Figuring out Scorpios

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Endlessly-dreaming on Tuesday, June 20, 2017 and has 30 replies.
Hello everyone,

I have been seeing a scorpio for some time now (entering our 5th month) and this is the first time I have dated a scorpio so it's been a very good but challenging experience. He knows that I like him, and he has expressed to me that he likes me too.

Some background:

Everything was good for awhile and we enjoyed our time together. We were talking through texting and occasional phone calls from Feb-late March, and then we finally met in March. He then stayed with me for an entire week, so we hung out for a whole week and we got to know each other a lot during that time. After that we have been seeing/hanging out with each other every weekend. But I noticed that the texting got very distant for some time, as in we wouldn't text or call as much.So one day, I asked him why he stopped texting me and he told me that sometimes he doesnt want to talk all the time especially since we see each other often. Which to me was fine, but there was one weekend where we didnt talk or see each other ( because I was very busy with school work) and then I asked him if the reason he isnt talking to me as often is because he is losing interest and he told me no. So I continued to overthink reasons why he is being this way, so I called him twice at separate times with no answer, and I left it with a goodnight text at the end of the night. He messaged me the next day saying that he wanted to be alone for the weekend and that he didnt like that I was calling and texting even though he wasnt answering, which I get. But at the same time we argued about this because I told him that he needs to let me know if he wants space. I personally don't like being ignored, but if someone tells me "I want space" or "I'm busy" I get it and I leave them alone until they contact me.

So this argument led to another discussion, which was about how he doesnt want to be in a serious relationship because he wants to be free and not have to tell me that he wants space and all. So I told him that I dont want a serious relationship if we cant have open communication. So background about the communication part, he is very discrete and mysterious with his feelings, which makes me a little insecure because I am used to people being vocal about their feelings towards me. He's expressed his feelings for me to me a few times and I have always been very receptive. So after this conversation, I have become very distant and spacey with my responses. I did this because I wanted him to put effort to see if he cares, so he showed this by double texting me, etc.

We hung out this past weekend, he went to my grad commencement, he met some of my family members and we both got pretty drunk and we talked about "us" at the end of the night. We spoke about how we aren't exclusive and about wanting a relationship etc. But I get very insecure and I told him that sometimes I don't know if he likes me the same as I do, and he told me that he doesnt understand because he wouldnt have wanted to meet my family members, or go to my grad ceremony or see me as often as he does if he didnt like me. But what throws me off is the fact that he's very secretive, and sometimes I think he is talking to other people, like he does to me, since I know he uses the same dating app that we used when we met.but he tells me that he isnt "talking" or "hooking up" with anyone else.

Overall, for me it's a bunch of mixed signals. I try to clear it out but when I want to talk about these things he becomes distant or he tries to completely get over it fast but I am the type that likes to talk it out. But I don't know whether I should continue this relationship or not, or maybe I am misunderstanding his actions.

I am a Pisces/Aries cusp but according to my natal chart I am a sun in Pisces, moon in Cancer, and a rising in Cancer. If you need my other signs let me know.

Thank you.
Posted by Neno2
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Hello everyone,

I have been seeing a scorpio for some time now (entering our 5th month) and this is the first time I have dated a scorpio so it's been a very good but challenging experience. He knows that I like him, and he has expressed to me that he likes me too.

Some background:

Everything was good for awhile and we enjoyed our time together. We were talking through texting and occasional phone calls from Feb-late March, and then we finally met in March. He then stayed with me for an entire week, so we hung out for a whole week and we got to know each other a lot during that time. After that we have been seeing/hanging out with each other every weekend. But I noticed that the texting got very distant for some time, as in we wouldn't text or call as much.So one day, I asked him why he stopped texting me and he told me that sometimes he doesnt want to talk all the time especially since we see each other often. Which to me was fine, but there was one weekend where we didnt talk or see each other ( because I was very busy with school work) and then I asked him if the reason he isnt talking to me as often is because he is losing interest and he told me no. So I continued to overthink reasons why he is being this way, so I called him twice at separate times with no answer, and I left it with a goodnight text at the end of the night. He messaged me the next day saying that he wanted to be alone for the weekend and that he didnt like that I was calling and texting even though he wasnt answering, which I get. But at the same time we argued about this because I told him that he needs to let me know if he wants space. I personally don't like being ignored, but if someone tells me "I want space" or "I'm busy" I get it and I leave them alone until they contact me.

So this argument led to another discussion, which was about how he doesnt want to be in a serious relationship because he wants to be free and not have to tell me that he wants space and all. So I told him that I dont want a serious relationship if we cant have open communication. So background about the communication part, he is very discrete and mysterious with his feelings, which makes me a little insecure because I am used to people being vocal about their feelings towards me. He's expressed his feelings for me to me a few times and I have always been very receptive. So after this conversation, I have become very distant and spacey with my responses. I did this because I wanted him to put effort to see if he cares, so he showed this by double texting me, etc.

We hung out this past weekend, he went to my grad commencement, he met some of my family members and we both got pretty drunk and we talked about "us" at the end of the night. We spoke about how we aren't exclusive and about wanting a relationship etc. But I get very insecure and I told him that sometimes I don't know if he likes me the same as I do, and he told me that he doesnt understand because he wouldnt have wanted to meet my family members, or go to my grad ceremony or see me as often as he does if he didnt like me. But what throws me off is the fact that he's very secretive, and sometimes I think he is talking to other people, like he does to me, since I know he uses the same dating app that we used when we met.but he tells me that he isnt "talking" or "hooking up" with anyone else.

Overall, for me it's a bunch of mixed signals. I try to clear it out but when I want to talk about these things he becomes distant or he tries to completely get over it fast but I am the type that likes to talk it out. But I don't know whether I should continue this relationship or not, or maybe I am misunderstanding his actions.

I am a Pisces/Aries cusp but according to my natal chart I am a sun in Pisces, moon in Cancer, and a rising in Cancer. If you need my other signs let me know.

