"Then of course there are black women, with their big lips and are just overly fat. They are often stupid, but they'll try to date white men and see if they can ride him to fame and fortune. Their black male...
Eliza, Branh . . . if people CHOOSE to only look at the words, instead of the meaning, then there's nothing to be done about it. It's the choice we all make. It's unfortunate that people believe that everything has to be black or white with no inbetween. But, it is the way it is and if someone chooses to be biased based on a minimal portion of the information, then place judgement . . the so be it. We see this everyday, with the media, with our government . . . there was a reason WHY this was posted, if anyone cares to go look and see for themselves, instead of being influenced by another. It's pointless to try and talk sense into a person who is close-minded.
Signed Up: Jun 21, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 36 · Topics: 1
"coz Branh0913 has lots of DXP fans too" Bull chit He has these folks on hear thinking his comments are innocent ... "he simply wants to provoke thought" WHATEVER!!! Branh, You embody the word niger ... in case you don't know what it really means look it up! RACIST!!!
Signed Up: Nov 21, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
p-angel "We see this everyday, with the media, with our government . . . there was a reason WHY this was posted, if anyone cares to go look and see for themselves, instead of being influenced by another." Yea we see it every day and some live it in the worst way. Again is it right to disrepect a race the way branh did, beit it his own race or not, it was disrepectful, to me. influenced by another? is that what you think is happening here. No one made anyone comment on this board, they did it because they must still have a issue with what was said. His comment as a black was fuck up.
And, so . . . we will never find peace. Just continue in maintaining that he's racist without even bothering to look further into the meaning. He doesn't have folks believing his comments were innocent. We people who feel this way do so, because we took the time and are open enough to comprehend the reason WHY he said this things. Neither Eliza, nor I, are easily influenced. We make our own assessments based on all the information, not just a small amount. The only thing he has us believing is that he is an honest person, who isn't afraid. Why should we be afraid to address issues? How can we find answers if the questions aren't asked? Has it dawned on you people who haven't read the post, that this might be a question he placed on others, rather than an opinion that he holds true to? I thought not, and yet, you continue to look foolish. Wow, just let it go . . . it didn't mean what this person who posted here is trying to pursuade you to believe. Make your own decision based on the truth and the whole truth.
Signed Up: Nov 21, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
oh branh whatever, I am not going to say this gain. apparently you feel like crap know that is my words, no one is standing behind me I would not want any one to. You can look at this anyway you want. but the botton line is I DID NOT LIKE WHAT YOU SAID ABOUT BLACK WOMEN AND MEN. you need to keep that shit to yourself, I WAS OFFENDED BY IT. And I post what I was offended by and I wanted to get your attention on it. I don't need a crowd to stand and be strong I have enought courage within myself to stand on my own. You don't know me so don't make false statment because of my sign.
You don't like being put on the spot, but you can put every one else out there but when it is your turn you can't handle...You made that statement known defend yourself on it again.
Signed Up: Mar 15, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
to disrepect a race the way branh did, be it it his own race or not, it was disrepectful, to me.
I have jew roots ( my dad is a jew) and people dont like jews a whole lot and are sooo darn racist ( i once had this egyptian friend and she didnt know i had jew roots and she said' the only race i hate with all the energies of my soul are the jews...F*CK the jews).... but i didnt take it personally.. she had the right to have an Opinion ( i dont like Russians)... everyone has different opinions and tastes... i know people who think brown hair arent sexy.. Blondes are hotter....i mean why give a damn what others think....
Signed Up: Jun 21, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 36 · Topics: 1
P-Angel, I'm not reading 10 pages or so of CRAP to figure out if this jerk is a racist. If he wrote this .... "Then of course there are black women, with their big lips and are just overly fat. They are often stupid, but they'll try to date white men and see if they can ride him to fame and fortune. Their black male contemporaries are normally thugged out losers who have never held a job in their lives, so why no try to date the superior race that has more going on for them?" What does that make you ... BINGO *RACIST*
if anything brahn, you're the one thats making it worse on the black community. saying such degrading remarks about our black women. i'm assumming your mother is black & you feel the same way about her too.
Signed Up: Aug 27, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1343 · Topics: 15
Damn. I have to make one comment for this. I don't see how Brahn could be a racist after reading plenty of other things from him, however, where the hell in Missouri could you be raised and not understand that it's NOT common to make a comment like that one (the original quote) and expect everyone to take it 'unemotionally'. Or maybe Brahn just didn't care how people took it - okay, that's his right, but that act of 'uniqueness', as P-Angel puts it, will get you into trouble with some people - THAT can be expected. You can also expect people to call anyone who says those kind of things a racist even if they are not, so there's nothing surprising about this whole discussion. I'm only unsure of whether Brahn really IS that unconventional, unique, and uncaring or if he just needs to say degrading things like that because he cares enough to purposely aim to push and provoke people.
Signed Up: Jun 21, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 36 · Topics: 1
My *Superior* Reasoning would lead me to believe that ... If you choose to represent people who have this point of view you are still a fuking RACIST. "My initial comments were basically about how I feel people think" ... whatever coward!
