second of your life. Will go the extra mile to show you even more pettiness. Will try everything they can to deceive you.
Aren't you the motherfucker who was excusing rape or abuse on another thread blaming the women

Have ten seats loser
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That's certainly an insane comment from an insane person. Calm the fuck down times a million you braindead.
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
I have NOT read much on this thread cause OP isn't succinct at all. Why don't you go take business writing instead of worrying about a men tho. Blah blah blah

But what I read is he makes you anxious, insecure, etc.

When my x Virgo dumped me I never fought for him because he made me feel exactly those things

I was miserable

Since we broke up a year ago

Zero anxiety, or not as much, no panic attacks

And I feel happy

Dude you're fukin yourself and your life and your potential

Good luck being on this bottom energy

I rather be high above
Wow that was all over the are one fucked up individual. Kill yourself. ?
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by bricklemark
Another "oh this scorpio is so mean" thread. Have you ever read ANYTHING about them? Sign of death? Belzebub in person? Evil, sadistic, loves to play mind games and hurt people, bring them down, kill them inside....ring any bells? Tell me when it does..... Is death incarnate, will destroy anything that lives, appetite for destruction. Loves to get close to people only to play more horrific and hurtful mindgames...jealous af, secretive af, petty af....will always go the extra mile to ruin a new second of your life. Will go the extra mile to show you even more pettiness. Will try everything they can to deceive you.
Aren't you the motherfucker who was excusing rape or abuse on another thread blaming the women

Have ten seats loser
That's certainly an insane comment from an insane person. Calm the fuck down times a million you braindead.
OK future murderer
click to expand

Im sorry what? You're accusing me of accusing people of rape, and being a future murderer? Why? What's your problem? Bitch? You fvkin mental case !!! Explain yourself !!!!!! ??

Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by bricklemark
Another "oh this scorpio is so mean" thread. Have you ever read ANYTHING about them? Sign of death? Belzebub in person? Evil, sadistic, loves to play mind games and hurt people, bring them down, kill them inside....ring any bells? Tell me when it does..... Is death incarnate, will destroy anything that lives, appetite for destruction. Loves to get close to people only to play more horrific and hurtful mindgames...jealous af, secretive af, petty af....will always go the extra mile to ruin a new second of your life. Will go the extra mile to show you even more pettiness. Will try everything they can to deceive you.
Aren't you the motherfucker who was excusing rape or abuse on another thread blaming the women

Have ten seats loser
That's certainly an insane comment from an insane person. Calm the fuck down times a million you braindead.
OK future murderer

Im sorry what? You're accusing me of accusing people of rape, and being a future murderer? Why? What's your problem? Bitch? You fvkin mental case !!! Explain yourself !!!!!! ??

Bytch I don't stutter
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But can you talk????? So far you've made NO SENSE. Explain yourself dipshit.
Queue johnthebaptist!
Posted by JohnTheBaptist100
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by JohnTheBaptist100
What is wrong with you people! You have been dating him for 3 months and you ask daft questions about "what a great couple we make. .." blah blah blah after sex..

You don't need his affirmation.... You should be confident within yourself surely as to know if you make a good couple or not. If you enjoy being together and the vibes are good why ask silky insecure questions? You sound like a child! Why would you feel the need to say something like that...

As for the tip.. God dammit... Eat the damn food and if you feel like leaving a tip then leave one.. If you don't then don't. It doesn't need a damn discussion in the middle of a restaurant it's pathetic

You sound really insecure and manipulative....

Grow up.

Scorps like mature women not silky kids...
You're crazy too

A person should ask and converse how they want without being persecuted

I saw nothing in her actions that should cause extreme responses

And we should be able to ask any question of her man without being disrespected

The thing I have a problem with is I actually would have left if someone treated me like that

And no I wouldn't be crying for him to save the relationship

Too much pride

But I would bring up the subject later when cooler heads prevail

But ain't nobody going to talk to baby like that

After 5 months... no you don't! Its too damn early unless you want to scare the person away.. well done OP!

OP is acting all "hard" and everything but then she acts like a baby when she doesn't get the answer she wants to hear... Its all ego playing up. She expected the scorp to say she was the "best thing since sliced bread" but he didn't he basically asked her what kind of dumb question is that and then proceeded to dump her anyway.

Ive never had to ask a question like that and never will...

Now its all the scorp fault..

But would you have been insecure enough to ask a question like that after just 5 months.. ??
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You are truly moronic... There was no expecting to get my ego stroked!

I ant hell you if you won't read then again I don't think anyone can help you your stuck on one small aspect one example of plenty I could think of not to do with asking questions ... This was cherry picked as an example of many - something you would understand by now if you read the thread ...

At least if your going to comment let us ready something of use !! From now on I'm not even going to read the response Les as they continue to make no sense.. You are just trolling I think and that's time wasting

