branh0913, a 13 yr old boy pretending to have had


This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by leoSCORPIOrising on Tuesday, January 16, 2007 and has 94 replies.
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aaap dono mohtarrma...apne apne nick name to bata do....?
Cap aur PM ...shobha nahi deta.
yes awake. had some work to finish. Then saw u two companions!
LOL...I guess in that case I would stick to Pluto !
hmmmm....nice to know U Suchi. But still wud continue with Cap...otherwise there will lotsa disconnect for others smile
LOL....MN ..keep it up !
"i am glad i didnt say whats my real name"
Kaun pehchaan paega yaha ..le de kar do chaar hi to desi hain. Tongue
" am not scared i am known

Yup...Uve never uttered anything negative.
"BTW wheres PLuto and negetive gone"
Dont know ...Given Plutoz preference for Scorpio males....U can imagine Tongue
"wow we returned at the same time scorpius...

LOL...But that was quick.
"Kya sa may hai?'
haa haa....well done MN....U must be turning some google pages am sure !
"gaurav...stop stirring now...r u taking revenge on me"
LOL...No some early morning fun.
"and Gaurav...Aap se mil ke khu-shi hui"
haa haa...achha hua su-su nahi hui.

Yeah MN glad to meet U as well....Bravo !
"mujhse aur pluto se milke khushi nahi hui ?"
Were U not glad(khush) to meet(milke) with me(mujhse) and PM as well ?
"Im going to have to read up on that language so i can feel like i belong"
No need MN...U do belong.
Jugnu Singh: I was born in the Punjab.

Harpal Singh: Oh really, which part?
Jugnu Singh: All of me, silly.
Q: Why did Bholaji stare at the frozen Orange Juice Can for 2 hours?
A: Because it said 'concentrate'.
Doctor Bholaji to his patient: "It`s very important that you take this medicine exactly 30 minutes before you feel the pain."
Once Herolal is out for a walk. He comes to a river and sees Bholaji on the opposite bank.
"Yoohoo" He shouts, "How can I get to the other side?"
Bholaji looks up the river then down the river then shouts back, "You are on the other side."
Once Laloo was coming out of an airport. As there was huge rush the security guard told Laloo "Wait, please."
Lalloo said, "65 kilo," and moved on...
Herolal is driving down the Delhi-Amritsar highway, when he spots Bhola standing in the middle of a huge field of grass. He pulls the car over to the side of the road and notices that Bhola is just standing there, doing nothing, looking at nothing.
Herolal gets out of the car, walks all the way out to Bhola and asks him, "Excuse me, what are you doing?"
Bhola replies, "I'm trying to win a Nobel Prize."
"How?" asks Herolal, puzzled.
"Well I heard they give the Noble Prize to people who are out standing in their field."
LOL...Ok enuf for today.
BTW ..MN ...Uve been picking up fast !
I dated a guy from Kashmir after my divorce -- a Brit, here in the States.
Sweet guy...really smart.
"LOL gaurav..people around me think that i am crazy..lookin at comp and laughing"
LOL...Ok Cap...I will put a full stop here.
" dated a guy from Kashmir after my divorce -- a Brit, here in the States.
Sweet guy...really smart."
Hmmmm....The story ended abruptly ?
"Thanks Gaurav and Eaglegirl, I hate Brittish people!
O itz a love hate saga between humans.
"Kasmiri Guys are very good looking. '
Hehe..U r very specific abt the looks rt ?
Bhola happened to be in a queue at a railway station ticket counter with a man ahead of him.
'Ek Punjab mail dena', (Give me one for the punjab mail) demanded the man in front. He was given a ticket. (*** Punjab mail is name of the train **)
Then came the turn of Bhola ,' Ikk Punjab female dena '
'What do you mean by punjab female?' asked the clerk
'It is for my wife', replied Bhola.
Bholaji : "Have you ever read Shakespeare?"
Herolal : "No, who wrote it?"
"oh then you are just a inch taller to me...thik hai chalega"
whoopsss...thatz tall.
Hmmmm...guess we are of same height then Tongue
LOL...congrats Cap...Uve found Ur mate.
"OH you too..aajkal lambe ladko ki kami hai shayad duniya mai "
hain naa Mr. Negative aapke liye Tongue
"LOL...congrats Cap...Uve found Ur mate."
where is he???????????????

Please welcome...

Mr Negative
Yeap...It shud be a gud match for Cap. Hot n Heavy !
Cap + Negative = Captive
"Scorpious could be hot but i am not heavy for sure"
At 5'7 U will not be light-weight either Tongue
"my heart is forever broken by my last encounter with another

A cap she was ?
hmmm....take comfort from the fact that a scorp female stung me...LOL
"im picturing G n Scorpius sitting in a bar...discussing all this..."
Haa Haa...consoling each other...May be itz just the females Tongue
"another scotch, my good friend?"
On the rocks !...Cheers !
"where's cap gone?"
Some Kashmiri millitant ?
"patiala peg??"
LOL....Yeah there was a time when It wud be 6 patialaz a day !
LOL....Dont worry ...We will send MN to rescue her.
onto the next thread.