Thank you.
I am a moon in cancer too?btw that post is way too long,sum it up then i give a answer?
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So basically, this Scorpio has been giving me mixed messages. He's told me he likes me, but doesn't want anything serious. But then he does things like hangs out with me multiple times a week, he met some of my family members, etc. We also stopped talking as often and his reasoning is because he says we see each other a lot. So I'm not sure whether he really does feel the same or not. So I'm trying to decide whether I should continue to be patient or to step out.

Posted by EvilHare
Do YOU want anything serious?
I do, but we have a lot to work on. He is unable to openly communicate with me or is afraid to. But I'm very assertive and upfront with how I feel about things and he's the opposite from what I've observed
I think scorpios like to keep the upper hand in relationships... He is texting you on and off because he is not sure of what he wants, if he is fully interested or if you are actually something. My ex before cutting all our ties together, was texting on and off, giving excuses so to not see me. You should try and have an open conversation with that guy, be honest about what you both want, don't be more invested than him though (easier said than done i know)

Hope this helps a little bit ??
Posted by tiziani
You're both going to have to worry less and listen to each other's needs. You're both spelt out what's important to each, but for one reason or many, not really listening to each other.
Yeah, I want to have a talk with him about everything just to lay everything out on the table and move on from there. Especially because he disappeared once again. I'm seeing him tomorrow so that's when I want to have this talk.
Posted by EvilHare
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Posted by EvilHare
Do YOU want anything serious?
I do, but we have a lot to work on. He is unable to openly communicate with me or is afraid to. But I'm very assertive and upfront with how I feel about things and he's the opposite from what I've observed

See, I'm not a huge believe in "mixed messages/signals". I think most of the time they are "mixed interpretations”.

You may be viewing this relationship through your own lense of wanting something serious.

Don't force the issue.

Let the relationship evolve organically BUT do set boundaries. Giving it time is one thing but hanging on to something stagnant is another.
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Yeah, like he's told me that sometimes he feels as if I'm forcing it but I don't see how. I usually give him his space when he needs it, since there are times when I need mines too. But he says he feels like I'm forcing it but he's mainly the one to make plans with me and was the one who wanted to meet my family so it's confusing. But maybe I'm reading too much into it.

Posted by bebelou
I think scorpios like to keep the upper hand in relationships... He is texting you on and off because he is not sure of what he wants, if he is fully interested or if you are actually something. My ex before cutting all our ties together, was texting on and off, giving excuses so to not see me. You should try and have an open conversation with that guy, be honest about what you both want, don't be more invested than him though (easier said than done i know)

Hope this helps a little bit ??
Thank you. I think that's exactly what's happening at the moment. I try to not be more invested so there has been times where I wouldn't respond to him and he would text me a lot through social media and texting. But I've definitely kept my distance to protect myself just to prepare for the worst. I do plan on talking to him though

Posted by tiziani
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Posted by tiziani
You're both going to have to worry less and listen to each other's needs. You're both spelt out what's important to each, but for one reason or many, not really listening to each other.
Yeah, I want to have a talk with him about everything just to lay everything out on the table and move on from there. Especially because he disappeared once again. I'm seeing him tomorrow so that's when I want to have this talk.

Just make sure you come in the mood to listen. Hopefully him to you, also.

Stuff like this:

" he told me that he doesnt understand because he wouldnt have wanted to meet my family members, or go to my grad ceremony or see me as often as he does if he didnt like me"

He is openly spelling out to you what he needs. But you reacted with your own concerns. At that point it's like "jeez, why did I even bother talking?" from his side. And I'm sure you must have thought the same when you say it's important for you to talk, and he fails to listen.

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Yeah and I thought about that a lot. I know by his actions he wants to stay around. But you're right, about the last part too. I think I'm just used to people verbally telling me how they feel and then showing it. But he does it by action and rarely tells me how he feels.

Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Hello everyone,

Everything was good for awhile and we enjoyed our time together. We were talking through texting and occasional phone calls from Feb-late March, and then we finally met in March. He then stayed with me for an entire week, so we hung out for a whole week and we got to know each other a lot during that time. After that we have been seeing/hanging out with each other every weekend. But I noticed that the texting got very distant for some time, as in we wouldn't text or call as much.So one day, I asked him why he stopped texting me and he told me that sometimes he doesnt want to talk all the time especially since we see each other often. Which to me was fine, but there was one weekend where we didnt talk or see each other ( because I was very busy with school work) and then I asked him if the reason he isnt talking to me as often is because he is losing interest and he told me no. So I continued to overthink reasons why he is being this way, so I called him twice at separate times with no answer, and I left it with a goodnight text at the end of the night. He messaged me the next day saying that he wanted to be alone for the weekend and that he didnt like that I was calling and texting even though he wasnt answering, which I get. But at the same time we argued about this because I told him that he needs to let me know if he wants space.

I'd probably react the same as him after this part.Not fair I know but I don't ask people when I need space. I can't.
Posted by Teena
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Hello everyone,

Everything was good for awhile and we enjoyed our time together. We were talking through texting and occasional phone calls from Feb-late March, and then we finally met in March. He then stayed with me for an entire week, so we hung out for a whole week and we got to know each other a lot during that time. After that we have been seeing/hanging out with each other every weekend. But I noticed that the texting got very distant for some time, as in we wouldn't text or call as much.So one day, I asked him why he stopped texting me and he told me that sometimes he doesnt want to talk all the time especially since we see each other often. Which to me was fine, but there was one weekend where we didnt talk or see each other ( because I was very busy with school work) and then I asked him if the reason he isnt talking to me as often is because he is losing interest and he told me no. So I continued to overthink reasons why he is being this way, so I called him twice at separate times with no answer, and I left it with a goodnight text at the end of the night. He messaged me the next day saying that he wanted to be alone for the weekend and that he didnt like that I was calling and texting even though he wasnt answering, which I get. But at the same time we argued about this because I told him that he needs to let me know if he wants space.

I'd probably react the same as him after this part.Not fair I know but I don't ask people when I need space. I can't.
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Hmm, I see. I mean for me I was just more concerned over him losing interest and him not being communicative about it. As in, if someone I'm dating tells me they lost interest then I respect that and move on. So, because he isn't very vocal about his feelings it made me think that he just wasn't gonna say anything if he did lose interest.

Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Posted by Teena
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Hello everyone,

Everything was good for awhile and we enjoyed our time together. We were talking through texting and occasional phone calls from Feb-late March, and then we finally met in March. He then stayed with me for an entire week, so we hung out for a whole week and we got to know each other a lot during that time. After that we have been seeing/hanging out with each other every weekend. But I noticed that the texting got very distant for some time, as in we wouldn't text or call as much.So one day, I asked him why he stopped texting me and he told me that sometimes he doesnt want to talk all the time especially since we see each other often. Which to me was fine, but there was one weekend where we didnt talk or see each other ( because I was very busy with school work) and then I asked him if the reason he isnt talking to me as often is because he is losing interest and he told me no. So I continued to overthink reasons why he is being this way, so I called him twice at separate times with no answer, and I left it with a goodnight text at the end of the night. He messaged me the next day saying that he wanted to be alone for the weekend and that he didnt like that I was calling and texting even though he wasnt answering, which I get. But at the same time we argued about this because I told him that he needs to let me know if he wants space.

I'd probably react the same as him after this part.Not fair I know but I don't ask people when I need space. I can't.
Hmm, I see. I mean for me I was just more concerned over him losing interest and him not being communicative about it. As in, if someone I'm dating tells me they lost interest then I respect that and move on. So, because he isn't very vocal about his feelings it made me think that he just wasn't gonna say anything if he did lose interest.

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Yeah I get it. I'm not vocal about my feelings either. But the argument would have scared me enough to push me away. That would be the reason for me to talk just like he did about not wanting to have a serious relationship. And hence the mixed signals(whether they were intended or not)Talking about your concern of he losing interest in you n how would you know if he does, he'd just stop trying if that's the case I guess.
Posted by Teena
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Posted by Teena
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Hello everyone,

Everything was good for awhile and we enjoyed our time together. We were talking through texting and occasional phone calls from Feb-late March, and then we finally met in March. He then stayed with me for an entire week, so we hung out for a whole week and we got to know each other a lot during that time. After that we have been seeing/hanging out with each other every weekend. But I noticed that the texting got very distant for some time, as in we wouldn't text or call as much.So one day, I asked him why he stopped texting me and he told me that sometimes he doesnt want to talk all the time especially since we see each other often. Which to me was fine, but there was one weekend where we didnt talk or see each other ( because I was very busy with school work) and then I asked him if the reason he isnt talking to me as often is because he is losing interest and he told me no. So I continued to overthink reasons why he is being this way, so I called him twice at separate times with no answer, and I left it with a goodnight text at the end of the night. He messaged me the next day saying that he wanted to be alone for the weekend and that he didnt like that I was calling and texting even though he wasnt answering, which I get. But at the same time we argued about this because I told him that he needs to let me know if he wants space.

I'd probably react the same as him after this part.Not fair I know but I don't ask people when I need space. I can't.
Hmm, I see. I mean for me I was just more concerned over him losing interest and him not being communicative about it. As in, if someone I'm dating tells me they lost interest then I respect that and move on. So, because he isn't very vocal about his feelings it made me think that he just wasn't gonna say anything if he did lose interest.

Yeah I get it. I'm not vocal about my feelings either. But the argument would have scared me enough to push me away. That would be the reason for me to talk just like he did about not wanting to have a serious relationship. And hence the mixed signals(whether they were intended or not)Talking about your concern of he losing interest in you n how would you know if he does, he'd just stop trying if that's the case I guess.
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I can definitely see how the argument may have pushed him away. I think that's where we clash because the arguments also push me away and then we come together later like nothing happened but I find that a little unhealthy since things should be cleared.

For the last part, I try to see it but I over think things a lot. It's something I need to realize and work on.

Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Posted by Teena
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Posted by Teena
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Hello everyone,

Everything was good for awhile and we enjoyed our time together. We were talking through texting and occasional phone calls from Feb-late March, and then we finally met in March. He then stayed with me for an entire week, so we hung out for a whole week and we got to know each other a lot during that time. After that we have been seeing/hanging out with each other every weekend. But I noticed that the texting got very distant for some time, as in we wouldn't text or call as much.So one day, I asked him why he stopped texting me and he told me that sometimes he doesnt want to talk all the time especially since we see each other often. Which to me was fine, but there was one weekend where we didnt talk or see each other ( because I was very busy with school work) and then I asked him if the reason he isnt talking to me as often is because he is losing interest and he told me no. So I continued to overthink reasons why he is being this way, so I called him twice at separate times with no answer, and I left it with a goodnight text at the end of the night. He messaged me the next day saying that he wanted to be alone for the weekend and that he didnt like that I was calling and texting even though he wasnt answering, which I get. But at the same time we argued about this because I told him that he needs to let me know if he wants space.

I'd probably react the same as him after this part.Not fair I know but I don't ask people when I need space. I can't.
Hmm, I see. I mean for me I was just more concerned over him losing interest and him not being communicative about it. As in, if someone I'm dating tells me they lost interest then I respect that and move on. So, because he isn't very vocal about his feelings it made me think that he just wasn't gonna say anything if he did lose interest.

Yeah I get it. I'm not vocal about my feelings either. But the argument would have scared me enough to push me away. That would be the reason for me to talk just like he did about not wanting to have a serious relationship. And hence the mixed signals(whether they were intended or not)Talking about your concern of he losing interest in you n how would you know if he does, he'd just stop trying if that's the case I guess.
I can definitely see how the argument may have pushed him away. I think that's where we clash because the arguments also push me away and then we come together later like nothing happened but I find that a little unhealthy since things should be cleared.

For the last part, I try to see it but I over think things a lot. It's something I need to realize and work on.

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Lol! I know what you're talking about when you say you guys get back together later like nothing happened. I don't feel the need to clear things out. Till the other person brings it up the next time n makes it an issue, we're good. If you don't bring it up n ask for an explanation, we're never discussing it ever again.

Posted by Reincarnation
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Hello everyone,

I have been seeing a scorpio for some time now (entering our 5th month) and this is the first time I have dated a scorpio so it's been a very good but challenging experience. He knows that I like him, and he has expressed to me that he likes me too.

