I have a question for all you scorpio females. I met a Scorpio girl 6 months ago, we made a connection, but she was in a 5 year long relationship (a failing one). I played it cool, kept distance, and was respectful of that. Months latter she breaks up with the guy she was with. This weekend she was trying to find me at a race, which I wasn't at. Later that night we ended up meeting up with some mutual friends, after they left we spend a day together and shared some very intimate moments. She was incredibly nurturing and came accross loving. When I dropped her off though she kinda pulled away from a kiss, but said "don't be a stranger". I tried calling her a few days latter and left a message, she hasn't gotten back to me. I am not a needy guy. I really did enjoy her affection for that day, and she has qualities I really look for in a woman. We had incredibly deep intellectual conversations for hours, along with being intimate. She did say she is only intimate with one person at a time, that being me. I would like to see her again. Maybe things could blossom into something stable. I did try to call her a few days latter and leave a vm. No response. What would be your advice to a newbie with a Scorpio woman (No experience dating one), anything to keep the attraction and show her trust?? Through our talks that was a big thing for her. Thank you in advance for your help.
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Jun 25, 2012Comments: 19 · Posts: 19733 · Topics: 48
Well, try not to overwhelm her. She may be processing the night you spent together and playing it cool.
Give it a few days and don't message her again. See what she does. When she pokes up again, welcome her openly and ask her out. Take it from there. I know this may sound weird, but don't raise the issue of her silence just yet. Just enjoy your time together. If it becomes a pattern at some point you can gently raise it.
I will say you're going to need patience with a Scorp that appears to have some ties with someone else. Not necessarily still interested in being with that person, but I'm not sure why things ended. Do you? She's going to take things slow as that relationship (given the length of time) will have made an impression on how she should move forward with another person. Expect some back and forth, which is more about her checking in with her emotions.
I've dated a few Gem babies, and the only one that truly got me and captured my heart was the one that was extremely patient with me. I am very moody. I'd have moments when I would back up and put distance between us either becasue I was unsure about him or myself and he never held my moods against me.
He respected my desire to be silent and could still "be" with me, always had the ability to make me forget about whatever was troubling me with his wit and charm---but didn't try too hard. He wouldn't let me get away with anything if I crossed the line, but he was gentle. He knew when to ask about and drop a subject. Unlike most Gems he didn't feel the need to fill the room with excessive chatter (he had a Bull Merc) and we develop a great friendship. He was my best friend. I will always respect and have love for the energy he brought into my life.
Anyway, be patient. Try not to personalize her moods and silence.
Well ladies thank you so much for your sound advice. I really appreciate it. I will let go of any expectations and give her some space. If she doesn't contact me though do I chase a bit? Maybe a text after a few days just to show I do care? I want her to know I am not a flighty Gem (moon is in Taurus, virgo rising). Thanks!
How do I work on communication if she is not responding to me?
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Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
Go with the flow and let things flow naturally.
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Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
Usually words and actions must match, consistency, honesty, and a good friend to start out with.
Thank you everyone, I will give that a try. I will wait for her to message me back, if not I will send her a text next week, saying I was thinking about her and I will leave it at that. Now I am going to get my mind off of it, and go live life! Thanks!
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Sep 29, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 1419 · Topics: 92
What makes you think a Gemini is going to work with a Scorpio? air and water doesn't mix no matter how hard you try. They say Cancer and Scorpio is a good pairing and even that is hit or miss, if a Cancer has trouble handling a Scorp a Gemini has no hope in hell.
Trust me Scorpio women are tough to handle they are like owning a high maintenance car they are very tempermental things can go wrong in a blink of an eye.
Communication is big with Scorpios you have to listen as well, Scorps think people are mind readers which they are not. Cancers understand Scorpios, I've been around lots of Gemini men they just don't have the understanding skills you guys can be pretty oblivious at times.
I would walk away from this relationship its not for you, you are playing with fire and will eventually get burned.
Of course she is not ready for a relationship, she just got out of a 5 year one..lol. I have been taking it easy. She just contacted me today, I invited her out for a drink with me and my friends at a club I dj at. Yes, she definitely needs some time. Also I am not a priority right now, and why would I be... as she has a lot of things to get figured out in her own life. We do have a connection though, we will see where it goes. I will find out her chart next time I see her. Thanks!
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Jun 25, 2016Comments: 499 · Posts: 2852 · Topics: 77
No don't summon those beast
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Dec 14, 2016Comments: 7399 · Posts: 18799 · Topics: 84
I have two Gemini exes, I will NOT go there again. Ugh.