Posted by JohnTheBaptist100
Posted by EvatheDiva
Posted by Peny2016
Posted by EvatheDiva
Posted by Peny2016
Ok so I was seeing a scorp guy for a few months when one night I asked him in bed "do you think we're a good couple?" In a very playful I'm dying to know what you think kind of way, of us and how we're working and where we are etc.. It was just a conversation starter because he wasn't filling me in on these types of thoughts freely. Anyway I did not expect his reaction .. Immediately he said angrily 'what kind of question is that?' In my head for the first second I was thinking 'a fairly innocent one' its not like he opening tells me how he feels the relationship is going.. It was an atypical post sex, let's talk about us moment that I think most couples engage in to check in and feel close.. Then I realised rather quick that he was really angry and was not about to engage with me.. I couldn't understand this and tears welled up in my eyes as I lay there in the dark and my sweet boyfriend turned to snapping at me like a bold child.. I turned the light on and went to get up and said 'Jesus I should be able to ask my boyfriend how he's feeling about our relationship, that's normal and I'm not being made feel bad about it!!' Anyway an argument ensued whilst I was half dressed and I said I was going to go home because I felt unwanted in his bed.. I dunno how but he got cold and said something about not wanting a toxic relationship and made me feel like my 'drama' was now risking me getting dumped.. Till I sat down and sobbed and begged him not to end us... He belittled me and manipulated me ..It was so extreme I didn't feel I was doing anything wrong at all just trying to be closer and he made me feel like I was the worst girlfriend ever and I never felt I needed someone's approval back more in my life... (Yes I know my problem but until you've been woven like this you can't judge I'm a smart girl but he didn't climb in with that personality it comes out of nowhere)..I see how things like this were not my character and the threat of the relationship ending made me submit and I see his control ... But that doesn't mean I understand it.. We had just had a lovely evening curled on the couch.. And why couldn't he turn around and say I think we're good or I think we great but we are spending alot of time together what do you think? Or I think we're ok but I'd like to get to know your family and friends more now .. Anything but 'what kind of a question is that' .. I don't get how that's insulting.. I don't get how talking about us dosnt benefit us.. Clearly am missing something - though I am a simple minded Taurus.

Another time he took me out for a romantic meal when we decided to become official we had a great time and I was so happy and couldn't keep my hands my side of the table .. He was happy too.. Out comes the bill and we are discussing tips.. I was just generally having a conversation about how I get confused like do we tip or not or how much because the staff made a mint in comparison to the US were the tip is wages so you have to tip at least 30% .. It was more philosophical like what do you typically do in this city type convo.:: all of sudden He snaps and looks at me in disgust and says I cant believe we are arguing about at tip.. I was shocked and said 'we arnt arguing' it's just a conversation.. We had drinks to finish and when the waiter left my heart was in my stomach and he was cold.. I felt like I ruined everything over a stupid comment but it was how it made me feel that was horrific.. It was the way he gave out to me when I didn't think I was doing anything wrong.. I left the restaurant so caught up in my chest and when we got outside tears welled in my eyes.. I said I don't like how that made me feel .. I just need to go home.. And he looked at me like a deer in headlights and asked if when I said that was I just going home or ending us? He looked so scared not blinking not like himself he went white. Of course I wasn't I just felt rejected. In hindsight looking back that's all very immature why would he even think I be ending a relationship over something so small but also it wasn't because the way he spoke to me did hurt me.. And I didn't think I was doing anything wrong. I know when I'm arguing and I know when I'm teasing out conversation ... It was crazy .. But he was terrified I was going to break up with him starring at me instead of saying sorry baby I thought you were arguing with me over the tip or never mind me I've had too many gins let's go have enjoy the rest of our night... He just stood there guarded until I asked him if he wanted me to stay and he said yes..

I just would like to get scorps opinions on things like this what is going on? These were early days 3/4 months in and newly committee rel conversations ..

I ended up turning insecure in the end after 4/5 months and that became my personality .. Because of stuff like this kept happening .. It ruined what we 'thought' we had ..he always hurt my feelings but acted like I hurt him / it was so head wrecking and confusing.. I actually developed anxiety..and my friends hated him. The Scorpio always blamed me changing as the cause for the relationship breakdown .. He said 'it was good fun at the start and then no fun' as if that's all there is to relationships 'fun'.. But surely he knows deep down that he is hard work.. That he didn't give stability and emotions freely.. That good/lasting relationships need that... That he was making me insecure in the relationship..and therefore it was not fun anymore it was difficult.. People generally work to show they are trustworthy at the start of a relationship but he worked to watch out for any mistake I made and then put me in the spotlight over it...

Why o why would he do that? And still to this day claims that if I didn't change maybe things could have been different?!!!! I don't even enlighten him on his effects on me .. He is so sure it's everyone else's fault.. Maybe this is just emotional abuse, narcissism, avoidant attachment issues or maybe he's an unevolved Scorpio... What do you scorps feel:. I've been through every option but can never be sure because he will never have that convo with me or when he does he lies I can tell so I can't believe a word.
THUS the reason(s) why I left my ex Scorpio live in boyfriend after fives years. He started to be a GROUCH! I felt as if I was walking on egg shells. Never again! Angry

Hug cyber hugs!


Wow after 5 years he turned or always kinda had that side to him? ..

That's a long time - hope it didn't end as bad as mine!

Oh, it did! He found a home; asked me for 1/2 my down payment, he went to bank, and got the house under his name only. He wanted to kick me outta the house years later; as he called the cops, and I showed cop my receipts for mortgage and cop told me I had every right to stay in the house as he did. He cheated on me. Long story short, I took him to court, judge granted me all my mortgage payments I paid to bank (NOT to him); I moved out, he moved the woman he cheated on me with (10 years older than he was); he had two kids from her, ex-bf (Scorpio) gained 150lbs. He threw his elderly Veteran father-in-law from one room to another. Why? Because his father-in-law stepped on one of his dogs; cops were called as well as EMS; he did time in jail. I was preparing dinner (years later) and I saw his face during the 5:00 news (KSAT 12) at our home town (true story). I had dreamt years before that house was as RED as the cover jacket of the DVD movie Amityville Horror. I realized God wanted me outta that house. Headline in the local newspaper Express News read: "300 pound man jailed for elderly abuse."

Hug cyber hugs!


Any sign is capable of this.. not just scorp...
click to expand
NOT! My ex-boyfriend Saggy, didn't do this to me. Ex-hubands; both Virgos didn't do this to me. Angry

Hug cyber hugs!