Some background:

Everything was good for awhile and we enjoyed our time together. We were talking through texting and occasional phone calls from Feb-late March, and then we finally met in March. He then stayed with me for an entire week, so we hung out for a whole week and we got to know each other a lot during that time. After that we have been seeing/hanging out with each other every weekend. But I noticed that the texting got very distant for some time, as in we wouldn't text or call as much.So one day, I asked him why he stopped texting me and he told me that sometimes he doesnt want to talk all the time especially since we see each other often. Which to me was fine, but there was one weekend where we didnt talk or see each other ( because I was very busy with school work) and then I asked him if the reason he isnt talking to me as often is because he is losing interest and he told me no. So I continued to overthink reasons why he is being this way, so I called him twice at separate times with no answer, and I left it with a goodnight text at the end of the night. He messaged me the next day saying that he wanted to be alone for the weekend and that he didnt like that I was calling and texting even though he wasnt answering, which I get. But at the same time we argued about this because I told him that he needs to let me know if he wants space. I personally don't like being ignored, but if someone tells me "I want space" or "I'm busy" I get it and I leave them alone until they contact me.

So this argument led to another discussion, which was about how he doesnt want to be in a serious relationship because he wants to be free and not have to tell me that he wants space and all. So I told him that I dont want a serious relationship if we cant have open communication. So background about the communication part, he is very discrete and mysterious with his feelings, which makes me a little insecure because I am used to people being vocal about their feelings towards me. He's expressed his feelings for me to me a few times and I have always been very receptive. So after this conversation, I have become very distant and spacey with my responses. I did this because I wanted him to put effort to see if he cares, so he showed this by double texting me, etc.

We hung out this past weekend, he went to my grad commencement, he met some of my family members and we both got pretty drunk and we talked about "us" at the end of the night. We spoke about how we aren't exclusive and about wanting a relationship etc. But I get very insecure and I told him that sometimes I don't know if he likes me the same as I do, and he told me that he doesnt understand because he wouldnt have wanted to meet my family members, or go to my grad ceremony or see me as often as he does if he didnt like me. But what throws me off is the fact that he's very secretive, and sometimes I think he is talking to other people, like he does to me, since I know he uses the same dating app that we used when we met.but he tells me that he isnt "talking" or "hooking up" with anyone else.

Overall, for me it's a bunch of mixed signals. I try to clear it out but when I want to talk about these things he becomes distant or he tries to completely get over it fast but I am the type that likes to talk it out. But I don't know whether I should continue this relationship or not, or maybe I am misunderstanding his actions.

I am a Pisces/Aries cusp but according to my natal chart I am a sun in Pisces, moon in Cancer, and a rising in Cancer. If you need my other signs let me know.

Thank you.

Tell him to delete his dating app and that you need something more concrete. Just be honest with him. (Tell him nicely though.)

Congrats on graduating.
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Yeah I plan on having a talk with him tomorrow, to just lay everything out on the table and then figure things out from there.

Posted by AneemA08
I'd say, he's just being with himself atm. It has none to do with you. Retract to recharge.

Plus, scorps tend to go slow when it comes to love. We may look interested and/or attracted/attached but love? Not so fast.

Yeah, I mean I am willing to take things a lot slower than now, but every time we agreed to move slow it actually has been fast. For example, the first time we talked about taking it slow, we agreed to not see each other so often. So, I assumed we weren't going to hangout as often, but we ended up hanging out for 4 days straight and it was him wanting to.

Posted by Teena
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Posted by Teena
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Posted by Teena
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Hello everyone,

Everything was good for awhile and we enjoyed our time together. We were talking through texting and occasional phone calls from Feb-late March, and then we finally met in March. He then stayed with me for an entire week, so we hung out for a whole week and we got to know each other a lot during that time. After that we have been seeing/hanging out with each other every weekend. But I noticed that the texting got very distant for some time, as in we wouldn't text or call as much.So one day, I asked him why he stopped texting me and he told me that sometimes he doesnt want to talk all the time especially since we see each other often. Which to me was fine, but there was one weekend where we didnt talk or see each other ( because I was very busy with school work) and then I asked him if the reason he isnt talking to me as often is because he is losing interest and he told me no. So I continued to overthink reasons why he is being this way, so I called him twice at separate times with no answer, and I left it with a goodnight text at the end of the night. He messaged me the next day saying that he wanted to be alone for the weekend and that he didnt like that I was calling and texting even though he wasnt answering, which I get. But at the same time we argued about this because I told him that he needs to let me know if he wants space.

I'd probably react the same as him after this part.Not fair I know but I don't ask people when I need space. I can't.
Hmm, I see. I mean for me I was just more concerned over him losing interest and him not being communicative about it. As in, if someone I'm dating tells me they lost interest then I respect that and move on. So, because he isn't very vocal about his feelings it made me think that he just wasn't gonna say anything if he did lose interest.

Yeah I get it. I'm not vocal about my feelings either. But the argument would have scared me enough to push me away. That would be the reason for me to talk just like he did about not wanting to have a serious relationship. And hence the mixed signals(whether they were intended or not)Talking about your concern of he losing interest in you n how would you know if he does, he'd just stop trying if that's the case I guess.
I can definitely see how the argument may have pushed him away. I think that's where we clash because the arguments also push me away and then we come together later like nothing happened but I find that a little unhealthy since things should be cleared.

For the last part, I try to see it but I over think things a lot. It's something I need to realize and work on.

Lol! I know what you're talking about when you say you guys get back together later like nothing happened. I don't feel the need to clear things out. Till the other person brings it up the next time n makes it an issue, we're good. If you don't bring it up n ask for an explanation, we're never discussing it ever again.

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Yeah! lol that's exactly how he is. Like he would just move on with it and not feel the need to talk about it. But then I feel like it ends up coming back like later. I want to have a talk with him tomorrow since I am seeing him tomorrow to just lay everything out on the table and move on from there. Idk if that would push him away more or if it would actually help the issue.

Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Posted by Teena
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Posted by Teena
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Posted by Teena
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Hello everyone,

Everything was good for awhile and we enjoyed our time together. We were talking through texting and occasional phone calls from Feb-late March, and then we finally met in March. He then stayed with me for an entire week, so we hung out for a whole week and we got to know each other a lot during that time. After that we have been seeing/hanging out with each other every weekend. But I noticed that the texting got very distant for some time, as in we wouldn't text or call as much.So one day, I asked him why he stopped texting me and he told me that sometimes he doesnt want to talk all the time especially since we see each other often. Which to me was fine, but there was one weekend where we didnt talk or see each other ( because I was very busy with school work) and then I asked him if the reason he isnt talking to me as often is because he is losing interest and he told me no. So I continued to overthink reasons why he is being this way, so I called him twice at separate times with no answer, and I left it with a goodnight text at the end of the night. He messaged me the next day saying that he wanted to be alone for the weekend and that he didnt like that I was calling and texting even though he wasnt answering, which I get. But at the same time we argued about this because I told him that he needs to let me know if he wants space.

I'd probably react the same as him after this part.Not fair I know but I don't ask people when I need space. I can't.
Hmm, I see. I mean for me I was just more concerned over him losing interest and him not being communicative about it. As in, if someone I'm dating tells me they lost interest then I respect that and move on. So, because he isn't very vocal about his feelings it made me think that he just wasn't gonna say anything if he did lose interest.

Yeah I get it. I'm not vocal about my feelings either. But the argument would have scared me enough to push me away. That would be the reason for me to talk just like he did about not wanting to have a serious relationship. And hence the mixed signals(whether they were intended or not)Talking about your concern of he losing interest in you n how would you know if he does, he'd just stop trying if that's the case I guess.
I can definitely see how the argument may have pushed him away. I think that's where we clash because the arguments also push me away and then we come together later like nothing happened but I find that a little unhealthy since things should be cleared.

For the last part, I try to see it but I over think things a lot. It's something I need to realize and work on.

Lol! I know what you're talking about when you say you guys get back together later like nothing happened. I don't feel the need to clear things out. Till the other person brings it up the next time n makes it an issue, we're good. If you don't bring it up n ask for an explanation, we're never discussing it ever again.

Yeah! lol that's exactly how he is. Like he would just move on with it and not feel the need to talk about it. But then I feel like it ends up coming back like later. I want to have a talk with him tomorrow since I am seeing him tomorrow to just lay everything out on the table and move on from there. Idk if that would push him away more or if it would actually help the issue.

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I'm talking about me here just so that you can relate. Not trying to make this about me..JS?

Obviously I can't talk for all scorpios. But I never pick on the things that are over. It comes back only if you bring that up again. So it wouldn't make a difference to me if we're discussing that or no.

If you think talking makes you feel better, by all means go for it. But maybe don't make it like "The talk". Just casually bring that up in a light-hearted manner or something.
Posted by Teena
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Posted by Teena
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Posted by Teena
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Posted by Teena
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Hello everyone,

Everything was good for awhile and we enjoyed our time together. We were talking through texting and occasional phone calls from Feb-late March, and then we finally met in March. He then stayed with me for an entire week, so we hung out for a whole week and we got to know each other a lot during that time. After that we have been seeing/hanging out with each other every weekend. But I noticed that the texting got very distant for some time, as in we wouldn't text or call as much.So one day, I asked him why he stopped texting me and he told me that sometimes he doesnt want to talk all the time especially since we see each other often. Which to me was fine, but there was one weekend where we didnt talk or see each other ( because I was very busy with school work) and then I asked him if the reason he isnt talking to me as often is because he is losing interest and he told me no. So I continued to overthink reasons why he is being this way, so I called him twice at separate times with no answer, and I left it with a goodnight text at the end of the night. He messaged me the next day saying that he wanted to be alone for the weekend and that he didnt like that I was calling and texting even though he wasnt answering, which I get. But at the same time we argued about this because I told him that he needs to let me know if he wants space.

I'd probably react the same as him after this part.Not fair I know but I don't ask people when I need space. I can't.
Hmm, I see. I mean for me I was just more concerned over him losing interest and him not being communicative about it. As in, if someone I'm dating tells me they lost interest then I respect that and move on. So, because he isn't very vocal about his feelings it made me think that he just wasn't gonna say anything if he did lose interest.

Yeah I get it. I'm not vocal about my feelings either. But the argument would have scared me enough to push me away. That would be the reason for me to talk just like he did about not wanting to have a serious relationship. And hence the mixed signals(whether they were intended or not)Talking about your concern of he losing interest in you n how would you know if he does, he'd just stop trying if that's the case I guess.
I can definitely see how the argument may have pushed him away. I think that's where we clash because the arguments also push me away and then we come together later like nothing happened but I find that a little unhealthy since things should be cleared.

For the last part, I try to see it but I over think things a lot. It's something I need to realize and work on.

Lol! I know what you're talking about when you say you guys get back together later like nothing happened. I don't feel the need to clear things out. Till the other person brings it up the next time n makes it an issue, we're good. If you don't bring it up n ask for an explanation, we're never discussing it ever again.

Yeah! lol that's exactly how he is. Like he would just move on with it and not feel the need to talk about it. But then I feel like it ends up coming back like later. I want to have a talk with him tomorrow since I am seeing him tomorrow to just lay everything out on the table and move on from there. Idk if that would push him away more or if it would actually help the issue.

I'm talking about me here just so that you can relate. Not trying to make this about me..JS?

Obviously I can't talk for all scorpios. But I never pick on the things that are over. It comes back only if you bring that up again. So it wouldn't make a difference to me if we're discussing that or no.

If you think talking makes you feel better, by all means go for it. But maybe don't make it like "The talk". Just casually bring that up in a light-hearted manner or something.
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No I totally understand haahah! But that's very true. My rising in Cancer makes me always stuck in the past and my thoughts and actions are highly influenced by past events too, but I need to learn how to let that stuff go sometimes. But definitely, I think I'll just casually bring it up because talking about it makes me feel better just to ensure that we're on the same page.

Posted by AneemA08
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Posted by AneemA08
I'd say, he's just being with himself atm. It has none to do with you. Retract to recharge.

Plus, scorps tend to go slow when it comes to love. We may look interested and/or attracted/attached but love? Not so fast.

