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Apr 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 243 · Topics: 32
Any tips or tricks would be helpful here.
My scorp is the extremly sensitive type, he is also the quiet wallflower type when it comes to social situations. He sits back and observes and does not talk much.
I am the social butterfly at parties.
I have had a few dealings with my scorp in social situations. Each time I take him to a party or any type of social situation I get this vibe that he is not happy with my seeming lack of attention to him, because I am busy flying from person to person chatting and having a good time.
One time he even stopped playing pool because I was chatting with people in between shots rather than what he called "showing interest in the game". He got upeset and said he didn't want to play anymore, mid game. I am chalking this up to his scorpio jealous nature that his woman was not paying attention to him and he was just claiming "boring game" as the excuse so as not to seem like the jealous type. Anyway I have a BBQ to go to on saturday and he will be attending with me. What kind of things can I do to avoid his "hidden" jealousy without having to be attached at the hip? I love my Scorp, but I have to let my Aqua nature out especially at parties.
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Mar 14, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3234 · Topics: 17
Pull him off the wall and take him around with you when you meet people. Force him to talk. I am sure that within twenty minutes he will find someone of like mind to chat with while you do yours.
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Mar 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 363 · Topics: 21
I am not a Scorpio but rather on the Scorpio/Sag cusp. But I think I have more Scorpio traits than Sag. With that being said, I can sense where HE is coming from. He may have been telling you the truth when he said that he quit playing pool because he was bored. I know that feeling. I tend to get bored easily and quickly. I also know about being the quiet wallflower type and I think if you take him around with you, he will resent it. I do not like to be thrown into situations to socialize, and when I do, I get POed and can't wait to get out of there. If I have my choice, I would prefer to be alone and just watch people. I would ask him his preference and if he chooses to be alone, then don't forget to go and talk with him from time to time. Hope this helps.....
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Apr 12, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4267 · Topics: 82
Well then don't take him to parties then,its as simple as that to just go solo.
Wouldn't say its nessecarly jealousy though,if your going out with each other,your going out "together" not every person who happens to be there cause I take it hes not the one who wants to go out maybe and thats your bringing him???He could probably be thinking of a zillion other things he can be doing at home alone rather than being dragged along to parties for no reason since its apparently not to spend time with him.
Mamma Roz, I'm not a Scorpio, but have dealt with quite a few of them, both males and females. And I'm sorry to say, that I agree with Jackdoniel. You shouldn't take him along. And frankly, you shouldn't have to cater your behaviour to him either. If you are a social butterfly, that mannerism doesn't usually sit well with a Scorpio. It's been my experience that they prefer to be the center of your attention.
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Apr 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 243 · Topics: 32
Let me clarify, I do not completly ignor him at parties, I just don't stay by his side on the wall so to speak. I venture off on my own and then come back.
We have to learn how to be able to go out in public with eachother, so just never taking him with me when I go out is not an option. Perhaps I won't take him as much, but I'm not just going to completly seperate him and my friends, that causes major trouble in relationships.
I know I need to talk to him about this and hear his thoughts, I was just hoping for some happy medium type of ideas for the time being.
Thanks for all of your input on this.
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Apr 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 243 · Topics: 32
I really do appreciate all of your advice. I will be discussing this with him and I like the approach of asking him to help solve it, that might make it much easier to talk about. As for this weekends BBQ I'll just try and make sure that he gets equal share of my time and that he know's I am not trying to ignor him.