How come Leo and Scorpio don't work?

This topic was created in the Leo and Scorpio Compatibility forum by PridefulGirl on Tuesday, February 3, 2009 and has 29 replies.
He makes me mad, says I act insecure and that's a turnoff, but I tell him to stop fucking talking to the little bitches at work that are trying to get at him. I changed jobs and he gave me a ride. Dude who interviewed me was outside the office and was cheesing when he saw me and my man was all like "Oh, why he smiling like that? What kinda interview was that?" But I tell him to stop talking to the hos at his job and all a sudden, I'm insecure and it's turning hi off. This the second Scorpio I been with and the last dude was almost the same. My gf is Leo born a day after me and she's gettin divorced from a Scorpio and I had a male cousin who was with this girl and I'm pretty sure she was a Scorpio, she had a tat on her shoulder. So why Leo don't work with scorpio? I have my pride and I need a strong man but some these guys act like pussies for real.
Pride can undo many a things ?
well, I'm sure AngryScorpio will have a stinging refutal for you in a moment ....
however, Astrology wise, it is water and fire --- water puts fire out realistically, fire has no emotional need for water... friendship's a good inspiring mix though.
Then scorp and leo are fixed signs - they both like to run the show i.e. no one can tell them what to do so equally stubborn. If one of you don't have more adaptable planets, it's no go - it's fling material.... there will be a lot of attraction between these prideful signs, the same thing that attract initially, ruins it eventually Winking
recognise this, and it will be more fun or you go in with more understanding - may work out
see guys say more with few words! how come women have to talk and talk and talk to get a lil point across? phsft
Ladyba, he's Scorpio, I'm Leo. And yes, he attracts a lot of girls, but they know about me and they throw themselves at him to make a point. He told me he was real quiet at work and he didn't have too many work friends, then he brought me around and all a sudden, these bitches are up on his dick and I don't appreciate it. And like I said, let a man even open the door for me and he's acting brand new like I just showed the dude my pussy or something.
You gotta chill smile
If other ladies sense your discomfort/insecurity, they will pounce. Even if they don't pounce, the fact that it is pissing you off will make you not see clearly.
Yes generally scorpio guys at work tend to be very quiet and all about the job, from the ones at junior level to the ones at top level - I work with a few.
I believe this combo can work. They're a challenge to each other and the things they have in common are things that they both value very much and those can keep them together for a long time. My ex was a Leo and I believe that if we had met about fifteen years earlier we'd still be together today. Major issues I had with her was how vulgar she was or she could get (towards people, not me) and the fact that she was too much of a "living for the moment" type person. She'd do things without considering their consequences and constantly getting mad about the same consequences coming to her over and over again. Being fixed at that age (she was older) we were pretty much set in our ways and not really open to change. So I decided that it was best that we parted ways. At the other end, we couldn't get enough of each other. She was constantly invading my space lol, I didn't mind, as I believe the heart behind it was a good one and funnily enough it made me feel wanted (yup I said it ... c'mon now, who doesn't want that?). She was very caring and affectionate as well.
i can be long winded i guess
lol - yea I didn't see yours even layd - was refering to mine and I saw yours after I posted, it was pretty funny smile
Major issues I had with her was how vulgar she was or she could get (towards people, not me)
mmmm, there are signs of that from what she writes these bitches are up on his dick and I don't appreciate it.
"mmmm, there are signs of that from what she writes these cookiemonsteres are up on his dick and I don't appreciate it."
lol ... true, Pridefulgirl achtually speaks like she would have.
PridefulGirl, you are right about your man being more attractive to other women since you came into his life. This is very common. It's like nobody wants anyone unless they see that someone else does. So I feel you there. I also agree with Ray's Heart. Sometimes it's just a matter of timing for this combo. You both share so many great qualities. But the jealousy and head games can interfere. I suggest you try to handle this with as much self-control as possible. Don't let those other women manipulate your emotions. Focus on and talk to him about the positives that makes you guys so great together. You are a confident woman. Scorpio men need that.
I hear yall, and I feel like I am a lady, I usually don't cuss unless I am mad or someone is tryin to disrespect me. But I don't like how it is so two-sided. I can't even bring up a dude's name without him jumpin down my throat. I am real nearsighted and this one time I was having issues with my contacts. I thought I saw my girl's man and his friends and I looked I guess a little too hard and he was all "Why you staring him down, you trying to fuck him?" And all that. Yes, me and him have both been cheated on by oru partners in the past and I think there has to be trust. I let men know from jump I have a man and I'm not trying to hear no mess, but he lets these little girls tee-hee around him and tells me "Oh, they know I'm not tryin to mess with them, they know I have a girl" It just feels like he loves that attention and to me that is a huge turnoff. A man who know he fine don't need to have all these girls giggling around him just like I don't need a bunch of dudes all around me to know I'm fine - I got mirrors!
It's because Leos are Arrogant and Self-Absorbed. We can't tolerate that shit.
** You both share so many great qualities. But the jealousy and head games can interfere. I suggest you try to handle this with as much self-control as possible. Don't let those other women manipulate your emotions. Focus on and talk to him about the positives that makes you guys so great together. You are a confident woman. Scorpio men need that.**
I second that
I believe this combo can work. They're a challenge to each other and the things they have in common are things that they both value very much and those can keep them together for a long time. My ex was a Leo and I believe that if we had met about fifteen years earlier we'd still be together today. Major issues I had with her was how vulgar she was or she could get (towards people, not me) and the fact that she was too much of a "living for the moment" type person. She'd do things without considering their consequences and constantly getting mad about the same consequences coming to her over and over again. Being fixed at that age (she was older) we were pretty much set in our ways and not really open to change. So I decided that it was best that we parted ways. At the other end, we couldn't get enough of each other. She was constantly invading my space lol, I didn't mind, as I believe the heart behind it was a good one and funnily enough it made me feel wanted (yup I said it ... c'mon now, who doesn't want that?). She was very caring and affectionate as well.
Awwwww smile smile smile
Sorry, I just thought that whole passage was nice
"Sorry, I just thought that whole passage was nice"
Thanks Cappysweetie.