Yeah, I mean I am willing to take things a lot slower than now, but every time we agreed to move slow it actually has been fast. For example, the first time we talked about taking it slow, we agreed to not see each other so often. So, I assumed we weren't going to hangout as often, but we ended up hanging out for 4 days straight and it was him wanting to.

Hmm I see. Ah you know sometimes we can't control the other person's movements or thoughts so since it's also just going for 5 mnths.. I think it'd better for you to take the light-hearted getting to know him more with activities... Perhaps it's been what you want ya .. But he's confusin so it may have thrown you off a bit.

So... Okay why not just do your own thang then.. That is always the best resort, at least to me.

not that I always take that course of action but still should be good for all conditions.
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Yeah usually when we hangout it's like different everyday because he gets bored very easily. But I mean at this point I have been going with the flow and trying to take it easy that way I dont get too caught up in my feelings. I'm just going to see how tomorrow's talk goes and then go from there.

Posted by EvilHare
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Posted by EvilHare
Do YOU want anything serious?
I do, but we have a lot to work on. He is unable to openly communicate with me or is afraid to. But I'm very assertive and upfront with how I feel about things and he's the opposite from what I've observed

See, I'm not a huge believe in "mixed messages/signals". I think most of the time they are "mixed interpretations”.

You may be viewing this relationship through your own lense of wanting something serious.

Don't force the issue.

Let the relationship evolve organically BUT do set boundaries. Giving it time is one thing but hanging on to something stagnant is another.
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Agree on mixed messages.

I can't imagine man thinking 'let me try 'mixed message' tactic' and there he goes...doing what? Mixing sheet out of those messages???

Posted by Teena
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Hello everyone,

Everything was good for awhile and we enjoyed our time together. We were talking through texting and occasional phone calls from Feb-late March, and then we finally met in March. He then stayed with me for an entire week, so we hung out for a whole week and we got to know each other a lot during that time. After that we have been seeing/hanging out with each other every weekend. But I noticed that the texting got very distant for some time, as in we wouldn't text or call as much.So one day, I asked him why he stopped texting me and he told me that sometimes he doesnt want to talk all the time especially since we see each other often. Which to me was fine, but there was one weekend where we didnt talk or see each other ( because I was very busy with school work) and then I asked him if the reason he isnt talking to me as often is because he is losing interest and he told me no. So I continued to overthink reasons why he is being this way, so I called him twice at separate times with no answer, and I left it with a goodnight text at the end of the night. He messaged me the next day saying that he wanted to be alone for the weekend and that he didnt like that I was calling and texting even though he wasnt answering, which I get. But at the same time we argued about this because I told him that he needs to let me know if he wants space.

I'd probably react the same as him after this part.Not fair I know but I don't ask people when I need space. I can't.
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Why darling?

Can't you just say 'I need space'?

Are these words hard to say?

Posted by Gemitati
Posted by EvilHare
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Posted by EvilHare
Do YOU want anything serious?
I do, but we have a lot to work on. He is unable to openly communicate with me or is afraid to. But I'm very assertive and upfront with how I feel about things and he's the opposite from what I've observed

See, I'm not a huge believe in "mixed messages/signals". I think most of the time they are "mixed interpretations”.

You may be viewing this relationship through your own lense of wanting something serious.

Don't force the issue.

Let the relationship evolve organically BUT do set boundaries. Giving it time is one thing but hanging on to something stagnant is another.
Agree on mixed messages.

I can't imagine man thinking 'let me try 'mixed message' tactic' and there he goes...doing what? Mixing sheet out of those messages???

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So what would you call it or how would you interpret it?

Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Teena
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Hello everyone,

Everything was good for awhile and we enjoyed our time together. We were talking through texting and occasional phone calls from Feb-late March, and then we finally met in March. He then stayed with me for an entire week, so we hung out for a whole week and we got to know each other a lot during that time. After that we have been seeing/hanging out with each other every weekend. But I noticed that the texting got very distant for some time, as in we wouldn't text or call as much.So one day, I asked him why he stopped texting me and he told me that sometimes he doesnt want to talk all the time especially since we see each other often. Which to me was fine, but there was one weekend where we didnt talk or see each other ( because I was very busy with school work) and then I asked him if the reason he isnt talking to me as often is because he is losing interest and he told me no. So I continued to overthink reasons why he is being this way, so I called him twice at separate times with no answer, and I left it with a goodnight text at the end of the night. He messaged me the next day saying that he wanted to be alone for the weekend and that he didnt like that I was calling and texting even though he wasnt answering, which I get. But at the same time we argued about this because I told him that he needs to let me know if he wants space.

I'd probably react the same as him after this part.Not fair I know but I don't ask people when I need space. I can't.
Why darling?

Can't you just say 'I need space'?

Are these words hard to say?

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No Gemi!! I feel asking more rude than just taking it. Like I find not taking the phone call less rude than picking up n saying "I'm busy.. I'll talk to you later"?
Posted by Teena
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Teena
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Hello everyone,

Everything was good for awhile and we enjoyed our time together. We were talking through texting and occasional phone calls from Feb-late March, and then we finally met in March. He then stayed with me for an entire week, so we hung out for a whole week and we got to know each other a lot during that time. After that we have been seeing/hanging out with each other every weekend. But I noticed that the texting got very distant for some time, as in we wouldn't text or call as much.So one day, I asked him why he stopped texting me and he told me that sometimes he doesnt want to talk all the time especially since we see each other often. Which to me was fine, but there was one weekend where we didnt talk or see each other ( because I was very busy with school work) and then I asked him if the reason he isnt talking to me as often is because he is losing interest and he told me no. So I continued to overthink reasons why he is being this way, so I called him twice at separate times with no answer, and I left it with a goodnight text at the end of the night. He messaged me the next day saying that he wanted to be alone for the weekend and that he didnt like that I was calling and texting even though he wasnt answering, which I get. But at the same time we argued about this because I told him that he needs to let me know if he wants space.

I'd probably react the same as him after this part.Not fair I know but I don't ask people when I need space. I can't.
Why darling?

Can't you just say 'I need space'?

