Signed Up: Nov 21, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
I wanted make sure you got this brahn. "Then of course there are black women, with their big lips and are just overly fat. They are often stupid, but they'll try to date white men and see if they can ride him to fame and fortune. Their black male contemporaries are normally thugged out losers who have never held a job in their lives, so why no try to date the superior race that has more going on for them?"
"That is the stupidity of interracial dating. Should people stick wit their own? No. Black people shouldn't date black people, because they'll breed and have more incompotent black children. Way to complicated of an issue, and way too depressing if you choose to look at it with more substance. Don't erroneously believe people date interracially because they have an open mind, oftetimes that isn't the case at all."
Let me just say that I hope you are white and not black because I can't imagine one of my black brother making a racial statement as bad as this was. I am offended by it, and I don't appreciate reading such racial comments from a man that I thuoght was someone intelligent, but I see that your intellegence fall short when it comes to repecting people races. I don't know where you got this idea why black and white people date but until you've exprienced it what give you the right to say such harsh words about a race. I am incline to believe you are prejudice towards black people. I know you can speak and say what you want and so can I, and let me say I have no respect for you at all.
Signed Up: Mar 15, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2950 · Topics: 49
Wow Brahn, that's pretty bad! You know it's one thing to sign bash, but to put up shit like that? It really shows your intelligence. Sorry Brahn, whatever small amount (and I mean small) of respect I had for you, you just lost.
Signed Up: Mar 18, 2006 Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
OOOOH NO! Here we go again .... didn't we already discuss this Well, everyone knows my opinion and I'm sticking to it, darn it! True he is a bit opinionated, but a racist ????? Nope nope nope nope nope nope
Signed Up: Mar 15, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2950 · Topics: 49
"Their black male contemporaries are normally thugged out losers who have never held a job in their lives, so why no try to date the superior race that has more going on for them?" That's not racist, sweetie? WTF is it? Just an opinion? You both need a dose of wake the fuck up. White is not superior and it's idiots like you guys that give biggots their reps.
Signed Up: Nov 21, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
Well Cappysweetie I look at like this, there is a way to have a decent converstation like this. And his way was ot good. I don't care with anyone says. Are you black?
Signed Up: Nov 04, 2005 Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
jeez... even after that verbose and disgusting comment? generalizations... way too many. better to just ignore anyone who makes them because you know its someone spewing to the whole world what they see in their very very small world.
Signed Up: Jun 21, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 36 · Topics: 1
Scorpionlady ... thank you for bravely posting this thread. Racism is very much so alive. Still a very controversial topic that some people choose to ignore. I have encountered ones like Brahn, I simply feel sorry for them. I personally just show and prove ... I'm a 24-year-old successful black female who has three degrees under my belt. I don't need a white man, better yet any man to validate my success and happiness in society.
Signed Up: Nov 04, 2005 Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
better to just ignore anyone who makes them because you know its someone spewing to the whole world what they see in their very very small world. ...and with limited perspective.
Signed Up: Mar 15, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
Here we go again .... didn't we already discuss this hahahahaha.. ya cappiesweetie... here we go again ...jeeezzz... this is Branh0913's very post that made me an active DXP user
Signed Up: Mar 15, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
Should people stick wit their own? No. Black people shouldn't date black people, because they'll breed and have more incompotent black children. hahahahaha... i remember my commenting on it ....
Signed Up: Mar 15, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
the racist bastards on DXP. hey hey hey.... take a chill pill... hes not a racist... u dont know anything about branh0913... hes black himself and hes dated girls of other races... so be easy.... he just has some interesting thoughts...
Signed Up: Nov 04, 2005 Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
i completely understand, Scorpionlady. i agree with what juwanapla said. people who lack integrity in what they do or say have a certain place in your world and that's no place. have confidence in your own worth and prove it only to yourself.
Signed Up: Nov 21, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
eliza - "I'll give you a hint, I'm not black" These are branh words, so before you start standing up for some one get your facts striaght.
Oh not doubt creeppants, But I be damn if I am going to read something that a white man said about black people and not comment. No offense to any one but think about the way I said that. Did that not bother someone on this board? Put yourself in a black persons shows and let me know what you think. You can't do that so why speak of false facts, and then put every one in the same catagory. That is what fucked me up.
Signed Up: Mar 15, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
capadona.... ya ur right... i cant of a certainty say whether hes a racist or not coz i dont know him personally... but hey u dont have to take him seriously... half the time we (DXP users who know him well) think he doesnt even believe in wat he types... hes just bored at work u know.... OK... wait a sec... why am i takin his side???........
Signed Up: Mar 15, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
That one got deleted though. o ya SB.. its was such a fun post.... got me all fiery coz he said all girls who date black guys have a low self-esteem and i dated a black guy and hey im super confident about my looks... but whatever...hes interesting....
Signed Up: Nov 21, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
eliza- Why is it you are taking up for him so much, do you agree with what he wrote? Those comments he made can be racist against all people not just black.
Signed Up: Jun 21, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 36 · Topics: 1
You know what ... Branh is probably black and white his dam self. He is confused and is mad at the world ... because he can't identify with one race. He's still a racist!!! "but hey u dont have to take him seriously... half the time we (DXP users who know him well) think he doesnt even believe in wat he types... hes just bored at work u know.... " Eliza I take racist comments very seriously and I will defend my race any chance I get.
