Fixed sign things..

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Damnata on Thursday, September 10, 2015 and has 47 replies. I was reading through this, I was sure the dude was a fixed sign. Wouldn't you know, I was right.

Hilarious. You goddamn persistent pests!

Alex kindly let Anna borrow his well-loved sunglasses. In the worst outcome possible, she never returned them to him. But it turned out Alex was really attached to those sunglasses. He texted her regularly for an entire year about them, in fact. Even when it was clear she wasn’t going to respond. But, plot twist, after a year of trying she does respond. Persistence does pay off, kids! Well, kind of.
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Oh wow LOL, that sure is persistent

He really lives those sunglasses huh
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Well, he obviously loves those sunglasses. Plus, she's a thief and deserves the harassment. Sadly, she probably has his ass blocked and she never saw the messages
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And he's being MUCH nicer than I would be about it
Posted by Happygolucky
Well, he obviously loves those sunglasses. Plus, she's a thief and deserves the harassment. Sadly, she probably has his ass blocked and she never saw the messages

plot twist, she does reply at the end.

aries never having patience smh.
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Dude has humor and she deserved all these messages.

Now I know why I don't have fixed signs in my chart. I couldn't do it relentlessly over a pair of sunglasses. I'd get bored of trolling after one month. Maybe ask from time to time?

*reconsiders ever borrowing something from her fixed sign friends*
Posted by ellle

I wasn't quite this bad with my carpet shampooer......I gave up after about two months. The cap board had to endure a thread about it though.

I was thinking of the carpet shampooer!

Posted by Rabbit
"Hey, can I borrow your sunglasses?"


Problem. Solved.

This is for those rare ocasions when fixed signs say "Yes", not the status quo of le fixed.
Posted by P_Ands
this is how i am. relentless.

thank you for reminding me to troll the libra i'm harassing.

i really think it's a scorpio mars thing but what do I know.
Posted by ellle

We are on the Scorpio board...where all lightness and easy going humor goes to die.

I'm sure he was trolling in good spirits. After a while I won't even care and just joke around with it.

I exchange books with my Pisces friend regularly. Haven't seen any back nor has he got his back. But it's all cool. I will give them day.

Mutables and time..smh.
Posted by Rabbit

Look away.
Posted by P_Ands
so sometimes i'm like fuckit nvm.

Yeah, that's me all the time.

Now if you take something I have hoarded...of which there are many sentimental things...I will go to the ends of the earth.
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Posted by ellle
I wouldn't say mutables are better, just different.

mutables try to give you shit you don't want and will NOT let you say no.....and then all of sudden want it back....and because I didn't want it to begin with....I have no clue where the hell I put it.

in my life..that's cardinals all the way.

and my virgo dad. he will sneak stuff in my suitcase right before i go so i won't have time to check it.

"dad why do you think i need this drill?"
"it's important to have stuff"
a water bottle?!?!?!?!?!

lmao, wtf.
People gift water bottles?

Posted by ellle
LOL @ the drill!

it was worse because he went all the way with his comment.

"it could double as a vibrator...or would you rather have me buy you yet ANOTHER cat"

i swear the man lives to troll me.
Posted by ellle
we hold on to things!

*scorpio mars*

I still have a nickel I found in the sofa cushions at my cousin's house when I was eight! I had so much fun with him that summer....that was my souvenir.

I carry a rock in my purse that I picked up at the Louvre in Paris.

I used to carry the rock in my coat pocket but someone borrowed my coat and for those three days I went into shock thinking they would find it and throw it away!!!!!! As soon as I got the coat back....I transferred it to my purse. Big Grin

see, this i get.

cancer venus will hoard any sentimental thing. or it's the 4th house moon? fuckit.

...and other very random things. like blood vials, teeth and my belly button.

i only lend things i could dispose of. if i want it back, i won't take the risk of lending it.
Posted by ellle
I hide shit.

Hid all my allowance in my piano growing up.

I had so many spots around the house. Made holes in furniture, underneath the table to stash away. Mattresses are for amateurs.

Unfortunately for me, I also have aries placements so I think there are things still hidden there somewhere that I won't ever remember.

Posted by ellle
I couldn't hide anything as a mother found EVERYTHING.

the only thing i got busted on was the most important: money in the piano.

teh leo decided to play it one day and heard it muffled as fuck so...she opened it.

THEY STOLE MY GODDAMN MONEY! (i will never let this thing go)
Posted by ellle
ands, I would have strangled you.


strangling is too easy a way to go.

i would have thought of some torture specifically for that crime.

i started at least a dozen diaries.

i don't have it in me to follow through.

and yeah when my mom found it and started quoting from it...that was mortifying.

but it's not that part..i just don't have the follow through on diaries.
Posted by P_Ands
i can never date a cancer/ cancer influenced chick

the junk will annoy me

i hate cluttered space. every space has to be almost empty for me to walk around in it. i need lots and lots of space

you wouldn't ever guess i hoard shit. i'm slick about it. won't even see anything either. i have a fake wall in my pantry.

the lengths i go to disguise it....
Posted by ellle
because of all the unnecessary furniture

Grew up in a house where there was furniture everywhere. Paintings empty space.