I don't know why they don't work. I LOVE leos though. I've never had problems w them. I've never dated one. My favorite cousin, aunt and uncle are all leos. My roomate in college was a leo (was? We're still "sisters" lol). We threw the best parties, and leos are always down to go out. She was an amazing friend and still is....
"leos are always down to go out"
I know, what's with that? I like it!

Both Leos & Scorps love attention. But the scorps also want their 'me-time' and want to be left alone sometimes (like most water as well as earth signs). This need to be left alone might seem strange to a Leo who always wants someone paying attention to them.
That could be the reason why Leos & Scorps don't seem to get along.
In reality, I've seen many Leo/Scorp couples. They seem to enjoy the power-play. Both also understand the meaning of loyalty.
But Leo might need to tone down the attention-wh0ring as scorps get jealous very easily.

"In reality, I've seen many Leo/Scorp couples. They seem to enjoy the power-play. Both also understand the meaning of loyalty."
You know, there is astrology and then there is real life. Though astrology may be one of the best science I know when it comes to insights on humans personality. I think it should stay away from relationship compatibility and insights. Astrology puts Scorp/Leo as a bad combo when there is probably ten times more real life examples of successful Scorp/Leo couples then Scorp/Pisces or Capricorn ones.
****Rays Heart 2/4/2009 11:36:46 PM | ip:
Astrology puts Scorp/Leo as a bad combo when there is probably ten times more real life examples of successful Scorp/Leo couples then Scorp/Pisces or Capricorn ones.****

did you issue a census to the world's population before you came to that conclusion?

or even a census in your hometown?
and if astrology offers
" one of the best science when it comes to insights on humans personality."
then shouldn't it make sense when it comes to

"relationship compatibility and insights." ?

do we cease from being human when we enter into relationships so t hat astrology ceases to apply anymore?

i am so bored...

"did you issue a census to the world's population before you came to that conclusion?"
I didn't come to a conclusion, I said there is "probably" ten times more ... since I was speaking about real life examples, therefore was taking from my life including what I'm getting from this board.
"do we cease from being human when we enter into relationships so t hat astrology ceases to apply anymore?"
Nope ... it's just that there are other aspects that gets people together and those aspects seems to have more of an impact when it comes to relationships. People's hearts don't always fall for who's perfectly compatible. Emotions don't work that way.
"i am so bored..."
I see
"there is probably ten times more real life examples of successful Scorp/Leo couples then Scorp/Pisces or Capricorn ones."
Giggawhat? Say it ain't so! Sad
From my experience with scorps, if they were ever in love with a Piscean and lost them, they remember that love with intensity. They also remember the capricorn, too. A lost Air or fire sign, they seem indifferent about. Just my experience...
'From my experience with scorps, if they were ever in love with a Piscean and lost them, they remember that love with intensity. They also remember the capricorn, too. A lost Air or fire sign, they seem indifferent about. Just my experience..."
You may be on to something. I am an Aries. My ex-fiance Scorpio recently admitted to me that he never feels he got over his college sweetheart who dumped him, who was a Pisces. He seems to miss me and is sad we're not getting married, but I don't feel he feels as intense about me as he did about her. It's very interesting. Though before I met him, I seemed to know a LOT of Scorpio/Pisces couples (usually Pisces male/Scorpio female) and they were always fraught with drama and sadness. Very interesting!
From my experience pisces are actually quite the opposite
I never met nor heard of any pisces being described that way
I don't hold on to old flames in my heart the way scorpio is known for...
My aries guy friend and I used to get into some serious arguements bc of it
I personally felt that it shouldn't be a concern. He thought that it was selfish and bla bla bla... I'm not sure why it bothered him so much. I wasn't dating him and I wasn't leading the guys who I was dating on.
I do have an attachment to another scorpio, but we've known ea other for so long we're like the old married couple that became best friends.
Do have the tendency to just not call guys, but if we're not in a serious relationship then...
I did get hurt and cry when my best friend a taurus and I got in an arguement for the first time in a yr and said she didn't want to hang out as much lol... I was devastated. We had this huge group of friends, but we were unseperable. Same school. Lived on the same street. Went everywhere together.
As far as bf's I can be quite selfish v on or off. If I don't like it or they dont , they/I know where the door is... my gem friend said once I wish I could just not care like that.
Its not that I don't care, but when I am unhappy I assert myself and want to take care of business NOW!
Ditto ^^ am like that myself...holding onto the past..not this scorpios forte..couldn't care less what happened in the past..that is why it's the past and not the present..present matters...