"I got another job lead today, one I am sure I can get because this time I have all of the connection. If worked this job and that job, I'd have at least one off day"
good for you. i think. (liar. everyone knows you're only 13.)
sorry i just meant that a lot of stuff on dxp is pretty puerile. i have to admit i feed into it sometimes, but most of the time it just seems ridiculous.
Signed Up: Oct 06, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 476 · Topics: 6
Oh no, it's not the brashness or bluntness. It's the way you type one thing and then 10 or 12 messages later you type the opposite. It's quite amusing.
Signed Up: Oct 06, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 476 · Topics: 6
Oh I do, but if you are going to play the Devil's Advocate, you have to stick with it and see it through. Or a person can also see both sides of an argument, but that is a totally different thing from self-contradiction.
Signed Up: Oct 23, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 6167 · Topics: 146
Or a person can also see both sides of an argument, but that is a totally different thing from self-contradiction." Watz the difference ?...Am sure it has to be fine.
Signed Up: Oct 06, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 476 · Topics: 6
Seeing both sides is acknowledging that there are valid reasons for opposing points of view. Self-contradiction is the lack of acknowledgment of your own flawed logic. In other words, when you say one thing, then another without thinking that the two points are conflicting. It makes for very hilarious reading!
Signed Up: Oct 06, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 476 · Topics: 6
Branh, bless you...are the master of self-contradiction. Don't take offense, just read your previous posts before posting a new one on any particular thread. I am here to help. lol
Signed Up: Oct 23, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 6167 · Topics: 146
"Seeing both sides is acknowledging that there are valid reasons for opposing points of view. Self-contradiction is the lack of acknowledgment of your own flawed logic" Then it becomes an issue of commitment I feel. If U can see both the sides upfront, then it wud be difficult for U to commit to any. And am not sure how one can fully assess all the aspects without actually taking the plunge However, If U take a stance, howsoever logically flawed it may be, U r at least trying to test Ur convictions andfrequently calibrating those, while U move along.
Signed Up: Nov 14, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 819 · Topics: 41
BTW, why do people have this notion that bluntness is refreshing? I find it about as refreshing as a slap in the face... I find subtlety, charm refreshing...also a hot shower...also my own sweet thoughts