DXP Astro Boards and Their Natural U.S. Cities

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by fundamental on Wednesday, February 4, 2009 and has 10 replies.
just scrolling down through all the message boards on dxp, i get a very strong vibe of a U.S. city that corresponds to each astro board..
just like the U.S. cities i know and have been to have personalities, i think everyone would agree that the respective astro boards on dxp have identifiable identities and personalities as well.

here are the vibes i get from the following dxp astro boards:

1. pisces board:
this board is like san francisco in terms of the sheer number of gays over there...
its like gays run that board just like gays run san fran..
there are some lovely sights to behold in certain places, but at times all those downstream oriented pisces over there cast a dense fog over the beauty of the place at times, just like in san francisco..

2. aquarius board:

ahh..i love this place...its like miami!
everyone is glamorous and oh so fabulous and the weather is warm and sunny!
the aqua board is definitely a playboy/playgirl stomping ground, just like MIA.

3. capricorn board:
with all the hard, elitist workers over there, that place is like silicon valley.
everyone is totally focus driven on results and highly focused on their personal portfolios and their ira's..
and they most likely have the best credit ratings of any other collective dxp astro board...

4. sagittarius board:
this place is like fort washaki, wyoming.
never heard of it?
that's because NO ONE GOES THERE, just like no one posts on the sag board..
it is the LEAST viewed astro board on dxp after all!

5. scorpio board:
what can i say?
this place is like LA.
everyone wants to be a STAR and the competition is cut-throat..
the scorpio board is stage where some of the most primitive urges for aggression and sexual tension are played out, just like in LA, where hollywood producers and big wigs of the like pull the strings and lay young hollywood hopeful men and women alike out on their casting couches to be essentially pimped- just like on the scorp board where the powerful dxp personalities come to string up the weak and hang them out to dry...

in addition, the level of gang warfare and rivalry is unrivaled on any other dxp board, just like LA and its gang problem...

everyone and their mother wants to be here and seen on the scorp board and its a crowded, crazy ass diverse town with dopey characters from all over the world...

6. libra board:
the libra board...
this place is like washington dc since everyone over there is a friggin diplomat for crying out loud..
just like the state department is located in washington dc, the dxp dept. of state is located on the libra board..
and like dc is not a 24 hour town, and its not as slow as fort washaki, wyoming (sag board)..its right in between...not too fast, not too slow, just like the libras on the libra board...

very middle ground, because of course, all those diplomats don't want to offend anyone!

7. virgo board:

although its arguably a "big city" in terms of sheer post volume over there, its soooo blue collar and drab like another big, grey, drab, industrial, blue-collar town called pittsburgh...
this is where the high school dropouts congregate and get down and dirty with their hands all day like the steel workers in those pittsburgh mills because they can't find any mentally intensive labor to do...
like pittsburgh, the virgo board is grey, full up meatheads who like their traditional routines and are fanatical about stupid meaningless shit like football and sports...

they can regurgitate the statistics of their favorite sports heroes to the T, but they can't count to 100...
just like fanatical steelers fans in pittsburgh...

8. leo board:

this place is like greenwich, connecticut...
everyone there is totally pretentious and snobby and stuck up...
and the number of posts residing on that board is quite limited, just like the amount of residents residing in greenwich..

9. cancer board:

this place is like seattle..
its a moderately big city, and the cancer board has a moderately large number of posts..

its ALWAYS raining over there and the skies are mostly dark...
the sun doesn't shine and the people are depressed all the time and prone to committing suicide to to emotional instability...
just like the majority of people who post on the cancer board...

10. gemini board:
this place is definitely like vegas in the slow season, especially since the gemini board is "the second least viewed astro board on dxp"
i mean, all the prostitutes are there and its legalized too, just like the gemini's ho's who post over there legalize/legitimize their whorish ways in their spaced out air
just like in vegas where pitiful compulsive personalities flock to gamble aways their own as well as their children's futures, compulsive gambling gemini's flock to the gemini board and confess to gambling away the lives of them and their children as well...

people is vegas are just so careless...just like on the gemini board..

11. taurus:

the taurus board is like san antonio, texas...
most of those bulls and cows posting over there are pretty fat and on the robust side due to their love of self-indulgent over eating to the point of obscene obesity...
everything IS bigger in texas!
and all of those bullish cowboys and cowgirls over theirhave their own distinct identity and daon't give a damn what you wanna say...
they don't call texas the "lone star state" for nothing!
these cows are independent...
and if you got something you wanna say, they most likely permit carrying concealed weapons holders who have their six-shooter on their side ready for the quick draw on your ass!

12. aries:
this place is like the NEW nyc...more like the NEW village, to be specific..
not the old, busy, stereotypical nyc we all know from movies and pop culture, but the NEW nyc, with all the young yuppies with their heads stuck up their asses flashing their yuppie dollars around town with all the trappings of their new success on display in typical aries fashion....

like the NEW nyc, its not as busy and populated.. as the OLD nyc, just like the aries board is a little slow in terms of volume...

and just like a lot of the people posting on the aries board are not aries, many of the people living the the NEW nyc are OUT OF TOWNERS...
a true aries on the aries board on dxp is like a native new yorker in the village...

Lol that has to be the funnest thing i every read and i know ^^^is not word but its funny lol
it's a talent to wire judgments up with each other...how comedians work...thank you for your desire to wire things up...it pleased my desire for seeing connections everywhere..
This thread sucks ass.

AS: This thread sucks ass.
... and then it blows chunks.
That was funny and cute smile
Posted by cheekyfaerie
I like the Sag board. Always figured it had less stuff on it cause they're out doin the damn thing instead of sitting around typing about it.

Sag Seal of Approval and you damn straight on that Winking