Signed Up: Mar 15, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
Why is it you are taking up for him so much, do you agree with what he wrote? i TOTALLY disagree with him on that coz its sooo not ture... i support interracial dating... i LOVE it.. i've dated guys from other races... but i know branh0913 for a while now and hes hilarious... he can be mean but he aint all bad and racist....i personally think he had certain black people in mind when he wrote that....
Signed Up: Nov 21, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
Yea eliza but because you know someone so well does that still give you right to make fun of comments that they said that offend other people. When you make comments/jokes like that it makes people think that you agree or and the shit is not funny to someone who is black.
Signed Up: Mar 15, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
HAHAHAHAHA, I think I remember you letting him have it, eliza! Wasn't that when you first came on DXP? LMAO... yaaaa i was soooo darn MAD at this 'RACIST branh0913' ( thats wat i thought) and ya it made me an active DXP user ...
Signed Up: Mar 15, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
does that still give you right to make fun of comments that they said that offend other people.
hey scorpion lady... im not making fun of anyone here.... sorry for the misunderstanding... u dont know how this very post got me all fired up even though im not black but coz its been a while and people keep bringin it up... i just take it easy now...
Signed Up: Nov 21, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
Branh you low life, peice of shit fuck you, if you, if you think that is all I have to do then you might want to hope and pray I never run in the your ass out on the street. Cuz I will fuck you up myself. And the next time you want to talk about race of people have some damn respect.
Signed Up: Mar 15, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
Couldn't a black man make degrading comments about black people? ya, he can..... i know alot of people who hate their own race..... but that aint right coz u shouldnt hate your nor any other race....
Signed Up: Jun 21, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 36 · Topics: 1
"What exactly were you trying to prove by pulling up my old post and then copying and pasting them on the Scorp board." She was trying to prove and let others know that you are a RACIST!!!
Signed Up: Nov 21, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
I don't have to prove anything, I saw it, I read it, I did not like it, so I voiced my opinion on it. Old or new I did it. I did not do it to get kudo's from anyone , I am my own person, and yes I am emotional and I get emotional over things that touch me in a bad and a good way. "Eliza, that comment was a typo. Anyway does it matter? Couldn't a black man make degrading comments about black people?" So you are black and yet you degrade black people? then my guess is that you are one miserbly black man, that thinks the world did you wrong,and the only satisfaction you get is to talk degrade other people. Know did'nt you mother raise you better than that. I knew you reminded me or a virgo that I used to date and left if boring hateful ass. I really wish you some kind of happiness because with an attitude like that I don't know what women would want to be near you unless she is a miserably as you are.
Signed Up: Mar 15, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
Eliza, and tell me why race is important.
o branh0913 ..o branh0913... i know u well .. i know u'll talk about assimilation and all that ... i do agree with u on that though.... ( well people over here wont know wat im talkin about..... we have to get that old post of urs out )
Signed Up: Jun 21, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 36 · Topics: 1
How can you ask a question like that? "Why is race important?" HELLO if you make a comment like this ... "Then of course there are black women, with their big lips and are just overly fat. They are often stupid, but they'll try to date white men and see if they can ride him to fame and fortune. Their black male contemporaries are normally thugged out losers who have never held a job in their lives, so why no try to date the superior race that has more going on for them?" RACE seems pretty important to you.
Signed Up: Jun 21, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 36 · Topics: 1
"Get lost Cap-Hoe. Out of every response on this thread, yours was the most predictable. But it is the type of swaggering and boosting BS I would expect from a Capricorn." HA HA HA looks like I'm getting to that little racist b*tch. GOOD!!! For the record my comments make sense ... unlike yours!!!
Again? How many times does this have to be addressed? In ALL of Branh's posts, he voices things to get people to THINK. You have to read the whole thread, and everything he writes, to comprehend that his aim, in most cases is to provoke thought in people, instead of just reacting. It's irrelevant what race he is . . he's an individual, that's all that matters. Branh is far, far, from being racist. He's just one who isn't affraid to approach a topic from different points of view to see how people interact with each other. Take him for the man he is, not from a partial post that was copied over here with the intentions of getting a reaction. There were pages and pages written on this topic, not just a couple paragraphs. Not much different than the media, who will tell you a fraction of the imformation for the purpose of slanting someones view.
Signed Up: Mar 15, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
There were pages and pages written on this topic, not just a couple paragraphs.
sooo true, P-angel and especially that assimilation post... i have to find that one... but it makes so much sense what hes talkin about when u read that post....
Signed Up: Nov 21, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
Brahn you can look at what I wrote any kinda way you choose it is not going to change how I feel about your comment, I have that right? I said it I meant it, that's all to it. Do I have something againt virgo's no 2 of my closes friends are virgos, and they respect me very. The bottom line is I have no respect for you from this point on and I know you don't care and neither do I. As for me posting this private why should I, I don't respect you.
When I look through all these threads on different boards, it appears that most of the angst against Virgo's in general. It is believed by most . . . well, you just have to look at the topics . . . Virgo's aren't recieved well my most people.
i know where suppost to be one of the friendly fun and flirtiest signs, but do you gems have days where you just hate to deal with people, like anyone just annoy's you and you wanna be alone? Even if your in a good mood?..
Hi, my question is... Is it true that when a Pisces or any sign for that matter shows interest in a Libra Male, they tend to pull back and then when you decide to move on and act like you're not that interested, that's when they start to show more interes
I am an aries woman who has found her virgo love from 11 years ago. It is like we have picked up where we left off and I am so grateful to have him in my life again. I am going through a divorce with a leo that he begged me not to go back to when we par