branh0913, a 13 yr old boy pretending to have had

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by leoSCORPIOrising on Tuesday, January 16, 2007 and has 94 replies.
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.. ahhh P L but it was JUST so tempting to post that, just can't pass up temptationTongue
Speaking of real life I have to confess..i am 76 years old virgin guy,and i am Leo.
"HAH! I knew it!!!"
No you didn`t..
Another confession:
Although i am Leo but i have to say that Leos suck..we lame people.
*we are.
I wish i am Scorpio.
Wait a minute..i have to go to`s been 2 minutes i have been there.
I'm having that right now . . by myself.
** pouts **
That sounds like fun, Roxi
yes... you must release the tension M!
Let's get back on the subject of Brahn being thirteen........
blingy . . some people just like to mean
Especially ones who hold grudges.
"An entire thread devoted to me? Sounds nice. '
Comeon Notso ...A mere thread for U ?
Branh's alright . . he's just gay
Think about it . . he hates women, lol
and they know what clothing style s to pick out on females according to thier body type
non b?
fcukingg gfagoto. . .lol,
he woulen't no what oito do wiht a mowmnn if he had one.
He woulend't eirotic if it sat on his feace.
hahahahahahah holy sht i'm dying here hahahahahaha
suc dikc pm, addhole
fuck uyou , 9i dont'give shit, you asss
coherency is overrated
Another n me...all to ourselves... pix of *all* your gadg-ets...cos the Nokia weally got me goin..
Let this stupid, stupid thread die.
Well, it's based on puerile conjecture.
"Look like the thread died the minute I started posting in it"
feeling a bit insecure tonight, branh?
"Wheel what do you mean by DXP here?"
eh. refer to aguaaqi's last post.
"I got another job lead today, one I am sure I can get because this time I have all of the connection. If worked this job and that job, I'd have at least one off day"

good for you. i think.
(liar. everyone knows you're only 13.)
"OK..though i dont what that post was about"

sorry Tongue i just meant that a lot of stuff on dxp is pretty puerile. i have to admit i feed into it sometimes, but most of the time it just seems ridiculous.
HIDE THE FUN! Branh is here!
"i'm soooo not speaking to any of you. F this bumass thread."
lol...i was just gonna check yours out, actually..
Hi Notso. I haven't looked at this board in ages. Branh and I butted heads more than once. It's all good.
That would be me, you prudish, Cancerian, just to the right of Attila the Hun, American. How have you been?
OOPS, Virgo, sorry.
I don't hate Branh, I just enjoy throwing stuff back at him. He makes it too easy though.
Oh no, it's not the brashness or bluntness. It's the way you type one thing and then 10 or 12 messages later you type the opposite. It's quite amusing.
Oh I do, but if you are going to play the Devil's Advocate, you have to stick with it and see it through. Or a person can also see both sides of an argument, but that is a totally different thing from self-contradiction.
Or a person can also see both sides of an argument, but that is a totally different thing from self-contradiction."
Watz the difference ?...Am sure it has to be fine.
Seeing both sides is acknowledging that there are valid reasons for opposing points of view. Self-contradiction is the lack of acknowledgment of your own flawed logic. In other words, when you say one thing, then another without thinking that the two points are conflicting. It makes for very hilarious reading!
Branh, bless you...are the master of self-contradiction. Don't take offense, just read your previous posts before posting a new one on any particular thread. I am here to help. lol
"Seeing both sides is acknowledging that there are valid reasons for opposing points of view. Self-contradiction is the lack of acknowledgment of your own flawed logic"
Then it becomes an issue of commitment I feel. If U can see both the sides upfront, then it wud be difficult for U to commit to any. And am not sure how one can fully assess all the aspects without actually taking the plunge However, If U take a stance, howsoever logically flawed it may be, U r at least trying to test Ur convictions andfrequently calibrating those, while U move along.
You have not been ignoring dxp, you are here all the time...this is your whole freakin social life.
Okay, now you made me laugh, you freak...I forgive you...for now.
BTW, why do people have this notion that bluntness is refreshing? I find it about as refreshing as a slap in the face...
I find subtlety, charm refreshing...also a hot shower...also my own sweet thoughts
Mr Neg,
Love, I was talking to Branh...
Refer to our exchange re: his social life (=nil, other than DXP board)
Peace, Mr. Neg
Good Morning Ladies....Sun shining bright over there ?
"hehe...::ruffles scorpius's hair"""
LOL....waah kya ada hai.
aaap dono mohtarrma...apne apne nick name to bata do....?
Cap aur PM ...shobha nahi deta.