Are these words hard to say?

No Gemi!! I feel asking more rude than just taking it. Like I find not taking the phone call less rude than picking up n saying "I'm busy.. I'll talk to you later"?
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Misterious ways of a Scorpios...
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Posted by bebelou
I think scorpios like to keep the upper hand in relationships... He is texting you on and off because he is not sure of what he wants, if he is fully interested or if you are actually something. My ex before cutting all our ties together, was texting on and off, giving excuses so to not see me. You should try and have an open conversation with that guy, be honest about what you both want, don't be more invested than him though (easier said than done i know)

Hope this helps a little bit ??
Thank you. I think that's exactly what's happening at the moment. I try to not be more invested so there has been times where I wouldn't respond to him and he would text me a lot through social media and texting. But I've definitely kept my distance to protect myself just to prepare for the worst. I do plan on talking to him though

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I hope you work it out, scorpios can be cruel just to protect themselves.
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Posted by Neno2
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Hello everyone,

I have been seeing a scorpio for some time now (entering our 5th month) and this is the first time I have dated a scorpio so it's been a very good but challenging experience. He knows that I like him, and he has expressed to me that he likes me too.

Some background:

Everything was good for awhile and we enjoyed our time together. We were talking through texting and occasional phone calls from Feb-late March, and then we finally met in March. He then stayed with me for an entire week, so we hung out for a whole week and we got to know each other a lot during that time. After that we have been seeing/hanging out with each other every weekend. But I noticed that the texting got very distant for some time, as in we wouldn't text or call as much.So one day, I asked him why he stopped texting me and he told me that sometimes he doesnt want to talk all the time especially since we see each other often. Which to me was fine, but there was one weekend where we didnt talk or see each other ( because I was very busy with school work) and then I asked him if the reason he isnt talking to me as often is because he is losing interest and he told me no. So I continued to overthink reasons why he is being this way, so I called him twice at separate times with no answer, and I left it with a goodnight text at the end of the night. He messaged me the next day saying that he wanted to be alone for the weekend and that he didnt like that I was calling and texting even though he wasnt answering, which I get. But at the same time we argued about this because I told him that he needs to let me know if he wants space. I personally don't like being ignored, but if someone tells me "I want space" or "I'm busy" I get it and I leave them alone until they contact me.

So this argument led to another discussion, which was about how he doesnt want to be in a serious relationship because he wants to be free and not have to tell me that he wants space and all. So I told him that I dont want a serious relationship if we cant have open communication. So background about the communication part, he is very discrete and mysterious with his feelings, which makes me a little insecure because I am used to people being vocal about their feelings towards me. He's expressed his feelings for me to me a few times and I have always been very receptive. So after this conversation, I have become very distant and spacey with my responses. I did this because I wanted him to put effort to see if he cares, so he showed this by double texting me, etc.

We hung out this past weekend, he went to my grad commencement, he met some of my family members and we both got pretty drunk and we talked about "us" at the end of the night. We spoke about how we aren't exclusive and about wanting a relationship etc. But I get very insecure and I told him that sometimes I don't know if he likes me the same as I do, and he told me that he doesnt understand because he wouldnt have wanted to meet my family members, or go to my grad ceremony or see me as often as he does if he didnt like me. But what throws me off is the fact that he's very secretive, and sometimes I think he is talking to other people, like he does to me, since I know he uses the same dating app that we used when we met.but he tells me that he isnt "talking" or "hooking up" with anyone else.

Overall, for me it's a bunch of mixed signals. I try to clear it out but when I want to talk about these things he becomes distant or he tries to completely get over it fast but I am the type that likes to talk it out. But I don't know whether I should continue this relationship or not, or maybe I am misunderstanding his actions.

I am a Pisces/Aries cusp but according to my natal chart I am a sun in Pisces, moon in Cancer, and a rising in Cancer. If you need my other signs let me know.

Thank you.
I am a moon in cancer too?btw that post is way too long,sum it up then i give a answer?

So basically, this Scorpio has been giving me mixed messages. He's told me he likes me, but doesn't want anything serious. But then he does things like hangs out with me multiple times a week, he met some of my family members, etc. We also stopped talking as often and his reasoning is because he says we see each other a lot. So I'm not sure whether he really does feel the same or not. So I'm trying to decide whether I should continue to be patient or to step out.

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Step out.
Posted by LittleFairy
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Posted by Neno2
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Hello everyone,

I have been seeing a scorpio for some time now (entering our 5th month) and this is the first time I have dated a scorpio so it's been a very good but challenging experience. He knows that I like him, and he has expressed to me that he likes me too.

Some background:

Everything was good for awhile and we enjoyed our time together. We were talking through texting and occasional phone calls from Feb-late March, and then we finally met in March. He then stayed with me for an entire week, so we hung out for a whole week and we got to know each other a lot during that time. After that we have been seeing/hanging out with each other every weekend. But I noticed that the texting got very distant for some time, as in we wouldn't text or call as much.So one day, I asked him why he stopped texting me and he told me that sometimes he doesnt want to talk all the time especially since we see each other often. Which to me was fine, but there was one weekend where we didnt talk or see each other ( because I was very busy with school work) and then I asked him if the reason he isnt talking to me as often is because he is losing interest and he told me no. So I continued to overthink reasons why he is being this way, so I called him twice at separate times with no answer, and I left it with a goodnight text at the end of the night. He messaged me the next day saying that he wanted to be alone for the weekend and that he didnt like that I was calling and texting even though he wasnt answering, which I get. But at the same time we argued about this because I told him that he needs to let me know if he wants space. I personally don't like being ignored, but if someone tells me "I want space" or "I'm busy" I get it and I leave them alone until they contact me.

So this argument led to another discussion, which was about how he doesnt want to be in a serious relationship because he wants to be free and not have to tell me that he wants space and all. So I told him that I dont want a serious relationship if we cant have open communication. So background about the communication part, he is very discrete and mysterious with his feelings, which makes me a little insecure because I am used to people being vocal about their feelings towards me. He's expressed his feelings for me to me a few times and I have always been very receptive. So after this conversation, I have become very distant and spacey with my responses. I did this because I wanted him to put effort to see if he cares, so he showed this by double texting me, etc.