People, this WASN'T his opinion. He was voicing why he believes other people do these things. "Then of course there are black women, with their big lips and are just overly fat. They are often stupid, but they'll try to date white men and see if they can ride him to fame and fortune. Their black male contemporaries are normally thugged out losers who have never held a job in their lives, so why no try to date the superior race that has more going on for them?" This is NOT who he feels, he said that this is why other people choose to do this because this is they feel about themselves; and if you'd read the whole thing, you would comprehend that. He's getting reamed for saying that this is how other people process themselves and why they date interracially and you all are taking it mean that he feels this way. The orginial post states this . . . why must you misconstrue a comment that wasn't his opinion? Can't you see how unfair that is? If you commented on why you think another would react to something, and then, some stranger walked up and pointed their gun at you, you would then see, wouldn't you? He has said, "I simply made the comment, I didn't posess them". And that is the truth. The people defending him in here, knows it to be the truth because we read the whole thread, instead of just this quote. I'm only trying to get you to understand that he DOESN'T feel this way within himself. He was answering a possibility why someone would do it. Geez . . . this makes you out to sound ignorant. Do you want to be held accountable for something you didn't do?
Signed Up: Mar 15, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2950 · Topics: 49
*steps up to the microphone* Testing, testing, is this thing still on? Brahn, why don't you just shut us all up by telling us your views on black people instead of defending what you said in another thread. I'm sure everyone will sit and wait for your comments.
Signed Up: Mar 15, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2950 · Topics: 49
I'll tell you my views. I am quite fond of our "African-American" brothers and sisters. I am in awe of the talent that comes from the black culture. The dancing, singing, and musical abilities many possess. They have a very rich history in our music culture. In fact, I am listening to Nina Simone as I type this. Their passion for what they love and believe in is as strong as any scorpio. The hallelujahs coming from their places of worship will be heard with more conviction than from anyone in my family. Their faith in God is strong! Stronger than most 'white' people I'll ever know. There is a lot to learn from all races! And alot to appreciate.
Signed Up: Mar 15, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2950 · Topics: 49
Brahn, I'll leave you with this thought. I dont agree with you, but I have to go to work now. I WILL continue this discussion with you! I am not finished! I have so much more to bring to the table I will leave you looking weak and stupid. (remember when you called me that?) We are not done! Hasta!
Signed Up: Mar 15, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
u are in lala land on this one. I'm Irish thru and thru. Picture toothless, inbreed, red hair, ignorant, smelly. There is a small minority that are like that, still. Red hair, surprisingly is not common. Black hair is, you know why? The Moors invaded our land.
LMAO... ROFL..... this thread is sooo darn entertainin'
Signed Up: Mar 15, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
hvorfor har jeg startet liker virgos alot ? ? og spesielt branh0913.. hes slik en ?refull guy... jeg wanna m?ter ham i person en dag... jeg tror jeg bes?ke ham en eller annen gang denne sommer
ITS SOOO MUCH FUN ARCHER .. no one knows what we're talkin about except those who understand these languages
Signed Up: Mar 18, 2006 Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Aquaaqi: HAAAAAAAA...this thread is hilarious. HEY! Aquaaqi, like I said ... here we go again My goodness, we have had the same discussion over and over again concerning this particular topic that Branh created months ago. Eliza, sb, Aprilbaby, Freebird and a few others were involved in this debate. The fact that I was called a " biggot" for stating my opinion was harsh and undeserved. Wow, this is the first time I've been accused of anything like that. Well I'll be ....I guess I cannot make comments on DXP without being judged .... I do believe that Brandon is narrow-minded on some things but to call someone you don't know a "racist" just by reading a written text is alittle extreme to me. Hahhahaha, lucky I know who and what I am, so that what's important.
Signed Up: Mar 18, 2006 Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Hahhhahaha, you are speaking my language archer, I agree with everything you just said ... 120% Hey Eliza, I see you were having a heated discussion today. I will be on more tomorrow. I feel like doing pic threads again .... all this other stuff is just too .... you know what I mean I like to have fun, not debate all the time .
Signed Up: Mar 15, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
Vrijdag nacht en wat zou ik voor plezier moeten doen??? ik raad ik slechts zal koelen op DXP en zal gemakkelijk zijn. Ik verwonder me waarover branh0913 op naar vanavond is? Jeeez hes een gecompliceerde kerel......
Signed Up: Mar 15, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
il est pas un racist mais il est aussi drole, c'est tout, il a trouve trop d'attention.... pas necessaire i can figure this one out... its french... ur talkin about branh0913 that hes not racist but a 'drole' whose seeking unnesscary attention??? am i right??? jeeez my french is screwed
When I look through all these threads on different boards, it appears that most of the angst against Virgo's in general. It is believed by most . . . well, you just have to look at the topics . . . Virgo's aren't recieved well my most people.
i know where suppost to be one of the friendly fun and flirtiest signs, but do you gems have days where you just hate to deal with people, like anyone just annoy's you and you wanna be alone? Even if your in a good mood?..
Hi, my question is... Is it true that when a Pisces or any sign for that matter shows interest in a Libra Male, they tend to pull back and then when you decide to move on and act like you're not that interested, that's when they start to show more interes
I am an aries woman who has found her virgo love from 11 years ago. It is like we have picked up where we left off and I am so grateful to have him in my life again. I am going through a divorce with a leo that he begged me not to go back to when we par