Persian rugs annoyed me the most. I cannot stand rugs, they immediately make a room smaller and it's suffocating to me.

I walk barefoot all the time.

I'd love something like this, but I have a cat so it's a no go.

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Posted by P_Ands
Posted by Damnata
Posted by P_Ands
i can never date a cancer/ cancer influenced chick

the junk will annoy me

i hate cluttered space. every space has to be almost empty for me to walk around in it. i need lots and lots of space

you wouldn't ever guess i hoard shit. i'm slick about it. won't even see anything either. i have a fake wall in my pantry.

the lengths i go to disguise it....

i'm a rat. i will find everything.

you do not have a fake wall in your pantry stfu it's a hole u probably covered with a kanye west poster
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i had ice age celebs.

that squirrel should be on the hoarder flag.
Posted by Damnata

Dude has humor and she deserved all these messages.

Now I know why I don't have fixed signs in my chart. I couldn't do it relentlessly over a pair of sunglasses. I'd get bored of trolling after one month. Maybe ask from time to time?

*reconsiders ever borrowing something from her fixed sign friends*

LOL I love him!!
Posted by Rambunctious76
Posted by Damnata
Posted by ellle
LOL @ the drill!

it was worse because he went all the way with his comment.

"it could double as a vibrator...or would you rather have me buy you yet ANOTHER cat"

i swear the man lives to troll me.

You know i could help you turn it into a vibrator. Just need to get the right dildo to fit on the drill bit. I'm serious Straight Face

I live for these things.
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Ok, The Mechanic.
Posted by FrostAndBite
Never let anyone borrow your shit!

I fucking loathe it when people steal pens. A Virgo at work only comes in with one pen everyday, he always asks to borrow them but you never see them again.

Jesus, you beast!

Pens and lighters...I am fidgety and restless so I mindlessly take them. I don't steal them, I have them around my bag so when I stumble on them I will give them back. I'm very absent minded with both. But I have mine taken too so it evens out.

Camera equipment is fragile and expensive. I get you on that.

lmao, now we have borrowing privileges?

why you so mean with that virgo elly?


but yeah, i get it. being a fast paced environment really doesn't help.
It was better he never gave you that book back. lol

No mein kampf for you, ellie.
"friend broke up"

"borrowing privileges"

man, i really am learning loads about fixed signs in this topic.
Simple rule: I will never borrow anything from you, and you will never borrow anything from me.

Otherwise, pay me.

Although in the case of the OP in question, I would most definitely attempt to borrow something from him simply so I would receive those amusing messages.
I dare say - "Well worth it!"

Posted by FrostAndBite
Posted by Damnata
"friend broke up"

"borrowing privileges"

man, i really am learning loads about fixed signs in this topic.

lolol. Friend break up is *mostly* a cap thing, not a a scorp thing. She texted me saying she didn't have time to be friends with me anymore. She did then later offer to text me a few times a year if I needed her too. I don't do charity friendship, told her don't worry about it. That was beginning of March and never heard from her again.

Borrowing privileges is real tho. Virguy is almost back in good standing. Needs to return a pen to one other employee to complete his trilogy redemption. I grudge over stupid things. Big Grin
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You are holding a grudge over a stupid pen?
it's funny that it is MY pet peeve that when something is borrowed, it needs to be return ASAP not my scorp's lol. he never remember those "trivial" things lol. in fact, his buddy got pissed off at him because he forgot to pay him back couple hundreds one time for some project. he indeed "forgot" until his libra buddy blew up after like half an year lol. my scorp is actually a generous person who does not take advantage of another. so weird. i was like geez i don't even forget if i owe someone $ 1 I'd return immediately. it's probably his virgo moon and rising. now every once a while, i'd look into his eyes and ask randomly "babe, are you owing anyone anything?" lol

Posted by ellle

I wasn't quite this bad with my carpet shampooer......I gave up after about two months. The cap board had to endure a thread about it though.

Shiiiiiit...I got my carpet shampooer back. LMBO!!!! I had to bug dude about it for like...OMG....probably almost 2 months. I was NOT giving up. I just used that thing a couple of weeks ago. It was almost dude napped about....3-4 years ago. It was an investment. So sorry that you never got yours back. What a shame.
How did this thread get from sunglasses to carpet cleaners? I thought fixed signs stayed on topic? Lol
Too much! Give him the glasses back or block him can't get past the first page 🙈
Posted by Rambunctious76
Posted by MadMarchRam
Too much! Give him the glasses back or block him can't get past the first page 🙈

LOL @ Aries impatience.
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