We hung out this past weekend, he went to my grad commencement, he met some of my family members and we both got pretty drunk and we talked about "us" at the end of the night. We spoke about how we aren't exclusive and about wanting a relationship etc. But I get very insecure and I told him that sometimes I don't know if he likes me the same as I do, and he told me that he doesnt understand because he wouldnt have wanted to meet my family members, or go to my grad ceremony or see me as often as he does if he didnt like me. But what throws me off is the fact that he's very secretive, and sometimes I think he is talking to other people, like he does to me, since I know he uses the same dating app that we used when we met.but he tells me that he isnt "talking" or "hooking up" with anyone else.

Overall, for me it's a bunch of mixed signals. I try to clear it out but when I want to talk about these things he becomes distant or he tries to completely get over it fast but I am the type that likes to talk it out. But I don't know whether I should continue this relationship or not, or maybe I am misunderstanding his actions.

I am a Pisces/Aries cusp but according to my natal chart I am a sun in Pisces, moon in Cancer, and a rising in Cancer. If you need my other signs let me know.

Thank you.
I am a moon in cancer too?btw that post is way too long,sum it up then i give a answer?

So basically, this Scorpio has been giving me mixed messages. He's told me he likes me, but doesn't want anything serious. But then he does things like hangs out with me multiple times a week, he met some of my family members, etc. We also stopped talking as often and his reasoning is because he says we see each other a lot. So I'm not sure whether he really does feel the same or not. So I'm trying to decide whether I should continue to be patient or to step out.

Step out.
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Why is that?
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming

Overall, for me it's a bunch of mixed signals. I try to clear it out but when I want to talk about these things he becomes distant or he tries to completely get over it fast but I am the type that likes to talk it out. But I don't know whether I should continue this relationship or not, or maybe I am misunderstanding his actions...

There aren't any "mixed signals" here, you're simply not hearing what he is telling you and trying to draw meaning from actions that are not connected. The man likes you, no mistake. So he's going to show the same level of interest that any person---that is in a sexual relationship will show you. That is what you are seeing. He simply doesn't want a relationship and/or the expectations that come with it (e.g. expected text, expected communication, needing to check in, needing to say he needs space). He said this to you.

Also, what "relationship" are you continuing because from what you just stated, you don't have one.

Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming

Overall, for me it's a bunch of mixed signals. I try to clear it out but when I want to talk about these things he becomes distant or he tries to completely get over it fast but I am the type that likes to talk it out. But I don't know whether I should continue this relationship or not, or maybe I am misunderstanding his actions...

There aren't any "mixed signals" here, you're simply not hearing what he is telling you and trying to draw meaning from actions that are not connected. The man likes you, no mistake. So he's going to show the same level of interest that any person---that is in a sexual relationship will show you. That is what you are seeing. He simply doesn't want a relationship and/or the expectations that come with it (e.g. expected text, expected communication, needing to check in, needing to say he needs space). He said this to you.

Also, what "relationship" are you continuing because from what you just stated, you don't have one.

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Yeah, I get that. Thank you for your response. He has expressed to me that he doesn't want the expectations but he does want to get in a serious relationship with me eventually. In terms of sexual relationships, we only had sex twice. But he told me that before he has sex with anyone he needs to have an intimate emotional connection with someone. So, I wouldn't really call it a purely sexual relationship.

To answer your other question, for me a relationship is an emotional connection. So the debate is whether I should express my emotions to this person or if I should protect myself and keep my feelings from growing. The issue with the latter is that my feelings will eventually fade.
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by Endlessly-dreaming

Overall, for me it's a bunch of mixed signals. I try to clear it out but when I want to talk about these things he becomes distant or he tries to completely get over it fast but I am the type that likes to talk it out. But I don't know whether I should continue this relationship or not, or maybe I am misunderstanding his actions...

There aren't any "mixed signals" here, you're simply not hearing what he is telling you and trying to draw meaning from actions that are not connected. The man likes you, no mistake. So he's going to show the same level of interest that any person---that is in a sexual relationship will show you. That is what you are seeing. He simply doesn't want a relationship and/or the expectations that come with it (e.g. expected text, expected communication, needing to check in, needing to say he needs space). He said this to you.

Also, what "relationship" are you continuing because from what you just stated, you don't have one.

Yeah, I get that. Thank you for your response. He has expressed to me that he doesn't want the expectations but he does want to get in a serious relationship with me eventually. In terms of sexual relationships, we only had sex twice. But he told me that before he has sex with anyone he needs to have an intimate emotional connection with someone. So, I wouldn't really call it a purely sexual relationship.

To answer your other question, for me a relationship is an emotional connection. So the debate is whether I should express my emotions to this person or if I should protect myself and keep my feelings from growing. The issue with the latter is that my feelings will eventually fade.
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Well, I think you got some good, and concise (lol) feedback from a few members. Speaking from experience and also as a Scorp that doesn't discuss my feelings easily....I don't know if having the same discussion yet again when you two meet up will be helpful. Given the way he is acting so far (the initial distance) and what he has said to you thus far, your simple conversation may come off as nagging/lecturing. Even if it isn't intending to be.

I am not suggesting you shouldn't speak up if you have certain needs that you want met, however you've already stated what you would like/expect and hope for---a few times. Give him some (mental) space to adjust and apply the changes you're hoping to see. Remember Scorps are fixed signs. We can be too stubborn for our own good. In other words, we are not going to change how we go about something until we are d*mn well good and ready.

Try to simple enjoy your time with him without the need to define, shape what is happening and see where that takes you. I personally don't like to be "boxed" in or like to have to define things in the beginning, even though I know I want more with someone. If they start to do that, I just bail. If they keep bringing it up, I get annoyed and bail. I just want to enjoy my time with you, not discuss at length---yet again what you want/feel/need.....from me. The best courtships I've had have been when we both just knew we liked each other, spent time together and continued in that direction. That can work for some, and not for others. You mentioned you are use to people verbally expressing their feelings freely. You will need to adjust that expectation with this one and lean more heavily on the nonverbal ways he communicates his interest.